Catholicism and Islam - Two Similar Gospels

Moving on, this is about the satanic tactics and strategies of the Roman Catholic Anti-Christ Institution:

When a Catholic plot is discovered or exposed, Rome calls upon specialists to solve the problem. These are men who are called truth distorters. They spearhead attacks to counter those who are trying to warn others. In WW II, when the Vatican was massacring the Greek Orthodox church members in Yugoslavia, survivors tried to reach the United States to tell of the murders with documented evidence. Once the information started coming in about what was happening in Yugoslavia, the master truth distorters moved against it, calling it anti-Catholic propaganda, and bigotry! They minimized the atrocities to confuse the public.

Such a man was Louis Adamic. His job was to convince the American people that the reports of the horrible massacres in Yugoslavia were not true. Adamic and the Catholic lobby working with him convinced President Roosevelt and his wife, Eleanor, that these massacres, the worst crimes of WW II, were only propaganda. Adamic persuaded Mrs. Roosevelt that these reports were false. When she discovered they were true, it was too late. Almost one million people had already met a ghastly death.

The Jesuits saw this as a critical area in the Christian community that would help the Vatican. They needed a group of experts to investigate cults, but they must never discuss Rome as an enemy. This would be another smokescreen. There are men in the Christian community, men who are highly trusted, loved, and respected. I believe that these men, either knowingly or unknowingly are doing the same job for the Vatican as Louis Adamic did. These men are dulling the eyes and ears of the Christian believers, assuring them that the Pope is our friend. Their job is to play it down, ridicule and destroy the reputation of anyone trying to sound the alarm,

They tell concerned Christians that it is a lie, a joke, unreliable, that the material and evidence is a hoax and should be discarded as junk.

The Jesuits would need someone in a critical position to protect them in Protestant circles. If a person could be found, he could rise to a position of trust, as a watch-dog to protect the Protestants from the cults. A man who would join the ranks of those exposing the Biblical errors of the Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Moonies and Eastern religions, and yet never attack the Roman Catholic Institution as the whore of Revelation, but only refer to this system as a "backslidden or apostate Christian church," which of course, is the line the Jesuits use. Such a person could be very valuable for the cause of Roman Catholicism. Such a man could be a perfect smokescreen. Anyone rising up trying to sound the alarm about the whore of Revelation, trying to warn the Christians of a new inquisition, could be easily shotdown by this expert on the cults because so many would trust him.

Alberto, Page 27, Published by Chick Publications

This I.D. card was issued by the Spanish government in Spain in 1967, under the rule of the Spanish dictator Franco. His security forces were equally as strict as the Gestapo had been in Germany. To obtain this document, Alberto had to supply birth certificate, identification papers and positive proof from his archdiocese of being a priest. Several security organizations were involved, similar to our CIA and FBI. The priest, Alberto Rivera, had to be approved by all of these organizations to receive this document. There was no way it could have been a forgery. There is no question he was a priest. What you see here is positive proof. This document was granted by a government that had pledged absolute submission to the pope through the concordat signed by the government of Spain and the Vatican.

One of the most difficult decisions I've faced since I've been a Christian publisher was after I heard Dr. Rivera's true story, saw all his documents, photos, I.D.'s, and letters proving that he was a Jesuit priest. When it finally dawned on me that we were being set up for another inquisition, I realized what a mess I'd be in if I sounded the alarm and the Christians wouldn't believe it. I could lose our business, our reputation and friends. If I printed Alberto's story, I would be going into a battle that would jeopardize my family and my own life.

I realized no other Christian publisher would hit this issue because they could go under, and business-wise, it would be a disaster for them. I went before the Lord in prayer and the thing I dreaded came to pass. I asked the Lord if I should attack the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth.
SmokeScreens by Jack Chick
Writings of Jack Chick.........
When you expose the devil, you become his target. This has been proven again and again. Yet Luke 10:19 still stands and those who know God shall do mighty exploits in His Name! To God be the Glory!
An answer to prayer, Jack Chick's story continues here...........

Should I attack the Vatican? The Lord said yes. And so we published ALBERTO. I hoped, down in my heart, Walter Martin would back me up.

One thing stuck in my mind. Why didn't Walter Martin sound the alarm? He was the great expert on cults, especially since he knew all the history about the Inquisition. And yet he kept quiet. Why is Walter Martin defending this evil system, calling it a Christian church? The man is a genius. He knows about her history, and yet he's defending the whore of Revelation.

Beloved, the Bible tells us to seek the Lord in prayer. I go to prayer and get a specific answer from the Lord. I tell somebody I prayed about it and they say, "Oh, that's a cop-out." I really don't understand how they can say that. The Bible instructs us to seek the Lord for guidance. Have these people gotten so far off base that they can't understand a person trusting in Christ for guidance? If He is Lord, He must be the Lord of every part of our lives.

Letter after letter is coming in telling us how Roman Catholics have been saved through our material, and yet Christians sit around cracking their knuckles. The fields are white unto harvest and people are going to hell all around us. We've got 60 million Roman Catholics to be reached, and nobody wants to get involved. They're so afraid of what others will think of them, that they would rather sit back and watch people go to hell than risk offending them.

When the heat came on Chick Publications for what we were doing, I was amazed. It all came through the same group. There seemed to be a link between all these men who are promoting the story that Alberto is a fraud. Gary Metz had his article published in Cornerstone, Christianity Today and Our Sunday Visitor, a Catholic periodical. Brian Onken, Martin's research consultant, wrote an article that blasted us and defended the mother of cults. Then, you've got Bill Jackson in San Jose, and Bart Brewer in San Diego. Both of these men are supposed to be operating ministries to Catholics. And yet, they're going around to churches trying to destroy our credibility. Why? Doesn't that make you a little suspicious?

In Martin's KINGDOM OF THE CULTS he never mentions Roman Catholicism as a cult, and never tells lost Roman Catholics to come out of that unscriptural system "THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH." (Rev. 17:5)

An Analysis of the Major Cult Systems
in the Present Christian Era


Walter Martin, M.A., Ph.D.


1. The Kingdom of the Cults
2. Scaling the Language Barrier
3. The Psychological Structure of Cultism
4. Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watch Tower
5. Christian Science and New Thought
6. Mormonism - the Latter Day Saints
7. Spiritism - the Cult of Antiquity
8. The Reign of Father Divine
9. The Theosophical Society
10. Zen Buddhism
11. The Church of the New Jerusalem - Swedenborgianism
12. The Bahai Faith
13. The Black Muslim Cult
14. The Unity School of Christianity
15. Herbert W. Armstrong and the World Church
of God (Anglo-Israelism)
16. The Cults on the World Mission Fields
17. The Jesus of the Cults
18. Cult-Evangelism - Mission Field on the Doorstep
19. The Road to Recovery
Seventh-day Adventism
The Rosicrucian Fellowship

Does Walter Martin speak for the body of Christ? No! Only the Word of God does this. Yet, this man stands on his pedestal, with both hands filled with the slanderous garbage supplied by the Vatican and pro-Catholic sources, and he throws it at Alberto's character to destroy his reputation. Dr. Rivera says he has copies of the original material sent to Martin by the Vatican and the Jesuit superiors in Spain. But you'll notice, Martin hasn't bothered to attack Alberto's message that the Vatican is the whore of Revelation. Only Alberto, the man. And yet, is Martin without sin? What about Martin's past? His reputation could be slanderously destroyed also, just like anyone else's. Would this discredit all his information on Mormonism, and Jehovah's Witnesses? No! God uses us in spite of ourselves.

Who is really worthy to be used of God? Look in the Bible. Moses was a murderer. David was an adulterer. And yet, God used them in spite of their human failings. Our job is not to dig up dirt on any man. The Lord will take care of that because we will all give an account on the day of judgment. God knows the heart. We don't. Our job is to lift up Christ and evangelize the lost.

The Catholic controlled news media picked up the campaign against us, even U.S. News and World Report. We were blasted world-wide. Christianity Today did wonders for the Vatican. Their article was reprinted in Europe, Australia, etc. I couldn't believe the extent of the money spent to silence us. Before the book, ALBERTO, even got into Germany, the message was plastered all over Germany, France, South America, Mexico, Canada, into Asia, and England. What was so important about our comic ALBERTO, that this group would go to such lengths to try to discredit it?

The sad thing is all this money and energy was spent to stop this soulwinning comic book. And yet we have all these adult book stores and garbage like that and nobody says a word. But when we spoke out against Rome, all hell broke loose. A man once told me, "Jack, if you throw a rock down a dark alley and you hear a yell, you'll know you hit something." Well, from the sound of the scream that was let loose, I think we hit something big.


On the night of February 2,1982, I was watching Channel 40, the Trinity Broadcasting Network in Southern California. Harold Bredeson, a prominent ecumenical leader was talking to Walter Martin. Bredeson turned to the camera and he said something like this: "Walter Martin was the one who helped the charismatic movement to be accepted by the denominations by not attacking it." Walter hung his head and smiled. You see, beloved, Walter Martin calls the Roman Catholic Charismatics his brothers and sisters in Christ. These people still attend mass and worship that little Jesus cookie as God Almighty. Do you see the danger here? It looks like we have been betrayed, beloved!

The Apostle Paul said in II Timothy 4:14, "Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works." Beloved, I've seen the tremendous spiritual damage Walter Martin has done in discrediting our books exposing the whore of Revelation, in that precious Roman Catholics trusting wholeheartedly in Walter Martin have stayed in that system because he wouldn't tell them to come out. Martin's followers see no need to reach the Roman Catholic people. They look upon our soulwinning material with contempt. And I say, with a heavy heart, as Paul did, may the Lord reward Walter Martin according to his works.

The Bible says, "Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord." (Jer. 17:5) Think about it. Could this be another smokescreen to make Christians believe that the whore of Revelation is really a Christian group? Jesus says, "Come out of her, my people that ye be not partakers of her sins and that ye receive not of her plagues." (Rev. 18:4) Does Walter Martin tell them to come out? Not that I know of. Which one will you follow?

SmokeScreens by Jack Chick
An interview with ex-Jesuit - these revelations will shock you!

