Catholicism and Islam - Two Similar Gospels

Jere---if you reread your own posts----you will realize that you read descrptions of the KABALLAH----that either agree with me that it is a book about HOW THE UNIVERSE WAS MADE or IS. and some of your stuff is from people who likely never
set foot in the same room with a copy of the Kabbalah---another issue is that SPECIAL SELECT GROUP bs. The real issue is that the KABBALAH has been considered so CONFUSING
a work------(like second semester calculus) that it was considered something good ONLY for adults of demonstrated
intellect------other people might end up banging their heads against the wall (as in advanced calculus) BTW---the book of Daniel is also considered TOO CONFUSING FOR CHILDREN (besides the fact that it is written in Aramaic)
Kabbalah is good for no one. Read the Tanakh. Read the King James Version Holy Bible. This is the Written Word of God. Why do you not study the Written Word of God?! What I have posted about Kaballah reveals it is not in agreement with the Written Word of God and therein God's people (and those who are not yet His) should have nothing to do with it! The Gospel of Jesus Christ is so simple a child could understand it. This nonsense of the "deep mysteries" is just that --------->NONSENSE. Knowledge puffeth up. God resisteth the proud and giveth grace unto the humble. Be like a little child. Trust in the LORD and obey His Word - not the words of men. That is pleasing to the LORD.

King James is slightly misleading-----I like lots of different books-----Kabbalah is sublime----actually a little too sublime----
not casual reading. As to behavior-----it does not address
---in general ----the issue of ethical behavior----all that much
King James Version Holy Bible is not misleading. Not even in the slightest! I can see that you like lots of books and while Kabbalah may fascinate you it is not good for you. There is only one Book you need to be reading. God's Holy Word. Buy a copy of a King James Version Holy Bible and read it from cover to cover. Then we'll talk about it - God willing. Goodnight, Rosie.
Jere---if you reread your own posts----you will realize that you read descrptions of the KABALLAH----that either agree with me that it is a book about HOW THE UNIVERSE WAS MADE or IS. and some of your stuff is from people who likely never
set foot in the same room with a copy of the Kabbalah---another issue is that SPECIAL SELECT GROUP bs. The real issue is that the KABBALAH has been considered so CONFUSING
a work------(like second semester calculus) that it was considered something good ONLY for adults of demonstrated
intellect------other people might end up banging their heads against the wall (as in advanced calculus) BTW---the book of Daniel is also considered TOO CONFUSING FOR CHILDREN (besides the fact that it is written in Aramaic)
Kabbalah is good for no one. Read the Tanakh. Read the King James Version Holy Bible. This is the Written Word of God. Why do you not study the Written Word of God?! What I have posted about Kaballah reveals it is not in agreement with the Written Word of God and therein God's people (and those who are not yet His) should have nothing to do with it! The Gospel of Jesus Christ is so simple a child could understand it. This nonsense of the "deep mysteries" is just that --------->NONSENSE. Knowledge puffeth up. God resisteth the proud and giveth grace unto the humble. Be like a little child. Trust in the LORD and obey His Word - not the words of men. That is pleasing to the LORD.

King James is slightly misleading-----I like lots of different books-----Kabbalah is sublime----actually a little too sublime----
not casual reading. As to behavior-----it does not address
---in general ----the issue of ethical behavior----all that much
King James Version Holy Bible is not misleading. Not even in the slightest! I can see that you like lots of books and while Kabbalah may fascinate you it is not good for you. There is only one Book you need to be reading. God's Holy Word. Buy a copy of a King James Version Holy Bible and read it from cover to cover. Then we'll talk about it - God willing. Goodnight, Rosie.

silly girl------there are copies of the KJV all over the place-----I had it read cover to cover by age ten
Well if she is a King James only she should know a lot about who King James was and how the KJB came about.

