Cape Cod School Using Tax Dollars and Students to back politicians


Gold Member
Jul 3, 2009
We have a local school on the cape that used their schools marching band and our tax dollars to send the band to a political candiates support rally. For me this is as wrong as a tax exempt church going out and backing a specific political party.

here is a short blog link for you to read if your interested and below is a copy of the letter I have just sent out to several media personalities.

Dear _______ __________,

My name is ____ ______________ and I'm emailing you for help. We have a local school here in Barnstable, MA that has a track record of doing politically motivated things using school funds. Recently another school on Cape Cod, dennis/yarmoth had a problem with teacher preaching anti-military sentiments during class time Now we have Barnstable High using our tax dollars to send their marching band to Bill Keating's political rally while not doing the same for the republican canidate.

I know the election is over and this might not be "big news" for the national community right now but here at home we have a media blackout on this and can not get any pressure brought to bare on the school system to adress the issue. This is why I'm e-mailing you. I've watched/listened to your show and have seen just how much of an impact your influence can have in these types of situations and was hoping that, if it works for your show, you could bring some attention to this. Without some kind of media exposure and pressure the school is not and will not act to correct this situation.

Here is a local blog about the situation if you want to read more. The blog's author doesn't seem to think it was a big deal but many of us feel that using the public school system to back up a political candiate is wrong. At the very least they should have either had Keating's campaign pay for the expenses of the band to come to them or the band should have also performed at Keating's opponents rally. If a church had done this you know the outcry in the media would have been loud but in my home state the media has chosen to completely ignore this for over a month now.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.


______ _______________

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