Catholicism and Islam - Two Similar Gospels

I guess the gist of this thread is to be a Protestant. I thought Protestants were primarily responsible for the black slave trade in America.

yes----very likely a true statement----the tiny fraction of the world history of slave trade which was that related to Africa and the Americas-----sometime in the 17th thru `19th centuries ----involved PROTESTANTS

thanks for your endorsement Penny dear----but ALL TOLD---the real BULK promulgators of slavery in all of western civiliazatoin ---on TOP OF THE HEAP---were muslims----first arabs and then including non arab muslims----then ROMANS---including pre Christian romans but EXCEEDED by Christian -romans----and catholics----protestants a bit----and jews, negligible.

Sara had a slave girl hagar, remember she gave her as sex slave to her husband, and well Solomon had lots of sex slaves.
A prison suit. He's earned it from what I hear. Jesus Christ does not have a Vicar. Jorge was appointed by godless men and has no authority from the Lord God Almighty. None. This is all a dog and pony show. Wake up, Penelope.

I'm a RC , what are you? Ashamed to say hey?

oh---that's interesting, penny-------You are finally willing to state OPENLY that which I asked you long ago. How about a bit more-------like a bit about your remote ancestry-----if you ---by chance, KNOW

Paul never met Jesus, and does that pic of Paul shows him reading a newspaper? Sure looks like it . Peter is the rock, and since the Rome created the Christian Church they can do what they want. I guess first come first gets to pick and Rome picked Peter to be the head of their church, and a body needs a head, and the Pope is the head on Earth. Deal with it.

Paul met Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus. Jesus Christ is the light that Paul encountered. Jesus Christ spoke to Paul and asked him, why persecutest thou me? In other words, why are you persecuting me, Paul? Paul was murdering Christians (in ignorance - even as Muslims and Catholics have murdered Christians throughout the ages - in ignorance that they are - in fact - persecuting Jesus Christ whom they claim to believe!) Paul did not know this until Jesus told him. He believed on the LORD and was saved.

Tell me, what hope will those of you have, who been told the truth (with KJV Scripture provided) and yet continue to persecute the followers of Jesus Christ? Do you not realize you are in danger of the judgment of God for this? Do you have no fear of God Almighty at all? I will leave you with that thought today. It is enough to keep you busy for some time to come.

It is written:

Acts 9:3-9 King James Version (KJV)
3 And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven:

4 And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?

5 And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

6 And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.

7 And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man.

8 And Saul arose from the earth; and when his eyes were opened, he saw no man: but they led him by the hand, and brought him into Damascus.

9 And he was three days without sight, and neither did eat nor drink.

King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain

I am slightly cynical of the dreams and visions of both Paul and Constantine-------well----Ezekiel was a poet----he wrote best under the influence of mushrooms

Paul's encounter with Jesus Christ was not a dream, Rosie. There were men there with him as you can see in verse 7 and although they heard the voice they saw no man. They all heard the same words. How is that possible? It's possible because with God all things are possible and Jesus Christ is God! This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the encounter of Paul who was a Jew encountering Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus. Wonderful testimony of God's forgiveness. Paul had hated and persecuted the Christians but after encountering the LORD he repented. To God be the Glory!
A prison suit. He's earned it from what I hear. Jesus Christ does not have a Vicar. Jorge was appointed by godless men and has no authority from the Lord God Almighty. None. This is all a dog and pony show. Wake up, Penelope.

I'm a RC , what are you? Ashamed to say hey?

oh---that's interesting, penny-------You are finally willing to state OPENLY that which I asked you long ago. How about a bit more-------like a bit about your remote ancestry-----if you ---by chance, KNOW

Paul never met Jesus, and does that pic of Paul shows him reading a newspaper? Sure looks like it . Peter is the rock, and since the Rome created the Christian Church they can do what they want. I guess first come first gets to pick and Rome picked Peter to be the head of their church, and a body needs a head, and the Pope is the head on Earth. Deal with it.

Paul met Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus. Jesus Christ is the light that Paul encountered. Jesus Christ spoke to Paul and asked him, why persecutest thou me? In other words, why are you persecuting me, Paul? Paul was murdering Christians (in ignorance - even as Muslims and Catholics have murdered Christians throughout the ages - in ignorance that they are - in fact - persecuting Jesus Christ whom they claim to believe!) Paul did not know this until Jesus told him. He believed on the LORD and was saved.

Tell me, what hope will those of you have, who been told the truth (with KJV Scripture provided) and yet continue to persecute the followers of Jesus Christ? Do you not realize you are in danger of the judgment of God for this? Do you have no fear of God Almighty at all? I will leave you with that thought today. It is enough to keep you busy for some time to come.

It is written:

Acts 9:3-9 King James Version (KJV)
3 And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven:

4 And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?

5 And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

6 And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.

7 And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man.

8 And Saul arose from the earth; and when his eyes were opened, he saw no man: but they led him by the hand, and brought him into Damascus.

9 And he was three days without sight, and neither did eat nor drink.

King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain

So Paul says, I am aware of his hallucination.

sheeesh Penelope------even your catechism whore did not
call it an hallucination. Lets call it a "VISION" for the sake
of propriety-------I am willing to call DANIEL's revelations---
I guess the gist of this thread is to be a Protestant. I thought Protestants were primarily responsible for the black slave trade in America.

yes----very likely a true statement----the tiny fraction of the world history of slave trade which was that related to Africa and the Americas-----sometime in the 17th thru `19th centuries ----involved PROTESTANTS

thanks for your endorsement Penny dear----but ALL TOLD---the real BULK promulgators of slavery in all of western civiliazatoin ---on TOP OF THE HEAP---were muslims----first arabs and then including non arab muslims----then ROMANS---including pre Christian romans but EXCEEDED by Christian -romans----and catholics----protestants a bit----and jews, negligible.

Sara had a slave girl hagar, remember she gave her as sex slave to her husband, and well Solomon had lots of sex slaves.

wrong again------Sara had a maid under the law which is called the CODE OF HUMMARABI ---Sara was from Babylon. There was a custom and law in Babylon that allowed a woman with a maid/slave who wanted a baby but could not conceive
to SUBSTITUTE her maid/slave---for herself and USE the maid
as a SURROGATE. The baby would be considered the child of the "mistress" of the maid. This law/custom---did not get
incorporated into Jewish law. What Abraham and eventually Sarah did was BREACH THE HUMMARABI CODE----In fact
Abraham breached the Hummarabi code INCESSANTLY. Did you have a point in mind when you brought up this interesting
story from Genesis. If you actually read Genesis and had
a brain-----you might realize that it is mostly devoted to
A REPUDIATION OF BABYLONIAN RELIGION AND CULTURE. Books are so much more interesting when you
understand them
I guess the gist of this thread is to be a Protestant. I thought Protestants were primarily responsible for the black slave trade in America.

yes----very likely a true statement----the tiny fraction of the world history of slave trade which was that related to Africa and the Americas-----sometime in the 17th thru `19th centuries ----involved PROTESTANTS

thanks for your endorsement Penny dear----but ALL TOLD---the real BULK promulgators of slavery in all of western civiliazatoin ---on TOP OF THE HEAP---were muslims----first arabs and then including non arab muslims----then ROMANS---including pre Christian romans but EXCEEDED by Christian -romans----and catholics----protestants a bit----and jews, negligible.

Sara had a slave girl hagar, remember she gave her as sex slave to her husband, and well Solomon had lots of sex slaves.

wrong again------Sara had a maid under the law which is called the CODE OF HUMMARABI ---Sara was from Babylon. There was a custom and law in Babylon that allowed a woman with a maid/slave who wanted a baby but could not conceive
to SUBSTITUTE her maid/slave---for herself and USE the maid
as a SURROGATE. The baby would be considered the child of the "mistress" of the maid. This law/custom---did not get
incorporated into Jewish law. What Abraham and eventually Sarah did was BREACH THE HUMMARABI CODE----In fact
Abraham breached the Hummarabi code INCESSANTLY. Did you have a point in mind when you brought up this interesting
story from Genesis. If you actually read Genesis and had
a brain-----you might realize that it is mostly devoted to
A REPUDIATION OF BABYLONIAN RELIGION AND CULTURE. Books are so much more interesting when you
understand them

Just that slaves and sex slaves was common among the Abraham tribe, and since they had to fee slaves, Abraham was wealthy.
I guess the gist of this thread is to be a Protestant. I thought Protestants were primarily responsible for the black slave trade in America.

yes----very likely a true statement----the tiny fraction of the world history of slave trade which was that related to Africa and the Americas-----sometime in the 17th thru `19th centuries ----involved PROTESTANTS

thanks for your endorsement Penny dear----but ALL TOLD---the real BULK promulgators of slavery in all of western civiliazatoin ---on TOP OF THE HEAP---were muslims----first arabs and then including non arab muslims----then ROMANS---including pre Christian romans but EXCEEDED by Christian -romans----and catholics----protestants a bit----and jews, negligible.

