Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'd like to track bookdeals and or movie deals for the jury. It will be most interesting. Sadly they think they are the "jury du jour" who gave this woman a pass.

I have a long winter ahead. And a lot of time on my hands. I think this jury played a game.
I'd like to track bookdeals and or movie deals for the jury. It will be most interesting. Sadly they think they are the "jury du jour" who gave this woman a pass.

I have a long winter ahead. And a lot of time on my hands. I think this jury played a game.
I'd like to track bookdeals and or movie deals for the jury. It will be most interesting. Sadly they think they are the "jury du jour" who gave this woman a pass.

I have a long winter ahead. And a lot of time on my hands. I think this jury played a game.

Give it a rest tiny, no one cares about your winter plans. And I for one don't care if someone pays for this story. This is America after all
Jennifer Ford is an idiot.
"Not guilty doesn't mean not innocent".:cuckoo:
Boshie, I have stood against you gutless cowards by myself a good portion of the time.

It is nice to see others call you on your nonsense.

Man up, girly man.

Nice dodge concerning the facts about you. Nothing has changed son. Nope, Nothing has changed. ;)

Thanks for admitting that you are, have been, and always will be a nonsensical girly man. Go pull up your panty hose.

Oh ok then guy, because you said so eh? I don't know what I am gonna do after that so called brilliant, closer response from such a master like yourself. I don't even have to repeat myself, but I really don't know why you're so into Gov Ahnold so much JS? It's obvious that you seem to feel the need to quote him again, and again, and again. I guess you love cheaters. Well, Of course you do bro, you're a puke bag liberal, pedo that doesn't believe in being loyal to anyone or anything, which would include your Country. :lol:

Now go back to your sick and twisted world yuh nutcase. :razz: ~BH
You are turning into the classic internet tough guy. Read back what you just wrote. Seriously. What will you do, hard control shift him? lol

Like I said before, He started talking shit to me first. I come into this thread to discuss the case, not argue with idiots about who has bigger balls. Kind of like you. You couldn't mind your own business either, so go figure. I don't give a fuck if you ran a bath-house together with the guy. If someone attacks me for my opinions on this case, I am gonna defend myself. Call it "internet tough guy or whatever the hell is your slice of pie. Either way, I am not just gonna sit back like a gutless turd like you probably most likely are.

What do you think about that? :razz: ~BH

Well, from what I saw, your debating skills suck. Other than that, I am sure he as well as I am afraid of an internet tough guy....lolololololol

Good luck there ninja keyboardist. :eusa_whistle:

You're like a worn out Bicycle tire Zona, you fucked up soul you. I really don't even understand what your mentally deranged mind is still babbling about? but I will try for you because I feel so sorry for your worn out ass.

Apparently I hurt your boyfriend' feelings eh? I didn't know that you guys were like that. No problem here, but how could I know? :cuckoo:

How about you produce a movie about Internet tough guys. I mean, if that's your thing, then more power to you. However, I would advise you to concentrate on the failures of your real life, and not here at USMB.

Nobody gives a crap about what you liberal baby killers have to gloat about here in regards to Casey getting off on the murder of her Daughter. We all understand that you love to steal the life from an un-born humanbeing that has absolutely no say in the matter whatsoever. Gotta love liberalism. Wow, they really care about the rights of individuals. You scum sucking maggots. :eusa_shhh:~BH
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Like I said before, He started talking shit to me first. I come into this thread to discuss the case, not argue with idiots about who has bigger balls. Kind of like you. You couldn't mind your own business either, so go figure. I don't give a fuck if you ran a bath-house together with the guy. If someone attacks me for my opinions on this case, I am gonna defend myself. Call it "internet tough guy or whatever the hell is your slice of pie. Either way, I am not just gonna sit back like a gutless turd like you probably most likely are.

