CBS News Bombshell: Student Leader Wasn't at School On Day of the Mass Shooting

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i never said that - keep up. all i said was we have him on video saying one thing then we have CBS now saying he said something else and editing out his original quote.

maybe it's all fine and proper. but this new quote doesn't "read" like a high school student and seems like he had help with it. much like their marches, ability to be away from school for so much now and so on. if someone were speaking FOR gun rights, would they be allowed the same time off school?
It appears he was lying for self promotion based on the videos & transcripts.

Everyone trying to claim this was edited or that was edited only proves one thing to me.

my minor was in journalism but this was long ago when you could trust the media.

i know what i saw in his video. i don't know where the new quote came from. they say it was to clear it up but being a writer, his new statement seems to be well worded to address things like twilight, time of day, and is 6pm twilight this time of the year? then why the focus on his camera bag when that had NOTHING to do with his original quote.

in "clearing it up" they put in a lot more valid questions. the left only wants to laugh and ridicule but not talk about it. gonna stop taking ignore off and take this am as a reminder why have them on ignore to begin with.
so what do you see in this video of Hogg?

There's no video of Hogg. There's only the still frame shown in your post.

We still haven't seen any actual video of Hogg in the closet.

Now you're simply lying. You've been shown this repeatedly. This video begins with him on lock down.

What total horseshit.
No shooting happened during this video. All he did was talk about hearing it.
Those kids weren't acting like they were scared.
Totally fake.
Awesome thread.
Unbelievable, right?

What more evidence is needed to demonstrate how conservatism is a mental disease?
Your posting history shows you suffer from Thiret's syndrome.
WTF is “Thiret’s syndrome?” At least you know you’re a fucking moron. How does it feel to have yet another one of your maniacal threads crash and burn in flames, now that it’s been proven yet again that David Hogg was in that school during the shooting?


It's actually spelled "Tourette Syndrome." So all you're doing is harping on a misspelling. However, you confirmed that you suffer from the malady.

All i did is report a story going around on the internet, and it appeared to be quite credible. This thread has over 550 posts, so claiming it "crashed and burned" is pure idiocy.

Al U did was get duped by fake news. AGAIN!!!
Ma a cloet hiding from tverick on Twitter
This fake news was debunked yesterday

Make something else up
UPDATE: CBS Video Confusing. Hogg Was on Campus.

The update clarifies that Hogg was there. The journalist who said he wasn't corrected her story.
Yep....she was convinced to change her story or sleep with the fishes.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? The original story was flat out WRONG and that is why it was changed. There is video, posted multiple times on this stupid, why the fuck isn't it in conspiracy theories, thread that shows David Hogg in a goddamn closet while his friends and classmates are being slaughtered. Just fucking stop.
They can’t stop, it’s a sickness.
You are about a dumb bastard. Do you have to be at the scene of your friends slaughter to feel grief and anger about it?
forgive me - where have i heard hogg greive yet? he sure isn't doing it in this thread. he's more concerned with getting this "news" than he appears to be for his friends.
He obviously looked at this event as a big career advancement opportunity rather than something to grieve over.
You're a sick fuck. There's simply no other excuse.

Two of the kids shot and killed that day were his sister's best friends. One can feel nothing but pity for what a sick and disturbed person freak you are.

How many more false rumors are you going to spread about this kid?

If he wants to play with the big dogs, he better be ready to take the heat. No one feels sorry for a douchebag giving the commie salute to the entire nation and calling every member of the NRA a murderer.

Go fuck yourself, asshole. Hogg is a disturbed freak. He's a product of our government schools, just like the shooter. Both are proof that the government is fucking up out kids.
This isn’t heat, you fucking moron. This is pieces of shit like you spreading false rumors about a kid who had to hide in his own school to avoid getting shot by a maniac with a gun. Whose own sister lost her two best friends that day.

I hate to be repetitive, but there is something seriously wrong with you. :cuckoo:

Oh, the po witto babeeeeeeee! He's a douchebag who gave the commie salute to the entire country and called every member of the NRA a murderer. I don't experience the slightest bit of sympathy for the little commie.

What you refuse to admit is that there is something seriously wrong with Hogg.

It's hilarous watching a douchebag snowflake like you whining about spreading false rumours - something you do on a daily basis.

Where's the evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government, douchebag?
Ma a cloet hiding from tverick on Twitter
This fake news was debunked yesterday

Make something else up
UPDATE: CBS Video Confusing. Hogg Was on Campus.

