Can't have it both ways; if Bush still to blame then obama is just irrelevant

In obama year seven if everything going badly is still Bush's fault then obama is simply a non-factor and IRRELEVANT.
The Left keeps insisting on having it both ways, trying to take credit for the good and blaming the bad on others, in a very childish manner.
i guess i cant blame the Left though; if i were them and looking at the world in flames in places far removed from Iraq, like Africa and the Ukraine, and all the things screwed up at home, like the 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps then there were when Bush was President; i wouldnt be open to discussing all that PROGRESSIVE FAILURE either.
I can work with that theory. If Clinton is to blame for 9/11, Bush is just a non-factor and irrelevant.
I don't blame anybody. Just the way things are in an open society. And bin laden landed a sucker punch
In obama year seven if everything going badly is still Bush's fault then obama is simply a non-factor and IRRELEVANT.
The Left keeps insisting on having it both ways, trying to take credit for the good and blaming the bad on others, in a very childish manner.
i guess i cant blame the Left though; if i were them and looking at the world in flames in places far removed from Iraq, like Africa and the Ukraine, and all the things screwed up at home, like the 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps then there were when Bush was President; i wouldnt be open to discussing all that PROGRESSIVE FAILURE either.

Everything good that happened under Clinton was credited to Gingrich yet none of Reagan's successes were credited to Tip O'Neil and the Democrats.

9/11 - which happened under Bush - was, according to your side, Clinton's fault.

The housing crisis - which happened under Bush - was apparently Carter's fault (specifically the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977).

The financial meltdown - which happened under Bush - was apparently Clinton's fault.

(Nothing is Bush's fault, especially stuff that happened on his watch)

Your president failed to protect the eastern seaboard despite being warned in the infamous Aug 2011 memo. 3,000 American died. Hillary Clinton got blamed for four deaths in Benghazi (while Ronald Reagan was responsible for 241 deaths in Lebanon - and you blame him for nothing).

Your side never takes accountability for bad things that happen when they control Washington, and your side never gives the Democrats any credit for good things that happen (either when they control the White House or congress).

You've been whining about Jimmy Carter for 30 fucking years...

And you're pissed because everyone - including your leading presidential nominee - is blaming Bush for a failed war and the unprecedented destruction of the housing and financial markets.
You are insane.
In obama year seven if everything going badly is still Bush's fault then obama is simply a non-factor and IRRELEVANT.
The Left keeps insisting on having it both ways, trying to take credit for the good and blaming the bad on others, in a very childish manner.
i guess i cant blame the Left though; if i were them and looking at the world in flames in places far removed from Iraq, like Africa and the Ukraine, and all the things screwed up at home, like the 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps then there were when Bush was President; i wouldnt be open to discussing all that PROGRESSIVE FAILURE either.

Everything good that happened under Clinton was credited to Gingrich yet none of Reagan's successes were credited to Tip O'Neil and the Democrats.

9/11 - which happened under Bush - was, according to your side, Clinton's fault.

The housing crisis - which happened under Bush - was apparently Carter's fault (specifically the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977).

The financial meltdown - which happened under Bush - was apparently Clinton's fault.

(Nothing is Bush's fault, especially stuff that happened on his watch)

Your president failed to protect the eastern seaboard despite being warned in the infamous Aug 2011 memo. 3,000 American died. Hillary Clinton got blamed for four deaths in Benghazi (while Ronald Reagan was responsible for 241 deaths in Lebanon - and you blame him for nothing).

Your side never takes accountability for bad things that happen when they control Washington, and your side never gives the Democrats any credit for good things that happen (either when they control the White House or congress).

You've been whining about Jimmy Carter for 30 fucking years...

And you're pissed because everyone - including your leading presidential nominee - is blaming Bush for a failed war and the unprecedented destruction of the housing and financial markets.
You are insane.

thanks to the right wing noise machine up is down, left is right, and Reagan was a small government tax cutter
In obama year seven if everything going badly is still Bush's fault then obama is simply a non-factor and IRRELEVANT.
The Left keeps insisting on having it both ways, trying to take credit for the good and blaming the bad on others, in a very childish manner.
i guess i cant blame the Left though; if i were them and looking at the world in flames in places far removed from Iraq, like Africa and the Ukraine, and all the things screwed up at home, like the 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps then there were when Bush was President; i wouldnt be open to discussing all that PROGRESSIVE FAILURE either.

