Catholic Church false teachings

Why do catholics worship bread? Why do catholics poop out Jesus after eating Him? Why is Jesus (unused wafers) locked up after mass? Do the maggots get saved if they eat Him?
First let me say the catholics I've known are some of the most devout and knowledgeable Christians around. ( Im not just saying that to say it)...Many dont fall into all these trappings and are very leary of the new everything goes I forgive all (gag) pope.

...but wouldn't this be an example of a non essential belief. Obviously worshiping some gold cup is not right.
...but does it matter whether someone eats in remembrance of the body of Christ or whether one thinks it is the body of Christ. ( personally I think the second is kind of bizarre) but if it enable you to believe in Christs real it wrong?

6:63 It is the Spirit - The spiritual meaning of these words, by which God giveth life. The flesh - The bare, carnal, literal meaning, profiteth nothing. The words which I have spoken, they are spirit - Are to be taken in a spiritual sense and, when they are so understood, they are life - That is, a means of spiritual life to the hearers.

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