Catholicism and Islam - Two Similar Gospels


Dressed in Scarlet robe See Revelation 7:5​

No doubt Rome is city on the hills that all bring their gifts to, Rome ruled, and the kingdoms loved Rome. Big deal. I imagine they look a lot like the Jewish Priests, that Moses made into Priests. wonder what they did before Moses brought Priest's from Egypt with him, along with monotheism.

you didn't see the movie? they were making bricks. You should try reading the book or at LEAST see the movie

Dressed in Scarlet robe See Revelation 7:5​

No doubt Rome is city on the hills that all bring their gifts to, Rome ruled, and the kingdoms loved Rome. Big deal. I imagine they look a lot like the Jewish Priests, that Moses made into Priests. wonder what they did before Moses brought Priest's from Egypt with him, along with monotheism.

you didn't see the movie? they were making bricks. You should try reading the book or at LEAST see the movie

glad to give you a smile---jakey. I saw the movie as a child--when it first came out------with my brother and one of his
friends-------we were LITTLE KIDS and my brother and his friend commented on every feature that was "HOLLYWOOD" by saying "hey---they didn't tell us this part in Hebrew school". There were a group of nuns right behind us-----they COMPLAINED --------SHEEEEESH
Speaking of scarlet red...........


See Revelation 7:5​

He is the Pope , what do you want him to wear.
A prison suit. He's earned it from what I hear. Jesus Christ does not have a Vicar. Jorge was appointed by godless men and has no authority from the Lord God Almighty. None. This is all a dog and pony show. Wake up, Penelope.

I'm a RC , what are you? Ashamed to say hey?

oh---that's interesting, penny-------You are finally willing to state OPENLY that which I asked you long ago. How about a bit more-------like a bit about your remote ancestry-----if you ---by chance, KNOW

Paul never met Jesus, and does that pic of Paul shows him reading a newspaper? Sure looks like it . Peter is the rock, and since the Rome created the Christian Church they can do what they want. I guess first come first gets to pick and Rome picked Peter to be the head of their church, and a body needs a head, and the Pope is the head on Earth. Deal with it.
Speaking of scarlet red...........


See Revelation 7:5​

He is the Pope , what do you want him to wear.
A prison suit. He's earned it from what I hear. Jesus Christ does not have a Vicar. Jorge was appointed by godless men and has no authority from the Lord God Almighty. None. This is all a dog and pony show. Wake up, Penelope.

I'm a RC , what are you? Ashamed to say hey?

oh---that's interesting, penny-------You are finally willing to state OPENLY that which I asked you long ago. How about a bit more-------like a bit about your remote ancestry-----if you ---by chance, KNOW

Paul never met Jesus, and does that pic of Paul shows him reading a newspaper? Sure looks like it . Peter is the rock, and since the Rome created the Christian Church they can do what they want. I guess first come first gets to pick and Rome picked Peter to be the head of their church, and a body needs a head, and the Pope is the head on Earth. Deal with it.

so true----rome created the catholic church in its own imperialist, feed the lions, thuggish, barbaric, perverted
I guess the gist of this thread is to be a Protestant. I thought Protestants were primarily responsible for the black slave trade in America.

yes----very likely a true statement----the tiny fraction of the world history of slave trade which was that related to Africa and the Americas-----sometime in the 17th thru `19th centuries ----involved PROTESTANTS
I guess the gist of this thread is to be a Protestant. I thought Protestants were primarily responsible for the black slave trade in America.

You guessed wrong.
Of course because Muslims or Catholics were primarily responsible for the slave trade.

