CBS News Bombshell: Student Leader Wasn't at School On Day of the Mass Shooting

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Del, when a person makes two contradictory statements, that's what us right wing nut jobs call lying.
When the Right deliberately fabricates contradictory statements when they know the truth, that is what honest people call CON$ervatism.

Hogg had made it clear that he returned to the school at 6PM with his camera, but the Right chose to use a clip that didn't have the time he returned in it to deliberately deceive SUCKERS like you, and that is what honest people call a PREMEDITATED LIE.
And the left has no proof he ever said the new quotr.
There is a published transcript of him saying it. It was published well before the Right created the lie in the OP.

Florida shooting survivor explains how his generation can force a change on guns
By Jen Kirby[email protected] Feb 20, 2018, 8:30am EST

Jen Kirby

The activism of you and your fellow students has created the sense that, in the wake of this mass shooting, there’s a chance things might be different. Why do you think that is?

David Hogg

Because of timing. At 6 pm after the shooting, I took my camera, got on my bike. I rode in basically twilight. And I ride my bike three miles down winding sidewalks and find my way to the school, as I’ve done in previous years.

That doesn't contradict what he said on the video.
Correct, the two statements do not contradict each other. As you've been shown, he was on lock down in that school that day during the shooting. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Prove it.
there is a lot that you can do about it, unless you are a terminal moron.

oops, therein seems to lie the problem.

Your nasty attitude will bite you in the ass some day son.
in this thread you think you need to call out "my nasty attitude". LOL.

I merely offer advice son, you can choose to take it or ignore it as you wish - your interpersonal relationships will reflect accordingly and it's no skin off my nose either way.
save the condescension, grandma, and see that you learn something from this experience.

Not a grandmother yet. All five of my children did the wise thing and are waiting until they have their lives settled before they bring kids into the world. I suspect I've got a few years left as none of them have their savings accounts in full order quite yet.

What could I possibly learn from someone with such a terrible attitude toward others son? Your opinions are colored by hatred and angst, you are ungrateful for what you have and choose to look down upon those less fortunate, you also come off as a nihilist. I highly doubt you can teach me anything other than what 'not' to do for a happy life. ~shrug~
cool story, grandma.
Maverick on Twitter
This fake news was debunked yesterday

Make something else up
UPDATE: CBS Video Confusing. Hogg Was on Campus.

The update clarifies that Hogg was there. The journalist who said he wasn't corrected her story.
Yep....she was convinced to change her story or sleep with the fishes.
or, she has something y'all lack.


a spine.

capability to be embarrassed.

an ounce of dignity.
When the Right deliberately fabricates contradictory statements when they know the truth, that is what honest people call CON$ervatism.

Hogg had made it clear that he returned to the school at 6PM with his camera, but the Right chose to use a clip that didn't have the time he returned in it to deliberately deceive SUCKERS like you, and that is what honest people call a PREMEDITATED LIE.
And the left has no proof he ever said the new quotr.
There is a published transcript of him saying it. It was published well before the Right created the lie in the OP.

Florida shooting survivor explains how his generation can force a change on guns
By Jen Kirby[email protected] Feb 20, 2018, 8:30am EST

Jen Kirby

The activism of you and your fellow students has created the sense that, in the wake of this mass shooting, there’s a chance things might be different. Why do you think that is?

David Hogg

Because of timing. At 6 pm after the shooting, I took my camera, got on my bike. I rode in basically twilight. And I ride my bike three miles down winding sidewalks and find my way to the school, as I’ve done in previous years.

That doesn't contradict what he said on the video.
Correct, the two statements do not contradict each other. As you've been shown, he was on lock down in that school that day during the shooting. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Prove it.
Prove what? That you're a fucking moron? Or that Hogg was on lock down in the school?

How about I prove both?

This guy just became a laughing stock:

A new documentary by CBS News reveals that Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student David Hogg, who has become the face of the student body’s push for gun control, was not at the school at the time of the shooting.

The bombshell comes from David Hogg himself, who made the admission to a CBS News interviewer as part of the documentary “39 Days.”

"39 Days": How Parkland shooting survivors turned grief into action

At 4 minutes 55 sec. of video Hogg says:

DAVID HOGG: "On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and road as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting."

You are about a dumb bastard. Do you have to be at the scene of your friends slaughter to feel grief and anger about it?
forgive me - where have i heard hogg greive yet? he sure isn't doing it in this thread. he's more concerned with getting this "news" than he appears to be for his friends.
He obviously looked at this event as a big career advancement opportunity rather than something to grieve over.
Plenty. The school was a crime scene.. You wouldn't be able to get within a couple miles of the place once you left
You do know that ALL the media, including your beloved FOX was allowed to be across the street from the school at the time Hogg was shooting with the camera he went home to get.
Of course you did.
Hogg isn't the media.
Your nasty attitude will bite you in the ass some day son.
in this thread you think you need to call out "my nasty attitude". LOL.