I mean who just picks up a book and decide this is all there is to "everything".
Per Op, the Quran is more like the OT and Islam is more like Judaism.
nice Jeri----but this ELIPHAS guy had nothing to do with the writing of the KABBALAH and---clearly knew nothing about it.
That the kabbalah is a book of spooks and devils is an invention of people who never saw the book. -------like it contains the recipe for turning recycled pantyhose and plastic soda bottles into gold. Your eliphas levi was a WIZARD OF OZ type charlatan who lived less than 200 years ago. Simeon Bar Yochai did his writing somewhere around 200 AD on the run from the romans (ie almost 1800 years ago) His stuff forms the basis for the description of the UNIVERSE as per some guy in Moorish spain---about 1000 years ago-----with the compilation of the ZOHAR. Nothing MAGIC in the ZOHAR or relating to the guy with the pitchfork. It is not a religion----or a practice----its a book. There are no ZOHARIANS
It does not line up with the Scriptures of the Tanakh. Why would any Jew accept what the Written Word of God condemns?
Jeri is very ignorant and prejudiced about what she believes.

God is love, so there is still hope as long as she lives.
Jere---if you reread your own posts----you will realize that you read descrptions of the KABALLAH----that either agree with me that it is a book about HOW THE UNIVERSE WAS MADE or IS. and some of your stuff is from people who likely never
set foot in the same room with a copy of the Kabbalah---another issue is that SPECIAL SELECT GROUP bs. The real issue is that the KABBALAH has been considered so CONFUSING
a work------(like second semester calculus) that it was considered something good ONLY for adults of demonstrated
intellect------other people might end up banging their heads against the wall (as in advanced calculus) BTW---the book of Daniel is also considered TOO CONFUSING FOR CHILDREN (besides the fact that it is written in Aramaic)
Kabbalah is good for no one. Read the Tanakh. Read the King James Version Holy Bible. This is the Written Word of God. Why do you not study the Written Word of God?! What I have posted about Kaballah reveals it is not in agreement with the Written Word of God and therein God's people (and those who are not yet His) should have nothing to do with it! The Gospel of Jesus Christ is so simple a child could understand it. This nonsense of the "deep mysteries" is just that --------->NONSENSE. Knowledge puffeth up. God resisteth the proud and giveth grace unto the humble. Be like a little child. Trust in the LORD and obey His Word - not the words of men. That is pleasing to the LORD.

King James is slightly misleading-----I like lots of different books-----Kabbalah is sublime----actually a little too sublime----
not casual reading. As to behavior-----it does not address
---in general ----the issue of ethical behavior----all that much
King James Version Holy Bible is not misleading. Not even in the slightest! I can see that you like lots of books and while Kabbalah may fascinate you it is not good for you. There is only one Book you need to be reading. God's Holy Word. Buy a copy of a King James Version Holy Bible and read it from cover to cover. Then we'll talk about it - God willing. Goodnight, Rosie.

silly girl------there are copies of the KJV all over the place-----I had it read cover to cover by age ten
Did you read it with an open heart seeking to know Jesus Christ as your Jewish Messiah, Rose? If you read the Bible and tell the LORD that you are willing to do His Will, He will reveal Himself to you. Reading the Bible with a closed heart is the same as reading a closed Book. Nothing will be revealed to you.
nice Jeri----but this ELIPHAS guy had nothing to do with the writing of the KABBALAH and---clearly knew nothing about it.
That the kabbalah is a book of spooks and devils is an invention of people who never saw the book. -------like it contains the recipe for turning recycled pantyhose and plastic soda bottles into gold. Your eliphas levi was a WIZARD OF OZ type charlatan who lived less than 200 years ago. Simeon Bar Yochai did his writing somewhere around 200 AD on the run from the romans (ie almost 1800 years ago) His stuff forms the basis for the description of the UNIVERSE as per some guy in Moorish spain---about 1000 years ago-----with the compilation of the ZOHAR. Nothing MAGIC in the ZOHAR or relating to the guy with the pitchfork. It is not a religion----or a practice----its a book. There are no ZOHARIANS
It does not line up with the Scriptures of the Tanakh. Why would any Jew accept what the Written Word of God condemns?
Jeri is very ignorant and prejudiced about what she believes.