REAL Protestants were actually responsible for racial equality and women's rights. The fake Protestants who twisted scripture were responsible for the slave trade and misogyny. Yup Protestants are true Christians. I have heard these claims so many times.
I guess the gist of this thread is to be a Protestant. I thought Protestants were primarily responsible for the black slave trade in America.

yes----very likely a true statement----the tiny fraction of the world history of slave trade which was that related to Africa and the Americas-----sometime in the 17th thru `19th centuries ----involved PROTESTANTS

Not exactly, Rosie. The Vatican played a major role in slavery from early on:

Emancipation: The Caribbean Experience

The Catholic Church had a major presence in slavery in the New World. According to Richard Miller, Catholic countries were “the prime movers in the revival of slavery in the Old World and the introduction of it into the New World.” The five major countries that dominated slavery and the slave trade in the New World were either Catholic, or still retained strong Catholic influences including: Spain,Portugal, France, and England, as well as the Dutch.5 Christopher Columbus himself thought first of enslaving the Natives that he encountered upon the discovery of the island of Hispaniola in 1492. Within the first month of his arrival Columbus seized six young men that had canoed up alongside his ship as prisoners to be sent back to the Catholic King and Queen of Spain as slaves. He also had seven women and three children captured because he believed that the men would work better as servants if they had women around.6 He was also very fixed on sending the Natives to Spain to be converted to Catholicism. The Church of Rome did not consider the African slave a human being until 1839. Miller adds that this only occurred after the abolition movement by the American Anti-slavery Society, and “the certainty of the handwriting on the wall that someday slavery would be abolished . . .”.7

The Quakers, one of the earliest opponents to slavery, believed that cruel treatment by masters drove slaves to decadence and ungodliness. The Quakers knew that they could not end this dominant institution on their own and like many other abolitionists, turned to British government for help. In a
petition to British Parliament in 1784, the Quakers pleaded the case that slavery must be ended not only to save the African slaves from evil, but also the English and all humanity as well. Slavery was impugning the reputation of Great Britain. The Quakers felt that it was their duty to save Britain and the slaves from the evilness of slavery.8 The Quakers sympathized with the Africans on many levels. They were especially bothered by the way in which many Africans were brought to the New World.
irosie91, Quakers are as Puritans who believe in holiness. Therein their
conscience was duly effected and they could find no rest until slavery
was put to an end. Anyone walking with the LORD would surely have
shared that same passion to see the slaves freed. Keep in mind the Jesuits
were the founders of the KKK and had deeply infiltrated the Baptist religion
of the South - were these men truly Christians? Absolutely not.

The second religion that played a major role was the offspring of the first (RCC)
and that is of course, Islam. Once again we see the same brutal nature in Islam as we see in Catholicism.
According to a national Geographic survey report years ago -quoted in Secrets of the Koran by Don Richardson - there are approximately 300 million missing black people in the Sub Saharan region due to over 600 years of castrating black males. This is most horrific. These Arab Muslim slave owners systematically wiped out the future race of 300 million black people by castrating the males and taking the women of the Sub Saharan region as sex slaves / or wives.

I have not heard of any such slavery as savage as the Arab Muslims who have enslaved scores of millions of people on the continent of Africa and elsewhere. The plantation owner mentality of the Muslim slave owner (and indeed a mindset found in many non slave owning Muslims) is one of entitlement and looking upon others as if they exist to serve them and the Islamic world.

I have heard of stories in the south of Christian slave owners whose slaves were treated very well - still I do not agree with slavery but what can we say of Muslim slavers who have raped, tortured, mutilated and murdered their slaves - men, women AND children and ritually castrated black men in the Sub Saharan region for over 600 years according to that National Geographic report and also Don Richardson's book.

Perhaps Black Muslims should study the history of Islam beforehand so that they can learn the truth about Mohammad's view on Black people. The Arab word ahbed means slave. Why do they use the same word for a Black man (ahbed) that they use for slave? Because in their view there is no difference. Let Mr. Masked Dissident seek to marry a Saudi man's daughter and he shall soon find out the equality in Islam (Black Muslims vs. Arabs and all other Muslims). I'd say he is in for a rude awakening but for some - attacking the most peaceful of faiths - Followers of Jesus - is so much more easy. After all, what shall we do for such ones but pray for them?
I guess the gist of this thread is to be a Protestant. I thought Protestants were primarily responsible for the black slave trade in America.

