Catholicism and Islam - Two Similar Gospels

Published on Aug 16, 2013
During the Second Vatican Council, Dr. Rivera (a former high ranking Jesuit Priest) was taken deep beneath the Vatican to the Secret Archives, where all the history of the world for the past 2000 years is stored. He was ordered to study the methods of infiltration and extermination used by Nero, Diocletian, Constantine, Dominic, Torquemada, and Loyola etc., in preparation for the Last Great Inquisition!! Dr. Rivera read many top secret documents that linked the Vatican to the creation of Islam and Communism etc.,etc.

How the Vatican created Islam. The astonishing story from an ex-Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera !!
which was told to him by Cardinal Bea while he was at the Vatican.
Make no mistake about it. The most horrific Inquisition is yet to come and it will be the Roman Catholic Vatican that will once again be leading it. The torture practices which they did use against Jews, Protestants and non-Catholics (also those who resisted them within their own membership) give people an idea of what atrocities the Roman Catholic Crime Organization are capable of and willing to use in order to force people to deny their faith in Jesus Christ and join their occult religion. It is without question the most Satanic Organization on the face of the earth today. The Jesuits are part of their military arm used as infiltrators, spies (on Believers in Jesus) and agents of death to murder or falsely charge (so they can imprison or institutionalize) those they consider a threat.
Rivera is a nut case in the RC had nothing to do with Islam.

well Jake---the koran is certainly not either the OT or the NT----but the FACT is----that the social structure of and laws of the ISLAMIC STATE are far closer to that detailed in Canon law than in Jewish law----not the same----but far closer. Ask Adolf---he aped them in the Nuremburg laws. Thus---what we do know without question is that the catholic canon had a very deep influence on that which is shariah. Pope Frances seems to GLORY in it. That man gives me the creeps.
Rivera is a nut case in the RC had nothing to do with Islam.

well Jake---the koran is certainly not either the OT or the NT----but the FACT is----that the social structure of and laws of the ISLAMIC STATE are far closer to that detailed in Canon law than in Jewish law----not the same----but far closer. Ask Adolf---he aped them in the Nuremburg laws. Thus---what we do know without question is that the catholic canon had a very deep influence on that which is shariah. Pope Frances seems to GLORY in it. That man gives me the creeps.
Very well said, Rosie. The Roman Catholic System couldn't afford to create Islam as a replica of its own but there is more than enough evidence to prove Islam came out of the Roman Catholic System and was carefully crafted in order to create enough distance early on that they would not be discovered. This is why it is so very important to listen to the testimonies of Dr. Alberto Rivera who was a former Jesuit (he so high up he answered directly to the Pope) and was was taken deep beneath the Vatican to the Secret Archives, where all the history of the world for the past 2000 years is stored. He was ordered to study the methods of infiltration and extermination used by Nero, Diocletian, Constantine, Dominic, Torquemada, and Loyola etc., in preparation for the Last Great Inquisition - (as stated see video above). I believe this is the Great Tribulation which Jesus warned us about in Matthew 24. Why was Alberto Rivera ordered to study these methods of infiltration and extermination? He was being trained for his future assignments from the Jesuit Black Pope.

Even as the Jesuits were dressed in Nazi uniforms while torturing the Jews and Believers in Jesus Christ (and any even their own Catholic brethren who would have no part of Rome's Inquisition) in the death camps of WWII, they will once again delight in the torture they exact upon all those who refuse to submit to their One World Anti-Christ religion led by their Pope.