Everything good that happened under Clinton was credited to Gingrich yet none of Reagan's successes were credited to Tip O'Neil and the Democrats.

9/11 - which happened under Bush - was, according to your side, Clinton's fault.

The housing crisis - which happened under Bush - was apparently Carter's fault (specifically the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977).

The financial meltdown - which happened under Bush - was apparently Clinton's fault.

(Nothing is Bush's fault, especially stuff that happened on his watch)

Your president failed to protect the eastern seaboard despite being warned in the infamous Aug 2011 memo. 3,000 American died. Hillary Clinton got blamed for four deaths in Benghazi (while Ronald Reagan was responsible for 241 deaths in Lebanon - and you blame him for nothing).

Your side never takes accountability for bad things that happen when they control Washington, and your side never gives the Democrats any credit for good things that happen (either when they control the White House or congress).

You've been whining about Jimmy Carter for 30 fucking years...

And you're pissed because everyone - including your leading presidential nominee - is blaming Bush for a failed war and the unprecedented destruction of the housing and financial markets.
You are insane.

thanks to the right wing noise machine up is down, left is right, and Reagan was a small government tax cutter

thanks to self-deluding left-wing nutjobs record welfare and food stamps are now considered "forward progress"
In obama year seven if everything going badly is still Bush's fault then obama is simply a non-factor and IRRELEVANT.
The Left keeps insisting on having it both ways, trying to take credit for the good and blaming the bad on others, in a very childish manner.
i guess i cant blame the Left though; if i were them and looking at the world in flames in places far removed from Iraq, like Africa and the Ukraine, and all the things screwed up at home, like the 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps then there were when Bush was President; i wouldnt be open to discussing all that PROGRESSIVE FAILURE either.

Everything good that happened under Clinton was credited to Gingrich yet none of Reagan's successes were credited to Tip O'Neil and the Democrats.

9/11 - which happened under Bush - was, according to your side, Clinton's fault.

The housing crisis - which happened under Bush - was apparently Carter's fault (specifically the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977).

The financial meltdown - which happened under Bush - was apparently Clinton's fault.

(Nothing is Bush's fault, especially stuff that happened on his watch)

Your president failed to protect the eastern seaboard despite being warned in the infamous Aug 2011 memo. 3,000 American died. Hillary Clinton got blamed for four deaths in Benghazi (while Ronald Reagan was responsible for 241 deaths in Lebanon - and you blame him for nothing).

Your side never takes accountability for bad things that happen when they control Washington, and your side never gives the Democrats any credit for good things that happen (either when they control the White House or congress).

You've been whining about Jimmy Carter for 30 fucking years...

And you're pissed because everyone - including your leading presidential nominee - is blaming Bush for a failed war and the unprecedented destruction of the housing and financial markets.
You are insane.

sorry dummy but you wasted your time wallowing in denial. it isnt Republians that dont want to give credit to Reagan Democrats who voted for Reagan's policies in Congress; it's DEMOCRATS THEMSELVES THAT CANT BRING THEMSELVES TO ADMIT IT. most of the time on these boards you cant even get a left-wing loser ranting about Democrats to acknowledge the existance of the Reagan Democrats.
In obama year seven if everything going badly is still Bush's fault then obama is simply a non-factor and IRRELEVANT.
The Left keeps insisting on having it both ways, trying to take credit for the good and blaming the bad on others, in a very childish manner.
i guess i cant blame the Left though; if i were them and looking at the world in flames in places far removed from Iraq, like Africa and the Ukraine, and all the things screwed up at home, like the 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps then there were when Bush was President; i wouldnt be open to discussing all that PROGRESSIVE FAILURE either.

Everything good that happened under Clinton was credited to Gingrich yet none of Reagan's successes were credited to Tip O'Neil and the Democrats.

9/11 - which happened under Bush - was, according to your side, Clinton's fault.

The housing crisis - which happened under Bush - was apparently Carter's fault (specifically the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977).

The financial meltdown - which happened under Bush - was apparently Clinton's fault.

(Nothing is Bush's fault, especially stuff that happened on his watch)

Your president failed to protect the eastern seaboard despite being warned in the infamous Aug 2011 memo. 3,000 American died. Hillary Clinton got blamed for four deaths in Benghazi (while Ronald Reagan was responsible for 241 deaths in Lebanon - and you blame him for nothing).