Sara had a slave girl hagar, remember she gave her as sex slave to her husband, and well Solomon had lots of sex slaves.

wrong again------Sara had a maid under the law which is called the CODE OF HUMMARABI ---Sara was from Babylon. There was a custom and law in Babylon that allowed a woman with a maid/slave who wanted a baby but could not conceive
to SUBSTITUTE her maid/slave---for herself and USE the maid
as a SURROGATE. The baby would be considered the child of the "mistress" of the maid. This law/custom---did not get
incorporated into Jewish law. What Abraham and eventually Sarah did was BREACH THE HUMMARABI CODE----In fact
Abraham breached the Hummarabi code INCESSANTLY. Did you have a point in mind when you brought up this interesting
story from Genesis. If you actually read Genesis and had
a brain-----you might realize that it is mostly devoted to
A REPUDIATION OF BABYLONIAN RELIGION AND CULTURE. Books are so much more interesting when you
understand them

Just that slaves and sex slaves was common among the Abraham tribe, and since they had to fee slaves, Abraham was wealthy.

wrong again-----no question slavery existed amongst Abraham's tribe----it is likely that the laws developed over time-----that which were the BREAK AWAY from the Babylonian
laws. The law (which is not called "TORAH") has no provision for SEX SLAVERY------sex with a female slave constitutes MARRIAGE------the lady becomes "wife"---
legally. Prior to "torah" -----Abraham and his crowd were
doing----approximately BABYLONIAN law----there were no
other formal codes around-----other than Babylonian,
Assyrian, and Egyptian
yes----very likely a true statement----the tiny fraction of the world history of slave trade which was that related to Africa and the Americas-----sometime in the 17th thru `19th centuries ----involved PROTESTANTS

thanks for your endorsement Penny dear----but ALL TOLD---the real BULK promulgators of slavery in all of western civiliazatoin ---on TOP OF THE HEAP---were muslims----first arabs and then including non arab muslims----then ROMANS---including pre Christian romans but EXCEEDED by Christian -romans----and catholics----protestants a bit----and jews, negligible.

Sara had a slave girl hagar, remember she gave her as sex slave to her husband, and well Solomon had lots of sex slaves.

wrong again------Sara had a maid under the law which is called the CODE OF HUMMARABI ---Sara was from Babylon. There was a custom and law in Babylon that allowed a woman with a maid/slave who wanted a baby but could not conceive
to SUBSTITUTE her maid/slave---for herself and USE the maid
as a SURROGATE. The baby would be considered the child of the "mistress" of the maid. This law/custom---did not get
incorporated into Jewish law. What Abraham and eventually Sarah did was BREACH THE HUMMARABI CODE----In fact
Abraham breached the Hummarabi code INCESSANTLY. Did you have a point in mind when you brought up this interesting
story from Genesis. If you actually read Genesis and had
a brain-----you might realize that it is mostly devoted to
A REPUDIATION OF BABYLONIAN RELIGION AND CULTURE. Books are so much more interesting when you
understand them

Just that slaves and sex slaves was common among the Abraham tribe, and since they had to fee slaves, Abraham was wealthy.

wrong again-----no question slavery existed amongst Abraham's tribe----it is likely that the laws developed over time-----that which were the BREAK AWAY from the Babylonian
laws. The law (which is not called "TORAH") has no provision for SEX SLAVERY------sex with a female slave constitutes MARRIAGE------the lady becomes "wife"---
legally. Prior to "torah" -----Abraham and his crowd were
doing----approximately BABYLONIAN law----there were no
other formal codes around-----other than Babylonian,
Assyrian, and Egyptian

So polygamy. Ok, old man Solomon was guilty of both . Funny how Moses brought monotheism out of Egypt.
What oh what did you do before Egypt forced monotheism on you?
This song is dedicated to my My Lord and My God, Jesus Christ. He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and is Worthy of All Praise! I praise the Lord Jesus Christ! He only is my rock and my salvation! He is my defence, I shall not be moved.

He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defence; I shall not be moved.
Psalm 63:6

thanks for your endorsement Penny dear----but ALL TOLD---the real BULK promulgators of slavery in all of western civiliazatoin ---on TOP OF THE HEAP---were muslims----first arabs and then including non arab muslims----then ROMANS---including pre Christian romans but EXCEEDED by Christian -romans----and catholics----protestants a bit----and jews, negligible.

Sara had a slave girl hagar, remember she gave her as sex slave to her husband, and well Solomon had lots of sex slaves.

wrong again------Sara had a maid under the law which is called the CODE OF HUMMARABI ---Sara was from Babylon. There was a custom and law in Babylon that allowed a woman with a maid/slave who wanted a baby but could not conceive
to SUBSTITUTE her maid/slave---for herself and USE the maid
as a SURROGATE. The baby would be considered the child of the "mistress" of the maid. This law/custom---did not get
incorporated into Jewish law. What Abraham and eventually Sarah did was BREACH THE HUMMARABI CODE----In fact
Abraham breached the Hummarabi code INCESSANTLY. Did you have a point in mind when you brought up this interesting
story from Genesis. If you actually read Genesis and had
a brain-----you might realize that it is mostly devoted to
A REPUDIATION OF BABYLONIAN RELIGION AND CULTURE. Books are so much more interesting when you
understand them

Just that slaves and sex slaves was common among the Abraham tribe, and since they had to fee slaves, Abraham was wealthy.

wrong again-----no question slavery existed amongst Abraham's tribe----it is likely that the laws developed over time-----that which were the BREAK AWAY from the Babylonian
laws. The law (which is not called "TORAH") has no provision for SEX SLAVERY------sex with a female slave constitutes MARRIAGE------the lady becomes "wife"---
legally. Prior to "torah" -----Abraham and his crowd were
doing----approximately BABYLONIAN law----there were no
other formal codes around-----other than Babylonian,
Assyrian, and Egyptian

So polygamy. Ok, old man Solomon was guilty of both . Funny how Moses brought monotheism out of Egypt.
What oh what did you do before Egypt forced monotheism on you?

monotheism was never popular in Egypt -----and never forced upon anyone in Egypt------in fact it was STAMPED out of
the system with violence. History is not that much of a mystery nor is islamo Nazi shit. Solomon was "guilty" of many things------Polygamy was not prohibited in his time-----
just about ANYWHERE in the world so the word 'guilty' does
not apply. He was guilty enough without mentioning polygamy
thanks for your endorsement Penny dear----but ALL TOLD---the real BULK promulgators of slavery in all of western civiliazatoin ---on TOP OF THE HEAP---were muslims----first arabs and then including non arab muslims----then ROMANS---including pre Christian romans but EXCEEDED by Christian -romans----and catholics----protestants a bit----and jews, negligible.

Sara had a slave girl hagar, remember she gave her as sex slave to her husband, and well Solomon had lots of sex slaves.

wrong again------Sara had a maid under the law which is called the CODE OF HUMMARABI ---Sara was from Babylon. There was a custom and law in Babylon that allowed a woman with a maid/slave who wanted a baby but could not conceive
to SUBSTITUTE her maid/slave---for herself and USE the maid
as a SURROGATE. The baby would be considered the child of the "mistress" of the maid. This law/custom---did not get
incorporated into Jewish law. What Abraham and eventually Sarah did was BREACH THE HUMMARABI CODE----In fact
Abraham breached the Hummarabi code INCESSANTLY. Did you have a point in mind when you brought up this interesting
story from Genesis. If you actually read Genesis and had
a brain-----you might realize that it is mostly devoted to
A REPUDIATION OF BABYLONIAN RELIGION AND CULTURE. Books are so much more interesting when you
understand them

Just that slaves and sex slaves was common among the Abraham tribe, and since they had to fee slaves, Abraham was wealthy.

wrong again-----no question slavery existed amongst Abraham's tribe----it is likely that the laws developed over time-----that which were the BREAK AWAY from the Babylonian
laws. The law (which is not called "TORAH") has no provision for SEX SLAVERY------sex with a female slave constitutes MARRIAGE------the lady becomes "wife"---
legally. Prior to "torah" -----Abraham and his crowd were
doing----approximately BABYLONIAN law----there were no
other formal codes around-----other than Babylonian,
Assyrian, and Egyptian

So polygamy. Ok, old man Solomon was guilty of both . Funny how Moses brought monotheism out of Egypt.
What oh what did you do before Egypt forced monotheism on you?