What do you think about that? :razz: ~BH

Well, from what I saw, your debating skills suck. Other than that, I am sure he as well as I am afraid of an internet tough guy....lolololololol

Good luck there ninja keyboardist. :eusa_whistle:

You're like a worn out Bicycle tire Zona, you fucked up soul you. I really don't even understand what your mentally deranged mind is still babbling about? but I will try for you because I feel so sorry for your worn out ass.

Apparently I hurt your boyfriend' feelings eh? I didn't know that you guys were like that. No problem here, but how could I know? :cuckoo:

How about you produce a movie about Internet tough guys. I mean, if that's your thing, then more power to you. However, I would advise you to concentrate on the failures of your real life, and not here at USMB.

Nobody gives a crap about what you liberal baby killers have to gloat about here in regards to Casey getting off on the murder of her Daughter. We all understand that you love to steal the life from an un-born humanbeing that has absolutely no say in the matter whatsoever. Gotta love liberalism. Wow, they really care about the rights of individuals. You scum sucking maggots. :eusa_shhh:~BH

Hey stupid..............

She was accused of child abuse and infanticide.

Nothing about abortion. Right wing much asshole?
Jeezus, It's like all of the red diaper doper babies came out at once, from their bath house pinko meeting all foaming out of their mouths, to gang up on ole BH. Good, That's just my kind of party. But know this you bottomfeeding maggots, I don't forget. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cool:

Jeezus, I thought this was the Casey Anthony thread. It's turned into the "we Liberal sheople bow down and worship BH thread". :razz: ~BH

Could you be any more of a sheep. You are actually speaking like you are Savage. Really?

I knew you were down the chain a bit, but come on...Michael Savage? This thread is about what that nut did and got away with...not how tough you are or ANYTHING political. You are very weak sir. Very. Try to stay on point...just this once. Its not about you "BH"...its not.

Wow dummy, you're on a roll her tonight ain't chA? :lol:

You dumb mentally deranged nutcase you! What, did they cut off your meds? :razz: Or did you use them all up before you could re-fill them again? Yeah, I know your type. I gotta a friend who works for a pharmacy, and apparently you freaks become unhinged when you don't get your meds earlier than the law allows you to get them, right? :eusa_shhh:

Hey Zona? You got a fucked up life don't yuh? It's so fucked up that you have nothing but time to be here, at the pharmacy and just the long walk to your mailbox in the afternoon for more meds from Canada, as well as your socialist welfare check which comes second, unless of course you showed up to the former too early like you always do eh? Yeah, I bet that's the only thing a dead-beat like yourself shows up to early you fucking crack job stupid fuck. Now go choke on your pills tonight. :razz:

Well, from what I saw, your debating skills suck. Other than that, I am sure he as well as I am afraid of an internet tough guy....lolololololol

Good luck there ninja keyboardist. :eusa_whistle:

You're like a worn out Bicycle tire Zona, you fucked up soul you. I really don't even understand what your mentally deranged mind is still babbling about? but I will try for you because I feel so sorry for your worn out ass.

Apparently I hurt your boyfriend' feelings eh? I didn't know that you guys were like that. No problem here, but how could I know? :cuckoo:

How about you produce a movie about Internet tough guys. I mean, if that's your thing, then more power to you. However, I would advise you to concentrate on the failures of your real life, and not here at USMB.

Nobody gives a crap about what you liberal baby killers have to gloat about here in regards to Casey getting off on the murder of her Daughter. We all understand that you love to steal the life from an un-born humanbeing that has absolutely no say in the matter whatsoever. Gotta love liberalism. Wow, they really care about the rights of individuals. You scum sucking maggots. :eusa_shhh:~BH

Hey stupid..............

She was accused of child abuse and infanticide.

Nothing about abortion. Right wing much asshole?

Hey Biker-fag? I was talking about Zona, not Casey. I understand that and never accused Casey of anything to do with abortion. Nice try though dicklip.