I questioned Dr. Rivera about the briefings he received in the Vatican when he was a Jesuit priest. I asked him if he was briefed on how the Vatican planned to take over the United States. He told me his indoctrination went back to the time of the Pilgrims. Because of the knowledge of the Inquisition and the slaughter of Christians by the Roman Catholic system, the early immigrants in America began passing laws to keep Jesuits out of this country and to outlaw the protect themselves from a Vatican take-over. These were Christian communities deeply concerned about the whore of Revelation.

Jesuits began arriving in America as early as the second group of Pilgrims. They used different names with I.D.'s. They were followed years later when the Vatican sent multitudes of Catholic families from England, Ireland and France posing as Protestants, into the colonies. These were plants. They were holding secret masses in defiance of the laws. In those days, no Roman Catholic was to hold any position in civil government. The Jesuits made sure this part of our history was erased and removed.

The next major move by the Jesuits was to destroy or control all the Christian schools across America. Throughout the years, Jesuits, working undercover, have gotten into special committees on school boards to remove the emphasis of the Bible and replace it with psychology as found in the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius de Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit Society. Later, Catholic schools and universities sprang up all across the nation under the Jesuits. Today, they probably outnumber all the Christian schools and colleges put together.

The third stage was to move into the courts and legislation, and branches of the judiciary to take over as judges and lawyers, in order to manipulate the Constitution in their favor until it could be changed. Once this was accomplished, the thrust was into politics to capture the political parties. Then the military and the newspapers. Even back in the times of Lincoln over half the newspapers in the United States were controlled by the Vatican.


Dr. Alberto Rivera (ex-Jesuit priest)

I asked Dr. Rivera: What about the military picture today? How Catholic is our military position?

Dr. Rivera said: Horrifying.

I then asked about the political picture.

Dr. Rivera said: It is even worse.

Then I said: What about the Catholic structure in the judiciary?

Dr. Rivera shook his head and said: It is very painful because of the heavy Jesuit penetration in this area. Most of the judicial decisions are distorting and perverting the Constitution of the United States to take away our freedoms, preparing the way for anarchy for the final take-over of the United States.

Then I said: Is this preparing the way for the coming inquisition?

And Dr. Rivera said: That's correct. First for anarchy. We were briefed that after all these years of penetration and infiltration, what was needed was riots and anarchy in order to finally take over. By the time the Roman Catholic Institution is ready to take over politically, militarily, educationally, and religiously, that means they will have some legal basis to do so and this will be through the concordat which has already been prepared and that is being already negotiated. I see happening right now what I was told during those briefings back in the Vatican.

Then I said to him: Is the Vatican behind our present recession and economic situation, and is this leading us towards the coming riots?

Dr. Rivera said: Yes, that's correct, You can see right now that the Vatican is playing certain tricks with the economy. The world is going through an economic crisis and the Vatican would have us to believe that it is affecting them also. This is just a cover-up.

And then I said: What about the possibility of strikes? And how deeply are they involved in the unions?

Dr. Rivera replied: The Roman Catholic Institution has prepared that well, because the unions are led by the Jesuits in this country. What this means is the unions will never rest until they see that every industry in this country collapses.

Then I said: What do you see as a hope for the United States? A revival among the Christians and they actually start exposing Rome and pastors start preaching this from the pulpits, or is it already too late?

Dr Rivera replied: It's never too late because it's in the hands of the Lord. What I believe with all my heart through the study of the scriptures plus my personal experience with the harlot is that, prophetically speaking, God is going to fulfill His prophecy, and He will allow these prophecies to take place in the United States. But it is a matter of time. What we are dealing with here is that God can either shorten or lengthen the time until these events take place. The Roman Catholic Institution is feeling the impact of your publications, and the message that God has given us during these last days in the sense that they themselves know that if they carry out certain actions, people will immediately detect and will recognize what the Vatican is up to.

This is one of the dilemmas they face right now. If it were not for the publications we printed, we would be in a different situation today. What that means is the Lord has granted every Christian, pastor and church in the United States, without them even being aware of it, and even those who are opposing us, they are being preserved and the Lord is giving us more time in order that the Christians may respond.

If we act according to the will of God in these prophetical days against the tricks, programs and actions of the harlot in the United States, we will not be able to destroy her. We will not be able to stop her. But we will be able to do two things: First, to carry the message of the gospel to the lost Roman Catholic people. Second, we will have time enough for the Christian church to realize that her mission is here and now - not tomorrow. And God is just waiting for the church to act in order to restrain the forces of evil, the powers of darkness, the pope, the Jesuits and the Catholic institution from committing the crimes she is about to put into action the minute she completely takes over the United States.

Then I said: Now this is the information you received in the Vatican under the teachings of Augustin Cardinal Bea and the Jesuit General Pedro Arrupe?

And Dr. Rivera said: Yes, and also from the previous Jesuit General.

This excerpt from the tract MACHO (no longer in print) shows how communism ties in with the Vatican plan to take over the U.S.




U.S. News & World Report, Nov. 8, Page 15

Ronald Reagan's defense policy came under assault in late October from opposite directions: The threat of an intensified arms race by Russia's Leonid Brezhnev and a tilt toward antinuclear pacifism by the hierarchy of America's Roman Catholic Church.
Two days after a panel of U.S. Catholic bishops questioned the morality of nuclear weapons, Brezhnev said the Soviet Union must expand its arsenal even more. The U.S., he claimed, is threatening to "push the world into the flames of nuclear war."
One White House official speculated that Brezhnev wanted to do more than assure his generals that Moscow will keep pace in the arms race. The aide said the Soviet chief also hoped to fuel the drive in the U.S. for a freeze on nuclear weapons.
Defense Secretary Casper Weinberger drew a direct link between American advocates of a freeze and Brezhnev's Kremlin speech. Stressing the Soviet leader's call for a stronger capability to wage war, Weinberger declared: "This would underline more than anything we could say the reasons for not entering into a freeze."
Weinberger and other officials tried to make a case for nuclear weapons with Catholic bishops wrestling with theological aspects of the arms race. The appeals had little impact on the bishops' five-man Committee on War and Peace, which on October 25 proposed a statement branding elements of U.S. nuclear strategy immoral. Examples-
First use. The U.S. has argued that nuclear weapons may be needed to halt a conventional attack. Said the bishops: "We find the moral responsibility of beginning nuclear war not justified by rational political objectives."
Civilian targets. America for years has targeted Soviet cities in the event of nuclear war - a policy the bishops said is wrong even if U.S. cities are hit first. Argued the clerics: "No Christian can rightfully carry out orders or policies deliberately aimed at killing noncombatants."
The committee, headed by Chicago's Archbishop Joseph L. Bernardin, said its position was rooted in Genesis. "The destructive potential of the nuclear powers threatens the sovereignty of God over the world He has brought into being," the bishops declared. "We could destroy His work." Whether the document becomes church policy is up to the nearly 300 members of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, which will debate it in mid-November and vote on it next spring. Reagan's aides are expected to keep reminding the bishops that a pacifist stance would weaken America's deterrent forces and undermine arms-control talks with Russia.
More in line with the administration's views was a letter sent months ago by New York's Cardinal Terence Cooke to Catholic chaplains in the military. For 15 centuries, he wrote, the church has taught that Catholics have "the right and the duty to protect its people against unjust aggression."

Then I said: Were they very confident of taking over the United States?

And Dr. Rivera said: Very much so, very confident. They have the necessary influence to control either political party, regardless of whichever party is in power, and they will have their goals accomplished.

Then I said: So they now have the influence to control both political parties?

And Dr. Rivera said: Yes.

Then I said: They control our post office? And the media?

And Dr. Rivera said: Let's put it this way. The word control, I don't think is the proper word right now. I will say this. There is a very strong influence. There is a certain amount of control, but it is not absolute control in any of the areas. This is why we are still blessed by the fact that there are still men in the FBI, there are men in the CIA, men in the Congress, men in the Senate, men in the judicial system, men in every strata of life in the United States that still, many not even being Christians, are still Americans, that are still loyal to the principles of the Constitution as given from the beginning, not as it is now.

And then I said: Okay, who are the Knights of Columbus loyal to? Where does their loyalty stand? With the United States, or with the Vatican?

Dr. Rivera said: The Knights of Columbus have to give their loyalty to the pope. They cannot base it on the constitution of the United States because they would be destroyed by the Vatican if they did so, as others have been destroyed in the past.

Then I said: Will the Knights of Columbus play a vital part in the attack against the Christians when the U.S. falls?

Dr. Rivera said: Oh, yes. In fact, in their oath, you can see how close their alliance is to the pope. They committed themselves to be killed or destroyed if they fail to comply with their oath. They ask the militia of the pope, the Jesuits, to put them to death. They are committed to make America Catholic.


Columbian Squires (the Knights of Columbus branch for high school boys) in New Haven initiate members. Seated youths already belong. Robed officers explain the importance of their Catholic heritage to the new candidates (in white shirts).
Life Magazine, May 27, 1957

Then I said: Thank God we've had the privilege of printing these books.

And Dr. Rivera said: Yes, the privilege and the blessing of the Lord.

And then I thanked Him.
SmokeScreens by Jack Chick
I praise God for such courageous men such as Dr. Alberto Rivera and Jack Chick! I praise God for such heroes of the faith! Surely they are in the company of Hebrews 11! Men of great faith and courage. For those who fear the Jesuits & Jesuit pope of Vatican and decide to remain silent, the Bible warns that no coward shall inherit the kingdom of heaven. Do not fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Warn the people to come out of Catholicism! Warn Americans of the Catholic anti-Christ system! Sound the alarm and warn the people! Preach the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and do not compromise the Word of God to obtain the praises of godless men! Preach holiness, repentance, fasting, prayer, tell the people to STOP SINNING! To live holy unto the LORD and have nothing to do with this anti-Christ Apostate System. Amen? Amen!
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These verses are speaking of Hagar's son Ishmael and all of his descendants and the message is powerful! How many have seen this before and missed the meaning of this allegory? May every Muslim reader of this thread not miss this powerful Word from God!

Galatians 4:24-31 King James Version (KJV)
24 Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar.

25 For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children.

26 But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.

27 For it is written, Rejoice, thou barren that bearest not; break forth and cry, thou that travailest not: for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath an husband.

28 Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise.

29 But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now.

30 Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.

31 So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, but of the free.

King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain

It is an open invitation to Muslims to become sons and daughters of God. To become children of the free through Jesus Christ!

Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved! Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved!

Here is the thread I posted on the story:

Message to Christians from Suffering Muslim Man
I get it you are a true Christian who is trying to show the "lost" to the road of Christ. Keep in mind Muslim and Catholic scholars certainly would refute all of your accusations.

None have thus far been successful because they cannot refute the Written Word of God,Masked Dissident. As you will notice after awhile, (I see you are brand new to USMB) I use the Written Word of God which is sharper than any two edged sword.......... How can they refute the very Word of God? They cannot! Why should I remain silent while multitudes are being led to hell by the false teachings of Islam and it's Harlot Mother - Catholic Vatican?

If I should remain silent and watch multitudes go to hell what would that say about my understanding of God's love and compassion for those who are perishing? Believers in Jesus Christ are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. Not just the ones that appear "safe." It would be my greatest joy to learn you were ISIS or some Islamic radical because the most wretched hell bound sinners make the very best servants of God once they are saved! Those who have been forgiven much, love much. Those who have been forgiven little, love little. (see Luke 7:36-50)

You will find as you begin to search the Scriptures that the most important matter is that of your own soul. Where will you go when you die, @MaskedDissident? You must go to one of two places - heaven or hell. Jesus Christ offers you forgiveness of all of your sins and to write your name in His Lamb's Book of Life so that when you die you may enter heaven. How can you obtain this forgiveness? Admit you are a sinner (all have fallen short of the glory of God) and confess your sins to the LORD as He brings them to your mind. Repent of your sins and ask God to forgive you of your sins.

Tell the LORD you are willing to follow him and serve him all the days of your life. Tell him that you desire to Stop Sinning and live a holy life. Make the decision to give your entire being to the LORD and read Romans 10:9,10.

Becoming a follower of Christ is not some flip 5 second prayer at an altar to get "fire insurance"....... Salvation is a miracle of Almighty God where He gives you a new heart! A new heart that desires to know Jesus and follow Him and Obey His Commandments! A real Christian will live the life even when persecuted. To be persecuted is not something to cry about! To be persecuted for righteousness' sake is to be honored by God. It is a glorious privilege to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ.

What reward would anyone possibly gain from suffering for Allah? He is a false pre-Islamic moon god and can do nothing for anyone concerning salvation or any other matter. If you are going to suffer, suffer for the cause of righteousness! Not wrong doing!

This is Your Eternal life. Not anyone else's. Will they do your time in hell for you? No. Do not concern yourself with what others will think. You obey God and come to Jesus Christ and be born again!

See John Chapter 3 by clicking link below.
Bible Gateway passage: John 3 - King James Version
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I even wonder is Rivera is a real person: or made up by Chick publishing. One thing is for sure, if he is real, he is a fraud and Chick publishing is WHO???? Made up fundy group who probably are billionaires and the RCC, who hates the RCC??? Guess!

According to the Cornerstone exposé,[1] Rivera had a 'history of legal entanglements' including fraud, credit card theft, and writing bad checks. Warrants had been issued for his arrest in New Jersey and Florida, and he was wanted by the Spanish police for 'swindles and cheats'; while in the U.S. in 1967, he claimed to be collecting money for a Spanish college, which never received this money. The details of his claims changed: In 1964 he said he had left the Catholic Church in July 1952, but he later put the date at March 20, 1967; despite this, he was still promoting Catholicism in a newspaper interview of August that same year. Although supposedly placed in the sanatorium in 1965 and held there for three months, he gave the date of his release as September 1967, leaving a period of over a year unaccounted.

The document exhibited by Rivera to prove his status as a Catholic priest was fraudulently obtained and the Catholic Church denies his claims of having been a Jesuit priest or a bishop. He had only one sister in London; she was not called Maria (her name was María Teresa), was not a nun, and did not live in a convent. In an employment form dated 1963 he claimed marriage to Carmen Lydia Torres, and the couple had two children in the U.S. when he was supposedly a celibate priest in Spain.

Cornerstone also questioned Rivera's claim to various degrees, including three doctorates (Th.D., D.D., and Ph.D.), reporting that his known chronology did not allow enough time for him to have completed these degrees and that he had admitted to receiving them from a Colorado diploma mill.
These verses are speaking of Hagar's son Ishmael and all of his descendants and the message is powerful! How many have seen this before and missed the meaning of this allegory? May every Muslim reader of this thread not miss this powerful Word from God!

Galatians 4:24-31 King James Version (KJV)
24 Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar.

25 For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children.

26 But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.

27 For it is written, Rejoice, thou barren that bearest not; break forth and cry, thou that travailest not: for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath an husband.

28 Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise.

29 But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now.

30 Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.

31 So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, but of the free.

King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain

It is an open invitation to Muslims to become sons and daughters of God. To become children of the free through Jesus Christ!

Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved! Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved!

Here is the thread I posted on the story:

Message to Christians from Suffering Muslim Man
I get it you are a true Christian who is trying to show the "lost" to the road of Christ. Keep in mind Muslim and Catholic scholars certainly would refute all of your accusations.

None have thus far been successful because they cannot refute the Written Word of God,Masked Dissident. As you will notice (I see you are brand new to USMB) after awhile I use the Written Word of God which is sharper than any two edged sword.......... How can they refute the very Word of God? They cannot! Why should I remain silent while multitudes are being led to hell by the false teachings of Islam and it's Harlot Mother - Catholic Vatican?

If I should remain silent and watch multitudes go to hell what would that say about my understanding of God's love and compassion for those who are perishing? Believers in Jesus Christ are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. Not just the ones that appear "safe." It would be my greatest joy to learn you were ISIS or some Islamic radical because the most wretched hell bound sinners make the very best servants of God once they are saved! Those who have been forgiven much, love much. Those who have been forgiven little, love little.

You will find as you begin to search the Scriptures that the most important matter is that of your soul. Where will you go when you die, @MaskedDissident? You must go to one of two places - heaven or hell. Jesus Christ offers you forgiveness of all of your sins and to write your name in His Lamb's Book of Life so that when you die you may enter heaven. How can you obtain this forgiveness? Admit you are a sinner (all have fallen short of the glory of God) and confess your sins to the LORD as He brings them to your mind. Repent of your sins and ask God to forgive you of your sins.

Tell the LORD you are willing to follow him and serve him all the days of your life. Tell him that you desire to Stop Sinning and live a holy life. Make the decision to give your entire being to the LORD and read Romans 10:9,10.

Becoming a follower of Christ is not some flip 5 second prayer at an altar to get "fire insurance"....... Salvation is a miracle of Almighty God where He gives you a new heart! A new heart that desires to know Jesus and follow Him and Obey His Commandments! A real Christian will live the life even when persecuted. To be persecuted is not something to cry about! To be persecuted for righteousness' sake is to be honored by God. It is a glorious privilege to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ.

What reward would anyone possibly gain from suffering for Allah? He is a false pre-Islamic moon god and can do nothing for anyone concerning salvation or any other matter. If you are going to suffer, suffer for the cause of righteousness! Not wrong doing!

This is Your Eternal life. Not anyone else's. Will they do your time in hell for you? No. Do not concern yourself with what others will think. You obey God and come to Jesus Christ and be born again!

See John Chapter 3 by clicking link below.
Bible Gateway passage: John 3 - King James Version

Here is the thread I posted on the story:

Message to Christians from Suffering Muslim Man
I get it you are a true Christian who is trying to show the "lost" to the road of Christ. Keep in mind Muslim and Catholic scholars certainly would refute all of your accusations.

None have thus far been successful because they cannot refute the Written Word of God,Masked Dissident. As you will notice (I see you are brand new to USMB) after awhile I use the Written Word of God which is sharper than any two edged sword.......... How can they refute the very Word of God? They cannot! Why should I remain silent while multitudes are being led to hell by the false teachings of Islam and it's Harlot Mother - Catholic Vatican?

If I should remain silent and watch multitudes go to hell what would that say about my understanding of God's love and compassion for those who are perishing? Believers in Jesus Christ are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. Not just the ones that appear "safe." It would be my greatest joy to learn you were ISIS or some Islamic radical because the most wretched hell bound sinners make the very best servants of God once they are saved! Those who have been forgiven much, love much. Those who have been forgiven little, love little.

You will find as you begin to search the Scriptures that the most important matter is that of your soul. Where will you go when you die, @MaskedDissident? You must go to one of two places - heaven or hell. Jesus Christ offers you forgiveness of all of your sins and to write your name in His Lamb's Book of Life so that when you die you may enter heaven. How can you obtain this forgiveness? Admit you are a sinner (all have fallen short of the glory of God) and confess your sins to the LORD as He brings them to your mind. Repent of your sins and ask God to forgive you of your sins.

Tell the LORD you are willing to follow him and serve him all the days of your life. Tell him that you desire to Stop Sinning and live a holy life. Make the decision to give your entire being to the LORD and read Romans 10:9,10.

Becoming a follower of Christ is not some flip 5 second prayer at an altar to get "fire insurance"....... Salvation is a miracle of Almighty God where He gives you a new heart! A new heart that desires to know Jesus and follow Him and Obey His Commandments! A real Christian will live the life even when persecuted. To be persecuted is not something to cry about! To be persecuted for righteousness' sake is to be honored by God. It is a glorious privilege to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ.

What reward would anyone possibly gain from suffering for Allah? He is a false pre-Islamic moon god and can do nothing for anyone concerning salvation or any other matter. If you are going to suffer, suffer for the cause of righteousness! Not wrong doing!

This is Your Eternal life. Not anyone else's. Will they do your time in hell for you? No. Do not concern yourself with what others will think. You obey God and come to Jesus Christ and be born again!

See John Chapter 3 by clicking link below.
Bible Gateway passage: John 3 - King James Version

Here is the thread I posted on the story:

Message to Christians from Suffering Muslim Man
I get it you are a true Christian who is trying to show the "lost" to the road of Christ. Keep in mind Muslim and Catholic scholars certainly would refute all of your accusations.

None have thus far been successful because they cannot refute the Written Word of God,Masked Dissident. As you will notice (I see you are brand new to USMB) after awhile I use the Written Word of God which is sharper than any two edged sword.......... How can they refute the very Word of God? They cannot! Why should I remain silent while multitudes are being led to hell by the false teachings of Islam and it's Harlot Mother - Catholic Vatican?

