Catholicism and Islam - Two Similar Gospels

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
In this newsletter, we discover the truth. There is similarity in the Gospel of Catholicism and the Gospel of Islam. Yet no where in the bible does Jesus Christ or His disciples teach us about "conquest." Catholicism's Gospel denies the Biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ. Of that there can be no denial. The message of Pope Francis is an alarming one and should be confronted for what it is. A lie. He is promoting false teaching that denies the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The truth has been made known in this article. "Both Islam and Roman Catholicism have a bloody history of conquest." One need only examine the history of both religions in order to realize that this is an undeniable truth.
Pope Francis continues to woo Muslims into Rome’s ecumenical clutches. In a recent “wide ranging interview” with a French Catholic newspaper, La Croix, he compared Islam’s “idea of conquest” with the Great Commission in Matthew: “It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest.”

Here he reveals how Roman Catholicism’s gospel differs from the biblical one. Rather than a gracious wooing of the heart to the new birth, Jesuits and Dominicans have seduced kings and presidents to use government power to spread Catholicism. From the Inquisition to modern persecution in Chiapas, Mexico, Bible believers have felt the pain (and death) of Rome’s “conquests.” Here the pope is right; both Islam and Roman Catholicism have a bloody history of conquest. Read more on link below:
Catholicism and Islam —Two Similar Gospels
And by newsletter you mean an Anti-Catholic rant by Jack Chick. Girl, bye! :lol:
Exhibit A: Examine carefully what happened to those who disagreed with & rejected the Doctrine of Roman Catholicism therein refusing forced conversions by the Roman Catholic Institution:

Exhibit B: Four children who were followers of Jesus Christ refuse to convert to Islam and choose death instead.

No graphic images - testimony of what happened in a brief interview with witness:

“Islamic State turned up and said to the children, you say the words that you will follow Mohammed. “The children, all under 15, four of them, said no, we love Yesua, we have always loved Yesua, we have always followed Yesua, Yesua has always been with us. “They said, ‘Say the words.’ They said, ‘No, we can’t.’ They chopped all their heads off. How do you respond to that? You just cry.”

The 4 children were left behind after around 150 thousand Christians have fled when the Islamic State had entered the Nineveh Plains.
Now, with the “refugee crisis” in Europe, the pope is lobbying in the article for “integration” of the immigrants, but is he hoping that this will give him an opportunity to lead them to the Christ of the Bible, or his false Jesus-wafer “Christ?”

This only illustrates that the Roman Catholic gospel of conquest is more like the Muslim “gospel,” than the true, biblical gospel of peace and joy. This Jesuit pope is convincing evangelicals to join him in spreading “the gospel.” We must be aware that his gospel is not a biblical one. He is playing word games. For the Catholic to “receive Jesus,” it is to have the wafer-god placed on his tongue.

Jesus spoke frequently about the “gospel of the kingdom.” Rome’s counterfeit “kingdom” is bondage to the counterfeit “church.” Instead of salvation being a personal commitment to Jesus through the Holy Spirit, it becomes a counterfeit grace dispensed by the Roman priesthood only available through the “church” that falsely claims to have been established by Christ.

The whole Roman Catholic institution is based on the misinterpretation of the conversation between Jesus and Peter about a rock in Matthew 16. By simply applying this to Peter as the first pope, this is the flimsy sand upon which the whole Vatican institution is built.

Once spiritual power was claimed by the popes, other scriptures were twisted to fit a host of pagan doctrines to round out the details of this monstrous counterfeit. A perversion of Jesus’ sermon on Him being the living bread in John 6 becomes the biblical support for the wafer-god (Eucharist) by labeling it the “body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus.” Then, Jesus’ Passover statements about bread and wine are used to seal the deal. Thus Catholics must go to the church to “receive Jesus” on their tongue, instead of in their hearts.

Christ’s simple statement from the cross for his mother to go home with John, is blown up to making her the mother of God, a Virgin Mary goddess, replacing Jesus as advocate for the whole world.

Chick Publications has numerous books and tracts detailing this prostitute church’s pagan mechanism of spiritual bondage. Click here for more help in leading the precious Roman Catholics to true freedom in Christ.