God is love, so there is still hope as long as she lives.
Jake, you know the rules for this forum. Address the OP and cease from the personal attacks. If you cannot address the OP, find a thread in the flame zone where such behavior is permitted.
Per Op, the Quran is more like the OT and Islam is more like Judaism.
I believe the thread proves that Islam is more like Catholicism, Penelope. I have noted that followers of both religions appear incapable of thinking for themselves as it requires them admitting that they have been deceived and making the decision to get out of it. Tradition is a hard thing to break but with God all things are possible.
Per Op, the Quran is more like the OT and Islam is more like Judaism.

the Koran is nothing like the OT and Islam is nothing like
Judaism. The people who get to discuss that issue are
people who have read both and know both of those religions.
Penelope never read either book and knows nothing about
either. She does the CLASSIC COMIC approach to scriptural
literature. Islam lifted much of its shariah law from the Canon law of the "holy" Roman Empire-----then adolf aped it
nice Jeri----but this ELIPHAS guy had nothing to do with the writing of the KABBALAH and---clearly knew nothing about it.
That the kabbalah is a book of spooks and devils is an invention of people who never saw the book. -------like it contains the recipe for turning recycled pantyhose and plastic soda bottles into gold. Your eliphas levi was a WIZARD OF OZ type charlatan who lived less than 200 years ago. Simeon Bar Yochai did his writing somewhere around 200 AD on the run from the romans (ie almost 1800 years ago) His stuff forms the basis for the description of the UNIVERSE as per some guy in Moorish spain---about 1000 years ago-----with the compilation of the ZOHAR. Nothing MAGIC in the ZOHAR or relating to the guy with the pitchfork. It is not a religion----or a practice----its a book. There are no ZOHARIANS
It does not line up with the Scriptures of the Tanakh. Why would any Jew accept what the Written Word of God condemns?
Jeri is very ignorant and prejudiced about what she believes.

God is love, so there is still hope as long as she lives.
Jake, you know the rules for this forum. Address the OP and cease from the personal attacks. If you cannot address the OP, find a thread in the flame zone where such behavior is permitted.
You are not a theologian or religious authority, much less a mod.

I have every right to tell you, and I do, that you are a poseur, that you are a non-authority, that you are not a servant of God. There is no similarity between the RC and Islam. There is much resemblance between your brand of Christianity and Westboro Baptist.

God is love, and there is still hope for you.
nice Jeri----but this ELIPHAS guy had nothing to do with the writing of the KABBALAH and---clearly knew nothing about it.
That the kabbalah is a book of spooks and devils is an invention of people who never saw the book. -------like it contains the recipe for turning recycled pantyhose and plastic soda bottles into gold. Your eliphas levi was a WIZARD OF OZ type charlatan who lived less than 200 years ago. Simeon Bar Yochai did his writing somewhere around 200 AD on the run from the romans (ie almost 1800 years ago) His stuff forms the basis for the description of the UNIVERSE as per some guy in Moorish spain---about 1000 years ago-----with the compilation of the ZOHAR. Nothing MAGIC in the ZOHAR or relating to the guy with the pitchfork. It is not a religion----or a practice----its a book. There are no ZOHARIANS
It does not line up with the Scriptures of the Tanakh. Why would any Jew accept what the Written Word of God condemns?
Jeri is very ignorant and prejudiced about what she believes.

God is love, so there is still hope as long as she lives.
Jake, you know the rules for this forum. Address the OP and cease from the personal attacks. If you cannot address the OP, find a thread in the flame zone where such behavior is permitted.
You are not a theologian or religious authority, much less a mod.

I have every right to tell you, and I do, that you are a poseur, that you are a non-authority, that you are not a servant of God. There is no similarity between the RC and Islam. There is much resemblance between your brand of Christianity and Westboro Baptist.

God is love, and there is still hope for you.

and same to you------so THERE
nice Jeri----but this ELIPHAS guy had nothing to do with the writing of the KABBALAH and---clearly knew nothing about it.
That the kabbalah is a book of spooks and devils is an invention of people who never saw the book. -------like it contains the recipe for turning recycled pantyhose and plastic soda bottles into gold. Your eliphas levi was a WIZARD OF OZ type charlatan who lived less than 200 years ago. Simeon Bar Yochai did his writing somewhere around 200 AD on the run from the romans (ie almost 1800 years ago) His stuff forms the basis for the description of the UNIVERSE as per some guy in Moorish spain---about 1000 years ago-----with the compilation of the ZOHAR. Nothing MAGIC in the ZOHAR or relating to the guy with the pitchfork. It is not a religion----or a practice----its a book. There are no ZOHARIANS
It does not line up with the Scriptures of the Tanakh. Why would any Jew accept what the Written Word of God condemns?
Jeri is very ignorant and prejudiced about what she believes.