There is no doubt in my mind but that ISIS is being funded by the Vatican - money laundering may be going through the USA or elsewhere but the order came from Rome. While members of ISIS may or may not know that they are doing the bidding of the Vatican - they are. This is all designed to bring about their One World Order with their Pope making war against the Believers in Jesus Christ who resist him.
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Rivera is a nut case in the RC had nothing to do with Islam.

well Jake---the koran is certainly not either the OT or the NT----but the FACT is----that the social structure of and laws of the ISLAMIC STATE are far closer to that detailed in Canon law than in Jewish law----not the same----but far closer. Ask Adolf---he aped them in the Nuremburg laws. Thus---what we do know without question is that the catholic canon had a very deep influence on that which is shariah. Pope Frances seems to GLORY in it. That man gives me the creeps.
The Quran comes out of the Abrahamic religions, so, yes, the OT, the NT, Judaism and Christianity in the Near East have much to do with Islam. To suggest that the RC created Islam is lunacy. No credible evidence whatsoever exists that Islam was "carefully crafted [by the RC] in order to create enough distance early on that they would not be discovered." That is lunacy, and that is why folks like Hinn and Boldea are kept at arm's length by real Christians.
Rivera is a nut case in the RC had nothing to do with Islam.

well Jake---the koran is certainly not either the OT or the NT----but the FACT is----that the social structure of and laws of the ISLAMIC STATE are far closer to that detailed in Canon law than in Jewish law----not the same----but far closer. Ask Adolf---he aped them in the Nuremburg laws. Thus---what we do know without question is that the catholic canon had a very deep influence on that which is shariah. Pope Frances seems to GLORY in it. That man gives me the creeps.
The Quran comes out of the Abrahamic religions, so, yes, the OT, the NT, Judaism and Christianity in the Near East have much to do with Islam. To suggest that the RC created Islam is lunacy.

ok-----could be----BUT keep in mind----the stuff that the person
'RIVERA' presents----is actually done 'LOGICALLY'-----as if it could very well be true-----in the same way and even BETTER than the anti-Semitic literature is 'logical' More than a billion people believe THAT stuff and act upon it and have acted upon it for centuries. There are people even on this board who spit the age old crap upon which Adolf was suckled and almost ALL muslim children today, are suckled.
Rivera is a nut case in the RC had nothing to do with Islam.

well Jake---the koran is certainly not either the OT or the NT----but the FACT is----that the social structure of and laws of the ISLAMIC STATE are far closer to that detailed in Canon law than in Jewish law----not the same----but far closer. Ask Adolf---he aped them in the Nuremburg laws. Thus---what we do know without question is that the catholic canon had a very deep influence on that which is shariah. Pope Frances seems to GLORY in it. That man gives me the creeps.
Very well said, Rosie. The Roman Catholic System couldn't afford to create Islam as a replica of its own but there is more than enough evidence to prove Islam came out of the Roman Catholic System and was carefully crafted in order to create enough distance early on that they would not be discovered. This is why it is so very important to listen to the testimonies of Dr. Alberto Rivera who was a former Jesuit (he so high up he answered directly to the Pope) and was was taken deep beneath the Vatican to the Secret Archives, where all the history of the world for the past 2000 years is stored. He was ordered to study the methods of infiltration and extermination used by Nero, Diocletian, Constantine, Dominic, Torquemada, and Loyola etc., in preparation for the Last Great Inquisition - (as stated see video above). I believe this is the Great Tribulation which Jesus warned us about in Matthew 24. Why was Alberto Rivera ordered to study these methods of infiltration and extermination? He was being trained for his future assignments from the Jesuit Black Pope.

Even as the Jesuits were dressed in Nazi uniforms while torturing the Jews and Believers in Jesus Christ (and any even their own Catholic brethren who would have no part of Rome's Inquisition) in the death camps of WWII, they will once again delight in the torture they exact upon all those who refuse to submit to their One World Anti-Christ religion led by their Pope.

There is no doubt in my mind but that ISIS is being funded by the Vatican - money laundering may be going through the USA or elsewhere but the order came from Rome. While members of ISIS may or may not know that they are doing the bidding of the Vatican - they are. This is all designed to bring about their One World Order with their Pope making war against the Believers in Jesus Christ who resist him.