Can you read, or is that very hard for you to do fuckO? Forget that though Biker fag, because I got some real good 60's era motorcycle leather to sell yuh! :razz:

No worries though, Streets of fire style bro. You will not be disappointed. :cool:

:eek: ~BH
So, the great American jury has fucked it up again. Why do we always say the jury system is so great?

I don't know.

I am a lawyer and I have tried cases to juries. I have talked to jurors afterwards. What I have heard has scared me.

For instance, I lost a case, personal injury, I was defending. Ladies on the jury tell me, "your client wasn't negligent, but we thought she (plaintiff) was real nice." Right... facts be damned, you awarded her all that money because she was "real nice"...

I won a case, personal injury. Again, I was defending. Facts weren't so great for my side, actually -- plaintiff could have easily won. Again, I talk to jurors. They tell me "she was such a bitch" so they denied her money. OK, again, facts be damned.

It's like all these people thought the jury trial was about "who they like" and "who they don't"... the mental level of a 9-year-old, or something. They couldn't focus on the basic question before them: "You are here to decide if the defendant, Blank Corp., was negligent. Negligence is defined as blah blah." Etc. Nope, tuned it all out.

Are American juries too stupid to be trusted? Should we switch to professional juries? Do juries really tend to get it right more often than not?

You Prefer Media Driven Lynch Mobs?...

Gut Feelings about how Trashy someone is in Regard to a Missing/Dead Child is not a Basis for System of Law.

If it was so Obvious that she Killed her Daughter then the Prosecution shouldn't have had an Issue Proving it.

It's better she go Free than someone be Wrongfully Executed because the Media has Decided to Convince everyone that someone is Guilty before a Jury has Decided.

Just my 2 cents.

And there are PLENTY of Dead Kids in this Country that nobody gives 2 shits and a fuck about how they Died...

The Media told you all to Care about this, so you did.



That's just bull. You know what made me sit up and take notice? The 9-11 call. "Somethings wrong! I can find my grandaughter, I finally found my daughter and the car but I can't find my grandaughter Caylee. Something's wrong I found the car and it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car. But all that matter not a jot now, her monster mom has been set free and we can nver try anyone else cause we don't know how she died. so say the jury.. which was made up of people who "find it hard to judge people" and who "will find it hard to give the death penalty. The blame lies with the jury and the lawyers who agreed to let them sit on that jury. They had their ears plugged up. Now I hope I'm done.

And how exactly did you know about the 911 call? Because the media told you about it.

I haven't followed the case in the news, nor have I watched the trial. Mainly, because I find this trial by media in the US to be sickening, and - frankly - dangerous to our justice system. We should not have pundits discussing every detail - many of which turn out to be incorrect - on television prior to trial.

And.... why is it that every time this happens, it's a cute little white kid? Thousands of kids are mistreated, many go missing, some are murdered.... and we never seem to care unless it's a cute white kid.
"I did not say she was innocent," "I just said there was not enough evidence. If you cannot prove what the crime was, you cannot determine what the punishment should be."

Awesome. So jurors do think about the punishment stage when they should have all their energy focused on the sentencing phase! Good job paying attention to the Judge's instructions, and thank you kindly for your civic duty. :clap2:

Wharfrat (and all of those who thanked wharfrat for the illumination of what seems to be a widespread misunderstanding of judicial process), I believe the jury was deliberating whether or not to convict Casey based on the evidence presented for each charge against her. That's called a verdict. Sentencing usually comes after the complete agreement by the jurors of the defendent being either proven guilty or not, for each of the distinct and separate charges.

From :

1. Grammar . a grammatical unit of one or more words, bearing minimal syntactic relation to the words that precede or follow it, often preceded and followed in speech by pauses, having one of a small number of characteristic intonation patterns, and typically expressing an independent statement, question, request, command, etc., as Summer is here. or Who is it? or Stop!
2. Law .
a. an authoritative decision; a judicial judgment or decree, especially the judicial determination of the punishment to be inflicted on a convicted criminal.
b. the punishment itself.