God is love, so there is still hope as long as she lives.
Jake, you know the rules for this forum. Address the OP and cease from the personal attacks. If you cannot address the OP, find a thread in the flame zone where such behavior is permitted.
You are not a theologian or religious authority, much less a mod.

I have every right to tell you, and I do, that you are a poseur, that you are a non-authority, that you are not a servant of God. There is no similarity between the RC and Islam. There is much resemblance between your brand of Christianity and Westboro Baptist.

God is love, and there is still hope for you.

and same to you------so THERE
It's a beautiful pre-dawn here in the mountains. We are going for a walk in a bit. Hope you and yours are well.
Rosie, you are right. There is nothing about the rituals of Islam that remind me of Judaism. The only thing I would point out is the Muslims pray toward the east the same as the idolaters did in the Old Testament and the practice of cutting themselves, sacrificing their own children to Baal would again remind me of the Baal worshipers but that has nothing to do with Abraham, Moses and the prophets. The Hebrew prophets condemned such things and clearly taught the children of Israel to have no part of what the foreigners - Baal worshipers did.

Warning Graphic Pictures in this Link:

Ashura Day: Why Shia Muslims mutilate themselves & their children (WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES)

The name of this ritual is disturbing as the there is a demon god mentioned in the Scriptures that has a similar name. The Jews were never taught to mutilate themselves and their children by drawing their own blood for a demon. This is clearly something not found in the religion of Judaism nor is it done by any follower of Jesus Christ. What these Muslims are doing is a depiction of Baal worship.
Here we see in Scripture the Baal worshipers mutilating themselves as part of their Baal worship - this was done in front of Elijah who mocked them. Elijah (for those who do not know who he was) was a holy Prophet of God who was a Hebrew. As you can see in the verses down below - these Baal worshipers were doing the same thing the Muslims do on a day they call "Ashura."

1 Kings 18:27-29 King James Version (KJV)
27 And it came to pass at noon, that Elijah mocked them, and said, Cry aloud: for he is a god; either he is talking, or he is pursuing, or he is in a journey, or peradventure he sleepeth, and must be awaked.

28 And they cried aloud, and cut themselves after their manner with knives and lancets, till the blood gushed out upon them.

29 And it came to pass, when midday was past, and they prophesied until the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that there was neither voice, nor any to answer, nor any that regarded.

King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain

It is interesting they call this demon Ashura as the Bible mentions a goddess (demon god of Baal worshipers) named Ashtoreth:

Ashtoreth is derived from Ashtart by a distortion after the analogy of "Bosheth" (compare Jastrow, "Jour. Biblical Literature" xiii. 28, note).

Tammuz was a prominent feature. As a part of this ritual, women were obliged to sacrifice either their hair or their chastity. A shrine of this goddess was found also in the city of Askelon in Philistia (Herodotus, i. 105), in which the armor was hung after the battle of Gilboa (I Sam. xxxi. 10).

In Phenician Colonies.
The Phenician colonies carried the worship of Ashtoreth into the Mediterranean. In Cyprus she had important temples at Citium and Paphos, and left a deep impression on its civilization (compare "Heb." x. 42-46 and "Jour. of Hellenic Studies," 1888, pp. 175-206). It also left its impress in Malta and Sicily ("Heb." x. 46-49). From Cyprus her cult found its way to Corinth and other parts of Greece, where it corrupted the simple purity of the old Greek family life (compare Farnell's "Cults of the Greek States," xxi.-xxiii.). From Sicily it made its way to some extent into Italy.