Catholicism and Islam —Two Similar Gospels
And by newsletter you mean an Anti-Catholic rant by Jack Chick. Girl, bye! :lol:

I never read JACK CHICK-----I just read --history. The progression from CONSTANTINE's rule of the 'holy' roman
empire and the book that his nicean council created and the
laws he enforced---later codified by Justinian (his grandson)
---and onto Canon law and thence to Shariah law---moving
on to the Inquisition and public festival AUTO DE FE-----all the
way to Adolf's Nuremburg Laws is unmistakable. The big
problem with the present pope----is not that he KNOWS it-----
it is that he LIKES it.

"Many great ideas have been lost because the people who had them could not stand being laughed at."
- Anonymous

"Anybody listening to me will realize that these are indeed Historic Broadcast's and by making them I have sealed my fate" - Bill Cooper

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within." - Joseph Stalin

Matthew 5:11-12 "Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you."

Jude 1
3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
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I have a wonderful idea for this thread----how about a discussion on the actual fact of Francis's statement-----in which he ---nicely
and favorably compare catholic missionizing to JIHAD
Hitler's death camps: Holocaust or Inquisition?

"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Gal. 4:16

Hitler's Death Camps: Holocaust . . . or Inquisition?
Issue Date: January/February 1989

Dr. Alberto Rivera, ex-Jesuit priest, says "holocaust" is the wrong word. He prefers "inquisition." "The Jews have not let us forget the Nazi slaughter of their people, but no one has continued to remind us of the other four to six million non-Jews also executed," he points out.

Bohdan Wytwycky in "The Other Holocaust" documents seven million non-Jewish civilian victims of the Nazi death machine in Poland, Ukraine and Belorussia. Historians suggest that the death camps and gas chambers were used specifically against the Jews, yet no serious investigation has been directed toward this even larger number of non-Jews who were executed. Dr Rivera states that in his training as a Jesuit he was taught that the Vatican manipulated the Nazi death machine not just against Jews, but more broadly against ` all "heretics."

When we remember that the Jesuits were specifically established to counter the "heresy" of the Reformation and that that objective has not changed, we are constrained to examine this other group of victims more carefully. Other books published by Chick Publications such as Secret History of the Jesuits by Paris,Godfathers and Smokescreens by Jack Chick, document the Vatican's support of Hitler's rise to power. History also proves that the Vatican has used every available means to stamp out "heretics." Romanism defines heretics as anyone who does not give blind obedience to the pope. Her treatment of them is most currently illustrated by the bloodshed in North Ireland and the attempt to turn South Vietnam into a Catholic dictatorship under President Diem just prior to the Vietnam War.
I have a wonderful idea for this thread----how about a discussion on the actual fact of Francis's statement-----in which he ---nicely
and favorably compare catholic missionizing to JIHAD
No true follower of Jesus Christ would ever condone forced conversion of others to faith in Jesus Christ. Such teachings are no where to be found in the King James Version Holy Bible. Anyone who teaches and endorses Conquest (forced conversions to Jesus Christ) is not a true follower of Jesus Christ.
"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Gal. 4:16

U.S. Let War Criminal Escape to Save Vatican Face

Issue Date: March/April 1989

According to U.S.Army intelligence documents, U.S.agents hunting escaped Nazi war criminals after World War II purposely avoided capturing one man because it "would deal a staggering blow to the Roman Catholic Church."

He was none other than Ante Pavelic, head of the Croatian Ustashi government for four years during the height of the war. The Sept. 12, 1947 memorandum signed by three agents of the Rome detachment of the U.S. Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC), states: "Pavelic's contacts are so high and his present position is so compromising to the Vatican, that any extradition of Subject (Pavelic) would deal a staggering blow to the Roman Catholic Church."

At the time Pavelic headed a list of war criminals whom the Allies had agreed to return to Yugoslavia for trial. However, when he was located, he was under the protection of high Vatican officials who claimed that he could not get a fair trial if returned to Yugoslavia. Because of the danger of exposing the Vatican's role in Pavelic's war crimes, CIC agents recommended that the Vatican "views of Pavelic be appreciated and no direct police action be taken against him." He was then allowed to join many other lesser Catholic war criminals who followed the Vatican's underground escape route to safety in Latin America.