This is craziness, get out of the cults your in.
In their future Inquisition which I believe will be fulfilled during the Great Tribulation far more than this will be slaughtered and all of this carnage will be led by one pope rather than a succession of 80 popes during the 605 years of the Inquisition the RCC lead before their slaughter of 6 million Jews during WWII by their faithful Roman Catholic son, Adolf Hitler. Very creepy that the current Jesuit Black Pope of Rome has the first name "Adolf." Coincidence? Only God knows.

Rivera is a nut case in the RC had nothing to do with Islam.

well Jake---the koran is certainly not either the OT or the NT----but the FACT is----that the social structure of and laws of the ISLAMIC STATE are far closer to that detailed in Canon law than in Jewish law----not the same----but far closer. Ask Adolf---he aped them in the Nuremburg laws. Thus---what we do know without question is that the catholic canon had a very deep influence on that which is shariah. Pope Frances seems to GLORY in it. That man gives me the creeps.
Very well said, Rosie. The Roman Catholic System couldn't afford to create Islam as a replica of its own but there is more than enough evidence to prove Islam came out of the Roman Catholic System and was carefully crafted in order to create enough distance early on that they would not be discovered. This is why it is so very important to listen to the testimonies of Dr. Alberto Rivera who was a former Jesuit (he so high up he answered directly to the Pope) and was was taken deep beneath the Vatican to the Secret Archives, where all the history of the world for the past 2000 years is stored. He was ordered to study the methods of infiltration and extermination used by Nero, Diocletian, Constantine, Dominic, Torquemada, and Loyola etc., in preparation for the Last Great Inquisition - (as stated see video above). I believe this is the Great Tribulation which Jesus warned us about in Matthew 24. Why was Alberto Rivera ordered to study these methods of infiltration and extermination? He was being trained for his future assignments from the Jesuit Black Pope.

Even as the Jesuits were dressed in Nazi uniforms while torturing the Jews and Believers in Jesus Christ (and any even their own Catholic brethren who would have no part of Rome's Inquisition) in the death camps of WWII, they will once again delight in the torture they exact upon all those who refuse to submit to their One World Anti-Christ religion led by their Pope.

There is no doubt in my mind but that ISIS is being funded by the Vatican - money laundering may be going through the USA or elsewhere but the order came from Rome. While members of ISIS may or may not know that they are doing the bidding of the Vatican - they are. This is all designed to bring about their One World Order with their Pope making war against the Believers in Jesus Christ who resist him.

This is craziness, get out of the cults your in.

what is crazy about it?-----there were lots of Christians (to wit CATHOLICS) in arabia when Muhummad was born-------lots in Mecca. It is Catholics who go about making schools and seeking converts-----not jews. Ask Frances. Any history on that group?
have any HISTORY on them?
Rivera is a nut case in the RC had nothing to do with Islam.

well Jake---the koran is certainly not either the OT or the NT----but the FACT is----that the social structure of and laws of the ISLAMIC STATE are far closer to that detailed in Canon law than in Jewish law----not the same----but far closer. Ask Adolf---he aped them in the Nuremburg laws. Thus---what we do know without question is that the catholic canon had a very deep influence on that which is shariah. Pope Frances seems to GLORY in it. That man gives me the creeps.
Very well said, Rosie. The Roman Catholic System couldn't afford to create Islam as a replica of its own but there is more than enough evidence to prove Islam came out of the Roman Catholic System and was carefully crafted in order to create enough distance early on that they would not be discovered. This is why it is so very important to listen to the testimonies of Dr. Alberto Rivera who was a former Jesuit (he so high up he answered directly to the Pope) and was was taken deep beneath the Vatican to the Secret Archives, where all the history of the world for the past 2000 years is stored. He was ordered to study the methods of infiltration and extermination used by Nero, Diocletian, Constantine, Dominic, Torquemada, and Loyola etc., in preparation for the Last Great Inquisition - (as stated see video above). I believe this is the Great Tribulation which Jesus warned us about in Matthew 24. Why was Alberto Rivera ordered to study these methods of infiltration and extermination? He was being trained for his future assignments from the Jesuit Black Pope.