If I should remain silent and watch multitudes go to hell what would that say about my understanding of God's love and compassion for those who are perishing? Believers in Jesus Christ are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. Not just the ones that appear "safe." It would be my greatest joy to learn you were ISIS or some Islamic radical because the most wretched hell bound sinners make the very best servants of God once they are saved! Those who have been forgiven much, love much. Those who have been forgiven little, love little.

You will find as you begin to search the Scriptures that the most important matter is that of your soul. Where will you go when you die, @MaskedDissident? You must go to one of two places - heaven or hell. Jesus Christ offers you forgiveness of all of your sins and to write your name in His Lamb's Book of Life so that when you die you may enter heaven. How can you obtain this forgiveness? Admit you are a sinner (all have fallen short of the glory of God) and confess your sins to the LORD as He brings them to your mind. Repent of your sins and ask God to forgive you of your sins.

Tell the LORD you are willing to follow him and serve him all the days of your life. Tell him that you desire to Stop Sinning and live a holy life. Make the decision to give your entire being to the LORD and read Romans 10:9,10.

Becoming a follower of Christ is not some flip 5 second prayer at an altar to get "fire insurance"....... Salvation is a miracle of Almighty God where He gives you a new heart! A new heart that desires to know Jesus and follow Him and Obey His Commandments! A real Christian will live the life even when persecuted. To be persecuted is not something to cry about! To be persecuted for righteousness' sake is to be honored by God. It is a glorious privilege to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ.

What reward would anyone possibly gain from suffering for Allah? He is a false pre-Islamic moon god and can do nothing for anyone concerning salvation or any other matter. If you are going to suffer, suffer for the cause of righteousness! Not wrong doing!

This is Your Eternal life. Not anyone else's. Will they do your time in hell for you? No. Do not concern yourself with what others will think. You obey God and come to Jesus Christ and be born again!

See John Chapter 3 by clicking link below.
Bible Gateway passage: John 3 - King James Version
Catholics find your religion to be a heresy and believe you need to be saved. Muslims laugh at your notion that any MAN can be God. Jews also laugh at your notion that any MAN can be God. They think the person who needs to correction is you. The Jews use the Torah to refute your man God worship. The Catholics use The Bible which they believe is their book to command you to follow the sacraments. YOu may have the "easiest" form of faith when it comes to lifestyle and over all well being but your theology falls apart. Why would a deist believe a man(JESUS) is a God? Why would a Jew worship a man as a God?

Lastly, your "love" of God is really your fear of death and hell. You simply use the God concept to relieve yourself of the irrational horrors of suffering in the afterlife. You clearly illustrated this in your writing. Please stop PREACHING. I did not ask for volumes of your PRO PROTESTANT propaganda that you sincerely believe is true. I know you are sincere and you mean well but stop.
There are multiple videos on this very thread about ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera. Other Catholic priests and nuns and Jesuits who have left Catholicism and become born again Christians confirm that what he said is the truth. As you are a Catholic, I pray you will examine Dr. Rivera's testimony with an open heart and open mind and receive the truth about the false teachings of Catholicism and realize that your soul is in great danger, Penelope.
No wonder Jeremiah you are so lost, listening and believing the crap you do: Chick

He also says the Catholic Church was responsible for the Holocaust,[23][24][25] the founding of Communism, Nazism, and the Ku Klux Klan; starting the World Wars;[23] masterminding the 1917 Russian Revolution, the Great Depression and the assassinations of U.S. Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy.[23] There are also three independent comics, one telling stories from the King James Version of the Bible (Chick is pro-King James Onlyism), one relaying the statements of Charles Chiniquy regarding Catholicism, and one detailing Chick's opinions on Joseph Smith and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.[19]

Christianity Today described Jack Chick as an example of "the world of ordinary, nonlearned evangelicals", for whom "atavistic anti-Catholicism remains as colorful and unmistakable as ever".[55] Michael Ian Borer, a sociology professor of Furman University at the time, showed Chick's strong anti-Catholic themes in a 2007 American Sociological Association presentation[56] and in a peer-reviewed article the next year in Religion and American Culture.[52][57] Chick responds to these accusations by saying he is opposed to the Roman Catholic Church as a sociopolitical organization but not to its individual members. On his "Roman Catholicism FAQ", Chick says he began publishing his theories about the Roman Catholic Church because "he loves Catholics and wants them to be saved through faith in Jesus".[58]

Jack T. Chick - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This guy, whoever he is, is probably a fake out for money, or a total lunatic.
There are multiple videos on this very thread about ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera. Other Catholic priests and nuns and Jesuits who have left Catholicism and become born again Christians confirm that what he said is the truth. As you are a Catholic, I pray you will examine Dr. Rivera's testimony with an open heart and open mind and receive the truth about the false teachings of Catholicism and realize that your soul is in great danger, Penelope.

Please don't, Rivera and Chick if real, are lunatics, and I do hope they do not carry guns.
These verses are speaking of Hagar's son Ishmael and all of his descendants and the message is powerful! How many have seen this before and missed the meaning of this allegory? May every Muslim reader of this thread not miss this powerful Word from God!

Galatians 4:24-31 King James Version (KJV)
24 Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar.

25 For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children.

26 But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.

27 For it is written, Rejoice, thou barren that bearest not; break forth and cry, thou that travailest not: for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath an husband.

28 Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise.

29 But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now.

30 Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.

31 So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, but of the free.

King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain

It is an open invitation to Muslims to become sons and daughters of God. To become children of the free through Jesus Christ!

Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved! Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved!

Here is the thread I posted on the story:

Message to Christians from Suffering Muslim Man
I get it you are a true Christian who is trying to show the "lost" to the road of Christ. Keep in mind Muslim and Catholic scholars certainly would refute all of your accusations.

None have thus far been successful because they cannot refute the Written Word of God,Masked Dissident. As you will notice (I see you are brand new to USMB) after awhile I use the Written Word of God which is sharper than any two edged sword.......... How can they refute the very Word of God? They cannot! Why should I remain silent while multitudes are being led to hell by the false teachings of Islam and it's Harlot Mother - Catholic Vatican?

If I should remain silent and watch multitudes go to hell what would that say about my understanding of God's love and compassion for those who are perishing? Believers in Jesus Christ are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. Not just the ones that appear "safe." It would be my greatest joy to learn you were ISIS or some Islamic radical because the most wretched hell bound sinners make the very best servants of God once they are saved! Those who have been forgiven much, love much. Those who have been forgiven little, love little.

You will find as you begin to search the Scriptures that the most important matter is that of your soul. Where will you go when you die, @MaskedDissident? You must go to one of two places - heaven or hell. Jesus Christ offers you forgiveness of all of your sins and to write your name in His Lamb's Book of Life so that when you die you may enter heaven. How can you obtain this forgiveness? Admit you are a sinner (all have fallen short of the glory of God) and confess your sins to the LORD as He brings them to your mind. Repent of your sins and ask God to forgive you of your sins.

Tell the LORD you are willing to follow him and serve him all the days of your life. Tell him that you desire to Stop Sinning and live a holy life. Make the decision to give your entire being to the LORD and read Romans 10:9,10.

Becoming a follower of Christ is not some flip 5 second prayer at an altar to get "fire insurance"....... Salvation is a miracle of Almighty God where He gives you a new heart! A new heart that desires to know Jesus and follow Him and Obey His Commandments! A real Christian will live the life even when persecuted. To be persecuted is not something to cry about! To be persecuted for righteousness' sake is to be honored by God. It is a glorious privilege to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ.

What reward would anyone possibly gain from suffering for Allah? He is a false pre-Islamic moon god and can do nothing for anyone concerning salvation or any other matter. If you are going to suffer, suffer for the cause of righteousness! Not wrong doing!

This is Your Eternal life. Not anyone else's. Will they do your time in hell for you? No. Do not concern yourself with what others will think. You obey God and come to Jesus Christ and be born again!

See John Chapter 3 by clicking link below.
Bible Gateway passage: John 3 - King James Version

Here is the thread I posted on the story:

Message to Christians from Suffering Muslim Man
I get it you are a true Christian who is trying to show the "lost" to the road of Christ. Keep in mind Muslim and Catholic scholars certainly would refute all of your accusations.

None have thus far been successful because they cannot refute the Written Word of God,Masked Dissident. As you will notice (I see you are brand new to USMB) after awhile I use the Written Word of God which is sharper than any two edged sword.......... How can they refute the very Word of God? They cannot! Why should I remain silent while multitudes are being led to hell by the false teachings of Islam and it's Harlot Mother - Catholic Vatican?

If I should remain silent and watch multitudes go to hell what would that say about my understanding of God's love and compassion for those who are perishing? Believers in Jesus Christ are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. Not just the ones that appear "safe." It would be my greatest joy to learn you were ISIS or some Islamic radical because the most wretched hell bound sinners make the very best servants of God once they are saved! Those who have been forgiven much, love much. Those who have been forgiven little, love little.

You will find as you begin to search the Scriptures that the most important matter is that of your soul. Where will you go when you die, @MaskedDissident? You must go to one of two places - heaven or hell. Jesus Christ offers you forgiveness of all of your sins and to write your name in His Lamb's Book of Life so that when you die you may enter heaven. How can you obtain this forgiveness? Admit you are a sinner (all have fallen short of the glory of God) and confess your sins to the LORD as He brings them to your mind. Repent of your sins and ask God to forgive you of your sins.

Tell the LORD you are willing to follow him and serve him all the days of your life. Tell him that you desire to Stop Sinning and live a holy life. Make the decision to give your entire being to the LORD and read Romans 10:9,10.

Becoming a follower of Christ is not some flip 5 second prayer at an altar to get "fire insurance"....... Salvation is a miracle of Almighty God where He gives you a new heart! A new heart that desires to know Jesus and follow Him and Obey His Commandments! A real Christian will live the life even when persecuted. To be persecuted is not something to cry about! To be persecuted for righteousness' sake is to be honored by God. It is a glorious privilege to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ.

What reward would anyone possibly gain from suffering for Allah? He is a false pre-Islamic moon god and can do nothing for anyone concerning salvation or any other matter. If you are going to suffer, suffer for the cause of righteousness! Not wrong doing!