Speaking of Solomon Charles Spurgeon shared this story:

I recollect, when I was a boy, hearing a minister preach from this text, "Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies." The opening of that memorable discourse was somewhat in this fashion:—"'Who can find a virtuous woman?' Why, anyone who chooses to look for her; and the only reason why Solomon could not find her was because he looked in the wrong place. Virtuous women kept clear of a king who had such a multitude of wives.

But," said the preacher, "if Solomon were here now, and were made truly wise, he would not long, ask,—'Who can find a virtuous woman?' He would join the church, and find himself at once among a band of holy women, whose adornment is a meek and quiet spirit. If he were permitted to look in upon the Dorcas meeting, he would see many of the sort of whom he once said, 'She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.' If he would adjourn to the Sunday-school, he would there meet with others of whom he would say, 'She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.' We, who serve the Lord Jesus, meet many a time with virtuous women, of each of whom we could say with the wise king, 'Her price is far above rubies."
The preacher of whom I have spoken, interested me by the remark, "Why 'above rubies'? Why not above diamonds? My brethren, the diamond is but a pale and sickly stone, which needs the glare of candle-light or gas to set it off; but the ruby is a ruddy, healthy gem, which is beautiful by daylight. Lovely is the woman whose face is full of the glow of activity in domestic life. That is the kind of woman who makes the housewife in whom the heart of her husband safely trusteth."

From the Writings of Charles Spurgeon
The Spurgeon Archive—Main Menu
These verses are speaking of Hagar's son Ishmael and all of his descendants and the message is powerful! How many have seen this before and missed the meaning of this allegory? May every Muslim reader of this thread not miss this powerful Word from God!

Galatians 4:24-31 King James Version (KJV)
24 Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar.

25 For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children.

26 But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.

27 For it is written, Rejoice, thou barren that bearest not; break forth and cry, thou that travailest not: for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath an husband.

28 Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise.

29 But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now.

30 Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.

31 So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, but of the free.

King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain

It is an open invitation to Muslims to become sons and daughters of God. To become children of the free through Jesus Christ!

Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved! Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved!
I get it you are a true Christian who is trying to show the "lost" to the road of Christ. Keep in mind Muslim and Catholic scholars certainly would refute all of your accusations.

None have thus far been successful because they cannot refute the Written Word of God,Masked Dissident. As you will notice (I see you are brand new to USMB) after awhile I use the Written Word of God which is sharper than any two edged sword.......... How can they refute the very Word of God? They cannot! Why should I remain silent while multitudes are being led to hell by the false teachings of Islam and it's Harlot Mother - Catholic Vatican?

If I should remain silent and watch multitudes go to hell what would that say about my understanding of God's love and compassion for those who are perishing? Believers in Jesus Christ are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. Not just the ones that appear "safe." It would be my greatest joy to learn you were ISIS or some Islamic radical because the most wretched hell bound sinners make the very best servants of God once they are saved! Those who have been forgiven much, love much. Those who have been forgiven little, love little.

You will find as you begin to search the Scriptures that the most important matter is that of your soul. Where will you go when you die, @MaskedDissident? You must go to one of two places - heaven or hell. Jesus Christ offers you forgiveness of all of your sins and to write your name in His Lamb's Book of Life so that when you die you may enter heaven. How can you obtain this forgiveness? Admit you are a sinner (all have fallen short of the glory of God) and confess your sins to the LORD as He brings them to your mind. Repent of your sins and ask God to forgive you of your sins.

Tell the LORD you are willing to follow him and serve him all the days of your life. Tell him that you desire to Stop Sinning and live a holy life. Make the decision to give your entire being to the LORD and read Romans 10:9,10.

Becoming a follower of Christ is not some flip 5 second prayer at an altar to get "fire insurance"....... Salvation is a miracle of Almighty God where He gives you a new heart! A new heart that desires to know Jesus and follow Him and Obey His Commandments! A real Christian will live the life even when persecuted. To be persecuted is not something to cry about! To be persecuted for righteousness' sake is to be honored by God. It is a glorious privilege to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ.

What reward would anyone possibly gain from suffering for Allah? He is a false pre-Islamic moon god and can do nothing for anyone concerning salvation or any other matter. If you are going to suffer, suffer for the cause of righteousness! Not wrong doing!

This is Your Eternal life. Not anyone else's. Will they do your time in hell for you? No. Do not concern yourself with what others will think. You obey God and come to Jesus Christ and be born again!

See John Chapter 3 by clicking link below.
Bible Gateway passage: John 3 - King James Version
I get it you are a true Christian who is trying to show the "lost" to the road of Christ. Keep in mind Muslim and Catholic scholars certainly would refute all of your accusations.

None have thus far been successful because they cannot refute the Written Word of God,Masked Dissident. As you will notice (I see you are brand new to USMB) after awhile I use the Written Word of God which is sharper than any two edged sword.......... How can they refute the very Word of God? They cannot! Why should I remain silent while multitudes are being led to hell by the false teachings of Islam and it's Harlot Mother - Catholic Vatican?

If I should remain silent and watch multitudes go to hell what would that say about my understanding of God's love and compassion for those who are perishing? Believers in Jesus Christ are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. Not just the ones that appear "safe." It would be my greatest joy to learn you were ISIS or some Islamic radical because the most wretched hell bound sinners make the very best servants of God once they are saved! Those who have been forgiven much, love much. Those who have been forgiven little, love little.

You will find as you begin to search the Scriptures that the most important matter is that of your soul. Where will you go when you die, @MaskedDissident? You must go to one of two places - heaven or hell. Jesus Christ offers you forgiveness of all of your sins and to write your name in His Lamb's Book of Life so that when you die you may enter heaven. How can you obtain this forgiveness? Admit you are a sinner (all have fallen short of the glory of God) and confess your sins to the LORD as He brings them to your mind. Repent of your sins and ask God to forgive you of your sins.

Tell the LORD you are willing to follow him and serve him all the days of your life. Tell him that you desire to Stop Sinning and live a holy life. Make the decision to give your entire being to the LORD and read Romans 10:9,10.

Becoming a follower of Christ is not some flip 5 second prayer at an altar to get "fire insurance"....... Salvation is a miracle of Almighty God where He gives you a new heart! A new heart that desires to know Jesus and follow Him and Obey His Commandments! A real Christian will live the life even when persecuted. To be persecuted is not something to cry about! To be persecuted for righteousness' sake is to be honored by God. It is a glorious privilege to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ.

What reward would anyone possibly gain from suffering for Allah? He is a false pre-Islamic moon god and can do nothing for anyone concerning salvation or any other matter. If you are going to suffer, suffer for the cause of righteousness! Not wrong doing!

This is Your Eternal life. Not anyone else's. Will they do your time in hell for you? No. Do not concern yourself with what others will think. You obey God and come to Jesus Christ and be born again!

See John Chapter 3 by clicking link below.
Bible Gateway passage: John 3 - King James Version
I get it you are a true Christian who is trying to show the "lost" to the road of Christ. Keep in mind Muslim and Catholic scholars certainly would refute all of your accusations.

None have thus far been successful because they cannot refute the Written Word of God,Masked Dissident. As you will notice (I see you are brand new to USMB) after awhile I use the Written Word of God which is sharper than any two edged sword.......... How can they refute the very Word of God? They cannot! Why should I remain silent while multitudes are being led to hell by the false teachings of Islam and it's Harlot Mother - Catholic Vatican?

If I should remain silent and watch multitudes go to hell what would that say about my understanding of God's love and compassion for those who are perishing? Believers in Jesus Christ are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. Not just the ones that appear "safe." It would be my greatest joy to learn you were ISIS or some Islamic radical because the most wretched hell bound sinners make the very best servants of God once they are saved! Those who have been forgiven much, love much. Those who have been forgiven little, love little.

You will find as you begin to search the Scriptures that the most important matter is that of your soul. Where will you go when you die, @MaskedDissident? You must go to one of two places - heaven or hell. Jesus Christ offers you forgiveness of all of your sins and to write your name in His Lamb's Book of Life so that when you die you may enter heaven. How can you obtain this forgiveness? Admit you are a sinner (all have fallen short of the glory of God) and confess your sins to the LORD as He brings them to your mind. Repent of your sins and ask God to forgive you of your sins.

Tell the LORD you are willing to follow him and serve him all the days of your life. Tell him that you desire to Stop Sinning and live a holy life. Make the decision to give your entire being to the LORD and read Romans 10:9,10.

