Carly Fiorina says nobody ever mocks Hillary Clinton's appearence


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
I'm sending her a link to this message board.

Hell, send her a link to any political discussion forum, Youtube, or any site that allows comments.

Here's Skeletor herself -
Carly Fiorina: ā€˜Thereā€™s a double standardā€™ because nobody mocks Hillary Clintonā€™s appearance

ā€œIs there a double standard here for Republican women?ā€ Roberts asked. ā€œI canā€™t imagine that they would say things like that about Hillary Clinton.ā€

ā€œOh, ya think? Yeah,ā€ Fiorina replied. ā€œI think thereā€™s a double standardā€¦ There is nothing more threatening to the liberal media in general and to Hillary Clinton in particular than a conservative woman. So, of course thereā€™s a double standard.ā€

ā€œConservative women from Sarah Palin to Michele Bachmann to Carly Fiorina are long used to this,ā€ she added. ā€œIt will not stop me, it will not scare me.ā€

According to the GOP hopeful, the hosts of The Viewrepresented ā€œliberal feminists who believe that if you do not agree with them on their liberal orthodoxy that you donā€™t count, that somehow youā€™re not a woman.ā€
Hildabeast drove slick Willy child into child molestation...
^ the insane ramblings of an HDS infected conservative.
No doubt him and Hildabeast have violated many a young girl over their professional political careers.

They don't call Him slick Willy for nothing
You guys call him that. Not "they". Course, most of "you guys" are insane. Which is why your policies are disastrous failures. Not even your kind can pick out one that works. Unless "damage" is what the plan was all along.
Hildabeast drove slick Willy child into child molestation...
^ the insane ramblings of an HDS infected conservative.
No doubt him and Hildabeast have violated many a young girl over their professional political careers.

They don't call Him slick Willy for nothing
You guys call him that. Not "they". Course, most of "you guys" are insane. Which is why your policies are disastrous failures. Not even your kind can pick out one that works. Unless "damage" is what the plan was all along.
The shoe fits, and slick Willy is wearing it
The devil in the blue dress was not the devil, the devil was ripping the blue dress off and he left his signature behind on it.
Child molestation, really? This is what's it's come to.
I don't call him slick Willy for nothing
Soon you'll be able to call him slick willy the First Gentleman. Or would his "Mr. President" title supercede that? Hmm. Well we'll find out.
Maybe, politics has sure screwed over this country no doubt.

Slick willies reputation precedes him nonetheless
Yes it does. That's how people know not to take people like you seriously.
After reading this article and examining the quotes, I cannot see any instance where Ms. Florida states that, "nobody mocks Hillary Clinton ' s appearance." Her point was that Republican women candidates are treated differently by the media than are Democrat women candidates. This is a clear case of a journalist wanting to discredit Fiorina, and mis - quoting her to say something ridiculous and obviously false. HRC'S appe A rance has been mocked for decades, and Fiorina cannot possibly be unaware of that fact.

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