This is Your Eternal life. Not anyone else's. Will they do your time in hell for you? No. Do not concern yourself with what others will think. You obey God and come to Jesus Christ and be born again!

See John Chapter 3 by clicking link below.
Bible Gateway passage: John 3 - King James Version

Here is the thread I posted on the story:

Message to Christians from Suffering Muslim Man
I get it you are a true Christian who is trying to show the "lost" to the road of Christ. Keep in mind Muslim and Catholic scholars certainly would refute all of your accusations.

None have thus far been successful because they cannot refute the Written Word of God,Masked Dissident. As you will notice (I see you are brand new to USMB) after awhile I use the Written Word of God which is sharper than any two edged sword.......... How can they refute the very Word of God? They cannot! Why should I remain silent while multitudes are being led to hell by the false teachings of Islam and it's Harlot Mother - Catholic Vatican?

If I should remain silent and watch multitudes go to hell what would that say about my understanding of God's love and compassion for those who are perishing? Believers in Jesus Christ are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. Not just the ones that appear "safe." It would be my greatest joy to learn you were ISIS or some Islamic radical because the most wretched hell bound sinners make the very best servants of God once they are saved! Those who have been forgiven much, love much. Those who have been forgiven little, love little.

You will find as you begin to search the Scriptures that the most important matter is that of your soul. Where will you go when you die, @MaskedDissident? You must go to one of two places - heaven or hell. Jesus Christ offers you forgiveness of all of your sins and to write your name in His Lamb's Book of Life so that when you die you may enter heaven. How can you obtain this forgiveness? Admit you are a sinner (all have fallen short of the glory of God) and confess your sins to the LORD as He brings them to your mind. Repent of your sins and ask God to forgive you of your sins.

Tell the LORD you are willing to follow him and serve him all the days of your life. Tell him that you desire to Stop Sinning and live a holy life. Make the decision to give your entire being to the LORD and read Romans 10:9,10.

Becoming a follower of Christ is not some flip 5 second prayer at an altar to get "fire insurance"....... Salvation is a miracle of Almighty God where He gives you a new heart! A new heart that desires to know Jesus and follow Him and Obey His Commandments! A real Christian will live the life even when persecuted. To be persecuted is not something to cry about! To be persecuted for righteousness' sake is to be honored by God. It is a glorious privilege to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ.

What reward would anyone possibly gain from suffering for Allah? He is a false pre-Islamic moon god and can do nothing for anyone concerning salvation or any other matter. If you are going to suffer, suffer for the cause of righteousness! Not wrong doing!

This is Your Eternal life. Not anyone else's. Will they do your time in hell for you? No. Do not concern yourself with what others will think. You obey God and come to Jesus Christ and be born again!

See John Chapter 3 by clicking link below.
Bible Gateway passage: John 3 - King James Version
Catholics find your religion to be a heresy and believe you need to be saved. Muslims laugh at your notion that any MAN can be God. Jews also laugh at your notion that any MAN can be God. They think the person who needs to correction is you. The Jews use the Torah to refute your man God worship. The Catholics use The Bible which they believe is their book to command you to follow the sacraments. YOu may have the "easiest" form of faith when it comes to lifestyle and over all well being but your theology falls apart. Why would a deist believe a man(JESUS) is a God? Why would a Jew worship a man as a God?

Lastly, your "love" of God is really your fear of death and hell. You simply use the God concept to relieve yourself of the irrational horrors of suffering in the afterlife. You clearly illustrated this in your writing. Please stop PREACHING. I did not ask for volumes of your PRO PROTESTANT propaganda that you sincerely believe is true. I know you are sincere and you mean well but stop.

If I feared death do you think I would tell you that your god is a pre-islamic Baal god who can do nothing for you? Do you think I would tell you as I am right now that this prophet you follow - Mohammad - is now suffering in the fires of hell for all eternity?

I tell you the truth, Dissident. If Mohammad could get out of hell for 5 minutes and come here he would tell you himself. Follow Jesus Christ and do not send yourself to hell. I have given you the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the truth. If you reject the truth it is because you love the darkness rather than the light (read John Chapter 3).

This is the case with many people. I pray it shall not be the case with you. I do not fear hell. I do not fear Islam nor do I fear the Whore of Rome or any man. I fear God. That is all I fear. I fear God. Which is why I tell you today that you are right now dangling over hell as if by a thread and if you do not turn from this false cult of Islam and call upon the Lord Jesus Christ you shall find yourself in hell one day and regretting that you did not listen to the servants God sent to warn you to flee from sin and call upon Jesus Christ for salvation!
Speaking of scarlet red...........


See Revelation 7:5​

He is the Pope , what do you want him to wear.
A prison suit. He's earned it from what I hear. Jesus Christ does not have a Vicar. Jorge was appointed by godless men and has no authority from the Lord God Almighty. None. This is all a dog and pony show. Wake up, Penelope.

I'm a RC , what are you? Ashamed to say hey?

oh---that's interesting, penny-------You are finally willing to state OPENLY that which I asked you long ago. How about a bit more-------like a bit about your remote ancestry-----if you ---by chance, KNOW

Paul never met Jesus, and does that pic of Paul shows him reading a newspaper? Sure looks like it . Peter is the rock, and since the Rome created the Christian Church they can do what they want. I guess first come first gets to pick and Rome picked Peter to be the head of their church, and a body needs a head, and the Pope is the head on Earth. Deal with it.

Paul met Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus. Jesus Christ is the light that Paul encountered. Jesus Christ spoke to Paul and asked him, why persecutest thou me? In other words, why are you persecuting me, Paul? Paul was murdering Christians (in ignorance - even as Muslims and Catholics have murdered Christians throughout the ages - in ignorance that they are - in fact - persecuting Jesus Christ whom they claim to believe!) Paul did not know this until Jesus told him. He believed on the LORD and was saved.

Tell me, what hope will those of you have, who been told the truth (with KJV Scripture provided) and yet continue to persecute the followers of Jesus Christ? Do you not realize you are in danger of the judgment of God for this? Do you have no fear of God Almighty at all? I will leave you with that thought today. It is enough to keep you busy for some time to come.

It is written:

Acts 9:3-9 King James Version (KJV)
3 And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven:

4 And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?

5 And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

6 And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.

7 And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man.

8 And Saul arose from the earth; and when his eyes were opened, he saw no man: but they led him by the hand, and brought him into Damascus.

9 And he was three days without sight, and neither did eat nor drink.

King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain
Last edited:
These verses are speaking of Hagar's son Ishmael and all of his descendants and the message is powerful! How many have seen this before and missed the meaning of this allegory? May every Muslim reader of this thread not miss this powerful Word from God!

Galatians 4:24-31 King James Version (KJV)
24 Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar.

25 For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children.

26 But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.

27 For it is written, Rejoice, thou barren that bearest not; break forth and cry, thou that travailest not: for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath an husband.

28 Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise.

29 But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now.

30 Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.

31 So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, but of the free.

King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain

It is an open invitation to Muslims to become sons and daughters of God. To become children of the free through Jesus Christ!

Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved! Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved!

Here is the thread I posted on the story:

Message to Christians from Suffering Muslim Man
I get it you are a true Christian who is trying to show the "lost" to the road of Christ. Keep in mind Muslim and Catholic scholars certainly would refute all of your accusations.

None have thus far been successful because they cannot refute the Written Word of God,Masked Dissident. As you will notice (I see you are brand new to USMB) after awhile I use the Written Word of God which is sharper than any two edged sword.......... How can they refute the very Word of God? They cannot! Why should I remain silent while multitudes are being led to hell by the false teachings of Islam and it's Harlot Mother - Catholic Vatican?

If I should remain silent and watch multitudes go to hell what would that say about my understanding of God's love and compassion for those who are perishing? Believers in Jesus Christ are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. Not just the ones that appear "safe." It would be my greatest joy to learn you were ISIS or some Islamic radical because the most wretched hell bound sinners make the very best servants of God once they are saved! Those who have been forgiven much, love much. Those who have been forgiven little, love little.

You will find as you begin to search the Scriptures that the most important matter is that of your soul. Where will you go when you die, @MaskedDissident? You must go to one of two places - heaven or hell. Jesus Christ offers you forgiveness of all of your sins and to write your name in His Lamb's Book of Life so that when you die you may enter heaven. How can you obtain this forgiveness? Admit you are a sinner (all have fallen short of the glory of God) and confess your sins to the LORD as He brings them to your mind. Repent of your sins and ask God to forgive you of your sins.

Tell the LORD you are willing to follow him and serve him all the days of your life. Tell him that you desire to Stop Sinning and live a holy life. Make the decision to give your entire being to the LORD and read Romans 10:9,10.

Becoming a follower of Christ is not some flip 5 second prayer at an altar to get "fire insurance"....... Salvation is a miracle of Almighty God where He gives you a new heart! A new heart that desires to know Jesus and follow Him and Obey His Commandments! A real Christian will live the life even when persecuted. To be persecuted is not something to cry about! To be persecuted for righteousness' sake is to be honored by God. It is a glorious privilege to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ.

What reward would anyone possibly gain from suffering for Allah? He is a false pre-Islamic moon god and can do nothing for anyone concerning salvation or any other matter. If you are going to suffer, suffer for the cause of righteousness! Not wrong doing!

This is Your Eternal life. Not anyone else's. Will they do your time in hell for you? No. Do not concern yourself with what others will think. You obey God and come to Jesus Christ and be born again!

See John Chapter 3 by clicking link below.
Bible Gateway passage: John 3 - King James Version

Here is the thread I posted on the story:

Message to Christians from Suffering Muslim Man
I get it you are a true Christian who is trying to show the "lost" to the road of Christ. Keep in mind Muslim and Catholic scholars certainly would refute all of your accusations.

None have thus far been successful because they cannot refute the Written Word of God,Masked Dissident. As you will notice (I see you are brand new to USMB) after awhile I use the Written Word of God which is sharper than any two edged sword.......... How can they refute the very Word of God? They cannot! Why should I remain silent while multitudes are being led to hell by the false teachings of Islam and it's Harlot Mother - Catholic Vatican?