During Pavelic's reign, he and Roman Catholic Croatian prelate Archbishop Stepinac, persuaded 200,000 Orthodox Serbs to convert to Roman Catholicism. Their method of 'evangelism' was very effective: CONVERT OR DIE! 700,000 chose to die instead. They were butchered, burned (sometimes in their own churches) or shot to death after being forced to dig their own graves. Mutilations were beyond belief.

One war correspondent reported seeing a basket of human eyes displayed on Pavelic's desk. Some of his Ustashi soldiers were seen wearing necklaces of human tongues.

Today Catholic historians are feverishly rewriting history books and publishing articles deploring the Holocaust, trying to distance the Vatican from World War II involvement. But, like most wars, it, too, was a religious war. A war to rid the world of "heretics." The Chick tract, "Holocaust," describes Rome's basic plan to use Hitler, Mussolini and Franco to reestablish a Catholic dominated Europe.

Twenty million "heretics" died in their bloody attempt. When that failed, the pope brazenly tried to claim that the blood on his skirts was from trying in vain to save the victims. But only highly placed Catholics in the U.S. government prevented the truth from coming out during the post-war hunt for war criminals as these intelligence memos reveal.

Now, Rome has pulled in her deadly claws and presents herself to the world as a lovable and courageous defender of human rights. Having failed to gas and butcher all the heretics, she now is using sweet, ecumenical flypaper. And most of the world is buzzing right along into the spiritual death trap.

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U.S. let war criminal escape to save Vatican face
In this newsletter, we discover the truth. There is similarity in the Gospel of Catholicism and the Gospel of Islam. Yet no where in the bible does Jesus Christ or His disciples teach us about "conquest." Catholicism's Gospel denies the Biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ. Of that there can be no denial. The message of Pope Francis is an alarming one and should be confronted for what it is. A lie. He is promoting false teaching that denies the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The truth has been made known in this article. "Both Islam and Roman Catholicism have a bloody history of conquest." One need only examine the history of both religions in order to realize that this is an undeniable truth.
Pope Francis continues to woo Muslims into Rome’s ecumenical clutches. In a recent “wide ranging interview” with a French Catholic newspaper, La Croix, he compared Islam’s “idea of conquest” with the Great Commission in Matthew: “It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest.”

Here he reveals how Roman Catholicism’s gospel differs from the biblical one. Rather than a gracious wooing of the heart to the new birth, Jesuits and Dominicans have seduced kings and presidents to use government power to spread Catholicism. From the Inquisition to modern persecution in Chiapas, Mexico, Bible believers have felt the pain (and death) of Rome’s “conquests.” Here the pope is right; both Islam and Roman Catholicism have a bloody history of conquest. Read more on link below:
Catholicism and Islam —Two Similar Gospels

Nowhere in the US Constitution does it preach conquest.
Yet America's history was based on taking land from Native Americans, winning land by wars,
and even taking the Hawaiian Kingdom by military force and keeping it for national security.

So this political conquest is separate from the given laws.

You are right that we need to separate the political activism
from the unifying body of laws that is central and applies to all people's interests.

In the case of the US laws, we don't reject the entire history based on conquest.
We seek to enforce the laws to correct abuses and overreaches.

this same approach is needed to correct political abuses of both
the Catholic and the Muslim authorities where leaders or followers
are not following the Bible as they are called to do.

The Bible states to Baptize all Nations in the name of the
Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

This is about spiritual baptism and inclusion of people.

If you are fighting to reject or take over lands and exclude the residents
from representation, that is exclusion not inclusion in the process of
establishing agreement on God's laws and truth. So that is backwards.

I agree that the political conquest runs contrary to the spiritual process.

Where I disagree is in rejecting whole groups, whether the Catholic church
or the Muslim believers, instead of including them and holding them to the
same scriptures that both these groups are called to respect and follow.

