Catholic Church sets out a vision for closer ties with Islam

I know what the Catholic Church is doing, and what it has done in the past. At one time in history, they made it a crime to own a copy of the Bible. Now, if God had anything to do with that Pagan religion, why would they do that? They also tortured and killed countless people who wanted nothing more than to worship God in their own fashion. Catholicism is a false religion. They have proven it over and over again.

All religions are false.
Karl Marx had the same opinion. Socialism has always sought to subordinate religion. So while you may not be a socialist, you are a dupe of socialists and serve their purpose when you make statements like that.

No, I am not a socialist. I am simply a rational human being

Try rationalizing these statements.

Communism is naturalized humanism. Karl Marx

The propaganda of atheism is necessary for our programs. Vladimir Lenin

"A Marxist must be a materialist, i. e., an enemy of religion, but a dialectical materialist, i. e., one who treats the struggle against religion not in an abstract way, not on the basis of remote, purely theoretical, never varying preaching, but in a concrete way, on the basis of the class struggle which is going on in practice and is educating the masses more and better than anything else could." Vladimir Lenin

George Washington
Farewell Address, Sept 17, 1796

“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports...In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion...reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”

John Adams, “Letter to Zabdiel Adams, Philadelphia, 21 June 1776”
“Statesmen, my dear Sir, may plan and speculate for liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand.” John Adams Letter of June 21, 1776, quoted in The Wall Builder Report, Summer 1993

Samuel Adams Letter to John Trumbull, October 16, 1778
“Religion and good morals are the only solid foundations of public liberty and happiness.”

Patrick Henry Letter to Archibald Blair, January 8, 1799
“The great pillars of all government and of social life [are] virtue, morality, and religion. This is the armor…and this alone, that renders us invincible.”

Benjamin Rush Essays, Literary, Moral and Philosophical, 1798
“The only foundation for...a republic is to be laid in Religion. Without this there can be no virtue, and without virtue there can be no liberty, and liberty is the object and life of all republican governments.”

Alexander Solzhenitsyn
“More than half a century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of older people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: ‘Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened. “Since then I have spent well-nigh fifty years working on the history of our Revolution; in the process I have read hundreds of books, collected hundreds of personal testimonies, and have already contributed eight volumes of my own toward the effort of clearing away the rubble left by that upheaval...But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous Revolution that swallowed up some sixty million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: "Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened.’”
I know what the Catholic Church is doing, and what it has done in the past. At one time in history, they made it a crime to own a copy of the Bible. Now, if God had anything to do with that Pagan religion, why would they do that? They also tortured and killed countless people who wanted nothing more than to worship God in their own fashion. Catholicism is a false religion. They have proven it over and over again.

All religions are false.
Karl Marx had the same opinion. Socialism has always sought to subordinate religion. So while you may not be a socialist, you are a dupe of socialists and serve their purpose when you make statements like that.

there have been times in history when the agenda of the
catholic church melded very well with the agenda of
islam. Now is another such time. A world of two giant
caliphates seems to be the agenda of Frances------and a few
of the caliphate seekers-----like Erdogan
And there have been times when Jews colluded with the Nazi'sand Soviets, but I don't read anything more into those times than what they were.

there have been no times in history when DA JOOOOOS colluded with your kin----the Nazis. There have been lots
of jews heavy into communism------like the communities
from which John the Baptist emerged-----socialist enclaves
out in the deserts and wilderness areas. The Essenes were
a communist society. I read lots into the recent moves of your pal FRANCES
I know what the Catholic Church is doing, and what it has done in the past. At one time in history, they made it a crime to own a copy of the Bible. Now, if God had anything to do with that Pagan religion, why would they do that? They also tortured and killed countless people who wanted nothing more than to worship God in their own fashion. Catholicism is a false religion. They have proven it over and over again.

All religions are false.
Karl Marx had the same opinion. Socialism has always sought to subordinate religion. So while you may not be a socialist, you are a dupe of socialists and serve their purpose when you make statements like that.

there have been times in history when the agenda of the
catholic church melded very well with the agenda of
islam. Now is another such time. A world of two giant
caliphates seems to be the agenda of Frances------and a few
of the caliphate seekers-----like Erdogan
And there have been times when Jews colluded with the Nazi'sand Soviets, but I don't read anything more into those times than what they were.

there have been no times in history when DA JOOOOOS colluded with your kin----the Nazis. There have been lots
of jews heavy into communism------like the communities
from which John the Baptist emerged-----socialist enclaves
out in the deserts and wilderness areas. The Essenes were
a communist society. I read lots into the recent moves of your pal FRANCES
George Soros, Jewish ghetto police, etc., but again, I don't read any more into it than what it was. Unlike you and your ilk.
Because Christianity is the dominant religion of this land, it is the religion that is attacked by subversives and dupes of the subversives.

