Cancerous Tumors Removed from Ginsburg

So Ginsburg had her liberalism removed? Good deal.

No. She had what the liberals call an "abortion."

Poor toomahs. They'll never grow up to be brain surgeons some day.

pulmonary lobectomy----believe it or not-----the prognosis,
while not terrific------is not hopeless. Probably non-small cell---
-----ie probably not due to smoking ??? I really do not know---
I have overstepped
Get ready for the fight of the century. She is on her way out, and this next nominee will be portrayed as the devil incarnate.
NOW lets get rid of the cancerous tumors in our white house
Go for it.
We'll give it our best shot in 2020 and imo any republican that doesn't think trump is an AH are seriously misguided

Just because someone thinks that President Trump is an AH, doesn't mean they won't vote for him.

Especially as the libs really don't have a serious candidate to offer instead.
Get ready for the fight of the century. She is on her way out, and this next nominee will be portrayed as the devil incarnate.
NOW lets get rid of the cancerous tumors in our white house
Go for it.
We'll give it our best shot in 2020 and imo any republican that doesn't think trump is an AH are seriously misguided
I vote Republican, I'm not a Republican. I'm an American.
Probably non-small cell---
-----ie probably not due to smoking ??? I really do not know---
I have overstepped

It has to go to the pathologist. Is it a new primary cancer, or is it just a metastases from her pancreatic cancer?

A primary lung cancer has a better prognosis I would think
Probably non-small cell---
-----ie probably not due to smoking ??? I really do not know---
I have overstepped

It has to go to the pathologist. Is it a new primary cancer, or is it just a metastases from her pancreatic cancer?

A primary lung cancer has a better prognosis I would think

I don't know-----I did not even know she had pancreatic cancer----SHEEEESH that runty little thing is a SURVIVOR
Ginsburg says, quite clearly, that she feared the combination of Roe and Medicaid funding for abortions would lead to the forced extermination of undesirables.

Her fears of this atrocity were alleviated with the McRae decision.

All caught up now, tards?
The sad retort of a retard over his head.
She is pro abortion, period. That's a fact.
Yes, she is pro abortion. But the piss you drank about her wanting to wipe out undesirables is utter horseshit.

Bearing false witness is a serious offense. Right up there with murder.

And boy oh boy did you work your saggy ass off trying to keep that lie alive!
Get ready for the fight of the century. She is on her way out, and this next nominee will be portrayed as the devil incarnate.
I have terrible news for you:

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has malignant growths removed from lung, no signs of cancer remain

I know good Christians like you were praying for her death. So sorry.


Get ready for the fight of the century. She is on her way out, and this next nominee will be portrayed as the devil incarnate.
I have terrible news for you:

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has malignant growths removed from lung, no signs of cancer remain

I know good Christians like you were praying for her death. So sorry.


Praying for the death of an evil deranged person that has used their power to murder the innocent isn't a sin in my Christian faith.

You are suppose to pray for them, to see the light, so to say.... God loves her, as much as he loves you, dummy! You are, with all your faults, still his child, His creation.... and so is she...
Well said.......:goodposting:
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg says she was under the impression that legalizing abortion with the 1973 Roe. v. Wade case would eliminate undesirable members of the populace, or as she put it “populations that we don’t want to have too many of.”
Wonder what groups of people who Ginsburg wants to erase?
Do Liberals have souls?
I'd love a link to her saying one?
When she and Roberts are gone....the headline can read......

Cancerous tumors removed from the Supreme Court
Ginsburg says, quite clearly, that she feared the combination of Roe and Medicaid funding for abortions would lead to the forced extermination of undesirables.

Her fears of this atrocity were alleviated with the McRae decision.

All caught up now, tards?
The sad retort of a retard over his head.
She is pro abortion, period. That's a fact.
Yes, she is pro abortion. But the piss you drank about her wanting to wipe out undesirables is utter horseshit.

Bearing false witness is a serious offense. Right up there with murder.

And boy oh boy did you work your saggy ass off trying to keep that lie alive!
No, murdering innocent human beings is the worse. I'm no where near her in the sin department.
Are radical crazy democrats preventing her from enjoying a comfortable retirement in her declining health? Maybe so.
Are radical crazy democrats preventing her from enjoying a comfortable retirement in her declining health? Maybe so.
The Democrats really have a problem. She should have retired while Obama was in office. Obama and Democrats were so sure that Hillary had it in the bag. Their arrogance bit them in their collective asses. Funny and so very satisfying.
Are radical crazy democrats preventing her from enjoying a comfortable retirement in her declining health? Maybe so.

If Ms. Ginsburg were to quit- even to move to New Zealand as she pledged to do- she would be badmouthed terribly by the entire libtard elite. Especially if she lived to see the post-Trump era.
They missed the tumor that is her brain. Or did they already remove that, creating her total lack of morals and values?
The old girl has just about "had it"...

Even if they "got everything"...

She's just getting too damned old to function any longer...

I doubt she can last 'til January 2021, when Mister One-Term is sent packing back to New York, to face indictment.

Chances are good that The Creature is gonna put one more Conservative on the Court before he leaves in disgrace.
Get ready for the fight of the century. She is on her way out, and this next nominee will be portrayed as the devil incarnate.
Someone like kavanaigh who voted in favor of funding killing babies ?
Get ready for the fight of the century. She is on her way out, and this next nominee will be portrayed as the devil incarnate.
Someone like kavanaigh who voted in favor of funding killing babies ?
I'm sure you believe that. If a law is Constitutional, it has to be upheld, regardless of personal beliefs. However, there is no "right" to murder a human being in the Constitution. That's why the left keeps saying a fetus isn't a human being until birth.

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