Catholic Church sets out a vision for closer ties with Islam

Can we all agree to make it easier for the Jews and militant atheists to bash Christianity.
I've lived all of my life as a Christian of one variety or another in the U.S. I've known many Jews, atheists, and even a few Muslims. I have never heard anyone of these people ever say anything against the Christian faith. I have found them friendly, ethically principled, helpful, and kind. What is this "bashing"? Where is it taking place?

depends on what you call "bashing" Some people believe
that the mere mention of the program and era which is called "The Inquistion" as an historical reality which had far-reaching
ramifications-----is "Christian bashing"

Yes, you clearly have no idea about it, you're just here to whine and spread bullshit. We already know that. Crawl back under your racist Rabbi's shawl and stay there.

I don't have a rabbi. You comment is very crude. About
what do I have "no idea" ?? "it" is a pronoun---to
what do you refer? as to the inquisition-----there are some
catholics who have taken up the cause of "inquisition denial"------someone wrote a book-----sorry, senior moment--
something trivializing the venture down to nothing. The
Inquisition actually had an effect even on THE NEW WORLD
I've lived all of my life as a Christian of one variety or another in the U.S. I've known many Jews, atheists, and even a few Muslims. I have never heard anyone of these people ever say anything against the Christian faith. I have found them friendly, ethically principled, helpful, and kind. What is this "bashing"? Where is it taking place?

You absolutely cant be serious Lysistrata?

Yes. I am absolutely serious. Why wouldn't I be? I've never seen it, experienced it, or heard of it. The only negativity I've seen is from some Christians trying to start squabbles with other Christians, the same kind of ignorant squabbling that tore apart Europe after the Reformation. I think this "Christian bashing" thing, frankly, is sour grapes from people who seem not to understand the fact that we live in a pluralistic society and can't take "no" for an answer, no matter how absurd their demand.

Lyssie-----you have not been around much, have you?
Of course there is UNIVERSAL BASHING. based on
geography, language, body type, cuisine, custom,
belief, fashion sense--------sour grapes???? nah

I think that I was not clear enough. I was only addressing this supposed phenomenon of "Christian bashing," which I think is rubbish. You are correct that the practice of bashing on many bases is pretty universal. We know that the practice of bullying is widespread, and has worsened with the introduction of so many forms of electronic communication.

I think this is a tough topic, but Its not rubbish to address it.
Christian churches who boast about their liberal ways and trying to appease everyone can quickly turn into apostasy. Too much focus on non essential traditions and rules can lead to a dead faith.

"Apostasy" is only defined according to the confines of one's own faith tradition. I doubt that anyone "boasts" about anything. I doubt that anyone does anything for the purposes of appeasement. In any event, everyone has their own faith, which, supposedly, each of us gets to pick. Religion, Christian or not, is a matter of opinion, interpretation, and speculation by humans.
You absolutely cant be serious Lysistrata?

Yes. I am absolutely serious. Why wouldn't I be? I've never seen it, experienced it, or heard of it. The only negativity I've seen is from some Christians trying to start squabbles with other Christians, the same kind of ignorant squabbling that tore apart Europe after the Reformation. I think this "Christian bashing" thing, frankly, is sour grapes from people who seem not to understand the fact that we live in a pluralistic society and can't take "no" for an answer, no matter how absurd their demand.

Lyssie-----you have not been around much, have you?
Of course there is UNIVERSAL BASHING. based on
geography, language, body type, cuisine, custom,
belief, fashion sense--------sour grapes???? nah

I think that I was not clear enough. I was only addressing this supposed phenomenon of "Christian bashing," which I think is rubbish. You are correct that the practice of bashing on many bases is pretty universal. We know that the practice of bullying is widespread, and has worsened with the introduction of so many forms of electronic communication.

I think this is a tough topic, but Its not rubbish to address it.
Christian churches who boast about their liberal ways and trying to appease everyone can quickly turn into apostasy. Too much focus on non essential traditions and rules can lead to a dead faith.

"Apostasy" is only defined according to the confines of one's own faith tradition. I doubt that anyone "boasts" about anything. I doubt that anyone does anything for the purposes of appeasement. In any event, everyone has their own faith, which, supposedly, each of us gets to pick. Religion, Christian or not, is a matter of opinion, interpretation, and speculation by humans.

your head is not in the real world
Yes. I am absolutely serious. Why wouldn't I be? I've never seen it, experienced it, or heard of it. The only negativity I've seen is from some Christians trying to start squabbles with other Christians, the same kind of ignorant squabbling that tore apart Europe after the Reformation. I think this "Christian bashing" thing, frankly, is sour grapes from people who seem not to understand the fact that we live in a pluralistic society and can't take "no" for an answer, no matter how absurd their demand.

