Catholic Church sets out a vision for closer ties with Islam

The Bible mentions a city on seven hills. Only one place matches that description. Rome.

The neighborhood I live in in Vegas is called Seven Hills.
But it doesn't have seven hills.

Sure, it does. I've ran them.
I've lived in Las Vegas. One thing it is lacking is hills. It has mountains. In fact, Mt Charleston is not too far away from where you live. But that's not a hill. I's a mountain. In fact, I'm looking at a topographical map right now. There are no hills in seven hills.
I know what the Catholic Church is doing, and what it has done in the past. At one time in history, they made it a crime to own a copy of the Bible. Now, if God had anything to do with that Pagan religion, why would they do that? They also tortured and killed countless people who wanted nothing more than to worship God in their own fashion. Catholicism is a false religion. They have proven it over and over again.

All religions are false.
Fortunately, Christianity is not a religion. It's a personal relationship with God.

Oh, right, I forgot. YOUR religion is obviously the right one and everyone else is clearly wrong. How silly of me.
Oh, I forgot. You're a clueless troll. Thanks for playing, but you get no medal. You wouldn't know the truth if it f*cked you. Not that it would ever lower itself enough to do such a thing.
I know what the Catholic Church is doing, and what it has done in the past. At one time in history, they made it a crime to own a copy of the Bible. Now, if God had anything to do with that Pagan religion, why would they do that? They also tortured and killed countless people who wanted nothing more than to worship God in their own fashion. Catholicism is a false religion. They have proven it over and over again.

All religions are false.
Fortunately, Christianity is not a religion. It's a personal relationship with God.

Oh, right, I forgot. YOUR religion is obviously the right one and everyone else is clearly wrong. How silly of me.
You don't listen to well. I said Christianity is not a religion.
You don't listen to well. I said Christianity is not a religion.

Is a cult a better description?
I thought moderators were supposed to be neutral. So I have to ask myself why you are on MY thread, bashing Christians. Since I can't put you on Ignore, I'll have to ask you to leave my thread and stick to doing your job.
I thought moderators were supposed to be neutral

You thought wrong.

So I have to ask myself why you are on MY thread, bashing Christians. Since I can't put you on Ignore, I'll have to ask you to leave my thread and stick to doing your job.

So it's okay for you to bash other people's religions, but nobody can criticize yours? Very well. Have at it, snowflake.
The Catholic Church is embracing Islam. There can no longer be any doubt. The Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon, spoken of in Revelation.

The Catholic Church is open to dialogue with everyone--this ranges from Orthodox Catholics to non-Catholic Christians, to Jews, to Muslims. However, we are not open to changing our own beliefs.

By the way, Revelation is about first century troubles in the Christian world, written in the popular form at the time, which became known as Apocalyptic literature.
Aka eschatology....
So da Papacy wantsa closer ties witha Islama...You never heard of keeping yer friends close and yer enemies closer?
I cannot see how the catholic church can even acknowledge Islam, as the Quran says Jesus was not the son of God and he was not crucified. But all four gospels of the bible have lengthy accounts of the crucifixion.
So according to the Quran the bible is largely falsified.
I cannot see how the catholic church can even acknowledge Islam, as the Quran says Jesus was not the son of God and he was not crucified. But all four gospels of the bible have lengthy accounts of the crucifixion.
So according to the Quran the bible is largely falsified.

The question to ask is, Does the rest of mankind have nothing in common with Islam? If Muslims do have something in common with the rest of us, what is that commonality that can draw them into fellowship with us?

Catholic and Muslim doctrines have many differences and no common ground on which to meet. Therefore to develop fellowship these two religions must look outside doctrine for their common meeting ground.
I know what the Catholic Church is doing, and what it has done in the past. At one time in history, they made it a crime to own a copy of the Bible. Now, if God had anything to do with that Pagan religion, why would they do that? They also tortured and killed countless people who wanted nothing more than to worship God in their own fashion. Catholicism is a false religion. They have proven it over and over again.

All religions are false.
ya but when you post it's worse than false.
The catholic mafia. The little whore began the journal Islamochristiana in 1975, just after the Argentine 'Dirty War' that included 30,000 desaparecidos. Liberation theology is a rabid maniac without balls (Henry Miller).
The catholic mafia. The little whore began the journal Islamochristiana in 1975, just after the Argentine 'Dirty War' that included 30,000 desaparecidos. Liberation theology is a rabid maniac without balls (Henry Miller).
Communism is naturalized humanism. Karl Marx
All religions should join up and most war would stop.
#39 contradicts itself from within and contradicts the U.S. Constitution regardless of how it's worded, because the atheist has the same freedom which can also stop wars, as #38 continues channeling. #36 is fearful of losing step (subversion paranoia), we can understand the incoordination of a school shooter, beholding his own stupidity in vivid intuition as he slips on the cooking oil.

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