In North Africa, Ashtoreth was known as Tanith (see Barton, "Semitic Origins," p. 253, note 6), to which is frequently attached the epithet "Face of Baal," showing that she was often regarded as sub-ordinate to that god. She was also called Dido (Love), and was, as Augustine says ("De Civitate Dei," ii. 4), worshiped with obscene rites (compare "Heb." x. 48-53).

Interesting the Babylonians worshiped this same goddess and her son Tammuz and in the Catholic religion which is rooted in the Babylonian occult it has been revealed that they renamed this "goddess" and her son Tammuz ( who was also called the queen of heaven) Mary and baby Jesus. Once again we find the links between Catholicism and Islam.

Link provided - note the different names for this demon god referred to as a goddess:

The pagan system of sun worship had three main aspects: the father, mother, and the son. In ancient Chaldean times, these were the god Bel or Merodach, Ninus the son who was also worshiped as Tammuz, and the female goddess Rhea who was also worshiped as Ishtar, Astarte, or Beltis. She was also referred to as the “queen of heaven,” and the “wrath subduer.” Mary has received these same names in Catholicism.

[img data-copyright="CC BY-NC 2.0 on Flickr Our Lady & Child at Westminster" itemprop="image" src="" alt="A statue of Mary and Jesus at Westminster Abbey. Notice the globe Jesus is holding. Source:Flickr." data-description="
A statue of Mary and Jesus at Westminster Abbey. Notice the globe Jesus is holding.
Source:Mother and child worship was the basis of the ancient religions. In the various religions of the world, the same system of worship was perpetuated under different names. In Egypt , the mother and child were worshiped as Isis and Osiris or Horus, in India as Isi and Iswara, in China and Japan as the mother goddess Shing-moo with child, in Greece as Ceres or Irene and Plutus, in Rome as Fortuna and Jupitor-puer, or Venus and Adurnis, and in Scandinavia as Frigga and Balder. The mother and child were worshiped in Babylon as Ishtar and Tammuz, and in Phoenicia, as Ashtoreth and Baal. Moreover, the child was worshiped as both husband and son of the mother goddess.

The male component is a counterfeit of Jesus Christ. The Biblical names used for Jesus were also used for the child in ancient religions. Zoroaster was referred to as the seed, Mithra the Persian sun god was referred to as the Saviour, Dionysus as the sin-bearer, Bacchus as the branch, Vishna as the victim-man, and Osiris as the king of kings.

Picture below of this demon goddess they still today call "Queen of Heaven" and her son "Tammuz."
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It does not line up with the Scriptures of the Tanakh. Why would any Jew accept what the Written Word of God condemns?
Jeri is very ignorant and prejudiced about what she believes.

God is love, so there is still hope as long as she lives.
Jake, you know the rules for this forum. Address the OP and cease from the personal attacks. If you cannot address the OP, find a thread in the flame zone where such behavior is permitted.
You are not a theologian or religious authority, much less a mod.

I have every right to tell you, and I do, that you are a poseur, that you are a non-authority, that you are not a servant of God. There is no similarity between the RC and Islam. There is much resemblance between your brand of Christianity and Westboro Baptist.

God is love, and there is still hope for you.

and same to you------so THERE
It's a beautiful pre-dawn here in the mountains. We are going for a walk in a bit. Hope you and yours are well.

it is already morning here----in my inner city slum----I am hoping that the cops are taking care. A story-----long ago--
I used to take the train to-------a point near the hospital in which I worked and then walked-----about 1/2 mile. I never saw a cop----but I was walking thru an area of town which I knew to
be crime ridden. ------NEVER SAW A COP ------I would see
approximately one "bullet to the head" brain dead patient per week. One day----I asked a cop patient---"HOW COME THERE ARE NO COPS ON _______Avenue? I walk that
street every day and NEVER SEE A COP" He answered --
home today no matter how lovely the weather. I hope NUTHIN' happens in my town
Rosie, you are right. There is nothing about the rituals of Islam that remind me of Judaism. The only thing I would point out is the Muslims pray toward the east the same as the idolaters did in the Old Testament and the practice of cutting themselves, sacrificing their own children to Baal would again remind me of the Baal worshipers but that has nothing to do with Abraham, Moses and the prophets. The Hebrew prophets condemned such things and clearly taught the children of Israel to have no part of what the foreigners - Baal worshipers did.