Lyssie-----you have not been around much, have you?
Of course there is UNIVERSAL BASHING. based on
geography, language, body type, cuisine, custom,
belief, fashion sense--------sour grapes???? nah

I think that I was not clear enough. I was only addressing this supposed phenomenon of "Christian bashing," which I think is rubbish. You are correct that the practice of bashing on many bases is pretty universal. We know that the practice of bullying is widespread, and has worsened with the introduction of so many forms of electronic communication.

I think this is a tough topic, but Its not rubbish to address it.
Christian churches who boast about their liberal ways and trying to appease everyone can quickly turn into apostasy. Too much focus on non essential traditions and rules can lead to a dead faith.

"Apostasy" is only defined according to the confines of one's own faith tradition. I doubt that anyone "boasts" about anything. I doubt that anyone does anything for the purposes of appeasement. In any event, everyone has their own faith, which, supposedly, each of us gets to pick. Religion, Christian or not, is a matter of opinion, interpretation, and speculation by humans.

your head is not in the real world

You'd rather have squabbling, infighting, and all-out war just because people's thoughts differ on unseen matters that can't be proven anyway? What a waste of humanity and resources better spent on more important and constructive things. Some American Christians seem to think that Christianity is some sort of competition between those in the faith, which is ridiculous, and also with those outside it.
. Only when its used to excuse barbaric practices of the present.

when does that happen? could you be more specific
for the sake of discourse?

Its brought up nearly every time Islam does something barbaric.

really? by whom? by muslims or us kaffirin? I actually
had not noticed. What I have noticed over the past half century that I have been conversant with muslims is that
MUSLIMs feel very aggrieved over their experience under
Christian rule in the Iberian Pennisula and over the actions
of the CRUSADERS -----like Richard the Lion hearted----
robinhood's hero. VERY AGRIEVED. They are also aggrieved over the FACT that the whole purpose of
Christianity and the New Testament (which evil Christians alter ever Tuesday and Thursday) is a DEVOTED EFFORT
TO DESTROY ISLAM. <<<I learned that fact from a
genius Imam

Thats what you get for listening to a genius? Imam.:dunno:

I had no choice-----I was invited to attend a mosque on a
GOOD FRIDAY (holiday in my neck of the woods)---the
big draw promised by my muslim hosts was the SPECIAL
VISITING GENIUS IMAM. I was there-----should I have gotten to my feet and screamed at him? I did hear screams-----in my head-----the screams of the FUTURE
VICTIMS of the little boys being taught about the
ENEMEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM The mosque was located walking distance from the site whereupon the
world trade center would LATER be built. ----Christians---
I like your easter-----jelly beans and chocolate bunnies.
I was offended to learn that "good Friday" is a disgusting
lie---invented by depraved Christians for the PURPOSE of
destroying islam. -----------sheeeeesh ----I is a joooo---it never hurt me. I continue to enjoy jelly beans

What drama. lol
Ill stick with what I have gotten used to... having dialogue with all people, yet not believng their rhetoric about my own faith.

Jelly beans are icky little things :p
when does that happen? could you be more specific
for the sake of discourse?

Its brought up nearly every time Islam does something barbaric.

really? by whom? by muslims or us kaffirin? I actually
had not noticed. What I have noticed over the past half century that I have been conversant with muslims is that
MUSLIMs feel very aggrieved over their experience under
Christian rule in the Iberian Pennisula and over the actions
of the CRUSADERS -----like Richard the Lion hearted----
robinhood's hero. VERY AGRIEVED. They are also aggrieved over the FACT that the whole purpose of
Christianity and the New Testament (which evil Christians alter ever Tuesday and Thursday) is a DEVOTED EFFORT
TO DESTROY ISLAM. <<<I learned that fact from a
genius Imam

Thats what you get for listening to a genius? Imam.:dunno:

I had no choice-----I was invited to attend a mosque on a
GOOD FRIDAY (holiday in my neck of the woods)---the
big draw promised by my muslim hosts was the SPECIAL
VISITING GENIUS IMAM. I was there-----should I have gotten to my feet and screamed at him? I did hear screams-----in my head-----the screams of the FUTURE
VICTIMS of the little boys being taught about the
ENEMEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM The mosque was located walking distance from the site whereupon the
world trade center would LATER be built. ----Christians---
I like your easter-----jelly beans and chocolate bunnies.
I was offended to learn that "good Friday" is a disgusting
lie---invented by depraved Christians for the PURPOSE of
destroying islam. -----------sheeeeesh ----I is a joooo---it never hurt me. I continue to enjoy jelly beans

What drama. lol
Ill stick with what I have gotten used to... having dialogue with all people, yet not believng their rhetoric about my own faith.