3. Music . a period.
4. Archaic . a saying, apothegm, or maxim.
5. Obsolete . an opinion given on a particular question.

verb (used with object)
6. to pronounce sentence upon; condemn to punishment.

1175–1225; (noun) Middle English < Old French < Latin sententia opinion, decision, equivalent to sent- (base of sent&#299;re to feel) + -entia -ence; (v.) Middle English: to pass judgment, decide judicially < Old French sentencier, derivative of sentence

ver·dict&#8194; &#8194;

1. Law . the finding or answer of a jury given to the court concerning a matter submitted to their judgment.
2. a judgment; decision: the verdict of the critics.

1250–1300; Middle English < Medieval Latin v&#275;rdictum, variant of v&#275;r&#275;dictum literally, something said truly; replacing Middle English verdit < Anglo-French < Latin v&#275;rum dictum true word

Now, for the brief explanation of CIRCUMSTANCIAL EVIDENCE

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: (yeah, yeah, I know...)

Lies, on their own, are not sufficient evidence of a crime though in some situations they may themselves be a crime - making false statements, fraud, false advertising, perjury. However, lies may indicate that the defendant knows he is guilty, and the prosecution may rely on the fact that the defendant has lied alongside other evidence.

United States Code: Title 28, Rule 404
Character evidence Not Admissible to Prove Conduct; Exceptions; Other Crimes
LII Legal Information Institute

...Character evidence is susceptible of being used for the purpose of suggesting an inference that the person acted on the occasion in question consistently with his character. This use of character is often described as “circumstantial.” ...
“Character evidence is of slight probative value and may be very prejudicial. It tends to distract the trier of fact from the main question of what actually happened on the particular occasion. It subtly permits the trier of fact to reward the good man to punish the bad man because of their respective characters despite what the evidence in the case shows actually happened.” ...
Jennifer Ford is an idiot.
"Not guilty doesn't mean not innocent".:cuckoo:

"Not guilty" only means that there wasn't sufficient evidence to prove guilt for the charges presented to the jury. Unfortunately, the state rushed to judgement before it had even collected the circumstancial evidence that was presented for these charges. Everyone, at least from any source I've read/heard, outside of the defense maybe, including the jury knows instinctively that she is guilty of SOMETHING more. And she WAS convicted of every charge PROVEN against her with reliable evidence. Had the prosecution charged her with a lesser crime involving mishandling a corpse, she probably would have been convicted of that as well. Or, had the state been able to let some of these charges sit without the constant media spotlight and public demands of "justice for Caylee", while she was already serving jail time for other convictions, one of the pathological liars, the Anthonys, would have slipped up and confessed again to some "trusted" confidant, just as George did with River Cruz (or whatever her name is...). Or some other type of evidence could have turned up, who knows... But see, that didn't happen. And now, having used up ALL of it's ammunition on charges it could not successfully prove, the state is powerless, and society has to accept that the rule of double jeopardy exists to protect us, whether she's truly innocent or not. So is she guilty? Yep, I think so, but PROVE it... oh, wait, too late now...
And furthermore, how many cases recently have been in the media regarding new evidence that has exonerated people convicted of various sentences, including the death sentence (I live in Texas), only with circumstancial evidence? Too damn many...Thank God these jurors followed the law, it's refreshing...and frankly there really isn't "justice" for anybody when a decision is made using "gut instinct" and emotion instead of facts , and logical reasoning to determine someone's guilt.

A Purely Hypothetical Analogy (completely unrelated to the Casey Anthony case):
Think of your worst enemy. We all have them, like it or not. Now, if circumstancial evidence of character is the only necessity to convict someone, how safe would YOU be (not to mention the multitude of hate-spewing sources of posts in this thread) if charged without any real substance to conclusively prove your guilt?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: (yeah, yeah, I know...but keep reading...)

