Catholicism and Islam - Two Similar Gospels

I am all in all and above all, so that God Himself and I, the Vicar of God, have but one consistory, and I am able to do almost all that God can do.What therefore can you make of me but God? - Pope Nicolas, quoted in "Antichrist" by Ian Paisley, Page 54

There is only one Mediator between man and God.
And no the Bible does not say this is Vicor Pope Nicolas.

However, we can ALL embody and manifest God's will
love and message through Christ Jesus, so that when
this universal message of love and truth manifests in
all of us, and in all our relations with each other, and
collectively as one body, then this is the Kingdom of God
established through Christ Jesus. So we all become messengers
bearing the same unifying Message that is one with God through Christ.

This process can include Pope Nicolas as one of many messengers,
and it is still Christ Jesus manifesting through our relations reconciled with God through Christ.
but not any one person is unique, or that would make us unequal as children of God.
There is none righteous except Christ Jesus, so that makes the rest of us equal
in our imperfection as human beings who are going to be biased and not perfectly unconditional as God is.

"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Gal. 4:16

The Pope Wants to Talk to You
Issue Date: March/April 2016

Jesuit Pope Francis continues his crusade to pull all the religions together. In a recent prayer video, he stated: “Most of the planet’s inhabitants declare themselves believers. This should lead to dialogue among religions. We should not stop praying for it and collaborating with those who think differently.”

More and more, the world is looking for simple solutions to complex problems. The pope is playing to this ignorance, hoping no one will notice the vast differences in what people “believe” in.

A Muslim believer, dedicated to conquering the world for Allah, can hardly develop effective dialog with a Jew who believes that the temple mount belongs to Jehovah. Only the grossly ignorant can be seduced to believe that the Torah and the Qur’an came from the same God.

But the pope is following a familiar playbook. In the U.S., Roman Catholics started by “collaborating” with supposedly bible-believing “evangelicals” on common concerns like abortion and care for the homeless. Now, a recent poll showed that over half of evangelicals are convinced that the pope is a brother in Christ. However, when the pollster posed questions about accepting Catholic theology, more evangelicals were not so sure.

In the above video, images are shown of people expressing confidence in Buddha, belief in Allah, in Jesus, and a Jewish man stating, “I believe in God.”

Then the pope says: “In this crowd, in this range of religions, there is only one certainty we have for all, we are all children of God.” This, of course, plays on the false idea that all religions worship the same God. A major scripture, John 14:6, stands squarely in the way of accepting this lie. Jesus made it clear that “no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.”

This excludes Buddha, Muhammad, and worship of the Torah. Someone suggested that, since the pope claims to be Jesus Christ’s representative on earth, that he will eventually present himself in the John 14:6 role of Jesus, claiming that he is the “way” to the universal “god” that he is promoting.

This video continues with a clip of each character looking straight into the camera and declaring: “I believe in love; I believe in love; I believe in love; I believe in love! It is typical of Satan to pick up a half truth and promote it as truth.

Today, “love” is the universal theme. Again, those ignorant of biblical truth are sucked in to the “can’t we all just get along?” dream. The biblical command to love one another is only half the coin. If we don’t love God first, we have nothing left but mushy affection for others. And biblical love for God involves obedience. Jesus said, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” Only when we understand the unconditional nature of biblical love, can we effectively get beyond mushy affection. And obeying Jesus’ commandments does not include praying five times a day to Allah or honoring Buddha.

The bible is clear that chaos and confusion will increase in these last days. People will keep looking for answers in all the wrong places. At some point, a charming leader will appear seeming to have all the answers proposing a one-world government and one-world religion. By then the Bible will be so watered down that it will support any desired doctrine.

As soul winners, we are commissioned to make disciples for Jesus, freeing them from idolatry and false religions, not joining them.

Chick tracts present a solid gospel from the one preserved Bible that will never fit into the pope’s big tent of unity.
The Pope Wants to Talk to You

"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Gal. 4:16

Is 'Solidarity' the Same as Witnessing?
Issue Date: May/June 2016

By: Gina Wilson

Amidst the growing number of Muslims in the United States, should we stand in solidarity with their faith? Or show them that we believe in something entirely different?

I have seen a number of stories in the news where a Christian woman wears a hijab (the Islamic women's head covering) to stand in "solidarity" with Muslims. One woman wore the hijab to show, in her words, that we all "worship the same God." Another woman did so in order to show that she loves Muslims and refugees. While I appreciate the "love and care" sentiment as much as the next person, there are some glaring reasons why this act of solidarity is not helpful in reaching Muslims for Christ.

The hijab is extremely representative of Islam. Before donning it, one must thoroughly examine everything this "solidarity" represents. Failing to do so will only display our own ignorance of the issue, as opposed to being a well thought-out and meaningful action which might help Muslims living near us realize we truly do love them.