If I should remain silent and watch multitudes go to hell what would that say about my understanding of God's love and compassion for those who are perishing? Believers in Jesus Christ are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. Not just the ones that appear "safe." It would be my greatest joy to learn you were ISIS or some Islamic radical because the most wretched hell bound sinners make the very best servants of God once they are saved! Those who have been forgiven much, love much. Those who have been forgiven little, love little.

You will find as you begin to search the Scriptures that the most important matter is that of your soul. Where will you go when you die, @MaskedDissident? You must go to one of two places - heaven or hell. Jesus Christ offers you forgiveness of all of your sins and to write your name in His Lamb's Book of Life so that when you die you may enter heaven. How can you obtain this forgiveness? Admit you are a sinner (all have fallen short of the glory of God) and confess your sins to the LORD as He brings them to your mind. Repent of your sins and ask God to forgive you of your sins.

Tell the LORD you are willing to follow him and serve him all the days of your life. Tell him that you desire to Stop Sinning and live a holy life. Make the decision to give your entire being to the LORD and read Romans 10:9,10.

Becoming a follower of Christ is not some flip 5 second prayer at an altar to get "fire insurance"....... Salvation is a miracle of Almighty God where He gives you a new heart! A new heart that desires to know Jesus and follow Him and Obey His Commandments! A real Christian will live the life even when persecuted. To be persecuted is not something to cry about! To be persecuted for righteousness' sake is to be honored by God. It is a glorious privilege to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ.

What reward would anyone possibly gain from suffering for Allah? He is a false pre-Islamic moon god and can do nothing for anyone concerning salvation or any other matter. If you are going to suffer, suffer for the cause of righteousness! Not wrong doing!

This is Your Eternal life. Not anyone else's. Will they do your time in hell for you? No. Do not concern yourself with what others will think. You obey God and come to Jesus Christ and be born again!

See John Chapter 3 by clicking link below.
Bible Gateway passage: John 3 - King James Version

Here is the thread I posted on the story:

Message to Christians from Suffering Muslim Man
I get it you are a true Christian who is trying to show the "lost" to the road of Christ. Keep in mind Muslim and Catholic scholars certainly would refute all of your accusations.

None have thus far been successful because they cannot refute the Written Word of God,Masked Dissident. As you will notice (I see you are brand new to USMB) after awhile I use the Written Word of God which is sharper than any two edged sword.......... How can they refute the very Word of God? They cannot! Why should I remain silent while multitudes are being led to hell by the false teachings of Islam and it's Harlot Mother - Catholic Vatican?

If I should remain silent and watch multitudes go to hell what would that say about my understanding of God's love and compassion for those who are perishing? Believers in Jesus Christ are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. Not just the ones that appear "safe." It would be my greatest joy to learn you were ISIS or some Islamic radical because the most wretched hell bound sinners make the very best servants of God once they are saved! Those who have been forgiven much, love much. Those who have been forgiven little, love little.

You will find as you begin to search the Scriptures that the most important matter is that of your soul. Where will you go when you die, @MaskedDissident? You must go to one of two places - heaven or hell. Jesus Christ offers you forgiveness of all of your sins and to write your name in His Lamb's Book of Life so that when you die you may enter heaven. How can you obtain this forgiveness? Admit you are a sinner (all have fallen short of the glory of God) and confess your sins to the LORD as He brings them to your mind. Repent of your sins and ask God to forgive you of your sins.

Tell the LORD you are willing to follow him and serve him all the days of your life. Tell him that you desire to Stop Sinning and live a holy life. Make the decision to give your entire being to the LORD and read Romans 10:9,10.

Becoming a follower of Christ is not some flip 5 second prayer at an altar to get "fire insurance"....... Salvation is a miracle of Almighty God where He gives you a new heart! A new heart that desires to know Jesus and follow Him and Obey His Commandments! A real Christian will live the life even when persecuted. To be persecuted is not something to cry about! To be persecuted for righteousness' sake is to be honored by God. It is a glorious privilege to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ.

What reward would anyone possibly gain from suffering for Allah? He is a false pre-Islamic moon god and can do nothing for anyone concerning salvation or any other matter. If you are going to suffer, suffer for the cause of righteousness! Not wrong doing!

This is Your Eternal life. Not anyone else's. Will they do your time in hell for you? No. Do not concern yourself with what others will think. You obey God and come to Jesus Christ and be born again!

See John Chapter 3 by clicking link below.
Bible Gateway passage: John 3 - King James Version
Catholics find your religion to be a heresy and believe you need to be saved. Muslims laugh at your notion that any MAN can be God. Jews also laugh at your notion that any MAN can be God. They think the person who needs to correction is you. The Jews use the Torah to refute your man God worship. The Catholics use The Bible which they believe is their book to command you to follow the sacraments. YOu may have the "easiest" form of faith when it comes to lifestyle and over all well being but your theology falls apart. Why would a deist believe a man(JESUS) is a God? Why would a Jew worship a man as a God?

Lastly, your "love" of God is really your fear of death and hell. You simply use the God concept to relieve yourself of the irrational horrors of suffering in the afterlife. You clearly illustrated this in your writing. Please stop PREACHING. I did not ask for volumes of your PRO PROTESTANT propaganda that you sincerely believe is true. I know you are sincere and you mean well but stop.

If I feared death do you think I would tell you that your god is a pre-islamic Baal god who can do nothing for you? Do you think I would tell you as I am right now that this prophet you follow - Mohammad - is now suffering in the fires of hell for all eternity?

I tell you the truth, Dissident. If Mohammad could get out of hell for 5 minutes and come here he would tell you himself. Follow Jesus Christ and do not send yourself to hell. I have given you the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the truth. If you reject the truth it is because you love the darkness rather than the light (read John Chapter 3).

This is the case with many people. I pray it shall not be the case with you. I do not fear hell. I do not fear Islam nor do I fear the Whore of Rome or any man. I fear God. That is all I fear. I fear God. Which is why I tell you today that you are right now dangling over hell as if by a thread and if you do not turn from this false cult of Islam and call upon the Lord Jesus Christ you shall find yourself in hell one day and regretting that you did not listen to the servants God sent to warn you to flee from sin and call upon Jesus Christ for salvation!
It is very simple.

Tell which one or more of these things are true:
1) You believe in your faith to escape hell.
2) You will not consider changing your faith because of hell.
3) You fear other people will go to hell.
4) You want others to be saved by Jesus Christ to AVOID HELL.

Jesus Christ supposedly saves you FROM hell. You believe people should become Christians to avoid HELL. Hell is the central reason behind your anti-MUSLIM AND CATHOLIC propaganda. You are not alone the fundie MUSLIMS AND Catholics believe in HELL too. Hell and escaping hell is the central motive you being a CHRISTIAN.
These verses are speaking of Hagar's son Ishmael and all of his descendants and the message is powerful! How many have seen this before and missed the meaning of this allegory? May every Muslim reader of this thread not miss this powerful Word from God!

Galatians 4:24-31 King James Version (KJV)
24 Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar.

25 For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children.

26 But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.

27 For it is written, Rejoice, thou barren that bearest not; break forth and cry, thou that travailest not: for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath an husband.

28 Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise.

29 But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now.

30 Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.

31 So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, but of the free.

King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain

It is an open invitation to Muslims to become sons and daughters of God. To become children of the free through Jesus Christ!

Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved! Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved!

Here is the thread I posted on the story:

Message to Christians from Suffering Muslim Man
I get it you are a true Christian who is trying to show the "lost" to the road of Christ. Keep in mind Muslim and Catholic scholars certainly would refute all of your accusations.

None have thus far been successful because they cannot refute the Written Word of God,Masked Dissident. As you will notice (I see you are brand new to USMB) after awhile I use the Written Word of God which is sharper than any two edged sword.......... How can they refute the very Word of God? They cannot! Why should I remain silent while multitudes are being led to hell by the false teachings of Islam and it's Harlot Mother - Catholic Vatican?

If I should remain silent and watch multitudes go to hell what would that say about my understanding of God's love and compassion for those who are perishing? Believers in Jesus Christ are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. Not just the ones that appear "safe." It would be my greatest joy to learn you were ISIS or some Islamic radical because the most wretched hell bound sinners make the very best servants of God once they are saved! Those who have been forgiven much, love much. Those who have been forgiven little, love little.

You will find as you begin to search the Scriptures that the most important matter is that of your soul. Where will you go when you die, @MaskedDissident? You must go to one of two places - heaven or hell. Jesus Christ offers you forgiveness of all of your sins and to write your name in His Lamb's Book of Life so that when you die you may enter heaven. How can you obtain this forgiveness? Admit you are a sinner (all have fallen short of the glory of God) and confess your sins to the LORD as He brings them to your mind. Repent of your sins and ask God to forgive you of your sins.

Tell the LORD you are willing to follow him and serve him all the days of your life. Tell him that you desire to Stop Sinning and live a holy life. Make the decision to give your entire being to the LORD and read Romans 10:9,10.

Becoming a follower of Christ is not some flip 5 second prayer at an altar to get "fire insurance"....... Salvation is a miracle of Almighty God where He gives you a new heart! A new heart that desires to know Jesus and follow Him and Obey His Commandments! A real Christian will live the life even when persecuted. To be persecuted is not something to cry about! To be persecuted for righteousness' sake is to be honored by God. It is a glorious privilege to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ.

What reward would anyone possibly gain from suffering for Allah? He is a false pre-Islamic moon god and can do nothing for anyone concerning salvation or any other matter. If you are going to suffer, suffer for the cause of righteousness! Not wrong doing!

This is Your Eternal life. Not anyone else's. Will they do your time in hell for you? No. Do not concern yourself with what others will think. You obey God and come to Jesus Christ and be born again!

See John Chapter 3 by clicking link below.
Bible Gateway passage: John 3 - King James Version

Here is the thread I posted on the story:

Message to Christians from Suffering Muslim Man
I get it you are a true Christian who is trying to show the "lost" to the road of Christ. Keep in mind Muslim and Catholic scholars certainly would refute all of your accusations.

None have thus far been successful because they cannot refute the Written Word of God,Masked Dissident. As you will notice (I see you are brand new to USMB) after awhile I use the Written Word of God which is sharper than any two edged sword.......... How can they refute the very Word of God? They cannot! Why should I remain silent while multitudes are being led to hell by the false teachings of Islam and it's Harlot Mother - Catholic Vatican?