I merely offer advice son, you can choose to take it or ignore it as you wish - your interpersonal relationships will reflect accordingly and it's no skin off my nose either way.
save the condescension, grandma, and see that you learn something from this experience.

Not a grandmother yet. All five of my children did the wise thing and are waiting until they have their lives settled before they bring kids into the world. I suspect I've got a few years left as none of them have their savings accounts in full order quite yet.

What could I possibly learn from someone with such a terrible attitude toward others son? Your opinions are colored by hatred and angst, you are ungrateful for what you have and choose to look down upon those less fortunate, you also come off as a nihilist. I highly doubt you can teach me anything other than what 'not' to do for a happy life. ~shrug~
cool story, grandma.

Feel free to stick to your invented lie son, again no skin off my nose. The harsh reality of life is that no one but you, your friends, and your family give a rats ass what you opinion. When you grow up and realize that, you'll also realize that being an asshole doesn't benefit you and is detrimental to society and everything you hold dear now, and will hold dear in the future. Grow up and learn son, or suffer the life-time of misery you deserve, it matters not to me.
This guy just became a laughing stock:

A new documentary by CBS News reveals that Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student David Hogg, who has become the face of the student body’s push for gun control, was not at the school at the time of the shooting.

The bombshell comes from David Hogg himself, who made the admission to a CBS News interviewer as part of the documentary “39 Days.”

"39 Days": How Parkland shooting survivors turned grief into action

At 4 minutes 55 sec. of video Hogg says:

DAVID HOGG: "On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and road as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting."

You are about a dumb bastard. Do you have to be at the scene of your friends slaughter to feel grief and anger about it?
forgive me - where have i heard hogg greive yet? he sure isn't doing it in this thread. he's more concerned with getting this "news" than he appears to be for his friends.
He obviously looked at this event as a big career advancement opportunity rather than something to grieve over.
You're a sick fuck. There's simply no other excuse.

Two of the kids shot and killed that day were his sister's best friends. One can feel nothing but pity for what a sick and disturbed person freak you are.

How many more false rumors are you going to spread about this kid?
I'd be careful pointing too many fingers here lefties; your camp still believes that Palin said she could see Russia from her backyard. My husband had to correct his new manager on that just last week; the tool box made a point to argue about it in front of all the employees, attempting to make my husband look bad, and is now forever labeled a dumbass.

It's easy to fool people and I dare say everyone alive has been fooled by someone at some point in their lives. This is the normal human condition and thus not really a "flaw" in anyone. As the Chinese would say - "mei ban fa" (which basically means "shit happens and there's not much you can do about it")
Why don’t you tell us what Palin actually said?
It was funnier than the “I can see Russia from my house”

I guess if you find the truth "funny" sure...

"They're our next-door neighbors, and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska."

This is true. As Slate has pointed out, on a clear day, those on the Alaskan island of Little Diomede can see the Russian island of Big Diomede, located across the International Date Line some two and a half miles away.

That’s the funny part

When asked about foreign policy experience she brought up that you can see remote parts of Russia from remote parts of if that counts as foreign policy experience

You didn’t vote for that twit .....did you?
Unbelievable, right?

What more evidence is needed to demonstrate how conservatism is a mental disease?

Lord you are terminally stupid.
Where in the video does he say he was not at the shooting?
i never said that - keep up. all i said was we have him on video saying one thing then we have CBS now saying he said something else and editing out his original quote.

maybe it's all fine and proper. but this new quote doesn't "read" like a high school student and seems like he had help with it. much like their marches, ability to be away from school for so much now and so on. if someone were speaking FOR gun rights, would they be allowed the same time off school?
He appears to be a very bright and articulate high school student
What surprises you?

We're not suprised that some douchebag snowflake would lie.
Seems you are the douchebag snowflake posting lies

When are you going to apologize?
Man up
This guy just became a laughing stock:

A new documentary by CBS News reveals that Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student David Hogg, who has become the face of the student body’s push for gun control, was not at the school at the time of the shooting.

The bombshell comes from David Hogg himself, who made the admission to a CBS News interviewer as part of the documentary “39 Days.”

"39 Days": How Parkland shooting survivors turned grief into action

At 4 minutes 55 sec. of video Hogg says:

DAVID HOGG: "On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and road as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting."

You are about a dumb bastard. Do you have to be at the scene of your friends slaughter to feel grief and anger about it?
forgive me - where have i heard hogg greive yet? he sure isn't doing it in this thread. he's more concerned with getting this "news" than he appears to be for his friends.
He obviously looked at this event as a big career advancement opportunity rather than something to grieve over.
unfortunate but it does appear to be the case. far too many are using this as a way to get their agenda shoved down throats and that never goes well.
Awesome thread.
Unbelievable, right?