Even as the Jesuits were dressed in Nazi uniforms while torturing the Jews and Believers in Jesus Christ (and any even their own Catholic brethren who would have no part of Rome's Inquisition) in the death camps of WWII, they will once again delight in the torture they exact upon all those who refuse to submit to their One World Anti-Christ religion led by their Pope.

There is no doubt in my mind but that ISIS is being funded by the Vatican - money laundering may be going through the USA or elsewhere but the order came from Rome. While members of ISIS may or may not know that they are doing the bidding of the Vatican - they are. This is all designed to bring about their One World Order with their Pope making war against the Believers in Jesus Christ who resist him.

This is craziness, get out of the cults your in.
I'm a born again Christian, Penelope. I'm not a part of the Roman Catholic System (Cult). I'm exposing its darkness hoping that anyone trapped inside of it through tradition will get out of it while they still can.
Jesuit Black Pope Adolfo Nicolas Pachon and his right hand man - Jesuit White Pope Jorge Bergoglio

Jere is a cultist, a member of the Boldean heresy of Romania, a pentecostal bunch who want the power to make all of us worship as do they,
Rivera is a nut case in the RC had nothing to do with Islam.

well Jake---the koran is certainly not either the OT or the NT----but the FACT is----that the social structure of and laws of the ISLAMIC STATE are far closer to that detailed in Canon law than in Jewish law----not the same----but far closer. Ask Adolf---he aped them in the Nuremburg laws. Thus---what we do know without question is that the catholic canon had a very deep influence on that which is shariah. Pope Frances seems to GLORY in it. That man gives me the creeps.
Very well said, Rosie. The Roman Catholic System couldn't afford to create Islam as a replica of its own but there is more than enough evidence to prove Islam came out of the Roman Catholic System and was carefully crafted in order to create enough distance early on that they would not be discovered. This is why it is so very important to listen to the testimonies of Dr. Alberto Rivera who was a former Jesuit (he so high up he answered directly to the Pope) and was was taken deep beneath the Vatican to the Secret Archives, where all the history of the world for the past 2000 years is stored. He was ordered to study the methods of infiltration and extermination used by Nero, Diocletian, Constantine, Dominic, Torquemada, and Loyola etc., in preparation for the Last Great Inquisition - (as stated see video above). I believe this is the Great Tribulation which Jesus warned us about in Matthew 24. Why was Alberto Rivera ordered to study these methods of infiltration and extermination? He was being trained for his future assignments from the Jesuit Black Pope.

Even as the Jesuits were dressed in Nazi uniforms while torturing the Jews and Believers in Jesus Christ (and any even their own Catholic brethren who would have no part of Rome's Inquisition) in the death camps of WWII, they will once again delight in the torture they exact upon all those who refuse to submit to their One World Anti-Christ religion led by their Pope.

There is no doubt in my mind but that ISIS is being funded by the Vatican - money laundering may be going through the USA or elsewhere but the order came from Rome. While members of ISIS may or may not know that they are doing the bidding of the Vatican - they are. This is all designed to bring about their One World Order with their Pope making war against the Believers in Jesus Christ who resist him.

This is craziness, get out of the cults your in.
I'm a born again Christian, Penelope. I'm not a part of the Roman Catholic System (Cult). I'm exposing its darkness hoping that anyone trapped inside of it through tradition will get out of it while they still can.

I know your not a member of the one holy Apostolic Church, if you were you would not spout such crazy stuff.
I'm not sure of what church you belong too, but the RCC is the Mother Church.
Rivera is a nut case in the RC had nothing to do with Islam.