Becoming a follower of Christ is not some flip 5 second prayer at an altar to get "fire insurance"....... Salvation is a miracle of Almighty God where He gives you a new heart! A new heart that desires to know Jesus and follow Him and Obey His Commandments! A real Christian will live the life even when persecuted. To be persecuted is not something to cry about! To be persecuted for righteousness' sake is to be honored by God. It is a glorious privilege to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ.

What reward would anyone possibly gain from suffering for Allah? He is a false pre-Islamic moon god and can do nothing for anyone concerning salvation or any other matter. If you are going to suffer, suffer for the cause of righteousness! Not wrong doing!

This is Your Eternal life. Not anyone else's. Will they do your time in hell for you? No. Do not concern yourself with what others will think. You obey God and come to Jesus Christ and be born again!

See John Chapter 3 by clicking link below.
Bible Gateway passage: John 3 - King James Version
Catholics find your religion to be a heresy and believe you need to be saved. Muslims laugh at your notion that any MAN can be God. Jews also laugh at your notion that any MAN can be God. They think the person who needs to correction is you. The Jews use the Torah to refute your man God worship. The Catholics use The Bible which they believe is their book to command you to follow the sacraments. YOu may have the "easiest" form of faith when it comes to lifestyle and over all well being but your theology falls apart. Why would a deist believe a man(JESUS) is a God? Why would a Jew worship a man as a God?

Lastly, your "love" of God is really your fear of death and hell. You simply use the God concept to relieve yourself of the irrational horrors of suffering in the afterlife. You clearly illustrated this in your writing. Please stop PREACHING. I did not ask for volumes of your PRO PROTESTANT propaganda that you sincerely believe is true. I know you are sincere and you mean well but stop.

This is the case with many people. I pray it shall not be the case with you. I do not fear hell. I do not fear Islam nor do I fear the Whore of Rome or any man. I fear God. That is all I fear. I fear God. Which is why I tell you today that you are right now dangling over hell as if by a thread and if you do not turn from this false cult of Islam and call upon the Lord Jesus Christ you shall find yourself in hell one day and regretting that you did not listen to the servants God sent to warn you to flee from sin and call upon Jesus Christ for salvation!

I am not a Muslim. Do you honestly think your are going to convince a Muslim to convert to Christianity when they believe it is damnable offense to worship Jesus(A MAN)? This is a sin according to ISLAM and it is worthy of HELL. They do not see your Bible as authoritative.

Too late. it's been done already. Let's get back to you. You show up on Lonelaugher's thread and say this video is excellent - why? - because Lonelaugher posted it?

The message in the video is clearly about disrespect and that the man speaking came there because he loves those young people and is trying to speak truth to them and wake them up. Yet when I do the same here by preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ because I love and care for the lost, you give me a multiple choice list questioning what my motive is. You are a hypocrite. You'll have to own up to it sooner later. Sooner would be a wise choice.

I have nothing further to say to you.

Simply because you sincerely believe in hell and simply because you are concerned about the "lost" going to hell does not make hell true. Your concern and love for us does not make "hell" true. Love does not validate hell, salvation or heaven.
These verses are speaking of Hagar's son Ishmael and all of his descendants and the message is powerful! How many have seen this before and missed the meaning of this allegory? May every Muslim reader of this thread not miss this powerful Word from God!

Galatians 4:24-31 King James Version (KJV)
24 Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar.

25 For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children.

26 But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.

27 For it is written, Rejoice, thou barren that bearest not; break forth and cry, thou that travailest not: for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath an husband.

28 Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise.

29 But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now.

30 Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.

31 So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, but of the free.

King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain

It is an open invitation to Muslims to become sons and daughters of God. To become children of the free through Jesus Christ!

Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved! Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved!
I get it you are a true Christian who is trying to show the "lost" to the road of Christ. Keep in mind Muslim and Catholic scholars certainly would refute all of your accusations.

None have thus far been successful because they cannot refute the Written Word of God,Masked Dissident. As you will notice (I see you are brand new to USMB) after awhile I use the Written Word of God which is sharper than any two edged sword.......... How can they refute the very Word of God? They cannot! Why should I remain silent while multitudes are being led to hell by the false teachings of Islam and it's Harlot Mother - Catholic Vatican?

If I should remain silent and watch multitudes go to hell what would that say about my understanding of God's love and compassion for those who are perishing? Believers in Jesus Christ are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. Not just the ones that appear "safe." It would be my greatest joy to learn you were ISIS or some Islamic radical because the most wretched hell bound sinners make the very best servants of God once they are saved! Those who have been forgiven much, love much. Those who have been forgiven little, love little.

You will find as you begin to search the Scriptures that the most important matter is that of your soul. Where will you go when you die, @MaskedDissident? You must go to one of two places - heaven or hell. Jesus Christ offers you forgiveness of all of your sins and to write your name in His Lamb's Book of Life so that when you die you may enter heaven. How can you obtain this forgiveness? Admit you are a sinner (all have fallen short of the glory of God) and confess your sins to the LORD as He brings them to your mind. Repent of your sins and ask God to forgive you of your sins.

Tell the LORD you are willing to follow him and serve him all the days of your life. Tell him that you desire to Stop Sinning and live a holy life. Make the decision to give your entire being to the LORD and read Romans 10:9,10.

Becoming a follower of Christ is not some flip 5 second prayer at an altar to get "fire insurance"....... Salvation is a miracle of Almighty God where He gives you a new heart! A new heart that desires to know Jesus and follow Him and Obey His Commandments! A real Christian will live the life even when persecuted. To be persecuted is not something to cry about! To be persecuted for righteousness' sake is to be honored by God. It is a glorious privilege to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ.

What reward would anyone possibly gain from suffering for Allah? He is a false pre-Islamic moon god and can do nothing for anyone concerning salvation or any other matter. If you are going to suffer, suffer for the cause of righteousness! Not wrong doing!

This is Your Eternal life. Not anyone else's. Will they do your time in hell for you? No. Do not concern yourself with what others will think. You obey God and come to Jesus Christ and be born again!

See John Chapter 3 by clicking link below.
Bible Gateway passage: John 3 - King James Version
I get it you are a true Christian who is trying to show the "lost" to the road of Christ. Keep in mind Muslim and Catholic scholars certainly would refute all of your accusations.

None have thus far been successful because they cannot refute the Written Word of God,Masked Dissident. As you will notice (I see you are brand new to USMB) after awhile I use the Written Word of God which is sharper than any two edged sword.......... How can they refute the very Word of God? They cannot! Why should I remain silent while multitudes are being led to hell by the false teachings of Islam and it's Harlot Mother - Catholic Vatican?

If I should remain silent and watch multitudes go to hell what would that say about my understanding of God's love and compassion for those who are perishing? Believers in Jesus Christ are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. Not just the ones that appear "safe." It would be my greatest joy to learn you were ISIS or some Islamic radical because the most wretched hell bound sinners make the very best servants of God once they are saved! Those who have been forgiven much, love much. Those who have been forgiven little, love little.

You will find as you begin to search the Scriptures that the most important matter is that of your soul. Where will you go when you die, @MaskedDissident? You must go to one of two places - heaven or hell. Jesus Christ offers you forgiveness of all of your sins and to write your name in His Lamb's Book of Life so that when you die you may enter heaven. How can you obtain this forgiveness? Admit you are a sinner (all have fallen short of the glory of God) and confess your sins to the LORD as He brings them to your mind. Repent of your sins and ask God to forgive you of your sins.

Tell the LORD you are willing to follow him and serve him all the days of your life. Tell him that you desire to Stop Sinning and live a holy life. Make the decision to give your entire being to the LORD and read Romans 10:9,10.

Becoming a follower of Christ is not some flip 5 second prayer at an altar to get "fire insurance"....... Salvation is a miracle of Almighty God where He gives you a new heart! A new heart that desires to know Jesus and follow Him and Obey His Commandments! A real Christian will live the life even when persecuted. To be persecuted is not something to cry about! To be persecuted for righteousness' sake is to be honored by God. It is a glorious privilege to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ.

What reward would anyone possibly gain from suffering for Allah? He is a false pre-Islamic moon god and can do nothing for anyone concerning salvation or any other matter. If you are going to suffer, suffer for the cause of righteousness! Not wrong doing!

This is Your Eternal life. Not anyone else's. Will they do your time in hell for you? No. Do not concern yourself with what others will think. You obey God and come to Jesus Christ and be born again!

See John Chapter 3 by clicking link below.
Bible Gateway passage: John 3 - King James Version
I get it you are a true Christian who is trying to show the "lost" to the road of Christ. Keep in mind Muslim and Catholic scholars certainly would refute all of your accusations.