You guessed wrong.
Of course because Muslims or Catholics were primarily responsible for the slave trade.

REAL Protestants were actually responsible for racial equality and women's rights. The fake Protestants who twisted scripture were responsible for the slave trade and misogyny. Yup Protestants are true Christians. I have heard these claims so many times.
Then maybe you should start believing it. Truth is known to be confirmed again and again. It sometimes takes a while for the truth to "sink in."

Interesting video that explains the truth about Muslim Black Slavery. Arabs call all black people Abeed (or Abed) which means slave the narrator explains.

It wouldn't surprise me. His father chose his screen name after Catholic Archbishop Fulton Sheen who was an agent of the Jesuit Pope of Rome. Perhaps you should think more carefully, Jake, in your mockery, as you may just discover that what you joke about could indeed have some truth behind it (family ties to the Jesuits). Interesting that Fulton Sheen was noted by Martin to have been a Hollywood actor. As I have researched Fulton's history I can tell you that his "acting" ability came in quite handy for his later role of deceiving the American public. Archbishop Fulton Sheen was used by Rome quite effectively and there is a story of his having met had a private meeting with Graham while Graham was a young man unknown - it is believed that Fulton Sheen is the agent of Rome who groomed Billy Graham (yes, 33rd degree Freemason Graham is an agent of Rome) and advised him in how to deceive the American people. Archbishop Fulton Sheen lead the way in taking the focus off of the Vatican (as the world knew that the Vatican was behind WWII and their faithful Catholic son, Hitler) and put it on the Communists instead. Sheen was instrumental in taking the heat off of Rome and putting it on the Communists (the Jesuits run both sides - Communist Castro & Pinochet were also faithful Catholic sons - where to begin? Ah! The deception of the Jesuits has been masterful - has it not? ) Back to Billy Graham. Graham was used extensively by the RCC in validating Roman Catholicism to the Protestants of America. Pat Robertson is another Catholic who pretends to be protestant in order to defame the reputation of all born again Believers - another agent of Rome - they are everywhere - are they not?

Wasn't it the magazine Christianity Today which first came to the aid of Rome in denouncing the testimony of Ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera? Yes. I believe it was. Who was the founder of Christianity Today Magazine? I am told it was Billy Graham. You'll have to look that up. In any case, I believe that Christianity Today is a front organization for the Roman Catholic System. Just more storefront they control while using the same people they have groomed to infiltrate and "pretend" to be born again Christians. There is a long history of it. Do not be surprised.

Back to Martin. Martin Sheen's real name is Ramone Estevez but his decision to use Fulton Sheen's last name was quite revealing of his true character. Should you have any doubt of it, just take a look at his own son, Charlie. There can be no question but that Charlie Sheen is demon possessed. Is it true that (now grown) Hollywood actors accused Charlie Sheen of molesting them as boys? Is it true that Martin was accused of molesting his own sons by Denise Richards (his ex-wife) who took care of the boys while their own mother was institutionalized? I ask because as you know, it is a Jesuit trait to molest little boys. According to Alberto Rivera only 2% of all Jesuits ever become priests - the rest blend into society - Hollywood, media, political office, professors, teachers, businessmen, "protestant ministers" get the picture. In any case about my questions - if it is true, perhaps Charlie's attendance at Roman Catholic school / church has some responsibility for how he turned out? This link only asks the question and a few details of his ex-wives, etc.
Is Charlie Sheen a pedophile? - Quora

This will be my last response to you, Jake. I think you should find another thread instead of continuing to attempt to derail this one.

Here is the video of how Charlie's dad got his screen name:

The story on Jesuit Archbishop Fulton Sheen:

When World War II ended, the Vatican had egg all over its face. Pope Pius XII, after building the Nazi war machine, saw Hitler losing his battle against Russia, and he immediately jumped to the other side as he saw the handwriting on the wall. General Eisenhower saved his neck. Pope Pius XII should have stood before the judges in Nuremburg. His war crimes were worthy of death. But the Vatican was pulling every string she could, and Pope Pius XII came out smelling like a rose.