The hijab is more than a head covering. In Islam, wearing the head covering is a symbol of submission to Allah. More than a symbol of subservience to one's husband (for in many cases it is not), the hijab broadcasts to the entire watching world that you, whoever you may be, are submitting to ALLAH!

For soul winners, a statement of "solidarity" with your Muslim neighbors and friends simply confuses the issue. What is helpful is developing solid friendships with them and having discussions about Jesus. When they understand that we believe Jesus is God Almighty it becomes clear to your Muslim friends that Allah and God are nowhere near the same, nor would you ever wish to submit to Allah. It helps them understand what you believe and, ultimately, will show them that you love them enough to make sure they know the truth and the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Is 'Solidarity' the Same as Witnessing?
Now, with the “refugee crisis” in Europe, the pope is lobbying in the article for “integration” of the immigrants, but is he hoping that this will give him an opportunity to lead them to the Christ of the Bible, or his false Jesus-wafer “Christ?”

This only illustrates that the Roman Catholic gospel of conquest is more like the Muslim “gospel,” than the true, biblical gospel of peace and joy. This Jesuit pope is convincing evangelicals to join him in spreading “the gospel.” We must be aware that his gospel is not a biblical one. He is playing word games. For the Catholic to “receive Jesus,” it is to have the wafer-god placed on his tongue.

Jesus spoke frequently about the “gospel of the kingdom.” Rome’s counterfeit “kingdom” is bondage to the counterfeit “church.” Instead of salvation being a personal commitment to Jesus through the Holy Spirit, it becomes a counterfeit grace dispensed by the Roman priesthood only available through the “church” that falsely claims to have been established by Christ.

The whole Roman Catholic institution is based on the misinterpretation of the conversation between Jesus and Peter about a rock in Matthew 16. By simply applying this to Peter as the first pope, this is the flimsy sand upon which the whole Vatican institution is built.

Once spiritual power was claimed by the popes, other scriptures were twisted to fit a host of pagan doctrines to round out the details of this monstrous counterfeit. A perversion of Jesus’ sermon on Him being the living bread in John 6 becomes the biblical support for the wafer-god (Eucharist) by labeling it the “body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus.” Then, Jesus’ Passover statements about bread and wine are used to seal the deal. Thus Catholics must go to the church to “receive Jesus” on their tongue, instead of in their hearts.

Christ’s simple statement from the cross for his mother to go home with John, is blown up to making her the mother of God, a Virgin Mary goddess, replacing Jesus as advocate for the whole world.

Chick Publications has numerous books and tracts detailing this prostitute church’s pagan mechanism of spiritual bondage. Click here for more help in leading the precious Roman Catholics to true freedom in Christ.

Catholicism and Islam —Two Similar Gospels

Once again who gave you the NT= ROME

"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Gal. 4:16

Prayer Rally Tainted with Ecumenism
Issue Date: May/June 2016

The call to prayer for the culture's drift away from God is resulting in huge rallies. One recently drew over 100,000 participants to the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. The event was held on the 110th anniversary of the Pentecostal Azusa Street revival.

Organizer of this and similar events worldwide is Lou Engle of The Call ministries. Promotional material for the event stated: "...we will boldly ask God for the rain of revival. We will consecrate an entire day —15 hours— for the purpose of unity, miracles, healing and the proclamation of the gospel."

In front of the rally, Lou Engle kisses the shoe of Roman Catholic Matteo Calisi in a gesture of "reconciliation" between Catholics and Protestants. Unity at any price!
Most believers will agree on the need for revival and rejoice at any sincere effort to proclaim the gospel and bring the nation to repentance. Yet Satan cannot allow such effort without deviously infiltrating it. This event was not without his infiltration.

Such events invariably carry a flavoring of ecumenism introduced by the Charismatic movement of the last century. A focus on miracles and spiritual gifts ignored those who expressed concern about being unequally yoked with those who hold unbiblical beliefs. Because they exhibited these gifts, Roman Catholic leaders were welcomed disregarding the fact that the popes have always held to a works-based gospel.

The Los Angeles event was no different. Engle's inclusion of "unity" in the meeting's purpose was followed through by his inviting members of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles to, "Come join your brothers and sisters at the Memorial Coliseum believing for a move of unity and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit."

One of the speakers was Mateo Calisi, a member of the Pontifical Council and the Pope Francis's front man in selling unity to the Protestants. Calisi told the audience that it was a "diabolical sin" for Catholics and Christians to be divided. He also declared that Jesus "doesn't care" about disagreement on biblical doctrine. "We are not going to be known by our differences...but for the love we have for one another," he said.

Then, Calisi stated that he would like to wash Engle's feet as a gesture of reconciliation, but since it was not possible under the circumstances, he prostrated himself at Engle's feet, kissing his shoe as others placed hands on their backs. Moments later, Engle returned the favor by also kissing Calisi's shoe.