What more evidence is needed to demonstrate how conservatism is a mental disease?
Your posting history shows you suffer from Thiret's syndrome.
WTF is “Thiret’s syndrome?” At least you know you’re a fucking moron. How does it feel to have yet another one of your maniacal threads crash and burn in flames, now that it’s been proven yet again that David Hogg was in that school during the shooting?


It's actually spelled "Tourette Syndrome." So all you're doing is harping on a misspelling. However, you confirmed that you suffer from the malady.

All i did is report a story going around on the internet, and it appeared to be quite credible. This thread has over 550 posts, so claiming it "crashed and burned" is pure idiocy.
in this thread you think you need to call out "my nasty attitude". LOL.

I merely offer advice son, you can choose to take it or ignore it as you wish - your interpersonal relationships will reflect accordingly and it's no skin off my nose either way.
save the condescension, grandma, and see that you learn something from this experience.

Not a grandmother yet. All five of my children did the wise thing and are waiting until they have their lives settled before they bring kids into the world. I suspect I've got a few years left as none of them have their savings accounts in full order quite yet.

What could I possibly learn from someone with such a terrible attitude toward others son? Your opinions are colored by hatred and angst, you are ungrateful for what you have and choose to look down upon those less fortunate, you also come off as a nihilist. I highly doubt you can teach me anything other than what 'not' to do for a happy life. ~shrug~
cool story, grandma.

Feel free to stick to your invented lie son, again no skin off my nose. The harsh reality of life is that no one but you, your friends, and your family give a rats ass what you opinion. When you grow up and realize that, you'll also realize that being an asshole doesn't benefit you and is detrimental to society and everything you hold dear now, and will hold dear in the future. Grow up and learn son, or suffer the life-time of misery you deserve, it matters not to me.

what lie?

if you do not want to be called grandma, then,hm, do not call me son, cuntbag, eh?
I merely offer advice son, you can choose to take it or ignore it as you wish - your interpersonal relationships will reflect accordingly and it's no skin off my nose either way.
save the condescension, grandma, and see that you learn something from this experience.

Not a grandmother yet. All five of my children did the wise thing and are waiting until they have their lives settled before they bring kids into the world. I suspect I've got a few years left as none of them have their savings accounts in full order quite yet.

What could I possibly learn from someone with such a terrible attitude toward others son? Your opinions are colored by hatred and angst, you are ungrateful for what you have and choose to look down upon those less fortunate, you also come off as a nihilist. I highly doubt you can teach me anything other than what 'not' to do for a happy life. ~shrug~
cool story, grandma.

Feel free to stick to your invented lie son, again no skin off my nose. The harsh reality of life is that no one but you, your friends, and your family give a rats ass what you opinion. When you grow up and realize that, you'll also realize that being an asshole doesn't benefit you and is detrimental to society and everything you hold dear now, and will hold dear in the future. Grow up and learn son, or suffer the life-time of misery you deserve, it matters not to me.

what lie?

if you do not want to be called grandma, then,hm, do not call me son, cuntbag, eh?

HAHAHAHA thanks for the lol. Show your true nature and call me disgusting names simply because I attempted to offer advice. Have a miserable life kid.

Lord you are terminally stupid.
Where in the video does he say he was not at the shooting?
i never said that - keep up. all i said was we have him on video saying one thing then we have CBS now saying he said something else and editing out his original quote.

maybe it's all fine and proper. but this new quote doesn't "read" like a high school student and seems like he had help with it. much like their marches, ability to be away from school for so much now and so on. if someone were speaking FOR gun rights, would they be allowed the same time off school?
It appears he was lying for self promotion based on the videos & transcripts.

Everyone trying to claim this was edited or that was edited only proves one thing to me.

my minor was in journalism but this was long ago when you could trust the media.

i know what i saw in his video. i don't know where the new quote came from. they say it was to clear it up but being a writer, his new statement seems to be well worded to address things like twilight, time of day, and is 6pm twilight this time of the year? then why the focus on his camera bag when that had NOTHING to do with his original quote.

in "clearing it up" they put in a lot more valid questions. the left only wants to laugh and ridicule but not talk about it. gonna stop taking ignore off and take this am as a reminder why have them on ignore to begin with.
so what do you see in this video of Hogg?

There's no video of Hogg. There's only the still frame shown in your post.

We still haven't seen any actual video of Hogg in the closet.
Can someone post real evidence Hogg was on campus during the shooting. I have not found it here.
Awesome thread.
Unbelievable, right?

What more evidence is needed to demonstrate how conservatism is a mental disease?
Your posting history shows you suffer from Thiret's syndrome.
WTF is “Thiret’s syndrome?” At least you know you’re a fucking moron. How does it feel to have yet another one of your maniacal threads crash and burn in flames, now that it’s been proven yet again that David Hogg was in that school during the shooting?


You know......Thirets Syndrome

It makes small children give the finger
It also makes adults behave exactly like Faux.
It was an active scene for the rest of that day. No kid is going to be allowed in the school.
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