None have thus far been successful because they cannot refute the Written Word of God,Masked Dissident. As you will notice (I see you are brand new to USMB) after awhile I use the Written Word of God which is sharper than any two edged sword.......... How can they refute the very Word of God? They cannot! Why should I remain silent while multitudes are being led to hell by the false teachings of Islam and it's Harlot Mother - Catholic Vatican?

If I should remain silent and watch multitudes go to hell what would that say about my understanding of God's love and compassion for those who are perishing? Believers in Jesus Christ are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. Not just the ones that appear "safe." It would be my greatest joy to learn you were ISIS or some Islamic radical because the most wretched hell bound sinners make the very best servants of God once they are saved! Those who have been forgiven much, love much. Those who have been forgiven little, love little.

You will find as you begin to search the Scriptures that the most important matter is that of your soul. Where will you go when you die, @MaskedDissident? You must go to one of two places - heaven or hell. Jesus Christ offers you forgiveness of all of your sins and to write your name in His Lamb's Book of Life so that when you die you may enter heaven. How can you obtain this forgiveness? Admit you are a sinner (all have fallen short of the glory of God) and confess your sins to the LORD as He brings them to your mind. Repent of your sins and ask God to forgive you of your sins.

Tell the LORD you are willing to follow him and serve him all the days of your life. Tell him that you desire to Stop Sinning and live a holy life. Make the decision to give your entire being to the LORD and read Romans 10:9,10.

Becoming a follower of Christ is not some flip 5 second prayer at an altar to get "fire insurance"....... Salvation is a miracle of Almighty God where He gives you a new heart! A new heart that desires to know Jesus and follow Him and Obey His Commandments! A real Christian will live the life even when persecuted. To be persecuted is not something to cry about! To be persecuted for righteousness' sake is to be honored by God. It is a glorious privilege to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ.

What reward would anyone possibly gain from suffering for Allah? He is a false pre-Islamic moon god and can do nothing for anyone concerning salvation or any other matter. If you are going to suffer, suffer for the cause of righteousness! Not wrong doing!

This is Your Eternal life. Not anyone else's. Will they do your time in hell for you? No. Do not concern yourself with what others will think. You obey God and come to Jesus Christ and be born again!

See John Chapter 3 by clicking link below.
Bible Gateway passage: John 3 - King James Version
Catholics find your religion to be a heresy and believe you need to be saved. Muslims laugh at your notion that any MAN can be God. Jews also laugh at your notion that any MAN can be God. They think the person who needs to correction is you. The Jews use the Torah to refute your man God worship. The Catholics use The Bible which they believe is their book to command you to follow the sacraments. YOu may have the "easiest" form of faith when it comes to lifestyle and over all well being but your theology falls apart. Why would a deist believe a man(JESUS) is a God? Why would a Jew worship a man as a God?

Lastly, your "love" of God is really your fear of death and hell. You simply use the God concept to relieve yourself of the irrational horrors of suffering in the afterlife. You clearly illustrated this in your writing. Please stop PREACHING. I did not ask for volumes of your PRO PROTESTANT propaganda that you sincerely believe is true. I know you are sincere and you mean well but stop.

This is the case with many people. I pray it shall not be the case with you. I do not fear hell. I do not fear Islam nor do I fear the Whore of Rome or any man. I fear God. That is all I fear. I fear God. Which is why I tell you today that you are right now dangling over hell as if by a thread and if you do not turn from this false cult of Islam and call upon the Lord Jesus Christ you shall find yourself in hell one day and regretting that you did not listen to the servants God sent to warn you to flee from sin and call upon Jesus Christ for salvation!

I am not a Muslim. Do you honestly think your are going to convince a Muslim to convert to Christianity when they believe it is damnable offense to worship Jesus(A MAN)? This is a sin according to ISLAM and it is worthy of HELL. They do not see your Bible as authoritative.

Too late. it's been done already. Let's get back to you. You show up on Lonelaugher's thread and say this video is excellent - why? - because Lonelaugher posted it?

The message in the video is clearly about disrespect and that the man speaking came there because he loves those young people and is trying to speak truth to them and wake them up. Yet when I do the same here by preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ because I love and care for the lost, you give me a multiple choice list questioning what my motive is. You are a hypocrite. You'll have to own up to it sooner later. Sooner would be a wise choice.

I have nothing further to say to you.

The man in this video made claims which are true about African Americans. These facts are proven true independent of his concern. However, your concern about hell and your fear that others will go there does not prove hell is real. It does not prove the bible is real (which you base your hell concept from). I believe a Christian parent cares about their sick child they send to faith healers but fails to get them real medical help. Your concern is based on theological falsehood. Caring about souls when the very concept of souls is false does not prove the Gospel.
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These verses are speaking of Hagar's son Ishmael and all of his descendants and the message is powerful! How many have seen this before and missed the meaning of this allegory? May every Muslim reader of this thread not miss this powerful Word from God!

Galatians 4:24-31 King James Version (KJV)
24 Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar.

25 For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children.

26 But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.

27 For it is written, Rejoice, thou barren that bearest not; break forth and cry, thou that travailest not: for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath an husband.

28 Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise.

29 But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now.

30 Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.

31 So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, but of the free.

King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain

It is an open invitation to Muslims to become sons and daughters of God. To become children of the free through Jesus Christ!

Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved! Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved!
None have thus far been successful because they cannot refute the Written Word of God,Masked Dissident. As you will notice (I see you are brand new to USMB) after awhile I use the Written Word of God which is sharper than any two edged sword.......... How can they refute the very Word of God? They cannot! Why should I remain silent while multitudes are being led to hell by the false teachings of Islam and it's Harlot Mother - Catholic Vatican?

If I should remain silent and watch multitudes go to hell what would that say about my understanding of God's love and compassion for those who are perishing? Believers in Jesus Christ are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. Not just the ones that appear "safe." It would be my greatest joy to learn you were ISIS or some Islamic radical because the most wretched hell bound sinners make the very best servants of God once they are saved! Those who have been forgiven much, love much. Those who have been forgiven little, love little.

You will find as you begin to search the Scriptures that the most important matter is that of your soul. Where will you go when you die, @MaskedDissident? You must go to one of two places - heaven or hell. Jesus Christ offers you forgiveness of all of your sins and to write your name in His Lamb's Book of Life so that when you die you may enter heaven. How can you obtain this forgiveness? Admit you are a sinner (all have fallen short of the glory of God) and confess your sins to the LORD as He brings them to your mind. Repent of your sins and ask God to forgive you of your sins.

Tell the LORD you are willing to follow him and serve him all the days of your life. Tell him that you desire to Stop Sinning and live a holy life. Make the decision to give your entire being to the LORD and read Romans 10:9,10.

Becoming a follower of Christ is not some flip 5 second prayer at an altar to get "fire insurance"....... Salvation is a miracle of Almighty God where He gives you a new heart! A new heart that desires to know Jesus and follow Him and Obey His Commandments! A real Christian will live the life even when persecuted. To be persecuted is not something to cry about! To be persecuted for righteousness' sake is to be honored by God. It is a glorious privilege to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ.

What reward would anyone possibly gain from suffering for Allah? He is a false pre-Islamic moon god and can do nothing for anyone concerning salvation or any other matter. If you are going to suffer, suffer for the cause of righteousness! Not wrong doing!

This is Your Eternal life. Not anyone else's. Will they do your time in hell for you? No. Do not concern yourself with what others will think. You obey God and come to Jesus Christ and be born again!

See John Chapter 3 by clicking link below.
Bible Gateway passage: John 3 - King James Version
None have thus far been successful because they cannot refute the Written Word of God,Masked Dissident. As you will notice (I see you are brand new to USMB) after awhile I use the Written Word of God which is sharper than any two edged sword.......... How can they refute the very Word of God? They cannot! Why should I remain silent while multitudes are being led to hell by the false teachings of Islam and it's Harlot Mother - Catholic Vatican?

If I should remain silent and watch multitudes go to hell what would that say about my understanding of God's love and compassion for those who are perishing? Believers in Jesus Christ are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. Not just the ones that appear "safe." It would be my greatest joy to learn you were ISIS or some Islamic radical because the most wretched hell bound sinners make the very best servants of God once they are saved! Those who have been forgiven much, love much. Those who have been forgiven little, love little.

You will find as you begin to search the Scriptures that the most important matter is that of your soul. Where will you go when you die, @MaskedDissident? You must go to one of two places - heaven or hell. Jesus Christ offers you forgiveness of all of your sins and to write your name in His Lamb's Book of Life so that when you die you may enter heaven. How can you obtain this forgiveness? Admit you are a sinner (all have fallen short of the glory of God) and confess your sins to the LORD as He brings them to your mind. Repent of your sins and ask God to forgive you of your sins.

