CBO says TrumpCare is awful

GOP bill raises premiums for older, poor Americans by more than 750%

24 million would lose health insurance coverage under GOP's Obamacare replacement by 2026

The plan will force premiums up on our older, poorer Americans by 750%, which would be more than half of their income. 24 million would lose coverage in the next nine years.
GOP Health Plan Is a Massive Income Redistribution
the CBO concludes, would take more than $1 trillion away from programs targeting poor and middle-class families, to fund an $883 billion tax cut targeted at the wealthy

“House Republican leaders plunged into damage control mode Monday after a brutal budgetary assessment of their Obamacare replacement threatened to upend Senate GOP support and armed their critics on the left,”

GOP Death Plan was crafted by greedy, amoral monsters, and I say a great big FUCK YOU to all the lamebrains who voted for them.
GOP bill raises premiums for older, poor Americans by more than 750%

24 million would lose health insurance coverage under GOP's Obamacare replacement by 2026

The plan will force premiums up on our older, poorer Americans by 750%, which would be more than half of their income. 24 million would lose coverage in the next nine years.
GOP Health Plan Is a Massive Income Redistribution
the CBO concludes, would take more than $1 trillion away from programs targeting poor and middle-class families, to fund an $883 billion tax cut targeted at the wealthy

“House Republican leaders plunged into damage control mode Monday after a brutal budgetary assessment of their Obamacare replacement threatened to upend Senate GOP support and armed their critics on the left,”

GOP Death Plan was crafted by greedy, amoral monsters, and I say a great big FUCK YOU to all the lamebrains who voted for them.
Of course it is awful. When you start with something horrendous like BOcare, it is impossible to fix.

The Rs are too stupid to understand this...but you and Jake and other silly fools on the left and right somehow think Ds and Rs are polar opposites, when in fact they are nearly identical dick heads. This GOP plan for the shitty BOcare should enlighten you, but it won't.
We should have learned from 2012 that Ryan is a rightwing extremist on these issues. Remember his devotion to Ayn Rand?
He's a guy who would if he could take us back to the 1930's, before FDR, Social Security, etc., wiping out Medicare, Medicaid, and every other government program that helps people afford healthcare.
GOP bill raises premiums for older, poor Americans by more than 750%

24 million would lose health insurance coverage under GOP's Obamacare replacement by 2026

The plan will force premiums up on our older, poorer Americans by 750%, which would be more than half of their income. 24 million would lose coverage in the next nine years.
Trump doesn't have a health care plan.
This is Ryancare.

Trump enthusiastically supported it making it Trumpcare
Trumpcare cuts Medicaid funding to support struggling Americans to fund tax cuts for the wealthy
GOP bill raises premiums for older, poor Americans by more than 750%

24 million would lose health insurance coverage under GOP's Obamacare replacement by 2026

The plan will force premiums up on our older, poorer Americans by 750%, which would be more than half of their income. 24 million would lose coverage in the next nine years.
Fuck Donald Trump and fuck the people who voted for him.
Fuck you too. I hate commies.

How many will be uninsured when the ACA collapses under its' own weight? Did the CBO mention that?
GOP bill raises premiums for older, poor Americans by more than 750%

24 million would lose health insurance coverage under GOP's Obamacare replacement by 2026

The plan will force premiums up on our older, poorer Americans by 750%, which would be more than half of their income. 24 million would lose coverage in the next nine years.

Imagine that, people will have to buy their own insurance instead of having the middle class pay for theirs.

What will Cuckey do?
GOP bill raises premiums for older, poor Americans by more than 750%

24 million would lose health insurance coverage under GOP's Obamacare replacement by 2026

The plan will force premiums up on our older, poorer Americans by 750%, which would be more than half of their income. 24 million would lose coverage in the next nine years.
Trump doesn't have a health care plan.
This is Ryancare.

Trump enthusiastically supported it making it Trumpcare

We don't enthusiastically support any government controlled health care plan or mandate. ACA should be repealed and restrictions lifted and let the free market handle it, and do everything we can do lower costs. Dems started this clusterfuck when they passed the ACA against the will of the American people.
“The CBO estimate that millions of Americans could lose their health insurance coverage if the House bill were to become law is cause for alarm. It should prompt the House to slow down and reconsider certain provisions of the bill.”

— Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), quoted by the Bangor Daily News.

“It’s summed up in this tweet from former Senate Republican aide Rodney Whitlock: “Critical, soul searching moment for GOP. Ignore #CBOscore and plow ahead or admit that some ideas might just be problematic.”
GOP bill raises premiums for older, poor Americans by more than 750%

24 million would lose health insurance coverage under GOP's Obamacare replacement by 2026

The plan will force premiums up on our older, poorer Americans by 750%, which would be more than half of their income. 24 million would lose coverage in the next nine years.
Trump doesn't have a health care plan.
This is Ryancare.

Trump enthusiastically supported it making it Trumpcare
No. Trump is open to negotiations. It would be Trumpcare if he was forcing it down our throats the way Obama forced the ACA down our throats.
I guess the facts don't matter when you're dealing with lying liberals.....but what else is new.

The primary negative according to the CBO seems to be that removing the mandate will cause 14 million to decide not to buy health insurance. But details are a sticky subject these days I suppose.
“The CBO estimate that millions of Americans could lose their health insurance coverage if the House bill were to become law is cause for alarm. It should prompt the House to slow down and reconsider certain provisions of the bill.”

— Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), quoted by the Bangor Daily News.

“It’s summed up in this tweet from former Senate Republican aide Rodney Whitlock: “Critical, soul searching moment for GOP. Ignore #CBOscore and plow ahead or admit that some ideas might just be problematic.”
Why would you believe Susan? She is an R and we all know you HATE Rs. WTF man!
GOP bill raises premiums for older, poor Americans by more than 750%

24 million would lose health insurance coverage under GOP's Obamacare replacement by 2026

The plan will force premiums up on our older, poorer Americans by 750%, which would be more than half of their income. 24 million would lose coverage in the next nine years.
Trump doesn't have a health care plan.
This is Ryancare.

Trump does have a health care plan, didn't he tell us it would insure everyone at less cost?
GOP bill raises premiums for older, poor Americans by more than 750%

24 million would lose health insurance coverage under GOP's Obamacare replacement by 2026

The plan will force premiums up on our older, poorer Americans by 750%, which would be more than half of their income. 24 million would lose coverage in the next nine years.

But drives the deficit down how far Jake?

It lowers the deficit only because millions won't have coverage.

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