Several things are wrong with this picture. During the Charismatic Renewal, as long as you had the spiritual gifts of miracles, speaking in tongues, and prophecy, Jesus "didn't care" about doctrinal differences. Today, love is the unity factor —again claiming that Jesus doesn't care.

Love does cover a multitude of sins, but we are counseled not to be yoked with unbelievers. Calisi claimed that "He [Jesus] doesn't care about our differences. We are not going to be known by our differences... but for the love we have for one another."

But how can we ignore the multitude of unbiblical doctrinal "differences" like pagan wafer-god worship, a Virgin Mary goddess as an alternate advocate, and a different gospel of works-based salvation?

What kind of love is he talking about? If it is just a squishy feeling, it doesn't fit the biblical definition. Biblical love speaks truth to those who are in danger of missing heaven.

Jesus identified this counterfeit church in Rev. 17 and 18 and said "come out of her," not cozy up to her and kiss her shoe.

Prayer meetings for revival are desperately needed, but repentance from dead works must be the result, not "unity" with those who pray to a Virgin Mary goddess.

The pope is capitalizing on the ignorance of the Protestants, using a foggy definition of love to promote an unbiblical "unity." Chick Publications has many tracts, books and comics exposing the pagan basis of Roman Catholicism. Visit our Catholicism Resource Center for details why this false church is really anti-Christ, no matter how "loving" they are.
Prayer Rally Tainted with Ecumenism
In this newsletter, we discover the truth. There is similarity in the Gospel of Catholicism and the Gospel of Islam. Yet no where in the bible does Jesus Christ or His disciples teach us about "conquest." Catholicism's Gospel denies the Biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ. Of that there can be no denial. The message of Pope Francis is an alarming one and should be confronted for what it is. A lie. He is promoting false teaching that denies the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The truth has been made known in this article. "Both Islam and Roman Catholicism have a bloody history of conquest." One need only examine the history of both religions in order to realize that this is an undeniable truth.
Pope Francis continues to woo Muslims into Rome’s ecumenical clutches. In a recent “wide ranging interview” with a French Catholic newspaper, La Croix, he compared Islam’s “idea of conquest” with the Great Commission in Matthew: “It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest.”

Here he reveals how Roman Catholicism’s gospel differs from the biblical one. Rather than a gracious wooing of the heart to the new birth, Jesuits and Dominicans have seduced kings and presidents to use government power to spread Catholicism. From the Inquisition to modern persecution in Chiapas, Mexico, Bible believers have felt the pain (and death) of Rome’s “conquests.” Here the pope is right; both Islam and Roman Catholicism have a bloody history of conquest. Read more on link below:
Catholicism and Islam —Two Similar Gospels


Frances reminds me of Pius. For the sake of HIS CHURCH-----he did not like to aggravate adolf. Frances---for the sake of HIS CHURCH -----sucks up to muslims

maybe, just maybe Pope Frances is following what Jesus Christ TAUGHT?

Matthew 5:43-48New International Version (NIV)
Love for Enemies
43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

not by a long shot. also----who said "love your neighbor and hate your enemy"------ you got a citation? a link?.
Who was MATTHEW ??? There are many WELL KNOWN
adages and proverbs cited CORRECTLY in the New Testament------not that one Where was it written in either Hebrew or Aramaic? I never read THAT ONE. Long ago
I got ALL the "sayings" thrown at me----week by week
Now, with the “refugee crisis” in Europe, the pope is lobbying in the article for “integration” of the immigrants, but is he hoping that this will give him an opportunity to lead them to the Christ of the Bible, or his false Jesus-wafer “Christ?”

This only illustrates that the Roman Catholic gospel of conquest is more like the Muslim “gospel,” than the true, biblical gospel of peace and joy. This Jesuit pope is convincing evangelicals to join him in spreading “the gospel.” We must be aware that his gospel is not a biblical one. He is playing word games. For the Catholic to “receive Jesus,” it is to have the wafer-god placed on his tongue.

Jesus spoke frequently about the “gospel of the kingdom.” Rome’s counterfeit “kingdom” is bondage to the counterfeit “church.” Instead of salvation being a personal commitment to Jesus through the Holy Spirit, it becomes a counterfeit grace dispensed by the Roman priesthood only available through the “church” that falsely claims to have been established by Christ.

The whole Roman Catholic institution is based on the misinterpretation of the conversation between Jesus and Peter about a rock in Matthew 16. By simply applying this to Peter as the first pope, this is the flimsy sand upon which the whole Vatican institution is built.

Once spiritual power was claimed by the popes, other scriptures were twisted to fit a host of pagan doctrines to round out the details of this monstrous counterfeit. A perversion of Jesus’ sermon on Him being the living bread in John 6 becomes the biblical support for the wafer-god (Eucharist) by labeling it the “body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus.” Then, Jesus’ Passover statements about bread and wine are used to seal the deal. Thus Catholics must go to the church to “receive Jesus” on their tongue, instead of in their hearts.