The update clarifies that Hogg was there. The journalist who said he wasn't corrected her story.
Yep....she was convinced to change her story or sleep with the fishes.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? The original story was flat out WRONG and that is why it was changed. There is video, posted multiple times on this stupid, why the fuck isn't it in conspiracy theories, thread that shows David Hogg in a goddamn closet while his friends and classmates are being slaughtered. Just fucking stop.
Post it or STFU. I already posted my proof.

Scroll up like 8 or 9 posts...OMG, you people are un-freaking-believable.
As are you. As are you.

I found the video you claimed was authentic.
Not one gunshot was heard. Camera Hogg just talked about hearing them, which was obviously a lie, and then everyone in this huge closet was jabbering about gun confiscation. They didn't sound like they were hiding or scared.

I guess it doesn't take much for you sheeple to be fooled, you are so gullible. :290968001256257790-final:
i never said that - keep up. all i said was we have him on video saying one thing then we have CBS now saying he said something else and editing out his original quote.

maybe it's all fine and proper. but this new quote doesn't "read" like a high school student and seems like he had help with it. much like their marches, ability to be away from school for so much now and so on. if someone were speaking FOR gun rights, would they be allowed the same time off school?
It appears he was lying for self promotion based on the videos & transcripts.

Everyone trying to claim this was edited or that was edited only proves one thing to me.

my minor was in journalism but this was long ago when you could trust the media.

i know what i saw in his video. i don't know where the new quote came from. they say it was to clear it up but being a writer, his new statement seems to be well worded to address things like twilight, time of day, and is 6pm twilight this time of the year? then why the focus on his camera bag when that had NOTHING to do with his original quote.

in "clearing it up" they put in a lot more valid questions. the left only wants to laugh and ridicule but not talk about it. gonna stop taking ignore off and take this am as a reminder why have them on ignore to begin with.
so what do you see in this video of Hogg?

There's no video of Hogg. There's only the still frame shown in your post.

We still haven't seen any actual video of Hogg in the closet.

I'm sorry, posted the wrong link.....

Here it is

A Student Started Filming During School Shooting. He Hasn't Stopped

is he the one taking the shadowed video?
Unbelievable, right?

What more evidence is needed to demonstrate how conservatism is a mental disease?
Your posting history shows you suffer from Thiret's syndrome.
WTF is “Thiret’s syndrome?” At least you know you’re a fucking moron. How does it feel to have yet another one of your maniacal threads crash and burn in flames, now that it’s been proven yet again that David Hogg was in that school during the shooting?


It's actually spelled "Tourette Syndrome." So all you're doing is harping on a misspelling. However, you confirmed that you suffer from the malady.
Fucking moron thinks I have Thiret's syndrome, is actually claiming I suffer from Tourette's.


All i did is report a story going around on the internet, and it appeared to be quite credible. This thread has over 550 posts, so claiming it "crashed and burned" is pure idiocy.

Fucking moron, that's not all you did. I wouldn't want anybody do go through what those kids had to endure. Many of them shot, many of them killed, many more have to run through hallways past their dead friends lying in a pool of their own blood.

Attacking these kids is bad enough, but posting made up bullshit, like you did, just to impugn them is unconscionable. You suffer a depravity I've never seen in my life.

You should be apologizing for spreading bullshit like this. Instead, you simply try to write it off as, "all I did is..."

Fucking moron, it's incumbent upon you to do your research before you post so you don't post bullshit. Sadly, you don't give a shit what emanates from your keyboard. All you need to know is it sounds good to you. Truth be damned. A monkey could bang on a keyboard and produce a post more honest than anything you post.
You realize, of course, that harping on spelling errors is the sure sign of an asshole.

Hogg obviously believes it's a big career opportunity. I don't feel sorry for douchebags who take advantage of a huge tragedy to promote themselves. Hogg, like the fake media and the Democrat party, is dancing in the blood of the victims. He deserves no sympathy from me.

I don't have time to spend 30 hours researching everything thing I post, douchebag. I post interesting stories I find on the internet. Sometimes they turn out to be wrong. Only a douchebag like you insists that is some kind of crime. The snowflakes in here post dozens of false stories everyday, and I don't see you harping on them. It's only when your Ox is gored that your Tourett's syndrome kicks in.
Awesome thread.
Unbelievable, right?