Too many people knew that the Vatican was responsible for World War II so it was time for a face lift. Time to start up smokescreens. The Vatican II Council came into existence and the mother of harlots put on a new make-up job. She wiped her mouth with her bloody hands and said, "I've changed. Now I like the Protestants. I'm not going to call them heretics any more, but separated brethren." She told the Protestants to forget the past. It was now time to push the love gospel. A time of healing. Just like in France and Ireland. Remember...?

Catholic Twin Circle, October 11, 1981
Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

There were so many books in the gospel book stores exposing the whore that the Vatican had to create a common enemy for both Catholics and Protestants to unite against. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen launched the anti-communist attack, and behold, like mushrooms, we saw anti-communist ministries popping up exposing the monster in Moscow.

The Jesuits were busy on many fronts. The John Birch Society blossomed, aided by the Jesuits, because it served their purpose to have the attention of the Protestants shifted from the Vatican to Communism. At this time, Senator McCarthy was riding high. Publishers stopped publishing books exposing the whore and turned their attention to Communism. Some Christian publishers were bought out, others didn't want to make a stand because it would raise eyebrows.

So the Vatican was succeeding in their goals. Their boys, planted in Protestant denominations, frowned on anti-Catholic sermons and discouraged them across the nation. We were locked into a cold war with Russia. Hollywood, influenced by a powerful Catholic lobby, furnished us with films like "Song of Bernadette" and "Going My Way," and a number of exciting films glorifying the Catholic faith. On the other hand, they pushed movies like "Elmer Gantry" showing crooked Protestant evangelists. Do you remember "Dragnet?" on television? The Christian was always pictured with a big Bible, smiling after he had strangled Grandma up in the attic. And always, the priests were the good guys. Just like in the popular television series called MASH. You see, we are hit psychologically on many fronts.


Fifty Years of the Movies

Our Sunday Visitor, April 5, 1981
ABOVE: Ingrid Bergman and Bing Crosby in "The Bells of St. Mary's," the popular sequel to "Going my Way."

LEFT: Bill Christopher who plays "Father Mulcahy" on the ever popular television program "MASH."


SmokeScreens by Jack Chick
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As a Christian, what do I do concerning the whore of Revelation? I'm accused of not showing love and of being too harsh in exposing Catholicism. Am I being unscriptural? Let's see.

Bible Christianity and Roman Catholicism are doctrinally as far apart as the east is from the west. One is based on the Bible and the other on the traditions of men. So how can we walk together without compromise? It's impossible.

Many Protestants and Charismatic Catholics claim that the Holy Spirit is drawing them together. But, is it the Holy Spirit of God? Or could it be a different spirit? Are Charismatic Catholics leaving the whore of Revelation? Or are they being used to pull Protestants to Rome?

Some Charismatic Catholics claim that after being baptized by the Holy Spirit they have a deeper relationship with Mary, they can recite the rosary in tongues, and so on. None of this is in the Bible. They are the inventions of men. In II Corinthians 11:2-4, it says: "For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.' Paul is warning them here against following anyone preaching another gospel.

And then in John 16:13 it says: "Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak."

Now, God the Holy Spirit is the spirit of truth. How can He lead someone deeper into error? That's impossible, Beloved. That's a different spirit, and it is not from God. Satan is the master deceiver and this is his clever religious game to pull Protestants under the control of the whore.

Has Rome changed? Beloved, when the whore of Revelation dumps the mass, the veneration (or worship) of Mary, when they throw away their rosaries and repent from claiming that Mary was free from original sin just like Jesus, when they admit they cooked up the idea of purgatory; and when the priests of Rome concede to the priesthood of all believers; when the whore of Revelation does all that, then I will believe she is changing. People say she is changing, but, beloved, she is only changing her tactics.