Christ’s simple statement from the cross for his mother to go home with John, is blown up to making her the mother of God, a Virgin Mary goddess, replacing Jesus as advocate for the whole world.

Chick Publications has numerous books and tracts detailing this prostitute church’s pagan mechanism of spiritual bondage. Click here for more help in leading the precious Roman Catholics to true freedom in Christ.

Catholicism and Islam —Two Similar Gospels

Once again who gave you the NT= ROME


© 2001 by David W. Daniels

Question: Wasn’t it the Catholic Church that was responsible for the Bible being written?

Answer: No. The Catholic Church tried to take credit for what the Lord did without their help.

Here is a short history of the Bible.

1. Old Testament

The Old Testament was written by Moses, David and Solomon, prophets, seers and kings. There was no "church" of any kind to claim responsibility for it. God inspired individuals to bring God's word to the people. The Old Testament is the recorded revelation of God up until about 400 BC.

2. The Inter-Testamental Period

The time between about 400 BC and about 5 BC is usually called the Years of Prophetic Silence. This is because God created a process that lasted 400 years to create a world climate ready for the coming of the promised Messiah. There was no "church" at this time, either. But there was the new creation of the "synagogue," since the Jewish people needed to worship God and did not have the Temple when they were in exile. When many came back 400-500 BC, they already had functional synagogues; and even though the Temple was being rebuilt by those returning from exile, the synagogue idea remained and more were built. This was the beginning of the "congregation" or "church" as we have it today.

But there was no Scripture being written during this period. That was yet to come after one came "in the spirit and power of Elias" (Luke 1:17).

3. The Time of Christ

It is likely that Matthew (Levi) the tax collector and later disciple of Jesus took notes of what happened during Jesus' ministry. However, it is also true that were God in the flesh living among you, His words would burn into your soul. I am sure, as the apostles clearly recollected as they wrote the New Testament (2 Peter 1:16-21; 1 John 1:1-3; 4:14), they could not escape the image and words of Jesus Christ, God the Son and Son of God, when He spoke into their hearts (Luke 9:44; 24:32).

But it wasn't a "church" that made them write.

2 Timothy 3:16-17
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.


2 Peter 1:19-21
19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:
20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

God the Holy Spirit inspired them, perfectly and accurately, to write the words of God for the church. The church did not "inspire" anything.

4. The Church Age

When the apostles wrote their letters, the congregations received them. They read them. They spread them. They copied them for other brethren in Christ Jesus. And they recognized their authority in the Christian's life. So the Scriptures were produced by men of God, not by "the church." But they were produced FOR the church.

The last book of the Bible was Revelation, written about 96 AD, just before the apostle John died around 100 AD. After the apostles died, the churches continued to collect the letters they did not have, to read them and understand the authority under God by which they wrote.

But no one else shared that place. There is an "epistle of Barnabas" (which bears no proof it was written by Barnabas), which many think was penned in the first century. But the difference between its message of salvation and of the apostolic writings is too easy to see. If you believe the Scriptures, you cannot believe the so-called "epistle of Barnabas."

There are the writings of Polycarp, disciple of John (when John was very aged). There are writings of Clement and others. But those are all writings of Christians. Just Christians. Some were even martyrs, but their writings depended on the Scriptures--they were not Scripture themselves. Anyone who would base their faith on them would have a horrid foundation, just as if there were "Lutherans" today, learning of God's word only what they find in Martin Luther's writings. Interesting writing, at times "inspirational" writing, fine. Inspired? Not a chance.

The Roman Catholic church has had only one aim from its earliest, pagan and political origins: To destroy the true Christians, and to destroy their Bible. That is why they substituted the corrupt Alexandrian perversions of scripture, instead of using the preserved, prophetic and apostolic Words of God as found in Antioch of Syria, where "the disciples were first called Christians" (Acts 11:26). That is why they also added the Alexandrian writings we now call "Apocrypha" to their perverted bibles. That is why they used their Jesuits to infiltrate the Protestant Seminaries, Colleges and Bible Schools. Their Jesuits became the "teachers" and planted seeds of doubt in the Christians' minds. These doubt-ridden Christians then taught at other colleges and schools. All the while they planted that same seed of doubt of God's word in their students.

The stage was set: Once people no longer believed in God's Preserved Words, which we find perfectly presented in the King James Bible, they were ripe for destruction. Now, 120 years after the switch from God's Word to devil's lies (the King James abandoned for the Alexandrian texts), while pretending to "improve" our copies of God's words, they really set up the abandonment of God's words. Now almost every Bible in the English-speaking world (and most other languages) is just another re-translation of the Alexandrian polluted stream.

Another way to view it is that the Scriptures as we find them preserved in the King James is like God's fountain ...

Jeremiah 2:13
13 For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.

And that's the point: The bible spewed out by the Catholic church, which now almost all Protestants and other Christians use, ... simply doesn't hold water.