Tell the LORD you are willing to follow him and serve him all the days of your life. Tell him that you desire to Stop Sinning and live a holy life. Make the decision to give your entire being to the LORD and read Romans 10:9,10.

Becoming a follower of Christ is not some flip 5 second prayer at an altar to get "fire insurance"....... Salvation is a miracle of Almighty God where He gives you a new heart! A new heart that desires to know Jesus and follow Him and Obey His Commandments! A real Christian will live the life even when persecuted. To be persecuted is not something to cry about! To be persecuted for righteousness' sake is to be honored by God. It is a glorious privilege to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ.

What reward would anyone possibly gain from suffering for Allah? He is a false pre-Islamic moon god and can do nothing for anyone concerning salvation or any other matter. If you are going to suffer, suffer for the cause of righteousness! Not wrong doing!

This is Your Eternal life. Not anyone else's. Will they do your time in hell for you? No. Do not concern yourself with what others will think. You obey God and come to Jesus Christ and be born again!

See John Chapter 3 by clicking link below.
Bible Gateway passage: John 3 - King James Version
None have thus far been successful because they cannot refute the Written Word of God,Masked Dissident. As you will notice (I see you are brand new to USMB) after awhile I use the Written Word of God which is sharper than any two edged sword.......... How can they refute the very Word of God? They cannot! Why should I remain silent while multitudes are being led to hell by the false teachings of Islam and it's Harlot Mother - Catholic Vatican?

If I should remain silent and watch multitudes go to hell what would that say about my understanding of God's love and compassion for those who are perishing? Believers in Jesus Christ are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. Not just the ones that appear "safe." It would be my greatest joy to learn you were ISIS or some Islamic radical because the most wretched hell bound sinners make the very best servants of God once they are saved! Those who have been forgiven much, love much. Those who have been forgiven little, love little.

You will find as you begin to search the Scriptures that the most important matter is that of your soul. Where will you go when you die, @MaskedDissident? You must go to one of two places - heaven or hell. Jesus Christ offers you forgiveness of all of your sins and to write your name in His Lamb's Book of Life so that when you die you may enter heaven. How can you obtain this forgiveness? Admit you are a sinner (all have fallen short of the glory of God) and confess your sins to the LORD as He brings them to your mind. Repent of your sins and ask God to forgive you of your sins.

Tell the LORD you are willing to follow him and serve him all the days of your life. Tell him that you desire to Stop Sinning and live a holy life. Make the decision to give your entire being to the LORD and read Romans 10:9,10.

Becoming a follower of Christ is not some flip 5 second prayer at an altar to get "fire insurance"....... Salvation is a miracle of Almighty God where He gives you a new heart! A new heart that desires to know Jesus and follow Him and Obey His Commandments! A real Christian will live the life even when persecuted. To be persecuted is not something to cry about! To be persecuted for righteousness' sake is to be honored by God. It is a glorious privilege to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ.

What reward would anyone possibly gain from suffering for Allah? He is a false pre-Islamic moon god and can do nothing for anyone concerning salvation or any other matter. If you are going to suffer, suffer for the cause of righteousness! Not wrong doing!

This is Your Eternal life. Not anyone else's. Will they do your time in hell for you? No. Do not concern yourself with what others will think. You obey God and come to Jesus Christ and be born again!

See John Chapter 3 by clicking link below.
Bible Gateway passage: John 3 - King James Version
Catholics find your religion to be a heresy and believe you need to be saved. Muslims laugh at your notion that any MAN can be God. Jews also laugh at your notion that any MAN can be God. They think the person who needs to correction is you. The Jews use the Torah to refute your man God worship. The Catholics use The Bible which they believe is their book to command you to follow the sacraments. YOu may have the "easiest" form of faith when it comes to lifestyle and over all well being but your theology falls apart. Why would a deist believe a man(JESUS) is a God? Why would a Jew worship a man as a God?

Lastly, your "love" of God is really your fear of death and hell. You simply use the God concept to relieve yourself of the irrational horrors of suffering in the afterlife. You clearly illustrated this in your writing. Please stop PREACHING. I did not ask for volumes of your PRO PROTESTANT propaganda that you sincerely believe is true. I know you are sincere and you mean well but stop.

This is the case with many people. I pray it shall not be the case with you. I do not fear hell. I do not fear Islam nor do I fear the Whore of Rome or any man. I fear God. That is all I fear. I fear God. Which is why I tell you today that you are right now dangling over hell as if by a thread and if you do not turn from this false cult of Islam and call upon the Lord Jesus Christ you shall find yourself in hell one day and regretting that you did not listen to the servants God sent to warn you to flee from sin and call upon Jesus Christ for salvation!

I am not a Muslim. Do you honestly think your are going to convince a Muslim to convert to Christianity when they believe it is damnable offense to worship Jesus(A MAN)? This is a sin according to ISLAM and it is worthy of HELL. They do not see your Bible as authoritative.

Too late. it's been done already. Let's get back to you. You show up on Lonelaugher's thread and say this video is excellent - why? - because Lonelaugher posted it?

The message in the video is clearly about disrespect and that the man speaking came there because he loves those young people and is trying to speak truth to them and wake them up. Yet when I do the same here by preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ because I love and care for the lost, you give me a multiple choice list questioning what my motive is. You are a hypocrite. You'll have to own up to it sooner later. Sooner would be a wise choice.

I have nothing further to say to you.

The man in this videos made claims which are true. Your concern about hell and your fear that others will go there does not prove hell is real. It does not prove the bible is real (which you base your hell concept from). I believe a Christian parent cares about their sick child they send to faith healers but fails to get them real medical help. Your concern is based on theological falsehood. Caring about souls when the very concept of souls is false does not prove the Gospel.

The motive of hell and heaven is fundamental to your faith. It comes down to being bribed with the gift of salvation or being tortured in hell. This is what your whole motivation of being a Christian is.
I tell you the truth, Dissident. If Mohammad could get out of hell for 5 minutes and come here he would tell you himself. Follow Jesus Christ and do not send yourself to hell. I have given you the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the truth. If you reject the truth it is because you love the darkness rather than the light (read John Chapter 3).
A Muslim would be just as concerned about you going to the eternal furnace for worshiping a man. They would provide arguments that within theology worshipping a man and making the sinful excuse that this man is really God is an offense to God. They would accuse you of rejecting the truth because you love your sin against ALLAH. BTW The Muslim hell is far worse than the Christian hell.
I guess the gist of this thread is to be a Protestant. I thought Protestants were primarily responsible for the black slave trade in America.

yes----very likely a true statement----the tiny fraction of the world history of slave trade which was that related to Africa and the Americas-----sometime in the 17th thru `19th centuries ----involved PROTESTANTS

thanks for your endorsement Penny dear----but ALL TOLD---the real BULK promulgators of slavery in all of western civiliazatoin ---on TOP OF THE HEAP---were muslims----first arabs and then including non arab muslims----then ROMANS---including pre Christian romans but EXCEEDED by Christian -romans----and catholics----protestants a bit----and jews, negligible.

Sara had a slave girl hagar, remember she gave her as sex slave to her husband, and well Solomon had lots of sex slaves.

wrong again------Sara had a maid under the law which is called the CODE OF HUMMARABI ---Sara was from Babylon. There was a custom and law in Babylon that allowed a woman with a maid/slave who wanted a baby but could not conceive
to SUBSTITUTE her maid/slave---for herself and USE the maid
as a SURROGATE. The baby would be considered the child of the "mistress" of the maid. This law/custom---did not get
incorporated into Jewish law. What Abraham and eventually Sarah did was BREACH THE HUMMARABI CODE----In fact
Abraham breached the Hummarabi code INCESSANTLY. Did you have a point in mind when you brought up this interesting
story from Genesis. If you actually read Genesis and had
a brain-----you might realize that it is mostly devoted to
A REPUDIATION OF BABYLONIAN RELIGION AND CULTURE. Books are so much more interesting when you
understand them

Just that slaves and sex slaves was common among the Abraham tribe, and since they had to fee slaves, Abraham was wealthy.

how do you know, Penelope----there is no archaeologic PROOF that there was an "Abraham tribe" or that that "tribe"---had sex slaves of that Abraham was wealthy or that there was
an Abraham----you are relying ENTIRELY on the bible. You have already stated that the bible is completely unreliable and if there is no corroborative evidence then YOU take the history noted in the bible as false. Try to be consistent. You try to
discuss the information in a book you never read-----and insist
is entirely fantasy. For the record---there is no evidence in the bible that the Hebrews had "sex slaves" nor is there archaeological evidence
yes----very likely a true statement----the tiny fraction of the world history of slave trade which was that related to Africa and the Americas-----sometime in the 17th thru `19th centuries ----involved PROTESTANTS

thanks for your endorsement Penny dear----but ALL TOLD---the real BULK promulgators of slavery in all of western civiliazatoin ---on TOP OF THE HEAP---were muslims----first arabs and then including non arab muslims----then ROMANS---including pre Christian romans but EXCEEDED by Christian -romans----and catholics----protestants a bit----and jews, negligible.

