Capital Punishment For Rape Crimes

There are different point of views but I think that capital punishment for rape crimes is the best solution religiously and socially.

Your opinions?
Rapists should be put to death. The world is better off with them dead.
There are different point of views but I think that capital punishment for rape crimes is the best solution religiously and socially.

Your opinions?
That would have to entail a much higher standard for proof of rape than currently exists.. Rape is charge that is too often used willy-nilly, while murder demands a corpse or at least conclusive proof that the victim is deceased.
I don't think know you would like her reaction to being told to effectively "get over it".
Ha-ha! No, I'm sure she wouldn't like that at all! But I can assure you I have never told someone quite in that manner.

She sees her therapist weekly and takes her meds religiously ......
Oh, I'm sad to hear she's on medication. So I have to ask you how long ago it happened. Were you together at the time? I mean were you a couple then? Has she and the therapist set any goals for when medication can be discontinued?
That would have to entail a much higher standard for proof of rape than currently exists.. Rape is charge that is too often used willy-nilly, ......
An excellent observation.
We do not have the death penalty for any crime in Britain, and I support the view that the death penalty is wrong.
Oh, I'm sad to hear she's on medication. So I have to ask you how long ago it happened. Were you together at the time? I mean were you a couple then? Has she and the therapist set any goals for when medication can be discontinued?

It happened 23 years ago (she's 35). She repressed the memory of it for almost 14 years. Right now they've reduced the medicine levels about as much as they can. Unfortunately there are extenuating conditions (beyond her control) which exist that make dealing with the root of the problem difficult, if not almost impossible at this time. The medicine is likely permanent.
We do not have the death penalty for any crime in Britain, and I support the view that the death penalty is wrong.

I have to respectfully disagree. If possible, please show me an executed criminal who has ever committed another crime. I don't believe you can.
We do not have the death penalty for any crime in Britain, and I support the view that the death penalty is wrong.

I have to respectfully disagree. If possible, please show me an executed criminal who has ever committed another crime. I don't believe you can.
What about the innocent people that have been executed for something they did not do? You cannot resurrect them.
What about the innocent people that have been executed for something they did not do? You cannot resurrect them.

There are no Innocent people in the world over the age of three years. There may be people who aren't guilty of what they're charged with, or who have never been caught, but there are no Innocent people.
It happened 23 years ago (she's 35).
She's still rather young!

Right now they've reduced the medicine levels about as much as they can. Unfortunately there are extenuating conditions (beyond her control) which exist that make dealing with the root of the problem difficult, if not almost impossible at this time. The medicine is likely permanent.
Oh Jesus. I am pleased to hear that her medicine levels have been lowered but there are a few things that worry me. I don't mean that they should worry you (or worry her) but ..... I am not in a position to contradict her therapist, particularly since I don't know her 'extenuating conditions' (as you say) but I am not in the same corner with those who use medicine as an excuse for .... uh ..... less than maximum competence. 'Competence' is too strong an expression, sorry. The only thing that I am not afraid to say is that if the therapist him/herself used those very words, 'The medicine is likely permanent' , then I suggest you get another opinion, if that's possible. She's only 35 for God's sake and it is expected that she will be on medication the rest of her life? Hmmmmmmm. I am not going to ask you what those extenuating conditions' are and I don't think you should tell me either. I do think that she should be telling someone else. Someone competent. To be perfectly blunt, she is in a relationship with you so she's no basket case. If my wife were told that she can expect to be on medication the rest of her life, I'd be copying the yellow pages and getting to work. I once took flying lessons. My instructor was large and the little Cessna was always leaning to the right. He used to shout at me about it and i thought I must be doing something wrong, but I didn't know what. After all, he was displeased with me so it must have been my fault. One day he didn't show up for work so I went with another instructor. the Cessna flew straight as an arrow. Sometimes we trust a single professional and develop a dependence upon them, never realizing there are alternatives. Some are better some are worse.
What about the innocent people that have been executed for something they did not do? You cannot resurrect them.

There are no Innocent people in the world over the age of three years. There may be people who aren't guilty of what they're charged with, or who have never been caught, but there are no Innocent people.
Justifying the guillotine for a man who's been falsely accused of murder (or rape if you have your way) just because he stole a Mars bar when he was seven ..... ? Go splash some cold water on your face then come back and rephrase that. Please.
Justifying the guillotine for a man who's been falsely accused of murder (or rape if you have your way) just because he stole a Mars bar when he was seven ..... ? Go splash some cold water on your face then come back and rephrase that. Please.

I said exactly what I meant and meant exactly what I said.
What about the innocent people that have been executed for something they did not do? You cannot resurrect them.
Without using dingbat sources, who has been executed that can you point out as innocent since your own Timothy Evens (likely) in the 1950s?
Off the top of my head, Cameron Willingham.
Please. The anti-capital punishment crowd tries to find one that has some extremely remote possibility of innocence and dwells on it until it elicits comments like yours. Willingham was a scumbag who killed his own children.
What about the innocent people that have been executed for something they did not do? You cannot resurrect them.
Without using dingbat sources, who has been executed that can you point out as innocent since your own Timothy Evens (likely) in the 1950s?

Derek Bentley
There is no doubt that Bentley participated in the event that led to the murder of a cop though he may not have fired the fatal bullet. He was not innocent.
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