Jelly beans are icky little things :p

depends on which ones----those made with pectin are terrific
The Catholic Church is embracing Islam. There can no longer be any doubt. The Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon, spoken of in Revelation.

Catholic Church sets out a vision for closer ties with Islam

yep, no doubt about it.

Protestants generally are not critical of their old mother cult.
And Jews WANT all to think the Great Whore was/is the Church.

Its real Christians who tell the truth about the Great Whore of Rome.

The Vatican fulfillment of Rev 17&18 is God-given confirmation of the truth of Jesus Christ.

The Fulfillment reveals that such as the Inquisitions were not Christian activities,

but rather Papist activities. People need to know this

Though many modern alleged "Christians" are oblivious to and/or deny the following fulfillment, many others have seen the fulfillment for centuries. It was a main battle-cry of the Reformation era Protestants and was common knowledge in Protestant circles until a few decades ago [as Protestantism lost it’s salty savor/corrupted].

One presents EVIDENCE in order to convince. Prophecy fulfillment is EVIDENCE.

Servants of Jesus seek to convince all that the NT is true, and Jesus is Lord.

Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show unto His servants ..." Rev 1:1

Servants of Jesus see the Vatican's perfect, unique, visible and verifiable fulfillment

of the Revelation's ch 17&18 description of the Great Whore Mother is highly significant,

precious God-given EVIDENCE confirming the truth of the NT and Lordship of Jesus

Seeing the Vatican for what it is in the sight of Jesus sheds great light on past, present and future.

The following is a correlation of some of the Revelations descriptions,

and unique fulfillment found in well known facts re: the Vatican.

From chapters 17 & 18 …. IFO = IN FULFILLMENT OF

Rev 17:2 '.....with whom the kings of the earth committed immorality....'.

IFO 17:2 - Immoral ties of the Vatican with earthly rulers are presently and historically verifiable.

Rev 17:4 '.....and the woman was clothed in purple and scarlet...'.

IFO 17:4 - Find a picture of the Cardinals in full costume.

Rev 17:5 '.....Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots....'.

IFO 17:5 - The Vatican calls herself the 'mother' 'church' because the denominations

came out of her. The denominations share her perversion.

Rev 17:6 '.....drunk with the blood of saints...'.

IFO 17:6 - Study the inquisitions. A policy of murder & torture of real people,

carried out openly over centuries. Inspired and directed by men who claim to be

the unique and direct representatives of Jesus Christ.

Rev 17:9 ' hills on which the woman sits....'.

IFO 17:9 - Rome is uniquely famous for its seven hills.

NO OTHER city nearly as famously nicknamed “city of 7 hills” as Rome has been since before NT was written.

For centuries the consensus of Roman Catholic and non-RC commentators was that Rome was the Revelation "city of 7 hills" ... just RC commentators claimed it meant pre-Papal Rome. [many still claim this]

Naturally with a billion Papist in the world, the truth regarding the Great Whore

is oft disputed and RCs are happy to claim the “city of 7 hills” is any city other than Rome.

Rev 17:15 '.....The waters which you saw where the woman sits, are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues....'.

IFO 17:15 - The worldwide influence of the Vatican is obvious.

Rev 17:18 '.....and the woman you saw is the great city which reigns over the kings of the earth...'.

IFO 17:18 -The popes long ruled openly over the kings of the known world. Every king knew that if he bucked the papacy, then the pope would - could - did encourage the citizens to revolt. This principle is still in practice today.

Rev 18:4 '.....voice from heaven saying: Come out of her MY people...'.

IFO 18:4 - Some R.C.'s belong to Jesus and will come out.

[they will also come out of the denominations] This is happening now, and has happened before.

Rev 18:12-19 ....describes the great wealth of the great whore.

IFO 18:12-19- Vatican's financial assets [open & hidden] are enormous.

The Revelation says there is a great whore in the city of 7 hills. Lo and behold, there is.

Most commentators place the writing of the Revelation at around 90AD, well before the Vatican existed.

This visible and verifiable fulfillment is God-given evidence confirming the truth of Jesus Christ.

"Come out of her MY people..." [Rev.18:4]

Seeing the fulfillment is a faith strengthening blessing. Being in denial is not.

Seeing the Vatican for what it is in the sight of Jesus sheds great light on past, present and future.


State church of the Roman Empire - Wikipedia
The Catholic Church is embracing Islam. There can no longer be any doubt. The Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon, spoken of in Revelation.

Catholic Church sets out a vision for closer ties with Islam

yep, no doubt about it.

Protestants generally are not critical of their old mother cult.
And Jews WANT all to think the Great Whore was/is the Church.