If I should remain silent and watch multitudes go to hell what would that say about my understanding of God's love and compassion for those who are perishing? Believers in Jesus Christ are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. Not just the ones that appear "safe." It would be my greatest joy to learn you were ISIS or some Islamic radical because the most wretched hell bound sinners make the very best servants of God once they are saved! Those who have been forgiven much, love much. Those who have been forgiven little, love little.

You will find as you begin to search the Scriptures that the most important matter is that of your soul. Where will you go when you die, @MaskedDissident? You must go to one of two places - heaven or hell. Jesus Christ offers you forgiveness of all of your sins and to write your name in His Lamb's Book of Life so that when you die you may enter heaven. How can you obtain this forgiveness? Admit you are a sinner (all have fallen short of the glory of God) and confess your sins to the LORD as He brings them to your mind. Repent of your sins and ask God to forgive you of your sins.

Tell the LORD you are willing to follow him and serve him all the days of your life. Tell him that you desire to Stop Sinning and live a holy life. Make the decision to give your entire being to the LORD and read Romans 10:9,10.

Becoming a follower of Christ is not some flip 5 second prayer at an altar to get "fire insurance"....... Salvation is a miracle of Almighty God where He gives you a new heart! A new heart that desires to know Jesus and follow Him and Obey His Commandments! A real Christian will live the life even when persecuted. To be persecuted is not something to cry about! To be persecuted for righteousness' sake is to be honored by God. It is a glorious privilege to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ.

What reward would anyone possibly gain from suffering for Allah? He is a false pre-Islamic moon god and can do nothing for anyone concerning salvation or any other matter. If you are going to suffer, suffer for the cause of righteousness! Not wrong doing!

This is Your Eternal life. Not anyone else's. Will they do your time in hell for you? No. Do not concern yourself with what others will think. You obey God and come to Jesus Christ and be born again!

See John Chapter 3 by clicking link below.
Bible Gateway passage: John 3 - King James Version

Here is the thread I posted on the story:

Message to Christians from Suffering Muslim Man
I get it you are a true Christian who is trying to show the "lost" to the road of Christ. Keep in mind Muslim and Catholic scholars certainly would refute all of your accusations.

None have thus far been successful because they cannot refute the Written Word of God,Masked Dissident. As you will notice (I see you are brand new to USMB) after awhile I use the Written Word of God which is sharper than any two edged sword.......... How can they refute the very Word of God? They cannot! Why should I remain silent while multitudes are being led to hell by the false teachings of Islam and it's Harlot Mother - Catholic Vatican?

If I should remain silent and watch multitudes go to hell what would that say about my understanding of God's love and compassion for those who are perishing? Believers in Jesus Christ are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. Not just the ones that appear "safe." It would be my greatest joy to learn you were ISIS or some Islamic radical because the most wretched hell bound sinners make the very best servants of God once they are saved! Those who have been forgiven much, love much. Those who have been forgiven little, love little.

You will find as you begin to search the Scriptures that the most important matter is that of your soul. Where will you go when you die, @MaskedDissident? You must go to one of two places - heaven or hell. Jesus Christ offers you forgiveness of all of your sins and to write your name in His Lamb's Book of Life so that when you die you may enter heaven. How can you obtain this forgiveness? Admit you are a sinner (all have fallen short of the glory of God) and confess your sins to the LORD as He brings them to your mind. Repent of your sins and ask God to forgive you of your sins.

Tell the LORD you are willing to follow him and serve him all the days of your life. Tell him that you desire to Stop Sinning and live a holy life. Make the decision to give your entire being to the LORD and read Romans 10:9,10.

Becoming a follower of Christ is not some flip 5 second prayer at an altar to get "fire insurance"....... Salvation is a miracle of Almighty God where He gives you a new heart! A new heart that desires to know Jesus and follow Him and Obey His Commandments! A real Christian will live the life even when persecuted. To be persecuted is not something to cry about! To be persecuted for righteousness' sake is to be honored by God. It is a glorious privilege to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ.

What reward would anyone possibly gain from suffering for Allah? He is a false pre-Islamic moon god and can do nothing for anyone concerning salvation or any other matter. If you are going to suffer, suffer for the cause of righteousness! Not wrong doing!

This is Your Eternal life. Not anyone else's. Will they do your time in hell for you? No. Do not concern yourself with what others will think. You obey God and come to Jesus Christ and be born again!

See John Chapter 3 by clicking link below.
Bible Gateway passage: John 3 - King James Version
Catholics find your religion to be a heresy and believe you need to be saved. Muslims laugh at your notion that any MAN can be God. Jews also laugh at your notion that any MAN can be God. They think the person who needs to correction is you. The Jews use the Torah to refute your man God worship. The Catholics use The Bible which they believe is their book to command you to follow the sacraments. YOu may have the "easiest" form of faith when it comes to lifestyle and over all well being but your theology falls apart. Why would a deist believe a man(JESUS) is a God? Why would a Jew worship a man as a God?

Lastly, your "love" of God is really your fear of death and hell. You simply use the God concept to relieve yourself of the irrational horrors of suffering in the afterlife. You clearly illustrated this in your writing. Please stop PREACHING. I did not ask for volumes of your PRO PROTESTANT propaganda that you sincerely believe is true. I know you are sincere and you mean well but stop.

This is the case with many people. I pray it shall not be the case with you. I do not fear hell. I do not fear Islam nor do I fear the Whore of Rome or any man. I fear God. That is all I fear. I fear God. Which is why I tell you today that you are right now dangling over hell as if by a thread and if you do not turn from this false cult of Islam and call upon the Lord Jesus Christ you shall find yourself in hell one day and regretting that you did not listen to the servants God sent to warn you to flee from sin and call upon Jesus Christ for salvation!

I am not a Muslim. Do you honestly think your are going to convince a Muslim to convert to Christianity when they believe it is damnable offense to worship Jesus(A MAN)? This is a sin according to ISLAM and it is worthy of HELL. They do not see your Bible as authoritative.
He is the Pope , what do you want him to wear.
A prison suit. He's earned it from what I hear. Jesus Christ does not have a Vicar. Jorge was appointed by godless men and has no authority from the Lord God Almighty. None. This is all a dog and pony show. Wake up, Penelope.

I'm a RC , what are you? Ashamed to say hey?

oh---that's interesting, penny-------You are finally willing to state OPENLY that which I asked you long ago. How about a bit more-------like a bit about your remote ancestry-----if you ---by chance, KNOW

Paul never met Jesus, and does that pic of Paul shows him reading a newspaper? Sure looks like it . Peter is the rock, and since the Rome created the Christian Church they can do what they want. I guess first come first gets to pick and Rome picked Peter to be the head of their church, and a body needs a head, and the Pope is the head on Earth. Deal with it.

Paul met Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus. Jesus Christ is the light that Paul encountered. Jesus Christ spoke to Paul and asked him, why persecutest thou me? In other words, why are you persecuting me, Paul? Paul was murdering Christians (in ignorance - even as Muslims and Catholics have murdered Christians throughout the ages - in ignorance that they are - in fact - persecuting Jesus Christ whom they claim to believe!) Paul did not know this until Jesus told him. He believed on the LORD and was saved.

Tell me, what hope will those of you have, who been told the truth (with KJV Scripture provided) and yet continue to persecute the followers of Jesus Christ? Do you not realize you are in danger of the judgment of God for this? Do you have no fear of God Almighty at all? I will leave you with that thought today. It is enough to keep you busy for some time to come.

It is written:

Acts 9:3-9 King James Version (KJV)
3 And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven:

4 And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?

5 And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

6 And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.

7 And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man.

8 And Saul arose from the earth; and when his eyes were opened, he saw no man: but they led him by the hand, and brought him into Damascus.

9 And he was three days without sight, and neither did eat nor drink.

King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain

I am slightly cynical of the dreams and visions of both Paul and Constantine-------well----Ezekiel was a poet----he wrote best under the influence of mushrooms
These verses are speaking of Hagar's son Ishmael and all of his descendants and the message is powerful! How many have seen this before and missed the meaning of this allegory? May every Muslim reader of this thread not miss this powerful Word from God!

Galatians 4:24-31 King James Version (KJV)
24 Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar.

25 For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children.

26 But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.

27 For it is written, Rejoice, thou barren that bearest not; break forth and cry, thou that travailest not: for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath an husband.

28 Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise.

29 But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now.

30 Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.

31 So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, but of the free.

King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain

It is an open invitation to Muslims to become sons and daughters of God. To become children of the free through Jesus Christ!

Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved! Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved!

Here is the thread I posted on the story:

Message to Christians from Suffering Muslim Man
I get it you are a true Christian who is trying to show the "lost" to the road of Christ. Keep in mind Muslim and Catholic scholars certainly would refute all of your accusations.

None have thus far been successful because they cannot refute the Written Word of God,Masked Dissident. As you will notice (I see you are brand new to USMB) after awhile I use the Written Word of God which is sharper than any two edged sword.......... How can they refute the very Word of God? They cannot! Why should I remain silent while multitudes are being led to hell by the false teachings of Islam and it's Harlot Mother - Catholic Vatican?

If I should remain silent and watch multitudes go to hell what would that say about my understanding of God's love and compassion for those who are perishing? Believers in Jesus Christ are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. Not just the ones that appear "safe." It would be my greatest joy to learn you were ISIS or some Islamic radical because the most wretched hell bound sinners make the very best servants of God once they are saved! Those who have been forgiven much, love much. Those who have been forgiven little, love little.

You will find as you begin to search the Scriptures that the most important matter is that of your soul. Where will you go when you die, @MaskedDissident? You must go to one of two places - heaven or hell. Jesus Christ offers you forgiveness of all of your sins and to write your name in His Lamb's Book of Life so that when you die you may enter heaven. How can you obtain this forgiveness? Admit you are a sinner (all have fallen short of the glory of God) and confess your sins to the LORD as He brings them to your mind. Repent of your sins and ask God to forgive you of your sins.

Tell the LORD you are willing to follow him and serve him all the days of your life. Tell him that you desire to Stop Sinning and live a holy life. Make the decision to give your entire being to the LORD and read Romans 10:9,10.

