CBO: Republican health care bill raises premiums for older, poor Americans by as much as 850%

Wouldn't worry about it too much. Soon as Senate rolls out their plan the freedumb caucus of whack jobs will throw a hissy fit and won't vote for new bill and nothing will get done. Obamcare will collapse on its own and then BOTH the GOP and dems will be on hook to fix it with something that will actually help Americans.
Don't fix. REPEAL!
Won't happen I don't think. I don't think its possible many SMART republicans will vote to repeal if they don't know what will take its place.
Since many Trump supporters are on the ACA and Medicaid, yes they are, they shall reap what they sow.
The insurance companies are dropping out. Traump supporters forced on ACA are fucked by the democrats shitty Obamacare program. This shit is all on the democrats. Why do you think you lose elections lately?
Good that insurance companies are dropping out, we'll have Medicare for All sooner.
CBO: Republican health care bill raises premiums for older, poor Americans by as much as 850%
Source: Vox

The American Health Care Act would make a low-income 64-year-old in the individual market pay more than half his income for health insurance.

Republicans’ American Health Care Act would be devastating to older Americans who rely on the individual insurance market, according to an analysis by the Congressional Budget Office.

The CBO found that the revised Republican bill does bring down overall premiums in the individual market by anywhere from 4 to 20 percent by 2026 compared with what they would be under current law.

The variation depends on whether a state accepts waivers under the American Health Care Act, which would allow insurers to offer much skimpier health plans at lower premiums. States that take up such waivers would see lower premiums, although the health plans would provide fewer benefits. States that don’t adopt such waivers would have higher premiums, but their health plans would offer more benefits — a trade-off.

Read more: CBO: Republican health care bill raises premiums for older, poor Americans by as much as 850%

Yet, you think you're all good people for being freaking christians. You'll kill millions.

Fortunately the term "cut and paste" these days no longer involves sharp objects else you'd be minus 2-3 fingers.
Since many Trump supporters are on the ACA and Medicaid, yes they are, they shall reap what they sow.
The insurance companies are dropping out. Traump supporters forced on ACA are fucked by the democrats shitty Obamacare program. This shit is all on the democrats. Why do you think you lose elections lately?
Good that insurance companies are dropping out, we'll have Medicare for All sooner.
How will ewe pay for it?
Obviously the Republicans were lying for eight years. They'd smirk and tell us they had a better plan, when they knew goddamn well that they didn't.

The only way our "leaders" will produce a decent (maybe) plan is if they work together.
Repeal and don't replace.
Well, they won't be doing that.

The "repeal" isn't even a repeal right now.

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