Didn't the Roman Catholic Church give us the Bible?
Now, with the “refugee crisis” in Europe, the pope is lobbying in the article for “integration” of the immigrants, but is he hoping that this will give him an opportunity to lead them to the Christ of the Bible, or his false Jesus-wafer “Christ?”

This only illustrates that the Roman Catholic gospel of conquest is more like the Muslim “gospel,” than the true, biblical gospel of peace and joy. This Jesuit pope is convincing evangelicals to join him in spreading “the gospel.” We must be aware that his gospel is not a biblical one. He is playing word games. For the Catholic to “receive Jesus,” it is to have the wafer-god placed on his tongue.

Jesus spoke frequently about the “gospel of the kingdom.” Rome’s counterfeit “kingdom” is bondage to the counterfeit “church.” Instead of salvation being a personal commitment to Jesus through the Holy Spirit, it becomes a counterfeit grace dispensed by the Roman priesthood only available through the “church” that falsely claims to have been established by Christ.

The whole Roman Catholic institution is based on the misinterpretation of the conversation between Jesus and Peter about a rock in Matthew 16. By simply applying this to Peter as the first pope, this is the flimsy sand upon which the whole Vatican institution is built.

Once spiritual power was claimed by the popes, other scriptures were twisted to fit a host of pagan doctrines to round out the details of this monstrous counterfeit. A perversion of Jesus’ sermon on Him being the living bread in John 6 becomes the biblical support for the wafer-god (Eucharist) by labeling it the “body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus.” Then, Jesus’ Passover statements about bread and wine are used to seal the deal. Thus Catholics must go to the church to “receive Jesus” on their tongue, instead of in their hearts.

Christ’s simple statement from the cross for his mother to go home with John, is blown up to making her the mother of God, a Virgin Mary goddess, replacing Jesus as advocate for the whole world.

Chick Publications has numerous books and tracts detailing this prostitute church’s pagan mechanism of spiritual bondage. Click here for more help in leading the precious Roman Catholics to true freedom in Christ.

Catholicism and Islam —Two Similar Gospels

Once again who gave you the NT= ROME

so true------and it should be read with that fact in mind----written by some of the same people who liked to watch
lions eating people for lunch and later on invented the picnic
entertainment known as the AUTO DE FE. For NT----learn
to read between the lines-------there really is a Jesus in there----kinda buried-------you gotta tease him out

"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Gal. 4:16

Vatican Now Trying to Steal the KJV
Issue Date: May/June 2012

“If it had not been for the Catholics of the 1500s there would be no King James Bible.”
If it were possible, 60 million corpses would be “turning over in their graves” in response to the arrogance of this lie. Cary Summers, organizer of a recent Bible exhibit in the Vatican is quoted by the Catholic News Agency during a CNA tour of the display. Summers goes on to explain: “Many of the original bibles that formed the basis of the King James Bible came from Catholic priests. Very few changes were made. The ancient writings that the King James writers actually mimicked and copied were by Catholic priests.”

What appalling hypocrisy that popery would believe that the world has forgotten their bloody inquisition that slaughtered millions of Bible believers who stood on the KJV as God’s word for the common man.

The Bible exhibit, called Verbum Domini (Word of the Lord) is an unprecedented collection of some 40,000 artifacts. It is another ploy by the pope to coax members of other “faiths” into his ecumenical trap. Rare Jewish, Protestant and Orthodox artifacts are included to “manifest a ‘shared love of God’s word’ that exists among those religions.”

Central to the display was the Green Collection, “…the world’s newest and largest private collection of rare biblical texts and artifacts,” named for the Steve Green family, owners of the arts and crafts retailer, Hobby Lobby.

In order to shed more light on the boldness of this lie, BATTLE CRY interviewed David W. Daniels, author of the book, Did the Catholic Church Give Us the Bible?

BC: What have you found in your research as the connection of Roman Catholicism to the KJV?

Daniels: The Vatican has it backwards. Rome would not have a Bible to pervert, if it were not for the preserved words of God that we have in the King James Bible.

BC: So, how did this come about?

Daniels: There are two streams of bibles: the preserved stream that flows right through history with God’s faithful people passing it down word for word, from generation to generation, from hiding place to hiding place, until the printing press enabled them to spread it openly for the whole world to enjoy. This stream ends at a fountain of life, the KJV.

BC: Was the pope part of this process?

Daniels: Absolutely! The popes fought it every inch of the way. And from the beginning, the Devil used his scholars, (who, by the way, couldn’t agree on anything) to create a second stream of manuscripts, full of contradictions and perversions. The “Whore of Babylon” (See Rev. 17 and 18) hated the preserved Bible. But they couldn’t kill all the believers or simply substitute their own bible, because God kept His promise to preserve His words. As Jesus said: “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.”

BC: So, they switched tactics?

Daniels: Yes. Since burning Bibles (and people at the stake), failed to stop God’s preserved words in the KJV, Rome claimed to “fix” it with “scholarly” and “easier to read” bibles, switching the text to the perverted manuscripts.