I don't fault these people for their ignorance, I fault them for continuing to do it after they have been shown their ignorance.
All religions are false.
Karl Marx had the same opinion. Socialism has always sought to subordinate religion. So while you may not be a socialist, you are a dupe of socialists and serve their purpose when you make statements like that.

there have been times in history when the agenda of the
catholic church melded very well with the agenda of
islam. Now is another such time. A world of two giant
caliphates seems to be the agenda of Frances------and a few
of the caliphate seekers-----like Erdogan
And there have been times when Jews colluded with the Nazi'sand Soviets, but I don't read anything more into those times than what they were.

there have been no times in history when DA JOOOOOS colluded with your kin----the Nazis. There have been lots
of jews heavy into communism------like the communities
from which John the Baptist emerged-----socialist enclaves
out in the deserts and wilderness areas. The Essenes were
a communist society. I read lots into the recent moves of your pal FRANCES
George Soros, Jewish ghetto police, etc., but again, I don't read any more into it than what it was. Unlike you and your ilk.

you are hilarious----you call a child put into the care of a
Christian family an EXAMPLE OF JEWISH COLLABORATION? Jewish ghetto police?-----you call
that "JEWISH COLLABORATION" ? those were individuals
trying to survive-- That is in your perverted mind the same as the top leader of the entire church putting HIS magical endorsement on your pal adolf? nope---it was Pius that did that. Soros was from Hungary-----Does not ID as a jew. Hungary is CATHOLIC. Frances ID's as a CATHOLIC----like
Hungary which as a catholic country -------was heavy into Nazism ---ie as a catholic country COLLABORATED with Nazism. So far---Frances is another Pius
Karl Marx had the same opinion. Socialism has always sought to subordinate religion. So while you may not be a socialist, you are a dupe of socialists and serve their purpose when you make statements like that.

there have been times in history when the agenda of the
catholic church melded very well with the agenda of
islam. Now is another such time. A world of two giant
caliphates seems to be the agenda of Frances------and a few
of the caliphate seekers-----like Erdogan
And there have been times when Jews colluded with the Nazi'sand Soviets, but I don't read anything more into those times than what they were.

there have been no times in history when DA JOOOOOS colluded with your kin----the Nazis. There have been lots
of jews heavy into communism------like the communities
from which John the Baptist emerged-----socialist enclaves
out in the deserts and wilderness areas. The Essenes were
a communist society. I read lots into the recent moves of your pal FRANCES
George Soros, Jewish ghetto police, etc., but again, I don't read any more into it than what it was. Unlike you and your ilk.

you are hilarious----you call a child put into the care of a
Christian family an EXAMPLE OF JEWISH COLLABORATION? Jewish ghetto police?-----you call
that "JEWISH COLLABORATION" ? those were individuals
trying to survive-- That is in your perverted mind the same as the top leader of the entire church putting HIS magical endorsement on your pal adolf? nope---it was Pius that did that. Soros was from Hungary-----Does not ID as a jew. Hungary is CATHOLIC. Frances ID's as a CATHOLIC----like
Hungary which as a catholic country -------was heavy into Nazism ---ie as a catholic country COLLABORATED with Nazism. So far---Frances is another Pius
I see you missed my point. Please do carry on with bashing a faith that is not your own, and try not to forget when it is done to you, that you did it first to others.

God has a wicked sense of humor.

Just to clear this up though, George Soros himself declared that he was not sorry for “helping in the confiscation of property from the Jews” in the interview done by Steve Kroft for CBS' 60 Minutes George Soros on December 20, 1998.
Last edited:
Often times ignorance is insolent. This is especially true for ignorance that thinks it knows.
What Jews believe.

  1. G-d exists
  2. G-d is one and unique
  3. G-d is incorporeal
  4. G-d is eternal
  5. Prayer is to be directed to G-d alone and to no other
  6. The words of the prophets are true
  7. Moses' prophecies are true, and Moses was the greatest of the prophets
  8. The Written Torah (first 5 books of the Bible) and Oral Torah (teachings now contained in the Talmud and other writings) were given to Moses
  9. There will be no other Torah
  10. G-d knows the thoughts and deeds of men
  11. G-d will reward the good and punish the wicked
  12. The Messiah will come
  13. The dead will be resurrected
Judaism 101: What Do Jews Believe?
George Soros, Jewish ghetto police, etc., but again, I don't read any more into it than what it was. Unlike you and your ilk.