How does a harlot, or whore, seduce her victims? The book of Proverbs tells us in chapter 7, verses 6 through 10: "I discerned among the youths, a young man void of understanding, Passing through the street near her corner; and he went the way to her house, In the twilight, in the evening, in the black and dark night: And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart." Then, verses 22 and 24 through 27: "With her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him. He goeth after her straightway, as an ox goeth to the slaughter. Hearken unto me now therefore, O ye children, and attend to the words of my mouth. Let not thine heart decline to her ways, go not astray in her paths. For she both cast down many wounded: yea, many strong men have been slain by her. Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death."

The Bible says the mother of harlots will seduce kings and nations with her cunning; that the nations have been made drunk, which means they are confused, disoriented, unstable, and can be easily deceived and conquered by her.

Today, the whore has beguiled and flattered our Christian leaders into believing that she is part of the true body of Christ, and is simply a backslidden or apostate church.
SmokeScreens by Jack Chick

I was shocked at being accused of dividing the brethren. They referred to the scripture which says, "Mark those which cause divisions among you and avoid them." But, beloved, why did they leave out the middle of the verse? Is there something wrong with it? Why don't they quote the whole thing? It says, 'Now I beseech you, mark those which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned and avoid them." This verse is found at the end of Romans, the great book on salvation by faith, not works. It's telling us to avoid those who teach anything other than salvation by faith in Christ alone. It is a warning against cults. A cult is anything that takes away from the sufficiency of Christ's sacrifice on Calvary.

I'm causing a division all right, but not between brethren. We need to be specific about the different kinds of division. We must not create division between our brethren in Christ; those who hold to the true gospel that we are saved by faith, and faith alone. But the Bible says we must separate from those teaching false doctrine - another gospel. It's a division between the saved and the lost.

Jesus said in Matt. 10:34, "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth, I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father and the daughter against her mother and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me. He that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not his cross and followeth after me is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life shall lose it, and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it." Jesus is talking here about separation. We must take a stand for the gospel no matter the cost.

I'd like to quote a dear brother in Christ. I think this will help to put things in their proper perspective. He said, "Because we live at a time when terms like love and unity are so appealing, it is quite difficult to argue that these words have been taken out of context and do not mean what we think they mean. Love without truth is whoredom. To compromise is to reject the gospel, and without the gospel there is no hope. In a choice between unity and truth, unity must yield to truth, for it is far better to be divided by truth than to be united in error."

In His Word, God says that Truth is all-important, that we should depart from those who hold not the truth. God said that we should examine everything carefully, and hold fast to that which is good, and reject that which is evil. Dare we set aside what God says?

Some say we are standing on the brink of the end of the Protestant era, and we will see the birth of the superchurch. Beloved, that superchurch has always been here. As God's people, we are to oppose her and tell the Roman Catholics to come out of her in obedience to Christ.

The Bible tells us in Ephesians 5:11: "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." Reprove means to express disapproval of, to rebuke, to expose it for what it is. Christ tells us in the Book of Revelation, chapter 18, verses 6 and 7 concerning the mother of harlots to "Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. How much she both glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her:..."

That's the only place in scripture we are told to fight back. It is our responsibility. She has betrayed the Catholic people. She is destroying Protestantism. And by God's grace we will rip the self-righteous robes off that whore and expose her filthy running sores, her lies, crimes, the blood that is on her hands and her murderous intentions against God's people. When we expose her, and the Catholic people see what she has done, and the world sees, they're going to flee from her and turn to Christ.

What kind of warfare are Christians to be in? It's a spiritual war! We're not to pick up weapons and go after the Catholic people. You must understand what's involved here. We are locked into a spiritual warfare over the souls of men. The Bible says "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." (Ephesians 6:12)

The Bible explains it in Ephesians 6. If we follow this through and arm ourselves and fight the spiritual warfare, then we'll be victorious. But Christ has to go before us.