Jews DO turn east toward Jerusalem during specific prayers---even today-----Muzzies aped that idea and turn towards Mecca. I do not know why you associate that idea with idolatry. HOWEVER----a little trivia ---tattoos are proscribed
for jews-----because the Babylonians were really big on tattoos as were the ----moloch worshippers. When I was a kid---tattoos FRIGHTENED ME-------it must be a cultural thing.
----now---back to trivia----It was actually the BABYLONIANS
who did tattoos flamboyantly-----they had SKIN MARKUPS for all sorts of reasons------they would make incisions in the skin and rub the wounds with colored clays ---and dyes---thousands of years ago to create lasting cartoons on their bodies. When my little snowflake joined the Navy -----I WAS HORRIFIED
that he might do a tattoo-------now-----I still remind him----
In this account in Jeremiah we see the "queen of heaven" identified as part of Baal worship. Notice that burning incense was also a ritual performed by Baal worshipers and as I have already posted in the thread the Catholic priests and altar boys do these things in their Masses. The queen of heaven is clearly identified here as one of the "other gods."

Jeremiah 44:15-30 King James Version (KJV)
15 Then all the men which knew that their wives had burned incense unto other gods, and all the women that stood by, a great multitude, even all the people that dwelt in the land of Egypt, in Pathros, answered Jeremiah, saying,

16 As for the word that thou hast spoken unto us in the name of theLord, we will not hearken unto thee.

17 But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth, to burn incense unto the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, as we have done, we, and our fathers, our kings, and our princes, in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem: for then had we plenty of victuals, and were well, and saw no evil.

18 But since we left off to burn incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, we have wanted all things, and have been consumed by the sword and by the famine.

19 And when we burned incense to the queen of heaven, and poured out drink offerings unto her, did we make her cakes to worship her, and pour out drink offerings unto her, without our men?

20 Then Jeremiah said unto all the people, to the men, and to the women, and to all the people which had given him that answer, saying,

21 The incense that ye burned in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem, ye, and your fathers, your kings, and your princes, and the people of the land, did not the Lord remember them, and came it not into his mind?

22 So that the Lord could no longer bear, because of the evil of your doings, and because of the abominations which ye have committed; therefore is your land a desolation, and an astonishment, and a curse, without an inhabitant, as at this day.

23 Because ye have burned incense, and because ye have sinned against the Lord, and have not obeyed the voice of the Lord, nor walked in his law, nor in his statutes, nor in his testimonies; therefore this evil is happened unto you, as at this day.
Because the Jews belonged to the LORD they were commanded not to have anything to do with Baal worship and when they fell into it the LORD sent Jeremiah to correct them. The Bible is consistent and teaching us that God chastises His Own Children becomes He loves us. The Baal worshipers were not children of God nor are they children of God today. They are identified as children of the devil.
The religion today that worships the Queen of heaven is not Judaism but rather "Catholicism." See Wikipedia link below for evidence:

Queen of Heaven - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Queen of Heaven is a title given to the Virgin Mary by Christians mainly of the Roman Catholic Church, and also, to some extent, in Eastern Orthodoxy andAnglicanism.[1] The title is a consequence of the First Council of Ephesus in the fifth century, in which the Virgin Mary was proclaimed "theotokos", a title rendered in Latin as Mater Dei, in English "Mother of God".

The Catholic teaching on this subject is expressed in the papal encyclical Ad Caeli Reginam,[2] issued by Pope Pius XII. It states that Mary is called Queen of Heaven because her son, Jesus Christ, is the king of Israel and heavenly king of the universe; indeed, the Davidic tradition of Israel recognized the mother of the king as the Queen Mother of Israel. The Eastern Orthodox Churches do not share the Catholic dogma, but themselves have a rich liturgical history in honor of Mary.