What more evidence is needed to demonstrate how conservatism is a mental disease?
Your posting history shows you suffer from Thiret's syndrome.
WTF is “Thiret’s syndrome?” At least you know you’re a fucking moron. How does it feel to have yet another one of your maniacal threads crash and burn in flames, now that it’s been proven yet again that David Hogg was in that school during the shooting?


It's actually spelled "Tourette Syndrome." So all you're doing is harping on a misspelling. However, you confirmed that you suffer from the malady.

All i did is report a story going around on the internet, and it appeared to be quite credible. This thread has over 550 posts, so claiming it "crashed and burned" is pure idiocy.

Al U did was get duped by fake news. AGAIN!!!

ROFL! Would you like me to list all the fake news stories that douchebags of your ilk have posted in this forum?
forgive me - where have i heard hogg greive yet? he sure isn't doing it in this thread. he's more concerned with getting this "news" than he appears to be for his friends.
He obviously looked at this event as a big career advancement opportunity rather than something to grieve over.
You're a sick fuck. There's simply no other excuse.

Two of the kids shot and killed that day were his sister's best friends. One can feel nothing but pity for what a sick and disturbed person freak you are.

How many more false rumors are you going to spread about this kid?

If he wants to play with the big dogs, he better be ready to take the heat. No one feels sorry for a douchebag giving the commie salute to the entire nation and calling every member of the NRA a murderer.

Go fuck yourself, asshole. Hogg is a disturbed freak. He's a product of our government schools, just like the shooter. Both are proof that the government is fucking up out kids.
This isn’t heat, you fucking moron. This is pieces of shit like you spreading false rumors about a kid who had to hide in his own school to avoid getting shot by a maniac with a gun. Whose own sister lost her two best friends that day.

I hate to be repetitive, but there is something seriously wrong with you. :cuckoo:

Oh, the po witto babeeeeeeee! He's a douchebag who gave the commie salute to the entire country and called every member of the NRA a murderer. I don't experience the slightest bit of sympathy for the little commie.

What you refuse to admit is that there is something seriously wrong with Hogg.

It's hilarous watching a douchebag snowflake like you whining about spreading false rumours - something you do on a daily basis.

Where's the evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government, douchebag?
calling him a commie for the fist in the air is just as silly as when they do it to anyone on the right.

if we think that is the sure sign of one, then i have to think john bender was really a nazi then and it would destroy my youth.
Anyone mind if I ask a question?
What does that actually "prove?"
i don't give a shit one way or another UNLESS he lied about it. you know, the reason we pay stormy so much attention cause all trump has to do is tell the truth. this gets you mad at trump cause he won't tell the truth.

i hold hogg to that same standard. do you not?

now, we have him on video saying one thing and now i want the CBS source for his quote that now says he said something else.

you know - the truth. it seems important to you at times, not so much others.
Okay. It seems, though, that the CBS article does tell you where it came from; if not, I believe Snopes does.
I'd be careful pointing too many fingers here lefties; your camp still believes that Palin said she could see Russia from her backyard. My husband had to correct his new manager on that just last week; the tool box made a point to argue about it in front of all the employees, attempting to make my husband look bad, and is now forever labeled a dumbass.

It's easy to fool people and I dare say everyone alive has been fooled by someone at some point in their lives. This is the normal human condition and thus not really a "flaw" in anyone. As the Chinese would say - "mei ban fa" (which basically means "shit happens and there's not much you can do about it")
Why don’t you tell us what Palin actually said?
It was funnier than the “I can see Russia from my house”

She said you can see Russia from Alaska which was fact-checked by ABC and found to be correct.
Ma a cloet hiding from tverick on Twitter
UPDATE: CBS Video Confusing. Hogg Was on Campus.

The update clarifies that Hogg was there. The journalist who said he wasn't corrected her story.
Yep....she was convinced to change her story or sleep with the fishes.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? The original story was flat out WRONG and that is why it was changed. There is video, posted multiple times on this stupid, why the fuck isn't it in conspiracy theories, thread that shows David Hogg in a goddamn closet while his friends and classmates are being slaughtered. Just fucking stop.
Post it or STFU. I already posted my proof.

Scroll up like 8 or 9 posts...OMG, you people are un-freaking-believable.
As are you. As are you.

I found the video you claimed was authentic.
Not one gunshot was heard. Camera Hogg just talked about hearing them, which was obviously a lie, and then everyone in this huge closet was jabbering about gun confiscation. They didn't sound like they were hiding or scared.