well Jake---the koran is certainly not either the OT or the NT----but the FACT is----that the social structure of and laws of the ISLAMIC STATE are far closer to that detailed in Canon law than in Jewish law----not the same----but far closer. Ask Adolf---he aped them in the Nuremburg laws. Thus---what we do know without question is that the catholic canon had a very deep influence on that which is shariah. Pope Frances seems to GLORY in it. That man gives me the creeps.
Very well said, Rosie. The Roman Catholic System couldn't afford to create Islam as a replica of its own but there is more than enough evidence to prove Islam came out of the Roman Catholic System and was carefully crafted in order to create enough distance early on that they would not be discovered. This is why it is so very important to listen to the testimonies of Dr. Alberto Rivera who was a former Jesuit (he so high up he answered directly to the Pope) and was was taken deep beneath the Vatican to the Secret Archives, where all the history of the world for the past 2000 years is stored. He was ordered to study the methods of infiltration and extermination used by Nero, Diocletian, Constantine, Dominic, Torquemada, and Loyola etc., in preparation for the Last Great Inquisition - (as stated see video above). I believe this is the Great Tribulation which Jesus warned us about in Matthew 24. Why was Alberto Rivera ordered to study these methods of infiltration and extermination? He was being trained for his future assignments from the Jesuit Black Pope.

Even as the Jesuits were dressed in Nazi uniforms while torturing the Jews and Believers in Jesus Christ (and any even their own Catholic brethren who would have no part of Rome's Inquisition) in the death camps of WWII, they will once again delight in the torture they exact upon all those who refuse to submit to their One World Anti-Christ religion led by their Pope.

There is no doubt in my mind but that ISIS is being funded by the Vatican - money laundering may be going through the USA or elsewhere but the order came from Rome. While members of ISIS may or may not know that they are doing the bidding of the Vatican - they are. This is all designed to bring about their One World Order with their Pope making war against the Believers in Jesus Christ who resist him.

This is craziness, get out of the cults your in.
I'm a born again Christian, Penelope. I'm not a part of the Roman Catholic System (Cult). I'm exposing its darkness hoping that anyone trapped inside of it through tradition will get out of it while they still can.

I know your not a member of the one holy Apostolic Church, if you were you would not spout such crazy stuff.
I'm not sure of what church you belong too, but the RCC is the Mother Church.

Penny----I am so fond of you that I do NOT WANT SISTER FIBROSIS to hit you with her ruler. You are STILL repeating
your usual grammatical errors. Pay attention!!!!
>>>> I'm not sure to what church you belong....<<<<

Now, look at the sentence you wrote which includes the phrase " belong too....." The "too" you wrote means "ALSO" in English-----if you meant it to be a preposition---
it does NOT belong at the end of the sentence. DO NOT ANGER SISTER FIBROSIS.
Rivera is a nut case in the RC had nothing to do with Islam.

well Jake---the koran is certainly not either the OT or the NT----but the FACT is----that the social structure of and laws of the ISLAMIC STATE are far closer to that detailed in Canon law than in Jewish law----not the same----but far closer. Ask Adolf---he aped them in the Nuremburg laws. Thus---what we do know without question is that the catholic canon had a very deep influence on that which is shariah. Pope Frances seems to GLORY in it. That man gives me the creeps.
Very well said, Rosie. The Roman Catholic System couldn't afford to create Islam as a replica of its own but there is more than enough evidence to prove Islam came out of the Roman Catholic System and was carefully crafted in order to create enough distance early on that they would not be discovered. This is why it is so very important to listen to the testimonies of Dr. Alberto Rivera who was a former Jesuit (he so high up he answered directly to the Pope) and was was taken deep beneath the Vatican to the Secret Archives, where all the history of the world for the past 2000 years is stored. He was ordered to study the methods of infiltration and extermination used by Nero, Diocletian, Constantine, Dominic, Torquemada, and Loyola etc., in preparation for the Last Great Inquisition - (as stated see video above). I believe this is the Great Tribulation which Jesus warned us about in Matthew 24. Why was Alberto Rivera ordered to study these methods of infiltration and extermination? He was being trained for his future assignments from the Jesuit Black Pope.

Even as the Jesuits were dressed in Nazi uniforms while torturing the Jews and Believers in Jesus Christ (and any even their own Catholic brethren who would have no part of Rome's Inquisition) in the death camps of WWII, they will once again delight in the torture they exact upon all those who refuse to submit to their One World Anti-Christ religion led by their Pope.