Matters of survival and trying to save other Jews, re 'collaboration of Israeli Jews and Hitler's regime. As for Soros, a typical atheist looking out for themselves. Same for those hoping to stay alive a little longer by serving the Nazis.

You should, however, be aware of orthodox Jewish racism and hatred for Christianity, and why some sects can't be trusted and their avid support of Islam against Christians.

This dumbass certainly explodes the 'Jews are more intelligent' myth:

Europe’s top rabbi calls for solidarity with Muslims

This is a common stupid meme heard from liberal Jews, probably dope addled morons.

Others are more racist and radical, like this example of anti-Zionist Jews:

Islamization of Europe a good thing

40 rabbis: Jews shouldn't rent, sell homes to gentiles

The two above are representative of Irosie's racist views and her absurd dishonest Xian bashing rubbish.

Considering Jewish support for Islamic invasions, it's only natural they were never trusted, but hey, let's ignore historical records re Jewish persecutions of Christians, including genocides and vicious discrimination under Islamic rule, and just pretend they were just hapless innocent hobbits who were victims of evul Xian bigotry n stuff; just don't look at the giant elephant in the room, because it doesn't fit the narratives we want to sell as excuses for our own history of bigotry, because since we backed the wrong side and lost, we now get to pretend martyrdom and feign innocence, at least as long as it's lucrative, anyway, Christian countries being the only ones with enough gullible people who can be suckered into silly unwarranted guilt trips over fake imaginary historical fantasies and is also affluent enough to be worth conning, which is why 'minorities' don't bother with any others and their histories. They won't pay, nor do they care at all, so nothing to gain from them, right?

And, others are open and honest, and aren't afraid to discuss their history, and what is really going on, like the Rabbi in the following link below. A good article by an Orthodox Rabbi here, with some enlightenment on a sizable demographic of Jewish liberals in the America and their racist bigotry and hypocrisy. While much of it is based on the same Burb Brat mentality of most 'liberals', quit a bit of it comes directly from ingrained Jewish culture itself.

Judaism, Culture and the Gentile World: A Conversation with Rabbi Mayer Schiller

Read the entire article. And be aware that just because minorities exist doesn't make them all hapless innocent victims, just because their own attempts at conquests and domination failed and they lost. Minorities are just as open to criticism as majorities are, especially those who proclaim victim hood makes them privileged. Most Jews are secular, but that doesn't mean all of them aren't bigots or above criticism. There are no innocent tribes in history, never have been, never will be.
Last edited:
there have been times in history when the agenda of the
catholic church melded very well with the agenda of
islam. Now is another such time. A world of two giant
caliphates seems to be the agenda of Frances------and a few
of the caliphate seekers-----like Erdogan
And there have been times when Jews colluded with the Nazi'sand Soviets, but I don't read anything more into those times than what they were.

there have been no times in history when DA JOOOOOS colluded with your kin----the Nazis. There have been lots
of jews heavy into communism------like the communities
from which John the Baptist emerged-----socialist enclaves
out in the deserts and wilderness areas. The Essenes were
a communist society. I read lots into the recent moves of your pal FRANCES
George Soros, Jewish ghetto police, etc., but again, I don't read any more into it than what it was. Unlike you and your ilk.

you are hilarious----you call a child put into the care of a
Christian family an EXAMPLE OF JEWISH COLLABORATION? Jewish ghetto police?-----you call
that "JEWISH COLLABORATION" ? those were individuals
trying to survive-- That is in your perverted mind the same as the top leader of the entire church putting HIS magical endorsement on your pal adolf? nope---it was Pius that did that. Soros was from Hungary-----Does not ID as a jew. Hungary is CATHOLIC. Frances ID's as a CATHOLIC----like
Hungary which as a catholic country -------was heavy into Nazism ---ie as a catholic country COLLABORATED with Nazism. So far---Frances is another Pius
I see you missed my point. Please do carry on with bashing a faith that is not your own, and try not to forget when it is done to you, that you did it first to others.

God has a wicked sense of humor.