I don't see how you can expect a neighbor to receive rebuke
if you are already rejecting their whole group.

Shouldn't we set up a rebuke with the leaders of these groups
if we want them to correct their own members?
How is rejecting them from the outside going to reach inside?
I have a wonderful idea for this thread----how about a discussion on the actual fact of Francis's statement-----in which he ---nicely
and favorably compare catholic missionizing to JIHAD
No true follower of Jesus Christ would ever condone forced conversion of others to faith in Jesus Christ. Such teachings are no where to be found in the King James Version Holy Bible. Anyone who teaches and endorses Conquest (forced conversions to Jesus Christ) is not a true follower of Jesus Christ.

Dear Jeremiah
In Islam this is called teaching "there is no compulsion in religion"
So there are Muslims teaching this who do not recognize any of the Jihadist/terrorist oppression
as anything to do with Islam because that contradicts Mohammad's teaching on no compulsion.
They don't even recognize the use of the word Jihad to mean war,
when the spiritual meaning is an inner struggle for peace by refraining from temptations
to do wrong and adhering to what is truly right.

The only Gospels in Catholicism are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John?

What the heck?

What are your gospels if not matthew, mark, luke, and john?
In this newsletter, we discover the truth. There is similarity in the Gospel of Catholicism and the Gospel of Islam. Yet no where in the bible does Jesus Christ or His disciples teach us about "conquest." Catholicism's Gospel denies the Biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ. Of that there can be no denial. The message of Pope Francis is an alarming one and should be confronted for what it is. A lie. He is promoting false teaching that denies the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The truth has been made known in this article. "Both Islam and Roman Catholicism have a bloody history of conquest." One need only examine the history of both religions in order to realize that this is an undeniable truth.
Pope Francis continues to woo Muslims into Rome’s ecumenical clutches. In a recent “wide ranging interview” with a French Catholic newspaper, La Croix, he compared Islam’s “idea of conquest” with the Great Commission in Matthew: “It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest.”

Here he reveals how Roman Catholicism’s gospel differs from the biblical one. Rather than a gracious wooing of the heart to the new birth, Jesuits and Dominicans have seduced kings and presidents to use government power to spread Catholicism. From the Inquisition to modern persecution in Chiapas, Mexico, Bible believers have felt the pain (and death) of Rome’s “conquests.” Here the pope is right; both Islam and Roman Catholicism have a bloody history of conquest. Read more on link below:
Catholicism and Islam —Two Similar Gospels


Frances reminds me of Pius. For the sake of HIS CHURCH-----he did not like to aggravate adolf. Frances---for the sake of HIS CHURCH -----sucks up to muslims
In this newsletter, we discover the truth. There is similarity in the Gospel of Catholicism and the Gospel of Islam. Yet no where in the bible does Jesus Christ or His disciples teach us about "conquest." Catholicism's Gospel denies the Biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ. Of that there can be no denial. The message of Pope Francis is an alarming one and should be confronted for what it is. A lie. He is promoting false teaching that denies the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The truth has been made known in this article. "Both Islam and Roman Catholicism have a bloody history of conquest." One need only examine the history of both religions in order to realize that this is an undeniable truth.
Pope Francis continues to woo Muslims into Rome’s ecumenical clutches. In a recent “wide ranging interview” with a French Catholic newspaper, La Croix, he compared Islam’s “idea of conquest” with the Great Commission in Matthew: “It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest.”

Here he reveals how Roman Catholicism’s gospel differs from the biblical one. Rather than a gracious wooing of the heart to the new birth, Jesuits and Dominicans have seduced kings and presidents to use government power to spread Catholicism. From the Inquisition to modern persecution in Chiapas, Mexico, Bible believers have felt the pain (and death) of Rome’s “conquests.” Here the pope is right; both Islam and Roman Catholicism have a bloody history of conquest. Read more on link below:
Catholicism and Islam —Two Similar Gospels


Frances reminds me of Pius. For the sake of HIS CHURCH-----he did not like to aggravate adolf. Frances---for the sake of HIS CHURCH -----sucks up to muslims

This Popeiness gives me pause, I miss John Paul

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