Your side never takes accountability for bad things that happen when they control Washington, and your side never gives the Democrats any credit for good things that happen (either when they control the White House or congress).

You've been whining about Jimmy Carter for 30 fucking years...

And you're pissed because everyone - including your leading presidential nominee - is blaming Bush for a failed war and the unprecedented destruction of the housing and financial markets.
You are insane.

clinton LET IN EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE 9-11 hijackers. we know this for a FACT. this was AFTER THEY TRIED TO TAKE DOWN THE WORLD TRADE CENTER IN CLINTON'S FIRST YEAR. why SHOULDNT clinton be blamed?
In obama year seven if everything going badly is still Bush's fault then obama is simply a non-factor and IRRELEVANT.
The Left keeps insisting on having it both ways, trying to take credit for the good and blaming the bad on others, in a very childish manner.
i guess i cant blame the Left though; if i were them and looking at the world in flames in places far removed from Iraq, like Africa and the Ukraine, and all the things screwed up at home, like the 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps then there were when Bush was President; i wouldnt be open to discussing all that PROGRESSIVE FAILURE either.

Everything good that happened under Clinton was credited to Gingrich yet none of Reagan's successes were credited to Tip O'Neil and the Democrats.

9/11 - which happened under Bush - was, according to your side, Clinton's fault.

The housing crisis - which happened under Bush - was apparently Carter's fault (specifically the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977).

The financial meltdown - which happened under Bush - was apparently Clinton's fault.

(Nothing is Bush's fault, especially stuff that happened on his watch)

Your president failed to protect the eastern seaboard despite being warned in the infamous Aug 2011 memo. 3,000 American died. Hillary Clinton got blamed for four deaths in Benghazi (while Ronald Reagan was responsible for 241 deaths in Lebanon - and you blame him for nothing).

Your side never takes accountability for bad things that happen when they control Washington, and your side never gives the Democrats any credit for good things that happen (either when they control the White House or congress).

You've been whining about Jimmy Carter for 30 fucking years...

And you're pissed because everyone - including your leading presidential nominee - is blaming Bush for a failed war and the unprecedented destruction of the housing and financial markets.
You are insane.

and you're an angry whining loser.
Jimmy carter is undeniably the father of the first Islamo-fascist Shiite state. he called the Ayatollah Khomeini a fellow "MAN OF GOD" and said he was basically a nice guy. he pulled support from the MUCH MORE MODERATE SHAH whn the Shah refused Carter's demand to allow his buddies from BROWN AND ROOT, the company that became HALLIBURTON, to build a port at bandahar and sell Iranian oil UNDER CONTRACT to the USA at EIGHT DOLLARS A BARRELL FOR FIFTY YEARS!

libs are losers who lie to themselves
David Stockman isn't even an economist to the best of my knowledge...Thomas Sowell on the other hand is a brilliant one. I had a class with him at Amherst College and learned an incredible amount.
Davis Stockman was Reagan's Budget Director

look up what that entails

Is Stockman an economist? He majored in history and then went to Seminary school before going into politics. Once he got canned by Reagan he went into business and managed to take several investment businesses into bankruptcy...performing so badly as a CEO that he was indicted for securities fraud.
Show me a business model where labor, suppliers, and the tax man only get paid after the business owner does.

How many straw men does it take to put out a fire at a Tea Party?

Too many to count

Simple question, me a business model where trickle down economics is used?

I bet you consider weather reporters climate change scientists

you confuse national economic policies and economic models and theories with business plans?


I'm not confused about anything. You on the other hand confuse a derogatory term used by liberals to denigrate Supply Side economics with an actual economic model...and then completely FAIL when asked to show where "trickle down" is employed!
After what Bush and the GOP did, imagine how worse it would be without Obama.
Yeah we could have had Mitt Romney in know...the guy who actually HAD executive experience...the guy who actually HAD business experience and understood how jobs were created...the guy who's whole life has been spent fixing troubled organizations...the guy with the proven track record of working across the aisle? Yeah, that would have been AWFUL! :blowup:
i meant to say most of the time on these message boards you cant get a left-wing loser that is ranting about Reagan and the Reagan years to even admit there is a such thing as the Reagan Democrats, and the ACTUAL, FACTUAL history of their voting for his policies in Congress

