Celebrating Failure???

No apology needed. 2 hard working Walmart workers can retire. Yup as long as they do nothing but work and don't buy a house or car or do anything fun. Vacation out of the question. A joke.

Actually Jumbo lied (through her link) about assistant managers making anywhere near that much per year. Also the 401k is based on several things. #1 the stock market and if you're vested in one company's stock (as I'm pretty sure WMT's plan indicates for the maximum match) your fortunes rise or fall pretty drastically. WMT was at 90+ per share a few weeks back. Now it's around 56. You can sell your holdings but the maximum match is no longer made; regardless, setting your 40 year retirement clock based on one company's rise is about as nutty as you can get; a diversified mix is what most investment professionals recommend.

1. In your post you claimed "few" make that much....so you verified it.
Post #81..."Few (if any) Wal Mart managers make 58,000 per year."

2. 'Jumbo'???
How about your pic, Ug?
Or that really atrocious one you had as your earlier avi?
Happy to post mine once you put up yours.

Yes...and for the fantasy that Wal Mart employees will retire happily everafter....all the "few" have to do is marry one another and work a shitload of overtime (as Jumbo busily looks for some stat that saves her stupid assed argument). I'm going to lunch. Ta Ta failure.
Well they have a better chance then the poor saps relying on SS and government handouts.
"Celebrating Failure???"

This thread is a celebration of failure, as it fails as a confirmation bias fallacy.

Well, her intent was to paint Obama as a failure. But we took $10K in Wal Mart stock and compared the performance during the last two Presidencies. Obama's performance in the stock market was more than double Bush's stock market performance.

So yes, by celebrating Bush, Jumbo is celebrating failure.

It's painfully obvious you're clueless as to why the stock market is up

332-206...Painfully obvious (to you).

LOL You'r clueless, it's obvious. A rank amateur when it comes to the markets...understand this, I know from just reading your inane comments on it
Does Cornball even realize that most people in the work force don't even make 50k a year? Walmart workers or not.
"Celebrating Failure???"

This thread is a celebration of failure, as it fails as a confirmation bias fallacy.

Well, her intent was to paint Obama as a failure. But we took $10K in Wal Mart stock and compared the performance during the last two Presidencies. Obama's performance in the stock market was more than double Bush's stock market performance.

So yes, by celebrating Bush, Jumbo is celebrating failure.

It's painfully obvious you're clueless as to why the stock market is up

332-206...Painfully obvious (to you).

LOL You'r clueless, it's obvious. A rank amateur when it comes to the markets...understand this, I know from just reading your inane comments on it
Does Cornball even realize that most people in the work force don't even make 50k a year? Walmart workers or not.

She's just blabbering about shit she is clueless about, SSDD
That's what our Liberal pals have been trained to do.
The wisest wonk once said ' Let's be honest, for a Liberal not data, facts, proof, or even experience will matter a bit in informing their beliefs.'

Proof to follow:

1. Recently, a thread, "Beating Social Security," [ http://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/beating-social-security.452840/], documented that:

a. Franklin Roosevelt's plan, Social Security was a careless adventure, poorly designed.

b. It has resulted in $ trillions of debt generations into the future

c. Courts have found that government has no legal obligation to pay off any of its Social Security promises.

d. There are actual plans which, mathematically and financially, work out better than the Democrat plan.

And these alternatives to Roosevelt's plan have been proven successful..
"... a privatized Social Security ... Government employees in Galveston, Brazoria and Matagorda Counties have controlled their private retirement plan for 30 years. They opted out of Social Security before Congress changed the law in 1983 to prevent others from withdrawing."