There is no doubt in my mind but that ISIS is being funded by the Vatican - money laundering may be going through the USA or elsewhere but the order came from Rome. While members of ISIS may or may not know that they are doing the bidding of the Vatican - they are. This is all designed to bring about their One World Order with their Pope making war against the Believers in Jesus Christ who resist him.

This is craziness, get out of the cults your in.
I'm a born again Christian, Penelope. I'm not a part of the Roman Catholic System (Cult). I'm exposing its darkness hoping that anyone trapped inside of it through tradition will get out of it while they still can.

I know your not a member of the one holy Apostolic Church, if you were you would not spout such crazy stuff.
I'm not sure of what church you belong too, but the RCC is the Mother Church.

Wrong. I shall tell you what the Roman Catholic System is the Mother of, Penelope. She is the Mother of Harlots And Abominations of the Earth.

It is written:
So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:

And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.

And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
Revelation 17:4,5,6

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Pope Leo XIII

Catholic Pope's Tiara

Another Tiara for the Roman Catholic Pope


The Triple Crown For Rome's "Pope"

Arch Bishop's Mitre decked with Precious stones & Pearls


The Papal Tiara of Pope Gregory the XIII 16th Century​

Another Papal Tiara For the Roman Catholic Pope

Pope John Paul's Tiara from 1981​

Another Papal Tiara

Another Papal Crown

Pope Pio VII Papal Crown - Precious Stones & Pearls - See Rev. 7:5

Got the Picture yet?
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well Jake---the koran is certainly not either the OT or the NT----but the FACT is----that the social structure of and laws of the ISLAMIC STATE are far closer to that detailed in Canon law than in Jewish law----not the same----but far closer. Ask Adolf---he aped them in the Nuremburg laws. Thus---what we do know without question is that the catholic canon had a very deep influence on that which is shariah. Pope Frances seems to GLORY in it. That man gives me the creeps.
Very well said, Rosie. The Roman Catholic System couldn't afford to create Islam as a replica of its own but there is more than enough evidence to prove Islam came out of the Roman Catholic System and was carefully crafted in order to create enough distance early on that they would not be discovered. This is why it is so very important to listen to the testimonies of Dr. Alberto Rivera who was a former Jesuit (he so high up he answered directly to the Pope) and was was taken deep beneath the Vatican to the Secret Archives, where all the history of the world for the past 2000 years is stored. He was ordered to study the methods of infiltration and extermination used by Nero, Diocletian, Constantine, Dominic, Torquemada, and Loyola etc., in preparation for the Last Great Inquisition - (as stated see video above). I believe this is the Great Tribulation which Jesus warned us about in Matthew 24. Why was Alberto Rivera ordered to study these methods of infiltration and extermination? He was being trained for his future assignments from the Jesuit Black Pope.

Even as the Jesuits were dressed in Nazi uniforms while torturing the Jews and Believers in Jesus Christ (and any even their own Catholic brethren who would have no part of Rome's Inquisition) in the death camps of WWII, they will once again delight in the torture they exact upon all those who refuse to submit to their One World Anti-Christ religion led by their Pope.

There is no doubt in my mind but that ISIS is being funded by the Vatican - money laundering may be going through the USA or elsewhere but the order came from Rome. While members of ISIS may or may not know that they are doing the bidding of the Vatican - they are. This is all designed to bring about their One World Order with their Pope making war against the Believers in Jesus Christ who resist him.

This is craziness, get out of the cults your in.
I'm a born again Christian, Penelope. I'm not a part of the Roman Catholic System (Cult). I'm exposing its darkness hoping that anyone trapped inside of it through tradition will get out of it while they still can.

I know your not a member of the one holy Apostolic Church, if you were you would not spout such crazy stuff.
I'm not sure of what church you belong too, but the RCC is the Mother Church.

Wrong. I shall tell you what the Roman Catholic System is the Mother of, Penelope. She is the Mother of Harlots And Abominations of the Earth.