Becoming a follower of Christ is not some flip 5 second prayer at an altar to get "fire insurance"....... Salvation is a miracle of Almighty God where He gives you a new heart! A new heart that desires to know Jesus and follow Him and Obey His Commandments! A real Christian will live the life even when persecuted. To be persecuted is not something to cry about! To be persecuted for righteousness' sake is to be honored by God. It is a glorious privilege to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ.

What reward would anyone possibly gain from suffering for Allah? He is a false pre-Islamic moon god and can do nothing for anyone concerning salvation or any other matter. If you are going to suffer, suffer for the cause of righteousness! Not wrong doing!

This is Your Eternal life. Not anyone else's. Will they do your time in hell for you? No. Do not concern yourself with what others will think. You obey God and come to Jesus Christ and be born again!

See John Chapter 3 by clicking link below.
Bible Gateway passage: John 3 - King James Version

Here is the thread I posted on the story:

Message to Christians from Suffering Muslim Man
I get it you are a true Christian who is trying to show the "lost" to the road of Christ. Keep in mind Muslim and Catholic scholars certainly would refute all of your accusations.

None have thus far been successful because they cannot refute the Written Word of God,Masked Dissident. As you will notice (I see you are brand new to USMB) after awhile I use the Written Word of God which is sharper than any two edged sword.......... How can they refute the very Word of God? They cannot! Why should I remain silent while multitudes are being led to hell by the false teachings of Islam and it's Harlot Mother - Catholic Vatican?

If I should remain silent and watch multitudes go to hell what would that say about my understanding of God's love and compassion for those who are perishing? Believers in Jesus Christ are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. Not just the ones that appear "safe." It would be my greatest joy to learn you were ISIS or some Islamic radical because the most wretched hell bound sinners make the very best servants of God once they are saved! Those who have been forgiven much, love much. Those who have been forgiven little, love little.

You will find as you begin to search the Scriptures that the most important matter is that of your soul. Where will you go when you die, @MaskedDissident? You must go to one of two places - heaven or hell. Jesus Christ offers you forgiveness of all of your sins and to write your name in His Lamb's Book of Life so that when you die you may enter heaven. How can you obtain this forgiveness? Admit you are a sinner (all have fallen short of the glory of God) and confess your sins to the LORD as He brings them to your mind. Repent of your sins and ask God to forgive you of your sins.

Tell the LORD you are willing to follow him and serve him all the days of your life. Tell him that you desire to Stop Sinning and live a holy life. Make the decision to give your entire being to the LORD and read Romans 10:9,10.

Becoming a follower of Christ is not some flip 5 second prayer at an altar to get "fire insurance"....... Salvation is a miracle of Almighty God where He gives you a new heart! A new heart that desires to know Jesus and follow Him and Obey His Commandments! A real Christian will live the life even when persecuted. To be persecuted is not something to cry about! To be persecuted for righteousness' sake is to be honored by God. It is a glorious privilege to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ.

What reward would anyone possibly gain from suffering for Allah? He is a false pre-Islamic moon god and can do nothing for anyone concerning salvation or any other matter. If you are going to suffer, suffer for the cause of righteousness! Not wrong doing!

This is Your Eternal life. Not anyone else's. Will they do your time in hell for you? No. Do not concern yourself with what others will think. You obey God and come to Jesus Christ and be born again!

See John Chapter 3 by clicking link below.
Bible Gateway passage: John 3 - King James Version

Here is the thread I posted on the story:

Message to Christians from Suffering Muslim Man
I get it you are a true Christian who is trying to show the "lost" to the road of Christ. Keep in mind Muslim and Catholic scholars certainly would refute all of your accusations.

None have thus far been successful because they cannot refute the Written Word of God,Masked Dissident. As you will notice (I see you are brand new to USMB) after awhile I use the Written Word of God which is sharper than any two edged sword.......... How can they refute the very Word of God? They cannot! Why should I remain silent while multitudes are being led to hell by the false teachings of Islam and it's Harlot Mother - Catholic Vatican?

If I should remain silent and watch multitudes go to hell what would that say about my understanding of God's love and compassion for those who are perishing? Believers in Jesus Christ are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. Not just the ones that appear "safe." It would be my greatest joy to learn you were ISIS or some Islamic radical because the most wretched hell bound sinners make the very best servants of God once they are saved! Those who have been forgiven much, love much. Those who have been forgiven little, love little.

You will find as you begin to search the Scriptures that the most important matter is that of your soul. Where will you go when you die, @MaskedDissident? You must go to one of two places - heaven or hell. Jesus Christ offers you forgiveness of all of your sins and to write your name in His Lamb's Book of Life so that when you die you may enter heaven. How can you obtain this forgiveness? Admit you are a sinner (all have fallen short of the glory of God) and confess your sins to the LORD as He brings them to your mind. Repent of your sins and ask God to forgive you of your sins.

Tell the LORD you are willing to follow him and serve him all the days of your life. Tell him that you desire to Stop Sinning and live a holy life. Make the decision to give your entire being to the LORD and read Romans 10:9,10.

Becoming a follower of Christ is not some flip 5 second prayer at an altar to get "fire insurance"....... Salvation is a miracle of Almighty God where He gives you a new heart! A new heart that desires to know Jesus and follow Him and Obey His Commandments! A real Christian will live the life even when persecuted. To be persecuted is not something to cry about! To be persecuted for righteousness' sake is to be honored by God. It is a glorious privilege to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ.

What reward would anyone possibly gain from suffering for Allah? He is a false pre-Islamic moon god and can do nothing for anyone concerning salvation or any other matter. If you are going to suffer, suffer for the cause of righteousness! Not wrong doing!

This is Your Eternal life. Not anyone else's. Will they do your time in hell for you? No. Do not concern yourself with what others will think. You obey God and come to Jesus Christ and be born again!

See John Chapter 3 by clicking link below.
Bible Gateway passage: John 3 - King James Version
Catholics find your religion to be a heresy and believe you need to be saved. Muslims laugh at your notion that any MAN can be God. Jews also laugh at your notion that any MAN can be God. They think the person who needs to correction is you. The Jews use the Torah to refute your man God worship. The Catholics use The Bible which they believe is their book to command you to follow the sacraments. YOu may have the "easiest" form of faith when it comes to lifestyle and over all well being but your theology falls apart. Why would a deist believe a man(JESUS) is a God? Why would a Jew worship a man as a God?

Lastly, your "love" of God is really your fear of death and hell. You simply use the God concept to relieve yourself of the irrational horrors of suffering in the afterlife. You clearly illustrated this in your writing. Please stop PREACHING. I did not ask for volumes of your PRO PROTESTANT propaganda that you sincerely believe is true. I know you are sincere and you mean well but stop.

This is the case with many people. I pray it shall not be the case with you. I do not fear hell. I do not fear Islam nor do I fear the Whore of Rome or any man. I fear God. That is all I fear. I fear God. Which is why I tell you today that you are right now dangling over hell as if by a thread and if you do not turn from this false cult of Islam and call upon the Lord Jesus Christ you shall find yourself in hell one day and regretting that you did not listen to the servants God sent to warn you to flee from sin and call upon Jesus Christ for salvation!

I am not a Muslim. Do you honestly think your are going to convince a Muslim to convert to Christianity when they believe it is damnable offense to worship Jesus(A MAN)? This is a sin according to ISLAM and it is worthy of HELL. They do not see your Bible as authoritative.

Too late. it's been done already. Let's get back to you. You show up on Lonelaugher's thread and say this video is excellent - why? - because Lonelaugher posted it?

The message in the video is clearly about disrespect and that the man speaking came there because he loves those young people and is trying to speak truth to them and wake them up. Yet when I do the same here by preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ because I love and care for the lost, you give me a multiple choice list questioning what my motive is. You are a hypocrite. You'll have to own up to it sooner later. Sooner would be a wise choice.

I have nothing further to say to you.
I guess the gist of this thread is to be a Protestant. I thought Protestants were primarily responsible for the black slave trade in America.

yes----very likely a true statement----the tiny fraction of the world history of slave trade which was that related to Africa and the Americas-----sometime in the 17th thru `19th centuries ----involved PROTESTANTS

thanks for your endorsement Penny dear----but ALL TOLD---the real BULK promulgators of slavery in all of western civiliazatoin ---on TOP OF THE HEAP---were muslims----first arabs and then including non arab muslims----then ROMANS---including pre Christian romans but EXCEEDED by Christian -romans----and catholics----protestants a bit----and jews, negligible.
He is the Pope , what do you want him to wear.
A prison suit. He's earned it from what I hear. Jesus Christ does not have a Vicar. Jorge was appointed by godless men and has no authority from the Lord God Almighty. None. This is all a dog and pony show. Wake up, Penelope.

I'm a RC , what are you? Ashamed to say hey?

oh---that's interesting, penny-------You are finally willing to state OPENLY that which I asked you long ago. How about a bit more-------like a bit about your remote ancestry-----if you ---by chance, KNOW

Paul never met Jesus, and does that pic of Paul shows him reading a newspaper? Sure looks like it . Peter is the rock, and since the Rome created the Christian Church they can do what they want. I guess first come first gets to pick and Rome picked Peter to be the head of their church, and a body needs a head, and the Pope is the head on Earth. Deal with it.

Paul met Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus. Jesus Christ is the light that Paul encountered. Jesus Christ spoke to Paul and asked him, why persecutest thou me? In other words, why are you persecuting me, Paul? Paul was murdering Christians (in ignorance - even as Muslims and Catholics have murdered Christians throughout the ages - in ignorance that they are - in fact - persecuting Jesus Christ whom they claim to believe!) Paul did not know this until Jesus told him. He believed on the LORD and was saved.

Tell me, what hope will those of you have, who been told the truth (with KJV Scripture provided) and yet continue to persecute the followers of Jesus Christ? Do you not realize you are in danger of the judgment of God for this? Do you have no fear of God Almighty at all? I will leave you with that thought today. It is enough to keep you busy for some time to come.

It is written:

Acts 9:3-9 King James Version (KJV)
3 And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven:

4 And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?

5 And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

6 And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.

7 And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man.

8 And Saul arose from the earth; and when his eyes were opened, he saw no man: but they led him by the hand, and brought him into Damascus.

9 And he was three days without sight, and neither did eat nor drink.

King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain

So Paul says, I am aware of his hallucination.

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