Lies, on their own, are not sufficient evidence of a crime though in some situations they may themselves be a crime - making false statements, fraud, false advertising, perjury. However, lies may indicate that the defendant knows he is guilty, and the prosecution may rely on the fact that the defendant has lied alongside other evidence.

United States Code: Title 28, Rule 404
Character evidence Not Admissible to Prove Conduct; Exceptions; Other Crimes
LII Legal Information Institute

...Character evidence is susceptible of being used for the purpose of suggesting an inference that the person acted on the occasion in question consistently with his character. This use of character is often described as “circumstantial.” ...
“Character evidence is of slight probative value and may be very prejudicial. It tends to distract the trier of fact from the main question of what actually happened on the particular occasion. It subtly permits the trier of fact to reward the good man to punish the bad man because of their respective characters despite what the evidence in the case shows actually happened.” ...
I remember this doucher piece of shit Hood Rat Beat his Girlfriends Toddler against a Wall... to Death.

He did this after making the kid sit on the Potty for HOURS...

After Refusing to go, he Beat him against a Wall until he was Dead...

Any of you Voyuers Obsess on that Trial?...

Make Sure Justice was Served there?...

You ALL Followed this because the Media told you to.

I Know that's not going to be Easy to come to Terms with, but it's True.


You Prefer Media Driven Lynch Mobs?...

Gut Feelings about how Trashy someone is in Regard to a Missing/Dead Child is not a Basis for System of Law.

If it was so Obvious that she Killed her Daughter then the Prosecution shouldn't have had an Issue Proving it.

It's better she go Free than someone be Wrongfully Executed because the Media has Decided to Convince everyone that someone is Guilty before a Jury has Decided.

Just my 2 cents.

And there are PLENTY of Dead Kids in this Country that nobody gives 2 shits and a fuck about how they Died...

The Media told you all to Care about this, so you did.



That's just bull. You know what made me sit up and take notice? The 9-11 call. "Somethings wrong! I can find my grandaughter, I finally found my daughter and the car but I can't find my grandaughter Caylee. Something's wrong I found the car and it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car. But all that matter not a jot now, her monster mom has been set free and we can nver try anyone else cause we don't know how she died. so say the jury.. which was made up of people who "find it hard to judge people" and who "will find it hard to give the death penalty. The blame lies with the jury and the lawyers who agreed to let them sit on that jury. They had their ears plugged up. Now I hope I'm done.

And how exactly did you know about the 911 call? Because the media told you about it.

I haven't followed the case in the news, nor have I watched the trial. Mainly, because I find this trial by media in the US to be sickening, and - frankly - dangerous to our justice system. We should not have pundits discussing every detail - many of which turn out to be incorrect - on television prior to trial.

And.... why is it that every time this happens, it's a cute little white kid? Thousands of kids are mistreated, many go missing, some are murdered.... and we never seem to care unless it's a cute white kid.

I didn't watch the pundits. I watched the trial.
I remember this doucher piece of shit Hood Rat Beat his Girlfriends Toddler against a Wall... to Death.

He did this after making the kid sit on the Potty for HOURS...

After Refusing to go, he Beat him against a Wall until he was Dead...

Any of you Voyuers Obsess on that Trial?...

Make Sure Justice was Served there?...

You ALL Followed this because the Media told you to.

I Know that's not going to be Easy to come to Terms with, but it's True.



you are projectivng. I followed the trial because I was interested in hearing the trial and the results.
I haven't followed this case, other then to do my damndest to avoid Nancy Grace and that God awful Valez-Mitchell woman. So I don't really know the facts of the matter other than to say, I would venture that the pool of American's following this case on the nightly news via the Nancy Grace/Valez-Mitchell/Van Susterin Comedy troupe were much more biased in their opinion then the 12 jurors who judged Anthony.

In that essence, the system worked. The state failed to prove their case.

I, on the other hand, watch Nancy Grace EXCLUSIVELY.

That cougar is a MILF!

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