IRONIC; because the same left-wing losers here ranting about the BUSH YEARS also refuse to admit Democrats voted for virtually all of the Bush/Republican policies they call so disastrous, and CONTINUED NEARLY ALL OF THEM LONG AFTER BUSH WAS GONE.

their PATHETIC excuses are something along the lines of how a SMALLER NUMBER of right-wingers the Left INSISTS they are superior to in every way "obstructed" a larger force of the best and brightest Progressive minds assembled by their community organizer and in Congress


for THIRTY YEARS the Left has been trying to RE-WRITE HISTORY.
Yeah we could have had Mitt Romney in know...the guy who actually HAD executive experience...the guy who actually HAD business experience and understood how jobs were created...the guy who's whole life has been spent fixing troubled organizations...the guy with the proven track record of working across the aisle? Yeah, that would have been AWFUL! :blowup:
The pioneer of outsourcing? The guy who said we need fewer teachers? The guy who said you didn't do it by yourself? The guy who said to borrow $20,000.00 from dad and start your own business? The guy who tortured his dog until it ran away? The guy who said his sons were already doing something more important than Iraq, helping him get elected president? The guy who said he wouldn't represent 47% of America? The guy who moved one of his companies to China the very same month of the elections? That Mitt Romney? You think that guy would be good for America? I never did. I think we averted a disaster worse than Bush.
I believe things are a bit more complex than that which is stated in the OP. Bush screwed up the handling of the Mid-East so royally that it will take a miracle to rectify that situation any time soon, no matter which party it falls to. In regards to the domestic situations, I have far more hope of a quicker fix in terms of correcting the screwed up mess for which Obama is responsible. Surely others more capable than me can break things down even further with historical perspective extending beyond the last two administrations.
I believe things are a bit more complex than that which is stated in the OP. Bush screwed up the handling of the Mid-East so royally that it will take a miracle to rectify that situation any time soon, no matter which party it falls to. In regards to the domestic situations, I have far more hope of a quicker fix in terms of correcting the screwed up mess for which Obama is responsible. Surely others more capable than me can break things down even further with historical perspective extending beyond the last two administrations.
I'm not sure Ford helped Jimmy too much (beyond giving America a true hero and decent man after Nixon) but Jimmah actually hired Volker and Volker had already raised rates to 13.5% before Reagan got elected, and while the recession was to come, inflation began falling in the THIRD month of Reagan's FIRST year in office. If Reagan had had to endure over a year of rising rates and rising inflation, and then the recession in his third year, he'd have been a one termer.

HW lost his party because he raised taxes. Greenspan said that or he'd raise rates on inflation fears. The Savings and Loan debacle increased spending (which btw was mostly paid back later on when the bank assets were resold, so probably Greenspan blew that call too, but that's another story). But the low, for that time, interest rate coupled with modest growth and no inflation allowed the Clinton years' expansion.

Then, the balanced budget of Clinton gave W an excuse to supply side cut taxes (like he needed an excuse for that or another jack with a lonestar back), and the result was increased spending giving him growth through his term until ... the housing bubble that arose from everybody having extra cash burst.

And Obama got 8 years of deleveraging. LOL Not that he's great shakes, but nobody else is doing that well either in the developed world.
Yeah we could have had Mitt Romney in know...the guy who actually HAD executive experience...the guy who actually HAD business experience and understood how jobs were created...the guy who's whole life has been spent fixing troubled organizations...the guy with the proven track record of working across the aisle? Yeah, that would have been AWFUL! :blowup:
The pioneer of outsourcing? The guy who said we need fewer teachers? The guy who said you didn't do it by yourself? The guy who said to borrow $20,000.00 from dad and start your own business? The guy who tortured his dog until it ran away? The guy who said his sons were already doing something more important than Iraq, helping him get elected president? The guy who said he wouldn't represent 47% of America? The guy who moved one of his companies to China the very same month of the elections? That Mitt Romney? You think that guy would be good for America? I never did. I think we averted a disaster worse than Bush.