Westcott and Hort aided the plot by pasting together a Greek New Testament from the polluted stream of manuscripts. Now Christians are bombarded with so many fake bibles that nobody knows what to believe. Solid faith in God’s Bible has been replaced by Satan’s doubt-making “Yea, hath God said?” So popes can take credit for most bibles on the market—but not the KJV.

For complete details of these two streams, see Did the Catholic Church give us the Bible? available from Chick Publications.
Vatican Now Trying to Steal the KJV
Now, with the “refugee crisis” in Europe, the pope is lobbying in the article for “integration” of the immigrants, but is he hoping that this will give him an opportunity to lead them to the Christ of the Bible, or his false Jesus-wafer “Christ?”

This only illustrates that the Roman Catholic gospel of conquest is more like the Muslim “gospel,” than the true, biblical gospel of peace and joy. This Jesuit pope is convincing evangelicals to join him in spreading “the gospel.” We must be aware that his gospel is not a biblical one. He is playing word games. For the Catholic to “receive Jesus,” it is to have the wafer-god placed on his tongue.

Jesus spoke frequently about the “gospel of the kingdom.” Rome’s counterfeit “kingdom” is bondage to the counterfeit “church.” Instead of salvation being a personal commitment to Jesus through the Holy Spirit, it becomes a counterfeit grace dispensed by the Roman priesthood only available through the “church” that falsely claims to have been established by Christ.

The whole Roman Catholic institution is based on the misinterpretation of the conversation between Jesus and Peter about a rock in Matthew 16. By simply applying this to Peter as the first pope, this is the flimsy sand upon which the whole Vatican institution is built.

Once spiritual power was claimed by the popes, other scriptures were twisted to fit a host of pagan doctrines to round out the details of this monstrous counterfeit. A perversion of Jesus’ sermon on Him being the living bread in John 6 becomes the biblical support for the wafer-god (Eucharist) by labeling it the “body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus.” Then, Jesus’ Passover statements about bread and wine are used to seal the deal. Thus Catholics must go to the church to “receive Jesus” on their tongue, instead of in their hearts.

Christ’s simple statement from the cross for his mother to go home with John, is blown up to making her the mother of God, a Virgin Mary goddess, replacing Jesus as advocate for the whole world.

Chick Publications has numerous books and tracts detailing this prostitute church’s pagan mechanism of spiritual bondage. Click here for more help in leading the precious Roman Catholics to true freedom in Christ.

Catholicism and Islam —Two Similar Gospels

Once again who gave you the NT= ROME

so true------and it should be read with that fact in mind----written by some of the same people who liked to watch
lions eating people for lunch and later on invented the picnic
entertainment known as the AUTO DE FE. For NT----learn
to read between the lines-------there really is a Jesus in there----kinda buried-------you gotta tease him out
Wrong. The King James Version Bible is not based on the corrupted Alexandrian Text which is used in the Catholic Bible and the New Translations they are promoting.

This Brief video explains exactly what happened and why the King James Version Holy Bible is the only Holy Bible that is the preserved Holy Word of God.

Now, with the “refugee crisis” in Europe, the pope is lobbying in the article for “integration” of the immigrants, but is he hoping that this will give him an opportunity to lead them to the Christ of the Bible, or his false Jesus-wafer “Christ?”

This only illustrates that the Roman Catholic gospel of conquest is more like the Muslim “gospel,” than the true, biblical gospel of peace and joy. This Jesuit pope is convincing evangelicals to join him in spreading “the gospel.” We must be aware that his gospel is not a biblical one. He is playing word games. For the Catholic to “receive Jesus,” it is to have the wafer-god placed on his tongue.

Jesus spoke frequently about the “gospel of the kingdom.” Rome’s counterfeit “kingdom” is bondage to the counterfeit “church.” Instead of salvation being a personal commitment to Jesus through the Holy Spirit, it becomes a counterfeit grace dispensed by the Roman priesthood only available through the “church” that falsely claims to have been established by Christ.

The whole Roman Catholic institution is based on the misinterpretation of the conversation between Jesus and Peter about a rock in Matthew 16. By simply applying this to Peter as the first pope, this is the flimsy sand upon which the whole Vatican institution is built.

Once spiritual power was claimed by the popes, other scriptures were twisted to fit a host of pagan doctrines to round out the details of this monstrous counterfeit. A perversion of Jesus’ sermon on Him being the living bread in John 6 becomes the biblical support for the wafer-god (Eucharist) by labeling it the “body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus.” Then, Jesus’ Passover statements about bread and wine are used to seal the deal. Thus Catholics must go to the church to “receive Jesus” on their tongue, instead of in their hearts.

Christ’s simple statement from the cross for his mother to go home with John, is blown up to making her the mother of God, a Virgin Mary goddess, replacing Jesus as advocate for the whole world.