Sara had a slave girl hagar, remember she gave her as sex slave to her husband, and well Solomon had lots of sex slaves.

wrong again------Sara had a maid under the law which is called the CODE OF HUMMARABI ---Sara was from Babylon. There was a custom and law in Babylon that allowed a woman with a maid/slave who wanted a baby but could not conceive
to SUBSTITUTE her maid/slave---for herself and USE the maid
as a SURROGATE. The baby would be considered the child of the "mistress" of the maid. This law/custom---did not get
incorporated into Jewish law. What Abraham and eventually Sarah did was BREACH THE HUMMARABI CODE----In fact
Abraham breached the Hummarabi code INCESSANTLY. Did you have a point in mind when you brought up this interesting
story from Genesis. If you actually read Genesis and had
a brain-----you might realize that it is mostly devoted to
A REPUDIATION OF BABYLONIAN RELIGION AND CULTURE. Books are so much more interesting when you
understand them

Just that slaves and sex slaves was common among the Abraham tribe, and since they had to fee slaves, Abraham was wealthy.

how do you know, Penelope----there is no archaeologic PROOF that there was an "Abraham tribe" or that that "tribe"---had sex slaves of that Abraham was wealthy or that there was
an Abraham----you are relying ENTIRELY on the bible. You have already stated that the bible is completely unreliable and if there is no corroborative evidence then YOU take the history noted in the bible as false. Try to be consistent. You try to
discuss the information in a book you never read-----and insist
is entirely fantasy. For the record---there is no evidence in the bible that the Hebrews had "sex slaves" nor is there archaeological evidence

God's people never had sex slaves as we see in the religion of Islam. Ever. Anyone true child of God would never own a sex slave which has to be the most horrific life on earth a person could suffer. To own sex slaves as is seen in the religion of Islam is no where found in Scripture. I know nothing of this custom Penelope speaks of but Sarah gave her (Hagar) to her husband to become his wife. There was none of this sex slavery business that Penelope speaks of in the family of God (the Hebrews).

It is written:

Genesis 16-17 King James Version (KJV)
16 Now Sarai Abram's wife bare him no children: and she had an handmaid, an Egyptian, whose name was Hagar.

2 And Sarai said unto Abram, Behold now, the Lord hath restrained me from bearing: I pray thee, go in unto my maid; it may be that I may obtain children by her. And Abram hearkened to the voice of Sarai.

3 And Sarai Abram's wife took Hagar her maid the Egyptian, after Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan, and gave her to her husband Abram to be his wife.

4 And he went in unto Hagar, and she conceived: and when she saw that she had conceived, her mistress was despised in her eyes.

5 And Sarai said unto Abram, My wrong be upon thee: I have given my maid into thy bosom; and when she saw that she had conceived, I was despised in her eyes: the Lord judge between me and thee.

6 But Abram said unto Sarai, Behold, thy maid is in thine hand; do to her as it pleaseth thee. And when Sarai dealt hardly with her, she fled from her face.

7 And the angel of the Lord found her by a fountain of water in the wilderness, by the fountain in the way to Shur.

Abraham is the father of the faith. He is a historical figure, not a fairy tale. Abraham was blessed of the Lord. He also lived a humble life, not a life of opulence. I do not know where Penelope has taken this from but it is not in the King James Version Holy Bible nor the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh).
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A prison suit. He's earned it from what I hear. Jesus Christ does not have a Vicar. Jorge was appointed by godless men and has no authority from the Lord God Almighty. None. This is all a dog and pony show. Wake up, Penelope.

I'm a RC , what are you? Ashamed to say hey?

oh---that's interesting, penny-------You are finally willing to state OPENLY that which I asked you long ago. How about a bit more-------like a bit about your remote ancestry-----if you ---by chance, KNOW

Paul never met Jesus, and does that pic of Paul shows him reading a newspaper? Sure looks like it . Peter is the rock, and since the Rome created the Christian Church they can do what they want. I guess first come first gets to pick and Rome picked Peter to be the head of their church, and a body needs a head, and the Pope is the head on Earth. Deal with it.

Paul met Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus. Jesus Christ is the light that Paul encountered. Jesus Christ spoke to Paul and asked him, why persecutest thou me? In other words, why are you persecuting me, Paul? Paul was murdering Christians (in ignorance - even as Muslims and Catholics have murdered Christians throughout the ages - in ignorance that they are - in fact - persecuting Jesus Christ whom they claim to believe!) Paul did not know this until Jesus told him. He believed on the LORD and was saved.

Tell me, what hope will those of you have, who been told the truth (with KJV Scripture provided) and yet continue to persecute the followers of Jesus Christ? Do you not realize you are in danger of the judgment of God for this? Do you have no fear of God Almighty at all? I will leave you with that thought today. It is enough to keep you busy for some time to come.

It is written:

Acts 9:3-9 King James Version (KJV)
3 And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven:

4 And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?

5 And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

6 And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.

7 And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man.

8 And Saul arose from the earth; and when his eyes were opened, he saw no man: but they led him by the hand, and brought him into Damascus.

9 And he was three days without sight, and neither did eat nor drink.

King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain

So Paul says, I am aware of his hallucination.

As you are a Catholic I can understand your not believing the Written Word of God and the testimony of Paul the Apostle, Penelope. Still, I find this very sad. The LORD wants you to know His Word is true.

When the Roman Catholic System could not longer keep the King James Version Bible out of the hands of their people, priests, Jesuits, etc, they commanded them to read their own translation (corrupted Alexandrian text) instead and I suppose for extra protection ( to make sure their people did not convert to Jesus Christ and become born again believers) they told them not to take the Bible literally. For those reading the King James Version Holy Bible, there is no other way to take it but literally. It is the Word of God. We are to believe what God has said and take Him at His Word.
I'm a RC , what are you? Ashamed to say hey?

oh---that's interesting, penny-------You are finally willing to state OPENLY that which I asked you long ago. How about a bit more-------like a bit about your remote ancestry-----if you ---by chance, KNOW

Paul never met Jesus, and does that pic of Paul shows him reading a newspaper? Sure looks like it . Peter is the rock, and since the Rome created the Christian Church they can do what they want. I guess first come first gets to pick and Rome picked Peter to be the head of their church, and a body needs a head, and the Pope is the head on Earth. Deal with it.

Paul met Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus. Jesus Christ is the light that Paul encountered. Jesus Christ spoke to Paul and asked him, why persecutest thou me? In other words, why are you persecuting me, Paul? Paul was murdering Christians (in ignorance - even as Muslims and Catholics have murdered Christians throughout the ages - in ignorance that they are - in fact - persecuting Jesus Christ whom they claim to believe!) Paul did not know this until Jesus told him. He believed on the LORD and was saved.

Tell me, what hope will those of you have, who been told the truth (with KJV Scripture provided) and yet continue to persecute the followers of Jesus Christ? Do you not realize you are in danger of the judgment of God for this? Do you have no fear of God Almighty at all? I will leave you with that thought today. It is enough to keep you busy for some time to come.

It is written:

Acts 9:3-9 King James Version (KJV)
3 And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven:

4 And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?

5 And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

6 And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.

7 And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man.

8 And Saul arose from the earth; and when his eyes were opened, he saw no man: but they led him by the hand, and brought him into Damascus.

9 And he was three days without sight, and neither did eat nor drink.

King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain

So Paul says, I am aware of his hallucination.

As you are a Catholic I can understand your not believing the Written Word of God and the testimony of Paul the Apostle, Penelope. Still, I find this very sad. The LORD wants you to know His Word is true.

When the Roman Catholic System could not longer keep the King James Version Bible out of the hands of their people, priests, Jesuits, etc, they commanded them to read their own translation (corrupted Alexandrian text) instead and I suppose for extra protection ( to make sure their people did not convert to Jesus Christ and become born again believers) they told them not to take the Bible literally. For those reading the King James Version Holy Bible, there is no other way to take it but literally. It is the Word of God. We are to believe what God has said and take Him at His Word.