I guess it doesn't take much for you sheeple to be fooled, you are so gullible. :290968001256257790-final:

Fellow journalism students. In other words, it was a closet full of commies.
This guy just became a laughing stock:

A new documentary by CBS News reveals that Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student David Hogg, who has become the face of the student body’s push for gun control, was not at the school at the time of the shooting.

The bombshell comes from David Hogg himself, who made the admission to a CBS News interviewer as part of the documentary “39 Days.”

"39 Days": How Parkland shooting survivors turned grief into action

At 4 minutes 55 sec. of video Hogg says:

DAVID HOGG: "On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and road as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting."


I wonder if Hogg had friends that we killed or wounded....FAIL!
forgive me - where have i heard hogg greive yet? he sure isn't doing it in this thread. he's more concerned with getting this "news" than he appears to be for his friends.
He obviously looked at this event as a big career advancement opportunity rather than something to grieve over.
You're a sick fuck. There's simply no other excuse.

Two of the kids shot and killed that day were his sister's best friends. One can feel nothing but pity for what a sick and disturbed person freak you are.

How many more false rumors are you going to spread about this kid?

If he wants to play with the big dogs, he better be ready to take the heat. No one feels sorry for a douchebag giving the commie salute to the entire nation and calling every member of the NRA a murderer.

Go fuck yourself, asshole. Hogg is a disturbed freak. He's a product of our government schools, just like the shooter. Both are proof that the government is fucking up out kids.
This isn’t heat, you fucking moron. This is pieces of shit like you spreading false rumors about a kid who had to hide in his own school to avoid getting shot by a maniac with a gun. Whose own sister lost her two best friends that day.

I hate to be repetitive, but there is something seriously wrong with you. :cuckoo:

Oh, the po witto babeeeeeeee! He's a douchebag who gave the commie salute to the entire country and called every member of the NRA a murderer. I don't experience the slightest bit of sympathy for the little commie.

What you refuse to admit is that there is something seriously wrong with Hogg.

It's hilarous watching a douchebag snowflake like you whining about spreading false rumours - something you do on a daily basis.

Where's the evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government, douchebag?
Seems to me the kid must have a good argument or you wouldn't be screeching "LIAR" "COMMIE" etc. etc. It's your only defense against a good argument. He's winning, BriPat.
I'd be careful pointing too many fingers here lefties; your camp still believes that Palin said she could see Russia from her backyard. My husband had to correct his new manager on that just last week; the tool box made a point to argue about it in front of all the employees, attempting to make my husband look bad, and is now forever labeled a dumbass.

It's easy to fool people and I dare say everyone alive has been fooled by someone at some point in their lives. This is the normal human condition and thus not really a "flaw" in anyone. As the Chinese would say - "mei ban fa" (which basically means "shit happens and there's not much you can do about it")
Why don’t you tell us what Palin actually said?
It was funnier than the “I can see Russia from my house”

I guess if you find the truth "funny" sure...

"They're our next-door neighbors, and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska."

This is true. As Slate has pointed out, on a clear day, those on the Alaskan island of Little Diomede can see the Russian island of Big Diomede, located across the International Date Line some two and a half miles away.

That’s the funny part

When asked about foreign policy experience she brought up that you can see remote parts of Russia from remote parts of if that counts as foreign policy experience

You didn’t vote for that twit .....did you?

Couric: You've cited Alaska's proximity to Russia as part of your foreign policy experience. What did you mean by that?

Sarah Palin: That Alaska has a very narrow maritime border between a foreign country, Russia, and, on our other side, the land-boundary that we have with Canada. It's funny that a comment like that was kinda made to … I don't know, you know … reporters.

Couric: Mocked?

Palin: Yeah, mocked, I guess that's the word, yeah.

Couric: Well, explain to me why that enhances your foreign-policy credentials.

Palin: Well, it certainly does, because our, our next-door neighbors are foreign countries, there in the state that I am the executive of. And there…

Couric: Have you ever been involved in any negotiations, for example, with the Russians?

Palin: We have trade missions back and forth, we do. It's very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia. As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there, they are right next to our state.