Chick Publications has numerous books and tracts detailing this prostitute church’s pagan mechanism of spiritual bondage. Click here for more help in leading the precious Roman Catholics to true freedom in Christ.

Catholicism and Islam —Two Similar Gospels

Once again who gave you the NT= ROME

so true------and it should be read with that fact in mind----written by some of the same people who liked to watch
lions eating people for lunch and later on invented the picnic
entertainment known as the AUTO DE FE. For NT----learn
to read between the lines-------there really is a Jesus in there----kinda buried-------you gotta tease him out
Wrong. The King James Version Bible is not based on the corrupted Alexandrian Text which is used in the Catholic Bible and the New Translations they are promoting.

This Brief video explains exactly what happened and why the King James Version Holy Bible is the only Holy Bible that is the preserved Holy Word of God.

Kent is wrong as are you.
Mainline Churches Use Defective Bibles to Approve Sin


"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Gal. 4:16

Mainline Churches Use Defective Bibles to Approve Sin
Issue Date: November/December 2009

One after another, the "mainline" churches are ignoring the Bible to follow politically correct paths that the Bible calls sin. The Episcopal church is experiencing a major split over the installation of a practicing homosexual bishop. Individual congregations are forced to decide whether to obey the Bible or follow the denominational leaders.

This August, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) also voted to lift a ban on homosexual clergy. Already, ELCA congregations are forming another denominational alliance claiming that the ELCA has "departed from the teaching of the Bible as understood by Christians for 2,000 years."

One reader of an internet article on this vote observed that the root of this controversy began in the 1970s. Branches of the Lutherans in the U.S. took two different views of the Bible. One, led by the Missouri Synod, took the position that the whole Bible is the word of God.

The others proposed that the Bible only "contained the word of God." The reader notes, "If the Bible only contains the Word of God, you can pick and choose what is of God and what is of men."

This "picking and choosing" began a long time before 1970, according the author and linguist, David W. Daniels. He has written extensively of another time when proud men made arbitrary decisions as to what should be in the Bible.

His book, Did the Catholic Church Give us the Bible?, gives a detailed history of one stream of manuscripts that contains thousands of examples of this "picking and choosing" by men. He describes how early copies of scripture arrived in Alexandria, Egypt to be studied by world-class "scholars" of that time. Because they did not believe Jesus was God and were infected with Greek philosophy, they began altering the text to fit their disbelief.

Those polluted manuscripts were the ones picked up by Westcott and Hort as the foundation Greek for the modern Bible versions. Since then, the "translators" of these modern versions took the same liberties based on the "pick and choose" philosophy that the Bible only contains the word of God. This has produced several dozen versions today, which omit and change hundreds of verses. They disagree among themselves and in some cases even contradict each other.

Daniels traces another stream of manuscripts that flowed from the original apostles in Jerusalem up through Antioch. Copies were preserved in Europe during the dark ages, sometimes in caves to avoid destruction. Ultimately, these faithful copies were used by the Reformers to give us God's preserved words in English, the King James Bible.

In another book called Look What's Missing, Daniels examines 40 of the most popular modern versions to show that they are missing hundreds of words, phrases and whole verses that were preserved for us in the King James Bible.

It is understandable that these denominations have lost their way when they are reading Bibles that are so corrupted that they do not believe that they have God's word. No wonder they "pick and choose" verses that support what they want to believe, rather than trusting the Bible for what it says.
In this newsletter, we discover the truth. There is similarity in the Gospel of Catholicism and the Gospel of Islam. Yet no where in the bible does Jesus Christ or His disciples teach us about "conquest." Catholicism's Gospel denies the Biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ. Of that there can be no denial. The message of Pope Francis is an alarming one and should be confronted for what it is. A lie. He is promoting false teaching that denies the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The truth has been made known in this article. "Both Islam and Roman Catholicism have a bloody history of conquest." One need only examine the history of both religions in order to realize that this is an undeniable truth.
Pope Francis continues to woo Muslims into Rome’s ecumenical clutches. In a recent “wide ranging interview” with a French Catholic newspaper, La Croix, he compared Islam’s “idea of conquest” with the Great Commission in Matthew: “It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest.”

Here he reveals how Roman Catholicism’s gospel differs from the biblical one. Rather than a gracious wooing of the heart to the new birth, Jesuits and Dominicans have seduced kings and presidents to use government power to spread Catholicism. From the Inquisition to modern persecution in Chiapas, Mexico, Bible believers have felt the pain (and death) of Rome’s “conquests.” Here the pope is right; both Islam and Roman Catholicism have a bloody history of conquest. Read more on link below:
Catholicism and Islam —Two Similar Gospels


Frances reminds me of Pius. For the sake of HIS CHURCH-----he did not like to aggravate adolf. Frances---for the sake of HIS CHURCH -----sucks up to muslims

maybe, just maybe Pope Frances is following what Jesus Christ TAUGHT?