It is written:
So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:

And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.

And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
Revelation 17:4,5,6

just an impression>>>>> The book of revulsions ----of all the books in the NT----is FULL OF what seem to me to be Hebrew/Aramaic poetic allusions. For those who do not know. Red is the color of SIN. So much so that jewish women ----are sorta not supposed to wear it----or at least not
lots of it. In poetry it virtually always signifies something sinful--------as does the lots of jewelry and decoration. The NUMBER SEVEN------seems to mean nothing more than A WHOLE LOT OF....... something like the English MANY. Of course ---no animal can have seven horns-----so the beast got
seven heads (a whole bunch). Harlot is the symbol of depravity. Drinking blood (drunk no less) is also a symbol of social depravity------da jooos go to great pains to drain
it out of meat.. I have no doubt that whoever wrote the book had all kinds of reasons and symbols in mind that are beyond me. --------Some scholar of old Aramaic stuff should work on
that weird book
Very well said, Rosie. The Roman Catholic System couldn't afford to create Islam as a replica of its own but there is more than enough evidence to prove Islam came out of the Roman Catholic System and was carefully crafted in order to create enough distance early on that they would not be discovered. This is why it is so very important to listen to the testimonies of Dr. Alberto Rivera who was a former Jesuit (he so high up he answered directly to the Pope) and was was taken deep beneath the Vatican to the Secret Archives, where all the history of the world for the past 2000 years is stored. He was ordered to study the methods of infiltration and extermination used by Nero, Diocletian, Constantine, Dominic, Torquemada, and Loyola etc., in preparation for the Last Great Inquisition - (as stated see video above). I believe this is the Great Tribulation which Jesus warned us about in Matthew 24. Why was Alberto Rivera ordered to study these methods of infiltration and extermination? He was being trained for his future assignments from the Jesuit Black Pope.

Even as the Jesuits were dressed in Nazi uniforms while torturing the Jews and Believers in Jesus Christ (and any even their own Catholic brethren who would have no part of Rome's Inquisition) in the death camps of WWII, they will once again delight in the torture they exact upon all those who refuse to submit to their One World Anti-Christ religion led by their Pope.

There is no doubt in my mind but that ISIS is being funded by the Vatican - money laundering may be going through the USA or elsewhere but the order came from Rome. While members of ISIS may or may not know that they are doing the bidding of the Vatican - they are. This is all designed to bring about their One World Order with their Pope making war against the Believers in Jesus Christ who resist him.

This is craziness, get out of the cults your in.
I'm a born again Christian, Penelope. I'm not a part of the Roman Catholic System (Cult). I'm exposing its darkness hoping that anyone trapped inside of it through tradition will get out of it while they still can.

I know your not a member of the one holy Apostolic Church, if you were you would not spout such crazy stuff.
I'm not sure of what church you belong too, but the RCC is the Mother Church.

Wrong. I shall tell you what the Roman Catholic System is the Mother of, Penelope. She is the Mother of Harlots And Abominations of the Earth.

It is written:
So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:

And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.

And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
Revelation 17:4,5,6

just an impression>>>>> The book of revulsions ----of all the books in the NT----is FULL OF what seem to me to be Hebrew/Aramaic poetic allusions. For those who do not know. Red is the color of SIN. So much so that jewish women ----are sorta not supposed to wear it----or at least not
lots of it. In poetry it virtually always signifies something sinful--------as does the lots of jewelry and decoration. The NUMBER SEVEN------seems to mean nothing more than A WHOLE LOT OF....... something like the English MANY. Of course ---no animal can have seven horns-----so the beast got
seven heads (a whole bunch). Harlot is the symbol of depravity. Drinking blood (drunk no less) is also a symbol of social depravity------da jooos go to great pains to drain
it out of meat.. I have no doubt that whoever wrote the book had all kinds of reasons and symbols in mind that are beyond me. --------Some scholar of old Aramaic stuff should work on
that weird book
There is no book of revulsions. Try again.

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