Just to clear this up though, George Soros himself declared that he was not sorry for “helping in the confiscation of property from the Jews” in the interview done by Steve Kroft for CBS' 60 Minutes George Soros on December 20, 1998.

yeah-----I read that too. So? did I ever suggest that
Soros is a nice guy? He is a PERSON placed in a
really weird situation as a child and he did not handle it
well---------If I wanted to play psychiatrist-----I would pin
mania and narcissism on him ----in common language
a MANIC-BASTARD-SOCIOPATH -----probably UNIPOLAR. In the past the drug of choice might
have been Lithium but he probably would not take it.
He was the organization of jewish scholars and theologians and leaders to which you refer?
I did not know----I thought he did it HIMSELF as a product of
the Hungarian grammar school education of his time
George Soros, Jewish ghetto police, etc., but again, I don't read any more into it than what it was. Unlike you and your ilk.

Matters of survival and trying to save other Jews, re 'collaboration of Israeli Jews and Hitler's regime. As for Soros, a typical atheist looking out for themselves. Same for those hoping to stay alive a little longer by serving the Nazis.

You should, however, be aware of orthodox Jewish racism and hatred for Christianity, and why some sects can't be trusted and their avid support of Islam against Christians.

This dumbass certainly explodes the 'Jews are more intelligent' myth:

Europe’s top rabbi calls for solidarity with Muslims

This is a common stupid meme heard from liberal Jews, probably dope addled morons.

Others are more racist and radical, like this example of anti-Zionist Jews:

Islamization of Europe a good thing

40 rabbis: Jews shouldn't rent, sell homes to gentiles

The two above are representative of Irosie's racist views and her absurd dishonest Xian bashing rubbish.

Considering Jewish support for Islamic invasions, it's only natural they were never trusted, but hey, let's ignore historical records re Jewish persecutions of Christians, including genocides and vicious discrimination under Islamic rule, and just pretend they were just hapless innocent hobbits who were victims of evul Xian bigotry n stuff; just don't look at the giant elephant in the room, because it doesn't fit the narratives we want to sell as excuses for our own history of bigotry, because since we backed the wrong side and lost, we now get to pretend martyrdom and feign innocence, at least as long as it's lucrative, anyway, Christian countries being the only ones with enough gullible people who can be suckered into silly unwarranted guilt trips over fake imaginary historical fantasies and is also affluent enough to be worth conning, which is why 'minorities' don't bother with any others and their histories. They won't pay, nor do they care at all, so nothing to gain from them, right?

And, others are open and honest, and aren't afraid to discuss their history, and what is really going on, like the Rabbi in the following link below. A good article by an Orthodox Rabbi here, with some enlightenment on a sizable demographic of Jewish liberals in the America and their racist bigotry and hypocrisy. While much of it is based on the same Burb Brat mentality of most 'liberals', quit a bit of it comes directly from ingrained Jewish culture itself.

Judaism, Culture and the Gentile World: A Conversation with Rabbi Mayer Schiller

Read the entire article. And be aware that just because minorities exist doesn't make them all hapless innocent victims, just because their own attempts at conquests and domination failed and they lost. Minorities are just as open to criticism as majorities are, especially those who proclaim victim hood makes them privileged. Most Jews are secular, but that doesn't mean all of them aren't bigots or above criticism. There are no innocent tribes in history, never have been, never will be.

your post is mostly FUCKING SHIT. Try to limit the size of your posts so that I can answer your filth-------ie---it is better if
you post it up in BYTES that can be handled without confusion. For the record, you know NOTHING about jews or Judaism-----anyone can do a WIKKI copy and paste
Can we all agree to make it easier for the Jews and militant atheists to bash Christianity.
And there have been times when Jews colluded with the Nazi'sand Soviets, but I don't read anything more into those times than what they were.

there have been no times in history when DA JOOOOOS colluded with your kin----the Nazis. There have been lots
of jews heavy into communism------like the communities
from which John the Baptist emerged-----socialist enclaves
out in the deserts and wilderness areas. The Essenes were
a communist society. I read lots into the recent moves of your pal FRANCES
George Soros, Jewish ghetto police, etc., but again, I don't read any more into it than what it was. Unlike you and your ilk.

you are hilarious----you call a child put into the care of a
Christian family an EXAMPLE OF JEWISH COLLABORATION? Jewish ghetto police?-----you call
that "JEWISH COLLABORATION" ? those were individuals
trying to survive-- That is in your perverted mind the same as the top leader of the entire church putting HIS magical endorsement on your pal adolf? nope---it was Pius that did that. Soros was from Hungary-----Does not ID as a jew. Hungary is CATHOLIC. Frances ID's as a CATHOLIC----like
Hungary which as a catholic country -------was heavy into Nazism ---ie as a catholic country COLLABORATED with Nazism. So far---Frances is another Pius
I see you missed my point. Please do carry on with bashing a faith that is not your own, and try not to forget when it is done to you, that you did it first to others.

God has a wicked sense of humor.