- Exclusive: Palin On Foreign Policy

That said, she did have experience with the Russians in many ways. We, my family even, hosted Russian military during joint training missions and I have personally spoken to many of them; a number of my friends married Russian soldiers. It is also true that many "Russians" actually stayed here in Alaska after it was sold to the USA and continue to live here. So, depending on how one wants to view it, I think it is fair to say that Palin had more experience with actual Russian's than quite a few supposed diplomats - who really only deal with the official shit from the Russian government. Alaskan's have long pushed for Russia to embrace freedom and leave communism, we have actively attempted to in a sense subvert the people, and I dare say it did somewhat work; certainly the Russia of today, while problematic, is much better than in the past. If such a things are "politically" valid "experience" or not is merely a matter of conjecture and opinion when one gets down to it. ~shrug~

Not that it matters to the topic, but no, I never voted for her, I found her too elitist and quite frankly "Valley trash" which is a fairly common "divergence of political opinions" up here. Most of us up here are not "Republican," though we might be properly labeled as "Capitalist" or "Conservative," we are mostly "Independents" who vote right nationally, and typically left locally. I could not say how many D's I've voted for in my life, but I can say that they were all "classical liberals" - as opposed to the modern "activist" D party (whom I quite frankly have nothing in common with anymore.)
Pretty pathetic to think posters will believe this kid was on campus during the attack. CBS follows the Parkland group for 39 days and releases a piece where Hogg says he was not at school, rides his bike three miles, gains access to the school where kids are hiding, he is not sweaty from the ride. What parent is going to let their kid go into a crime scene? Certainly not an ex FBI agent parent.
why would he be off campus at the time? what parents lets their kids hang at the house when they should be at school?

valid questions - i just have no idea what the answers are but i'd rather hear the answers than the rants from either side.
Who said he was off campus at the time of the shooting besides rightwing freaks making that up?
This guy just became a laughing stock:

A new documentary by CBS News reveals that Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student David Hogg, who has become the face of the student body’s push for gun control, was not at the school at the time of the shooting.

The bombshell comes from David Hogg himself, who made the admission to a CBS News interviewer as part of the documentary “39 Days.”

"39 Days": How Parkland shooting survivors turned grief into action

At 4 minutes 55 sec. of video Hogg says:

DAVID HOGG: "On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and road as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting."


I wonder if Hogg had friends that we killed or wounded....FAIL!

Who is "we?"
He obviously looked at this event as a big career advancement opportunity rather than something to grieve over.
You're a sick fuck. There's simply no other excuse.

Two of the kids shot and killed that day were his sister's best friends. One can feel nothing but pity for what a sick and disturbed person freak you are.

How many more false rumors are you going to spread about this kid?

If he wants to play with the big dogs, he better be ready to take the heat. No one feels sorry for a douchebag giving the commie salute to the entire nation and calling every member of the NRA a murderer.

Go fuck yourself, asshole. Hogg is a disturbed freak. He's a product of our government schools, just like the shooter. Both are proof that the government is fucking up out kids.
This isn’t heat, you fucking moron. This is pieces of shit like you spreading false rumors about a kid who had to hide in his own school to avoid getting shot by a maniac with a gun. Whose own sister lost her two best friends that day.

I hate to be repetitive, but there is something seriously wrong with you. :cuckoo:

Oh, the po witto babeeeeeeee! He's a douchebag who gave the commie salute to the entire country and called every member of the NRA a murderer. I don't experience the slightest bit of sympathy for the little commie.

What you refuse to admit is that there is something seriously wrong with Hogg.

It's hilarous watching a douchebag snowflake like you whining about spreading false rumours - something you do on a daily basis.

Where's the evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government, douchebag?
Seems to me the kid must have a good argument or you wouldn't be screeching "LIAR" "COMMIE" etc. etc. It's your only defense against a good argument. He's winning, BriPat.
Which time was he lying.....when he said he was home during the shooting or when he said he heard gunshots?
He obviously looked at this event as a big career advancement opportunity rather than something to grieve over.
You're a sick fuck. There's simply no other excuse.

Two of the kids shot and killed that day were his sister's best friends. One can feel nothing but pity for what a sick and disturbed person freak you are.

How many more false rumors are you going to spread about this kid?

If he wants to play with the big dogs, he better be ready to take the heat. No one feels sorry for a douchebag giving the commie salute to the entire nation and calling every member of the NRA a murderer.

Go fuck yourself, asshole. Hogg is a disturbed freak. He's a product of our government schools, just like the shooter. Both are proof that the government is fucking up out kids.
This isn’t heat, you fucking moron. This is pieces of shit like you spreading false rumors about a kid who had to hide in his own school to avoid getting shot by a maniac with a gun. Whose own sister lost her two best friends that day.

I hate to be repetitive, but there is something seriously wrong with you. :cuckoo:

Oh, the po witto babeeeeeeee! He's a douchebag who gave the commie salute to the entire country and called every member of the NRA a murderer. I don't experience the slightest bit of sympathy for the little commie.