Beloved, we are in a spiritual warfare. Be on the offensive. Never give in. Satan hates prayer. Take authority over occult powers in the name of our Lord. Assault the gates of hell, and he will fall back. Satan can only harm us if God gives him the authority, so he bluffs, lies and threatens, etc. Regardless of his technique to confuse, if the Lord Jesus is lifted up, Satan is damaged. And when we've done all, we must have the guts to stand. We cannot stand on our own ... it's only through the grace and power of God. Always send the Lord before you into battle.

Am I wrong in exposing the whore? No! I'm being obedient to the Word of God. Our position might not be the popular one but we are not out to please men. In Galations 1:10 it says, "For do I now persuade men or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be a servant of Christ."
SmokeScreens by Jack Chick
I have great compassion and understanding for Brother Jack Chick having been the target of same accusations among false brethren who crept in amongst the churches I've attended - these men were sent to spread false doctrines in order to unite the Anti-Christ Roman Empire to the true Born again Believers.

Rather than being confronted for their false teachings they are in many cases promoted and even permitted to slander the true servants of God who know the Scriptures in order to drive them out of the congregation! These men know that if a Believer knows the Word of God they risk being exposed for who and what they are. So before this can happen they quickly move to slander the servants of God so that they can see them taken out of the way. It is a most diabolical work they are up to and many shall spend eternity suffering in hell for having done it or having stood by silently - therein permitting Satan's work to be accomplished.

Like Brother Jack Chick, I feel great compassion for the Roman Catholic people, who have no idea of how they have been deceived. I understand the feelings of many who believe that my exposing the Roman Catholic System is hateful but truly if I were still a pleaser of men I could not preach the Gospel. The truth is not hate. The truth is what sets men free. The truth that exposes the false teachings of Roman Catholicism has, is, and will continue to set the souls of men, women and children free so that they may receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Many Catholics have been gloriously saved after listening to Dr. Alberto Rivera's testimonies on video. Many more will be saved. To God be the Glory!
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The Connection between Billy Graham and the Vatican is revealed here:

The Vatican always looks and plans way into the future, from 25, to 50, to 100 years in advance. After World War II, the Vatican had to pick and back an American champion who would be a friend, a man they would help put on a pedestal, who would be loved by everybody. God forbid that he should ever he a Martin Luther! This champion would woo and win the hearts of the American people, a biggie, a champion they would support. He could be used as the pied piper who would pull all the evangelicals into the arms of the pope.

They wanted a man who would be a good speaker, a man with charisma who could pack stadiums; a man who would preach a gospel message, but on the soft side; one who would never attack the Vatican. And so when they found him, William Randolph Hearst, a good Roman Catholic publisher, used his newspaper chain to push Billy Graham to fame.

For 30 years, Billy Graham spoke to multitudes and became greatly loved, respected, and imitated. When he preached, he was honored and men praised him. Yet when Jesus Christ preached, they killed Him.

I often read the scripture: "Whosoever, therefore, will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God." The newspapers never really blasted Billy Graham. Magazines said he was one of the world's most loved men. Somehow, I kept getting a "tilt" sign flashing in my mind. I've loved Billy, prayed for him and supported him. But I sensed something was wrong.


Oakland Tribune, July 29, 1971
Oakland Bishop Floyd begin chats with Billy Graham
They discuss Jesuit's book lauding Graham's ministry


March 19, 1965

Mr. Julius C. Taylor
100 Cardinal Drive
Taylors, South Carolina

Dear Mr. Taylor:

Your very nice letter addressed to the Rev. John Oetgen has been handed to me for reply. Father John is no longer president and is at the University of North Carolina working on his dissertation for the doctorate in Literature.

I am the one who, being acquainted with Billy Graham, invited him to speak to the Fathers, the Nuns, students and invited guests, and I am pleased to reply to your inquiries.

Billy Graham gave an inspiring and a theologically sound address that may have been given by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen or any other Catholic preacher. I have followed Billy Graham's career and I must emphasize that he has been more Catholic than otherwise, and I say this not in a partisan manner but as a matter of fact.

