Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

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  • Poll closed .
I guess they have the Son of Sam laws (David Berkowitz) that were designed to prevent "Notoriety for Profit". However I don't believe that there are any Laws on the books that prevents the accused found innocent, from profiting off of their case. ~BH

And there are no laws in the nation that will prevent the public from stopping doing business with a company. There is no law in the land that prevents the public from sending letters to the Board of Directors of any company. If a company wants to see their profits plummet, let them give a contract to Casey. How did that work out for OJ?
She did not report her child missing for 30 days. Child turns up dead.
Try leaving your kid in a hot car. That is felony child endangerment. Jail time.
Why didn't the jury at least get her for child endangerment for not reporting her missing and leading cops on a goose chase?

Because the prosecution failed in its duty to tell the narrative effectively that way.
Caylee needs justice, and this prosecution team failed the child.

No they didn't fail. I heard them loud and clear.

what the prosecution SAYS is not evidence.
She did not report her child missing for 30 days. Child turns up dead.
Try leaving your kid in a hot car. That is felony child endangerment. Jail time.
Why didn't the jury at least get her for child endangerment for not reporting her missing and leading cops on a goose chase?

I think they would have convicted her for child endangerment and manslaughter if the prosecution would have left out the first degree murder charge because they could have left out all the ridiculous speculation and just said "Caylee was in Casey's care, she did not report her missing for 31 days, and now she is dead."

I think once they got into other things and trying to prove murder, the jury realized they really had nothing and the rest is history.

True. The strategy of the prosecution was ill thought out and ill advised.

i agree with the above. Sometimes prosecutors in high profile cases see tv cameras and political careers instead of making good judgments about their cases. happened with the oj trial, too...
You are a piece of shit hanging from a dead rat's ass and I will gladly be your enemy.

You still talking fuckO? Yeah? Well I know you are, but what am I? I know you are, but what am I? Everything that you say bounces off of me and then hits you! Fucking dumbshit. You don't want to be my enemy bro. I have seen and done shit that would make you cowar up like a gutless turd. Don't fuck with infantry son, you got no fucking clue.


You are turning into the classic internet tough guy. Read back what you just wrote. Seriously. What will you do, hard control shift him? lol

Like I said before, He started talking shit to me first. I come into this thread to discuss the case, not argue with idiots about who has bigger balls. Kind of like you. You couldn't mind your own business either, so go figure. I don't give a fuck if you ran a bath-house together with the guy. If someone attacks me for my opinions on this case, I am gonna defend myself. Call it "internet tough guy or whatever the hell is your slice of pie. Either way, I am not just gonna sit back like a gutless turd like you probably most likely are.

What do you think about that? :razz: ~BH
I guess they have the Son of Sam laws (David Berkowitz) that were designed to prevent "Notoriety for Profit". However I don't believe that there are any Laws on the books that prevents the accused found innocent, from profiting off of their case. ~BH

And there are no laws in the nation that will prevent the public from stopping doing business with a company. There is no law in the land that prevents the public from sending letters to the Board of Directors of any company. If a company wants to see their profits plummet, let them give a contract to Casey. How did that work out for OJ?

Well, While I don't like the thought of people profiting off of their cases, at the same time I don't like giving this out of control Government anymore power over the individual. This whole story just really bothers me alot. I feel bad for that little girl. I can see Casey all pissed off and wanting to go out to act like a whore because Caylee wouldn't pass out from the chloroform (because she built up a tolerance to it) so she taped her nose in order to prevent any air to mix in with it. Eventually, It killed the poor little girl.

Just my opinion on what most likely happened. What a monster if it's the truth. Caylee was probably thinking why in the hell is my mommy trying to suffocate me? ~BH
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Bolshie, you are the most gutless coward on this board, except for bigreb.

Yeah, you and I already know why you just posted that. You're too gutless to stand up for yourself unless you see others that you can join with. So who's the real coward bro?

Look, Everyone knows that your a registered sex offender here, so don't try to jump into this circus, because it can only end bad for your fake, polished up reputation. Nothing has changed. Those of us who have been here awhile still remember the proof that was posted about your youtube account. Fucking pedo! :eusa_shhh: You and Casey can go get married and do a reality show. :razz: ~BH
poor, sad, BH the nutbar. :cuckoo:

hint: this is a public messageboard. if you have a problem with that, feel free to take your imbecile self elsewhere, freak.

Poor sad pinko Jillian, the dumb drunk, winO bitch with no job and no husband because she's such a man hater. Even her Girlfriend partner left her because she spent so much time here. And you expected us all to feel sorry for you. LMAO! ~BH
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Boshie, I have stood against you gutless cowards by myself a good portion of the time.

It is nice to see others call you on your nonsense.

Man up, girly man.
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Casey Anthony is a LYING B!TCH!‬‏[/ame]
Jeezus, It's like all of the red diaper doper babies came out at once, from their bath house pinko meeting all foaming out of their mouths, to gang up on ole BH. Good, That's just my kind of party. But know this you bottomfeeding maggots, I don't forget. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cool:

Jeezus, I thought this was the Casey Anthony thread. It's turned into the "we Liberal sheople bow down and worship BH thread". :razz: ~BH
Boshie, I have stood against you gutless cowards by myself a good portion of the time.

It is nice to see others call you on your nonsense.

Man up, girly man.

Nice dodge concerning the facts about you. Nothing has changed son. Nope, Nothing has changed. ;)

Thanks for admitting that you are, have been, and always will be a nonsensical girly man. Go pull up your panty hose.
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You still talking fuckO? Yeah? Well I know you are, but what am I? I know you are, but what am I? Everything that you say bounces off of me and then hits you! Fucking dumbshit. You don't want to be my enemy bro. I have seen and done shit that would make you cowar up like a gutless turd. Don't fuck with infantry son, you got no fucking clue.


You are turning into the classic internet tough guy. Read back what you just wrote. Seriously. What will you do, hard control shift him? lol

Like I said before, He started talking shit to me first. I come into this thread to discuss the case, not argue with idiots about who has bigger balls. Kind of like you. You couldn't mind your own business either, so go figure. I don't give a fuck if you ran a bath-house together with the guy. If someone attacks me for my opinions on this case, I am gonna defend myself. Call it "internet tough guy or whatever the hell is your slice of pie. Either way, I am not just gonna sit back like a gutless turd like you probably most likely are.

What do you think about that? :razz: ~BH

Well, from what I saw, your debating skills suck. Other than that, I am sure he as well as I am afraid of an internet tough guy....lolololololol

Good luck there ninja keyboardist. :eusa_whistle:
Jeezus, It's like all of the red diaper doper babies came out at once, from their bath house pinko meeting all foaming out of their mouths, to gang up on ole BH. Good, That's just my kind of party. But know this you bottomfeeding maggots, I don't forget. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cool:

Jeezus, I thought this was the Casey Anthony thread. It's turned into the "we Liberal sheople bow down and worship BH thread". :razz: ~BH

Could you be any more of a sheep. You are actually speaking like you are Savage. Really?

I knew you were down the chain a bit, but come on...Michael Savage? This thread is about what that nut did and got away with...not how tough you are or ANYTHING political. You are very weak sir. Very. Try to stay on point...just this once. Its not about you "BH"...its not.

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