All of that nonsense is what the far left used to distract the electorate and keep Mitt Romney from getting elected. Barack Obama didn't have a clue how to grow an economy or created jobs...but what idiots like YOU concentrated on was Romney's dog...who for some reason you think was "tortured" because he took a trip in a cage on top of the car rather than inside the car. Like most dogs favorite thing isn't sticking their heads out the window when you go on a drive! Duh? You've got Barack Obama appointing Jeffrey Immelt as his "Jobs Czar" when Immelt outsourced more jobs to China as the CEO of GE than probably anyone else in the damn country! But you don't see a problem there!
In obama year seven if everything going badly is still Bush's fault then obama is simply a non-factor and IRRELEVANT.
The Left keeps insisting on having it both ways, trying to take credit for the good and blaming the bad on others, in a very childish manner.
i guess i cant blame the Left though; if i were them and looking at the world in flames in places far removed from Iraq, like Africa and the Ukraine, and all the things screwed up at home, like the 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps then there were when Bush was President; i wouldnt be open to discussing all that PROGRESSIVE FAILURE either.

Everything good that happened under Clinton was credited to Gingrich yet none of Reagan's successes were credited to Tip O'Neil and the Democrats.

9/11 - which happened under Bush - was, according to your side, Clinton's fault.

The housing crisis - which happened under Bush - was apparently Carter's fault (specifically the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977).

The financial meltdown - which happened under Bush - was apparently Clinton's fault.

(Nothing is Bush's fault, especially stuff that happened on his watch)

Your president failed to protect the eastern seaboard despite being warned in the infamous Aug 2011 memo. 3,000 American died. Hillary Clinton got blamed for four deaths in Benghazi (while Ronald Reagan was responsible for 241 deaths in Lebanon - and you blame him for nothing).

Your side never takes accountability for bad things that happen when they control Washington, and your side never gives the Democrats any credit for good things that happen (either when they control the White House or congress).

You've been whining about Jimmy Carter for 30 fucking years...

And you're pissed because everyone - including your leading presidential nominee - is blaming Bush for a failed war and the unprecedented destruction of the housing and financial markets.
You are insane.

thanks to the right wing noise machine up is down, left is right, and Reagan was a small government tax cutter

thanks to self-deluding left-wing nutjobs record welfare and food stamps are now considered "forward progress"

as was federal aid during and after the Great Depression. Now we;ve lived through Recession and you twist the facts to suit a stupid ideological position?

the Great Recession that Obama helped get us out of
Londoner bedowin62
In obama year seven if everything going badly is still Bush's fault then obama is simply a non-factor and IRRELEVANT.
The Left keeps insisting on having it both ways, trying to take credit for the good and blaming the bad on others, in a very childish manner.
i guess i cant blame the Left though; if i were them and looking at the world in flames in places far removed from Iraq, like Africa and the Ukraine, and all the things screwed up at home, like the 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps then there were when Bush was President; i wouldnt be open to discussing all that PROGRESSIVE FAILURE either.

Everything good that happened under Clinton was credited to Gingrich yet none of Reagan's successes were credited to Tip O'Neil and the Democrats.

9/11 - which happened under Bush - was, according to your side, Clinton's fault.

The housing crisis - which happened under Bush - was apparently Carter's fault (specifically the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977).

The financial meltdown - which happened under Bush - was apparently Clinton's fault.

(Nothing is Bush's fault, especially stuff that happened on his watch)

Your president failed to protect the eastern seaboard despite being warned in the infamous Aug 2011 memo. 3,000 American died. Hillary Clinton got blamed for four deaths in Benghazi (while Ronald Reagan was responsible for 241 deaths in Lebanon - and you blame him for nothing).

Your side never takes accountability for bad things that happen when they control Washington, and your side never gives the Democrats any credit for good things that happen (either when they control the White House or congress).

You've been whining about Jimmy Carter for 30 fucking years...

And you're pissed because everyone - including your leading presidential nominee - is blaming Bush for a failed war and the unprecedented destruction of the housing and financial markets.
You are insane.

sorry dummy but you wasted your time wallowing in denial. it isnt Republians that dont want to give credit to Reagan Democrats who voted for Reagan's policies in Congress; it's DEMOCRATS THEMSELVES THAT CANT BRING THEMSELVES TO ADMIT IT. most of the time on these boards you cant even get a left-wing loser ranting about Democrats to acknowledge the existance of the Reagan Democrats.

Sorry imbecile, but even Pat Buchanan gets upset at shits like you spreading bs. He was there and he agrees with this:

Reagan had to fight tooth and nail for every little thing from Tip's house.

There were Reagan Democrats as voters, but how the hell did you come up with all these imaginary Reagan Democrats in the Congress?


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