Knowing the tremendous influence of Billy Graham among Protestants and now the realization and acknowledgment among Catholics of his devout and sincere appeal to the teachings of Christ which he alone preaches. I would state that he could bring Catholics and Protesants together in a healthy ecumenic spirit.

I was the first Catholic to invite Billy Graham; I know he will speak at three other Catholic universities next month; I believe he will be invited by more Catholic colleges in the future than Protestant colleges.

So I am well pleased, then, to answer your question: Billy Graham is preaching a moral and evangelical theology most acceptable to Catholics.

With cordial regards, I remain

Very sincerely yours,

(The Rev.) Cuthbert E. Allen, O.S.B.
Executive Vice-President



Billy Graham and the Church of Rome

Billy Graham at Roman Catholic Belmont College receiving the yoke from ROME. Graham was granted an honorary doctor's degree from this Roman Catholic College. Graham told his audience that the 'Gospel that founded this college is the same gospel which I preach today.''

I was told that when Anita Bryant spoke out against homosexuals and asked for Billy's support, he turned her down. He played it cool. Anita Bryant took the heat and was persecuted for her stand, but not Billy. He was loved by the world for his position.

Billy Graham began his ministry as a fundamentalist, and as time passed, he changed his position. Listen to this: In the Catholic Herald of June 3, 1966, Billy Graham is quoted as being a friend of the Jesuits in the United States. Here's another one: Dr. Billy Graham received an honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters from the Roman Catholic College, Belmont Abbey, in 1967. Billy noted the significance of the occasion by saying that this is "a time when Catholics and Protestants could meet together and greet each other as brothers, whereas 10 years ago, they could not."

In April, 1972, Billy Graham received the International Franciscan Award in Minneapolis, given by the Franciscan Friars for true ecumenism. Before I quote what Billy Graham said about Francis of Assissi, first let me say this about St. Francis. He believed he was saved by works, by helping the poor. This way, he believed he was saving his soul. St. Francis was canonized, which means he was made a saint by the Roman Catholic Institution because of his strong position on the doctrine of works. Beloved, we know that this is unscriptural. Did you know that St. Francis of Assissi blessed and baptized animals and gave them Christian names?

Now, what did Billy Graham say about this strange fellow? He said, "While I am not worthy to touch the shoe laces of St. Francis, yet this same Christ that called Francis in the 13th century also called me to be one of His servants in the 20th century."

When Billy Graham appeared on the Phil Donahue Show of October 11, 1979, in discussing Pope John Paul II's visit to the United States of America, Billy Graham said, "I think the American people are looking for a leader, a moral and spiritual leader that believes something. And he (meaning the pope) does. He didn't mince words on a single subject. As a matter of fact, his subject in Boston was really an evangelistic address in which he asked the people to come to Christ, to give their lives to Christ. I said, 'Thank God I've got somebody to quote now with some real authority. How tragic. A man who once used the Bible as his authority is now putting the pope up on a pedestal and looking to him.

In the beginning, Billy Graham was greatly used of God, but I believe Billy gave in to tremendous pressures and compromised. And he is now walking hand in hand with the whore of Revelation.

A few years ago, 5 pastors from Mexico came to see me, asking for help. They told me I must talk to Billy Graham. I told them that was impossible, I was just a little tract publisher. Then they told me Billy Graham had destroyed their churches. They said he held a crusade, and told all those who had received Christ to go back to their original churches and win those people to Christ. The pastors told me their people followed Billy's instruction and all went back to the Roman Catholic system. Twelve years of work destroyed in one night.

Dr. Rivera, the ex-Jesuit priest, told me he knew Billy was being used by the Vatican in 1950 when the word came to all the Jesuits in Central and South America telling them to fill the stadiums with Roman Catholics whenever Billy Graham spoke. Millions were spent to promote Billy Graham as the world's greatest evangelist.


Faith for the Family, Nov. 1982

The Religious News Service reported on January 13,1981, "Pope John Paul II was closeted for almost two hours with the Rev. Billy Graham, the world's best-known Protestant evangelist."