Just to clear this up though, George Soros himself declared that he was not sorry for “helping in the confiscation of property from the Jews” in the interview done by Steve Kroft for CBS' 60 Minutes George Soros on December 20, 1998.

yeah-----I read that too. So? did I ever suggest that
Soros is a nice guy? He is a PERSON placed in a
really weird situation as a child and he did not handle it
well---------If I wanted to play psychiatrist-----I would pin
mania and narcissism on him ----in common language
a MANIC-BASTARD-SOCIOPATH -----probably UNIPOLAR. In the past the drug of choice might
have been Lithium but he probably would not take it.
He was the organization of jewish scholars and theologians and leaders to which you refer?
I did not know----I thought he did it HIMSELF as a product of
the Hungarian grammar school education of his time
Funny how you cut Jews slack but crucify Christians.
there have been no times in history when DA JOOOOOS colluded with your kin----the Nazis. There have been lots
of jews heavy into communism------like the communities
from which John the Baptist emerged-----socialist enclaves
out in the deserts and wilderness areas. The Essenes were
a communist society. I read lots into the recent moves of your pal FRANCES
George Soros, Jewish ghetto police, etc., but again, I don't read any more into it than what it was. Unlike you and your ilk.

you are hilarious----you call a child put into the care of a
Christian family an EXAMPLE OF JEWISH COLLABORATION? Jewish ghetto police?-----you call
that "JEWISH COLLABORATION" ? those were individuals
trying to survive-- That is in your perverted mind the same as the top leader of the entire church putting HIS magical endorsement on your pal adolf? nope---it was Pius that did that. Soros was from Hungary-----Does not ID as a jew. Hungary is CATHOLIC. Frances ID's as a CATHOLIC----like
Hungary which as a catholic country -------was heavy into Nazism ---ie as a catholic country COLLABORATED with Nazism. So far---Frances is another Pius
I see you missed my point. Please do carry on with bashing a faith that is not your own, and try not to forget when it is done to you, that you did it first to others.

God has a wicked sense of humor.

Just to clear this up though, George Soros himself declared that he was not sorry for “helping in the confiscation of property from the Jews” in the interview done by Steve Kroft for CBS' 60 Minutes George Soros on December 20, 1998.

yeah-----I read that too. So? did I ever suggest that
Soros is a nice guy? He is a PERSON placed in a
really weird situation as a child and he did not handle it
well---------If I wanted to play psychiatrist-----I would pin
mania and narcissism on him ----in common language
a MANIC-BASTARD-SOCIOPATH -----probably UNIPOLAR. In the past the drug of choice might
have been Lithium but he probably would not take it.
He was the organization of jewish scholars and theologians and leaders to which you refer?
I did not know----I thought he did it HIMSELF as a product of
the Hungarian grammar school education of his time
Funny how you cut Jews slack but crucify Christians.

not funny that you, like adolf-----define as "jew" any person
with a jewish ancestor somewhere in his family tree. ----Stalin too------the eastern orthodox divinity student-----didn't he have a jewish great great aunt----maybe?. Soros ----according to the great wikki was the child of secular and even ANTI-SEMITIC parents who was given over to a Christian for safe
keeping and educated in Christian schools in anti semitic catholic Hungary. I am a jew----I nevah crucify anyone----
it ain't kosher
Can we all agree to make it easier for the Jews and militant atheists to bash Christianity.
I've lived all of my life as a Christian of one variety or another in the U.S. I've known many Jews, atheists, and even a few Muslims. I have never heard anyone of these people ever say anything against the Christian faith. I have found them friendly, ethically principled, helpful, and kind. What is this "bashing"? Where is it taking place?
Can we all agree to make it easier for the Jews and militant atheists to bash Christianity.
I've lived all of my life as a Christian of one variety or another in the U.S. I've known many Jews, atheists, and even a few Muslims. I have never heard anyone of these people ever say anything against the Christian faith. I have found them friendly, ethically principled, helpful, and kind. What is this "bashing"? Where is it taking place?

You absolutely cant be serious Lysistrata?
Can we all agree to make it easier for the Jews and militant atheists to bash Christianity.
I've lived all of my life as a Christian of one variety or another in the U.S. I've known many Jews, atheists, and even a few Muslims. I have never heard anyone of these people ever say anything against the Christian faith. I have found them friendly, ethically principled, helpful, and kind. What is this "bashing"? Where is it taking place?

depends on what you call "bashing" Some people believe
that the mere mention of the program and era which is called "The Inquistion" as an historical reality which had far-reaching
ramifications-----is "Christian bashing"

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