What you refuse to admit is that there is something seriously wrong with Hogg.

It's hilarous watching a douchebag snowflake like you whining about spreading false rumours - something you do on a daily basis.

Where's the evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government, douchebag?
Seems to me the kid must have a good argument or you wouldn't be screeching "LIAR" "COMMIE" etc. etc. It's your only defense against a good argument. He's winning, BriPat.
No, he doesn't have a good argument. He just has $100 million worth of free media to broadcast his commie opinions. Those lies need to be debunked.
Not a grandmother yet. All five of my children did the wise thing and are waiting until they have their lives settled before they bring kids into the world. I suspect I've got a few years left as none of them have their savings accounts in full order quite yet.

What could I possibly learn from someone with such a terrible attitude toward others son? Your opinions are colored by hatred and angst, you are ungrateful for what you have and choose to look down upon those less fortunate, you also come off as a nihilist. I highly doubt you can teach me anything other than what 'not' to do for a happy life. ~shrug~
cool story, grandma.

Feel free to stick to your invented lie son, again no skin off my nose. The harsh reality of life is that no one but you, your friends, and your family give a rats ass what you opinion. When you grow up and realize that, you'll also realize that being an asshole doesn't benefit you and is detrimental to society and everything you hold dear now, and will hold dear in the future. Grow up and learn son, or suffer the life-time of misery you deserve, it matters not to me.

what lie?

if you do not want to be called grandma, then,hm, do not call me son, cuntbag, eh?

HAHAHAHA thanks for the lol. Show your true nature and call me disgusting names simply because I attempted to offer advice. Have a miserable life kid.

i am still laughing at your pathetic attempts to wag your arthritic fingers at me and other posters in this thread, while the real slimebags still run around lying. no peep from you about that. LOL

Actually I did note that the thread was over due to the one video, and warn the righties in here against falling for faked videos, but do feel free to continue to out yourself as a nasty person. It does far more for my off-hand advice than my single post did - I thank you for the service to the nation kido.
Unbelievable, right?

What more evidence is needed to demonstrate how conservatism is a mental disease?
Your posting history shows you suffer from Thiret's syndrome.
WTF is “Thiret’s syndrome?” At least you know you’re a fucking moron. How does it feel to have yet another one of your maniacal threads crash and burn in flames, now that it’s been proven yet again that David Hogg was in that school during the shooting?


It's actually spelled "Tourette Syndrome." So all you're doing is harping on a misspelling. However, you confirmed that you suffer from the malady.
Fucking moron thinks I have Thiret's syndrome, is actually claiming I suffer from Tourette's.


All i did is report a story going around on the internet, and it appeared to be quite credible. This thread has over 550 posts, so claiming it "crashed and burned" is pure idiocy.

Fucking moron, that's not all you did. I wouldn't want anybody do go through what those kids had to endure. Many of them shot, many of them killed, many more have to run through hallways past their dead friends lying in a pool of their own blood.

Attacking these kids is bad enough, but posting made up bullshit, like you did, just to impugn them is unconscionable. You suffer a depravity I've never seen in my life.

You should be apologizing for spreading bullshit like this. Instead, you simply try to write it off as, "all I did is..."

Fucking moron, it's incumbent upon you to do your research before you post so you don't post bullshit. Sadly, you don't give a shit what emanates from your keyboard. All you need to know is it sounds good to you. Truth be damned. A monkey could bang on a keyboard and produce a post more honest than anything you post.
You realize, of course, that harping on spelling errors is the sure sign of an asshole.

Hogg obviously believes it's a big career opportunity. I don't feel sorry for douchebags who take advantage of a huge tragedy to promote themselves. Hogg, like the fake media and the Democrat party, is dancing in the blood of the victims. He deserves no sympathy from me.

I don't have time to spend 30 hours researching everything thing I post, douchebag. I post interesting stories I find on the internet. Sometimes they turn out to be wrong. Only a douchebag like you insists that is some kind of crime. The snowflakes in here post dozens of false stories everyday, and I don't see you harping on them. It's only when your Ox is gored that your Tourett's syndrome kicks in.
Thanks for proving everything I just said. You don’t give a shit if what you post is fact or fiction. You post any shit that sounds good to you and put the onus on others to prove you wrong. And even when we do, you still lie about it anyway.

There is something seriously wrong with you. I doubt even modern medicine could help you with your affliction.
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