"Following the New England Crusade, thousands of those who came forward are now in the process of being integrated into the Catholic church. Meetings have taken place between the Graham Association and Catholic clergy for the transfer of these people to the Roman church. One such meeting took place at Pope John XXIII Seminary in Weston, Massachusetts, on the evening of June 9, 1982, when the names of 2100 inquirers were given to priests and nuns."
SmokeScreens by Jack Chick

The Star, June 26, 1979

Rome gives nothing to anybody unless you pay it off. Could it be that his final pay-off was to introduce Pope John Paul II as the greatest moral leader of the world? Which he did. Didn't he realize when he did this he was giving the whore a cloak of respectability? And all of Billy's followers, the evangelicals and multitudes of others across this land who listen to his every word, heard this endorsement, and trusting Billy, turned and gave their love to the communist from Poland dressed in his papal robes, who claims to be the representative of Christ on this earth. I can picture the pope smiling to himself, flying back victoriously to Rome. He knew that Billy had been a good investment.

It's a deadly game, beloved. And now that his work is over, he's no longer needed. I believe the Vatican set Billy up when he went to Russia. Believers in Christ go to our Lord for guidance and to the scriptures, and pray that God, the Holy Spirit, will lead us in all truth. But Billy admitted that he sought advice from Vatican officials about his trip to Russia. They told him to go quietly and not to criticize the communists' practices. And when he followed their instructions, the suffering brothers and sisters rotting in Russia's prisons who got 5 to 10 years for passing out a single gospel tract, were crushed when Billy announced to the world that there was religious freedom in Russia. Yes, beloved, Billy Graham, as much as I love him and hate to say it, I believe was cleverly used as a smokescreen and as a pied piper for the whore of Revelation.
SmokeScreens by Jack Chick
How many preachers in the pulpit today are validating & pushing unity with the anti-Christ Occult Religion of Roman Catholicism in exchange for filthy lucre, fame, acceptance with the world, elevated position in their own community? How much blood will they have on their hands at judgment day for having ignored all warnings to come out from among them and be ye separate? For having accepted false teachings and permitting their own flocks to be devoured by wolves (in sheep's clothing)? I tell you the truth.The judgment of God begins in the House of God. Make no mistake about it. Hosea 4:6 shall become a reality in the lives of many. If you forget God's laws? He will forget your children! This is a very serious warning to American Pastors, Sunday School teachers, those in position of authority as well as those in the pews. You people are in danger of the judgment of God and are bringing a curse upon your own children! WAKE UP!

It is written:

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
Hosea 4:6 (KJV)
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I guess the gist of this thread is to be a Protestant. I thought Protestants were primarily responsible for the black slave trade in America.
@MaskedDissident Time is short so let me address the most important questions first. Are you saved? Have you received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Do you realize that without being born again you cannot enter the Kingdom of heaven? There is no other way to enter the kingdom of heaven. Allah cannot save you, Mohammad cannot save you, the Pope of Rome cannot save you nor can Catholicism save you. Only Jesus Christ can save you. Here is the way to Salvation:

Romans 10:9-10 King James Version (KJV)
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain

If you do not have a King James Version Bible you can read it online until you get one. Click link above KJV. Start in the Book of John and you will see that Jesus Christ is the Word that became flesh and dwelt among men. Jesus Christ is God. I pray you will receive Him as your Lord and Savior because apart from Jesus Christ you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. You must repent of your sins and recognize that you are a sinner. You need a Savior. You cannot save yourself. I am telling you this because I am reminded even now of a Muslim man who is in hell today - the LORD did give a Christian woman he knew a dream and she saw the man in great torments and very angry that she didn't tell him about Jesus Christ before he died! Now he is in hell and it is too late! Too late for him! It isn't too late for you.

I'll get the video and post it here for you.

Here it is:
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Jere is clearly not saved.

She does not understand scripture

She does not know Jesus.

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