Really if God wrote that he ought to of had an editor. No not a fan of Paul's. Faith without works is dead.
It wouldn't surprise me. His father chose his screen name after Catholic Archbishop Fulton Sheen who was an agent of the Jesuit Pope of Rome. Perhaps you should think more carefully, Jake, in your mockery, as you may just discover that what you joke about could indeed have some truth behind it (family ties to the Jesuits). Interesting that Fulton Sheen was noted by Martin to have been a Hollywood actor. As I have researched Fulton's history I can tell you that his "acting" ability came in quite handy for his later role of deceiving the American public. Archbishop Fulton Sheen was used by Rome quite effectively and there is a story of his having met had a private meeting with Graham while Graham was a young man unknown - it is believed that Fulton Sheen is the agent of Rome who groomed Billy Graham (yes, 33rd degree Freemason Graham is an agent of Rome) and advised him in how to deceive the American people. Archbishop Fulton Sheen lead the way in taking the focus off of the Vatican (as the world knew that the Vatican was behind WWII and their faithful Catholic son, Hitler) and put it on the Communists instead. Sheen was instrumental in taking the heat off of Rome and putting it on the Communists (the Jesuits run both sides - Communist Castro & Pinochet were also faithful Catholic sons - where to begin? Ah! The deception of the Jesuits has been masterful - has it not? ) Back to Billy Graham. Graham was used extensively by the RCC in validating Roman Catholicism to the Protestants of America. Pat Robertson is another Catholic who pretends to be protestant in order to defame the reputation of all born again Believers - another agent of Rome - they are everywhere - are they not?

Wasn't it the magazine Christianity Today which first came to the aid of Rome in denouncing the testimony of Ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera? Yes. I believe it was. Who was the founder of Christianity Today Magazine? I am told it was Billy Graham. You'll have to look that up. In any case, I believe that Christianity Today is a front organization for the Roman Catholic System. Just more storefront they control while using the same people they have groomed to infiltrate and "pretend" to be born again Christians. There is a long history of it. Do not be surprised.

Back to Martin. Martin Sheen's real name is Ramone Estevez but his decision to use Fulton Sheen's last name was quite revealing of his true character. Should you have any doubt of it, just take a look at his own son, Charlie. There can be no question but that Charlie Sheen is demon possessed. Is it true that (now grown) Hollywood actors accused Charlie Sheen of molesting them as boys? Is it true that Martin was accused of molesting his own sons by Denise Richards (his ex-wife) who took care of the boys while their own mother was institutionalized? I ask because as you know, it is a Jesuit trait to molest little boys. According to Alberto Rivera only 2% of all Jesuits ever become priests - the rest blend into society - Hollywood, media, political office, professors, teachers, businessmen, "protestant ministers" get the picture. In any case about my questions - if it is true, perhaps Charlie's attendance at Roman Catholic school / church has some responsibility for how he turned out? This link only asks the question and a few details of his ex-wives, etc.
Is Charlie Sheen a pedophile? - Quora

This will be my last response to you, Jake. I think you should find another thread instead of continuing to attempt to derail this one.

Here is the video of how Charlie's dad got his screen name:

The story on Jesuit Archbishop Fulton Sheen:

When World War II ended, the Vatican had egg all over its face. Pope Pius XII, after building the Nazi war machine, saw Hitler losing his battle against Russia, and he immediately jumped to the other side as he saw the handwriting on the wall. General Eisenhower saved his neck. Pope Pius XII should have stood before the judges in Nuremburg. His war crimes were worthy of death. But the Vatican was pulling every string she could, and Pope Pius XII came out smelling like a rose.

Too many people knew that the Vatican was responsible for World War II so it was time for a face lift. Time to start up smokescreens. The Vatican II Council came into existence and the mother of harlots put on a new make-up job. She wiped her mouth with her bloody hands and said, "I've changed. Now I like the Protestants. I'm not going to call them heretics any more, but separated brethren." She told the Protestants to forget the past. It was now time to push the love gospel. A time of healing. Just like in France and Ireland. Remember...?

Catholic Twin Circle, October 11, 1981
Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

There were so many books in the gospel book stores exposing the whore that the Vatican had to create a common enemy for both Catholics and Protestants to unite against. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen launched the anti-communist attack, and behold, like mushrooms, we saw anti-communist ministries popping up exposing the monster in Moscow.

The Jesuits were busy on many fronts. The John Birch Society blossomed, aided by the Jesuits, because it served their purpose to have the attention of the Protestants shifted from the Vatican to Communism. At this time, Senator McCarthy was riding high. Publishers stopped publishing books exposing the whore and turned their attention to Communism. Some Christian publishers were bought out, others didn't want to make a stand because it would raise eyebrows.

So the Vatican was succeeding in their goals. Their boys, planted in Protestant denominations, frowned on anti-Catholic sermons and discouraged them across the nation. We were locked into a cold war with Russia. Hollywood, influenced by a powerful Catholic lobby, furnished us with films like "Song of Bernadette" and "Going My Way," and a number of exciting films glorifying the Catholic faith. On the other hand, they pushed movies like "Elmer Gantry" showing crooked Protestant evangelists. Do you remember "Dragnet?" on television? The Christian was always pictured with a big Bible, smiling after he had strangled Grandma up in the attic. And always, the priests were the good guys. Just like in the popular television series called MASH. You see, we are hit psychologically on many fronts.


Fifty Years of the Movies

Our Sunday Visitor, April 5, 1981
ABOVE: Ingrid Bergman and Bing Crosby in "The Bells of St. Mary's," the popular sequel to "Going my Way."

LEFT: Bill Christopher who plays "Father Mulcahy" on the ever popular television program "MASH."


SmokeScreens by Jack Chick

I found a typo which I need to correct but as the edit feature is no longer available I will point it out to the readers. It is concerning my question to Jake about news of certain allegations of child molestation. I wrote:

Is it true that Martin was accused of molesting his own sons by Denise Richards (his ex-wife) who took care of the boys while their own mother was institutionalized?

The question should have read, Is it true that Charlie Sheen was molesting his own sons by Denise Richards (ex-wife) who took care of the boys while their own mother was institutionalized?

As everyone knows Charlie Sheen was formerly married to Denise Richards, not Martin Sheen. This was a typo. I would never purposely ask if Martin (Charlie's father) had done such a thing as there was never any such speculation about him to my knowledge. It was a typo.
oh---that's interesting, penny-------You are finally willing to state OPENLY that which I asked you long ago. How about a bit more-------like a bit about your remote ancestry-----if you ---by chance, KNOW

Paul never met Jesus, and does that pic of Paul shows him reading a newspaper? Sure looks like it . Peter is the rock, and since the Rome created the Christian Church they can do what they want. I guess first come first gets to pick and Rome picked Peter to be the head of their church, and a body needs a head, and the Pope is the head on Earth. Deal with it.

Paul met Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus. Jesus Christ is the light that Paul encountered. Jesus Christ spoke to Paul and asked him, why persecutest thou me? In other words, why are you persecuting me, Paul? Paul was murdering Christians (in ignorance - even as Muslims and Catholics have murdered Christians throughout the ages - in ignorance that they are - in fact - persecuting Jesus Christ whom they claim to believe!) Paul did not know this until Jesus told him. He believed on the LORD and was saved.

Tell me, what hope will those of you have, who been told the truth (with KJV Scripture provided) and yet continue to persecute the followers of Jesus Christ? Do you not realize you are in danger of the judgment of God for this? Do you have no fear of God Almighty at all? I will leave you with that thought today. It is enough to keep you busy for some time to come.

It is written:

Acts 9:3-9 King James Version (KJV)
3 And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven:

4 And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?

5 And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

6 And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.

7 And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man.

8 And Saul arose from the earth; and when his eyes were opened, he saw no man: but they led him by the hand, and brought him into Damascus.

9 And he was three days without sight, and neither did eat nor drink.

King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain

So Paul says, I am aware of his hallucination.

As you are a Catholic I can understand your not believing the Written Word of God and the testimony of Paul the Apostle, Penelope. Still, I find this very sad. The LORD wants you to know His Word is true.

When the Roman Catholic System could not longer keep the King James Version Bible out of the hands of their people, priests, Jesuits, etc, they commanded them to read their own translation (corrupted Alexandrian text) instead and I suppose for extra protection ( to make sure their people did not convert to Jesus Christ and become born again believers) they told them not to take the Bible literally. For those reading the King James Version Holy Bible, there is no other way to take it but literally. It is the Word of God. We are to believe what God has said and take Him at His Word.

Really if God wrote that he ought to of had an editor. No not a fan of Paul's. Faith without works is dead.

God does not require an editor. He got it right the first time. His Word is perfect. Human beings write and sometimes must edit a typo. Not so with God and His Word. God does not make mistakes.

It is written:
Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it.
Psalm 119:140


Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
John 17:17

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