The title Queen of Heaven has long been a Catholic tradition, included in prayers and devotional literature, and seen in Western art in the subject of the Coronation of the Virgin, from the High Middle Ages, long before it was given a formal definition status by the Church.
As you can see, this is a Roman Catholic teaching no where to be found in the New Testament (nor the old testament). We are never taught to pray to Mary and no where in the Bible does it identify the mother of Jesus Christ as "Queen of heaven." The Queen of heaven and her son(Tammuz - Baal god) who the Romanists renamed "Jesus" is a false Mary and a false Jesus - not the Mary and Jesus of the Bible. Thanks for reading! Please share this with others!
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Jeri is very ignorant and prejudiced about what she believes.

God is love, so there is still hope as long as she lives.
Jake, you know the rules for this forum. Address the OP and cease from the personal attacks. If you cannot address the OP, find a thread in the flame zone where such behavior is permitted.
You are not a theologian or religious authority, much less a mod.

I have every right to tell you, and I do, that you are a poseur, that you are a non-authority, that you are not a servant of God. There is no similarity between the RC and Islam. There is much resemblance between your brand of Christianity and Westboro Baptist.

God is love, and there is still hope for you.

and same to you------so THERE
It's a beautiful pre-dawn here in the mountains. We are going for a walk in a bit. Hope you and yours are well.

it is already morning here----in my inner city slum----I am hoping that the cops are taking care. A story-----long ago--
I used to take the train to-------a point near the hospital in which I worked and then walked-----about 1/2 mile. I never saw a cop----but I was walking thru an area of town which I knew to
be crime ridden. ------NEVER SAW A COP ------I would see
approximately one "bullet to the head" brain dead patient per week. One day----I asked a cop patient---"HOW COME THERE ARE NO COPS ON _______Avenue? I walk that
street every day and NEVER SEE A COP" He answered --
home today no matter how lovely the weather. I hope NUTHIN' happens in my town
Yes, you should stay home and rest today and I'll be praying for your neighborhood that the LORD sends his holy angels to protect you and your neighbors.
Rosie, you are right. There is nothing about the rituals of Islam that remind me of Judaism. The only thing I would point out is the Muslims pray toward the east the same as the idolaters did in the Old Testament and the practice of cutting themselves, sacrificing their own children to Baal would again remind me of the Baal worshipers but that has nothing to do with Abraham, Moses and the prophets. The Hebrew prophets condemned such things and clearly taught the children of Israel to have no part of what the foreigners - Baal worshipers did.

Jews DO turn east toward Jerusalem during specific prayers---even today-----Muzzies aped that idea and turn towards Mecca. I do not know why you associate that idea with idolatry. HOWEVER----a little trivia ---tattoos are proscribed
for jews-----because the Babylonians were really big on tattoos as were the ----moloch worshippers. When I was a kid---tattoos FRIGHTENED ME-------it must be a cultural thing.
----now---back to trivia----It was actually the BABYLONIANS
who did tattoos flamboyantly-----they had SKIN MARKUPS for all sorts of reasons------they would make incisions in the skin and rub the wounds with colored clays ---and dyes---thousands of years ago to create lasting cartoons on their bodies. When my little snowflake joined the Navy -----I WAS HORRIFIED
that he might do a tattoo-------now-----I still remind him----
Ezekiel 8:16, Rosie. This is what is written:

And he brought me into the inner court of the LORD'S house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of the LORD, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of the LORD, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east.
Ezekiel 8:16

In the Hebrew Tanakh it reads:

And He brought me to the inner court of the house of the Lord, and behold, at the entrance of the Temple of the Lord between the porch and the altar, about twenty- five men, their backs to the Temple of the Lord and their faces toward the east, and they were prostrating themselves eastward to the sun.
טזוַיָּבֵא אֹתִי אֶל חֲצַר בֵּית יְהֹוָה הַפְּנִימִית וְהִנֵּה פֶתַח הֵיכַל יְהֹוָה בֵּין הָאוּלָם וּבֵין הַמִּזְבֵּחַ כְּעֶשְׂרִים וַחֲמִשָּׁה אִישׁ אֲחֹרֵיהֶם אֶל הֵיכַל יְהֹוָה וּפְנֵיהֶם קֵדְמָה וְהֵמָּה מִשְׁתַּחֲוִיתֶם קֵדְמָה :

Yechezkel - Chapter 8
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