Its real Christians who tell the truth about the Great Whore of Rome.

The Vatican fulfillment of Rev 17&18 is God-given confirmation of the truth of Jesus Christ.

The Fulfillment reveals that such as the Inquisitions were not Christian activities,

but rather Papist activities. People need to know this

Though many modern alleged "Christians" are oblivious to and/or deny the following fulfillment, many others have seen the fulfillment for centuries. It was a main battle-cry of the Reformation era Protestants and was common knowledge in Protestant circles until a few decades ago [as Protestantism lost it’s salty savor/corrupted].

One presents EVIDENCE in order to convince. Prophecy fulfillment is EVIDENCE.

Servants of Jesus seek to convince all that the NT is true, and Jesus is Lord.

Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show unto His servants ..." Rev 1:1

Servants of Jesus see the Vatican's perfect, unique, visible and verifiable fulfillment

of the Revelation's ch 17&18 description of the Great Whore Mother is highly significant,

precious God-given EVIDENCE confirming the truth of the NT and Lordship of Jesus

Seeing the Vatican for what it is in the sight of Jesus sheds great light on past, present and future.

The following is a correlation of some of the Revelations descriptions,

and unique fulfillment found in well known facts re: the Vatican.

From chapters 17 & 18 …. IFO = IN FULFILLMENT OF

Rev 17:2 '.....with whom the kings of the earth committed immorality....'.

IFO 17:2 - Immoral ties of the Vatican with earthly rulers are presently and historically verifiable.

Rev 17:4 '.....and the woman was clothed in purple and scarlet...'.

IFO 17:4 - Find a picture of the Cardinals in full costume.

Rev 17:5 '.....Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots....'.

IFO 17:5 - The Vatican calls herself the 'mother' 'church' because the denominations

came out of her. The denominations share her perversion.

Rev 17:6 '.....drunk with the blood of saints...'.

IFO 17:6 - Study the inquisitions. A policy of murder & torture of real people,

carried out openly over centuries. Inspired and directed by men who claim to be

the unique and direct representatives of Jesus Christ.

Rev 17:9 ' hills on which the woman sits....'.

IFO 17:9 - Rome is uniquely famous for its seven hills.

NO OTHER city nearly as famously nicknamed “city of 7 hills” as Rome has been since before NT was written.

For centuries the consensus of Roman Catholic and non-RC commentators was that Rome was the Revelation "city of 7 hills" ... just RC commentators claimed it meant pre-Papal Rome. [many still claim this]

Naturally with a billion Papist in the world, the truth regarding the Great Whore

is oft disputed and RCs are happy to claim the “city of 7 hills” is any city other than Rome.

Rev 17:15 '.....The waters which you saw where the woman sits, are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues....'.

IFO 17:15 - The worldwide influence of the Vatican is obvious.

Rev 17:18 '.....and the woman you saw is the great city which reigns over the kings of the earth...'.

IFO 17:18 -The popes long ruled openly over the kings of the known world. Every king knew that if he bucked the papacy, then the pope would - could - did encourage the citizens to revolt. This principle is still in practice today.

Rev 18:4 '.....voice from heaven saying: Come out of her MY people...'.

IFO 18:4 - Some R.C.'s belong to Jesus and will come out.

[they will also come out of the denominations] This is happening now, and has happened before.

Rev 18:12-19 ....describes the great wealth of the great whore.

IFO 18:12-19- Vatican's financial assets [open & hidden] are enormous.

The Revelation says there is a great whore in the city of 7 hills. Lo and behold, there is.

Most commentators place the writing of the Revelation at around 90AD, well before the Vatican existed.

This visible and verifiable fulfillment is God-given evidence confirming the truth of Jesus Christ.

"Come out of her MY people..." [Rev.18:4]

Seeing the fulfillment is a faith strengthening blessing. Being in denial is not.

Seeing the Vatican for what it is in the sight of Jesus sheds great light on past, present and future.


State church of the Roman Empire - Wikipedia

John----as to your comment on that which jews WANT PEOPLE TO THINK----re Rome and it being the "WHORE OF
BABYLON"-------I assure you-----the OVERWHELMING majority of jews never read the book of revulsions and never
will and it is NEVAH a topic of conversation. I is a rare bird----a jew who actually did read the NT. As a jooo (sorta---of no formal or even informal jewish education at all) I find the
book of REVULSIONS to be a mystical thing-----very much like the mystical stuff that jews produce in times of stress. It is LIKELY that the whore of Babylon is Rome. Rome, for jews, WAS A SCARLET WHORE for many centuries-----just as Babylon was before Rome rose. But --an interesting point on jewish theology----is a FACT-------joos do not ponder what OTHER PEOPLE SHOULD BELIEVE

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