Matthew 5:43-48New International Version (NIV)
Love for Enemies
43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

not by a long shot. also----who said "love your neighbor and hate your enemy"------ you got a citation? a link?.
Who was MATTHEW ??? There are many WELL KNOWN
adages and proverbs cited CORRECTLY in the New Testament------not that one Where was it written in either Hebrew or Aramaic? I never read THAT ONE. Long ago
I got ALL the "sayings" thrown at me----week by week
I don't know those answers to all of your questions and good questions of yours....! just know that it was Jesus speaking, who said that...
Ex-Jesuit, Dr. Alberto Rivera gives his testimony about leaving Roman Catholicism and becoming a follower of Jesus Christ:

Isn't it time you learned the truth about Catholicism and where the word "Vatican" came from?
Watch this video and learn the truth!

And plenty of former pentecostals can be found dissing the faith of it.

Frances reminds me of Pius. For the sake of HIS CHURCH-----he did not like to aggravate adolf. Frances---for the sake of HIS CHURCH -----sucks up to muslims

maybe, just maybe Pope Frances is following what Jesus Christ TAUGHT?

Matthew 5:43-48New International Version (NIV)
Love for Enemies
43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

not by a long shot. also----who said "love your neighbor and hate your enemy"------ you got a citation? a link?.
Who was MATTHEW ??? There are many WELL KNOWN
adages and proverbs cited CORRECTLY in the New Testament------not that one Where was it written in either Hebrew or Aramaic? I never read THAT ONE. Long ago
I got ALL the "sayings" thrown at me----week by week
I don't know those answers to all of your questions and good questions of yours....! just know that it was Jesus speaking, who said that...

ok-----you know it and I don't, and I doubt it because mostly he got those sayings and proverbs right----
In this newsletter, we discover the truth. There is similarity in the Gospel of Catholicism and the Gospel of Islam. Yet no where in the bible does Jesus Christ or His disciples teach us about "conquest." Catholicism's Gospel denies the Biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ. Of that there can be no denial. The message of Pope Francis is an alarming one and should be confronted for what it is. A lie. He is promoting false teaching that denies the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The truth has been made known in this article. "Both Islam and Roman Catholicism have a bloody history of conquest." One need only examine the history of both religions in order to realize that this is an undeniable truth.
Pope Francis continues to woo Muslims into Rome’s ecumenical clutches. In a recent “wide ranging interview” with a French Catholic newspaper, La Croix, he compared Islam’s “idea of conquest” with the Great Commission in Matthew: “It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest.”

Here he reveals how Roman Catholicism’s gospel differs from the biblical one. Rather than a gracious wooing of the heart to the new birth, Jesuits and Dominicans have seduced kings and presidents to use government power to spread Catholicism. From the Inquisition to modern persecution in Chiapas, Mexico, Bible believers have felt the pain (and death) of Rome’s “conquests.” Here the pope is right; both Islam and Roman Catholicism have a bloody history of conquest. Read more on link below:
Catholicism and Islam —Two Similar Gospels


Frances reminds me of Pius. For the sake of HIS CHURCH-----he did not like to aggravate adolf. Frances---for the sake of HIS CHURCH -----sucks up to muslims

maybe, just maybe Pope Frances is following what Jesus Christ TAUGHT?

Matthew 5:43-48New International Version (NIV)
Love for Enemies
43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

not by a long shot. also----who said "love your neighbor and hate your enemy"------ you got a citation? a link?.
Who was MATTHEW ??? There are many WELL KNOWN
adages and proverbs cited CORRECTLY in the New Testament------not that one Where was it written in either Hebrew or Aramaic? I never read THAT ONE. Long ago
I got ALL the "sayings" thrown at me----week by week
rosie, I went back to get the references and next to each part of the passage they put ''letters'' with references listed below by Bible verse...

looks like Leviticus 19, and Deuteronomy 23

Matthew 5:43-48New International Version (NIV)
Love for Enemies
43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbora]">[a]A)">(A) and hate your enemy.’B)">(B) 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,C)">(C) 45 that you may be childrenD)">(D) of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.E)">(E) 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get?F)">(F) Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.G)">(G)

  1. Matthew 5:43 Lev. 19:18
Cross references:
  1. Matthew 5:43 : Lev 19:18; Mt 19:19; 22:39; Mk 12:31; Lk 10:27; Ro 13:9; Gal 5:14; Jas 2:8
  2. Matthew 5:43 : Dt 23:6; Ps 139:21, 22
  3. Matthew 5:44 : Lk 6:27, 28; 23:34; Jn 15:20; Ac 7:60; Ro 8:35; 12:14; 1Co 4:12; 1Pe 2:23
  4. Matthew 5:45 : ver 9; Lk 6:35; S Ro 8:14
  5. Matthew 5:45 : Job 25:3
  6. Matthew 5:46 : Lk 6:32
  7. Matthew 5:48 : Lev 19:2; 1Pe 1:16

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