2. Yet, those indoctrinated to love and defend anything Liberal or Democrat immediately lied, claiming that the thread was about ending Social Security.
Posts like these:

"Yessireee.................. Good GOP morals, work them till they drop, and then throw them out into the street to die. "Let him die, let him die!!!". And ol' Staph is cheering all the way. Until they throw her out into the street. Maybe then she can 'roll'. "Beating Social Security | Page 15 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"How many people here will be taking Grandma in to live with them after they take away her SS payments (yes, I know, all of your grandparents are millionaires and they don't need SS). Will you be paying her medical bills, too, after you destroy Medicare?" Beating Social Security | Page 5 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"As long as morons like Politicalchic are posting plagiarized stupidity, the right and good goal of eliminating Social Security will remain fatally tainted with her taint." Beating Social Security | Page 6 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"Too busy fixing up the spare room for when you cut Grandma off from her benefits and she has nowhere to go except to live with you?" Beating Social Security | Page 8 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Not a single one these comments is based on anything in that thread. They are the product of mind-numbed Liberal robots, found in surfeit hereabouts.

Is this a declaration that Liberals/Democrats endorse failure in the Social Security plan, just as they do in endorsing Liberal/Democrat Welfare policy?
You betcha!!!

Democrat/Liberal policy is not to move folks out of poverty....
....it is to maintain poverty, and keep the welfare plantation fully stocked.

And Democrat/Liberal Social Security design is not to insure the elderly, it is to grow government.

I'll celebrate when your housing development falls off the power grid.
No apology needed. 2 hard working Walmart workers can retire. Yup as long as they do nothing but work and don't buy a house or car or do anything fun. Vacation out of the question. A joke.

Actually Jumbo lied (through her link) about assistant managers making anywhere near that much per year. Also the 401k is based on several things. #1 the stock market and if you're vested in one company's stock (as I'm pretty sure WMT's plan indicates for the maximum match) your fortunes rise or fall pretty drastically. WMT was at 90+ per share a few weeks back. Now it's around 56. You can sell your holdings but the maximum match is no longer made; regardless, setting your 40 year retirement clock based on one company's rise is about as nutty as you can get; a diversified mix is what most investment professionals recommend.

1. In your post you claimed "few" make that much....so you verified it.
Post #81..."Few (if any) Wal Mart managers make 58,000 per year."

2. 'Jumbo'???
How about your pic, Ug?
Or that really atrocious one you had as your earlier avi?
Happy to post mine once you put up yours.

I allow for overtime which can shift the paradigm. No source anyone has trotted out suggests that $58,000 is the salary of an assistant manager at Wal Mart. The link you keep bringing up tubby doesn't source that stat either by the way.


See, now I'm about to do you a favor.

I'm certain you've heard the rumor that you are so ugly, even the tide wouldn't take you out.

Here is your opportunity to right that wrong: your picture.

I'd be happy to post mine right after you do......then everyone would recognize another of your lies....the 'jumbo,' and 'tubby' lie.

How about it, Ug?
"Celebrating Failure???"

This thread is a celebration of failure, as it fails as a confirmation bias fallacy.

Well, her intent was to paint Obama as a failure. But we took $10K in Wal Mart stock and compared the performance during the last two Presidencies. Obama's performance in the stock market was more than double Bush's stock market performance.

So yes, by celebrating Bush, Jumbo is celebrating failure.

But you know he's been an abject failure.

That's why you won't take the opportunity to respond to this:
"My offer is still open: don't hesitate if you'd like to see the dozens of failures of this mistake in the White House....
...and you can choose: domestic bungles or foreign policy."

Instead, you post his electoral victory....thereby celebrating failure.
"Celebrating Failure???"

This thread is a celebration of failure, as it fails as a confirmation bias fallacy.

Well, her intent was to paint Obama as a failure. But we took $10K in Wal Mart stock and compared the performance during the last two Presidencies. Obama's performance in the stock market was more than double Bush's stock market performance.

So yes, by celebrating Bush, Jumbo is celebrating failure.

It's painfully obvious you're clueless as to why the stock market is up

332-206...Painfully obvious (to you).

LOL You'r clueless, it's obvious. A rank amateur when it comes to the markets...understand this, I know from just reading your inane comments on it

332-206...the seats still taken.
That's what our Liberal pals have been trained to do.
The wisest wonk once said ' Let's be honest, for a Liberal not data, facts, proof, or even experience will matter a bit in informing their beliefs.'

Proof to follow:

1. Recently, a thread, "Beating Social Security," [ http://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/beating-social-security.452840/], documented that:

a. Franklin Roosevelt's plan, Social Security was a careless adventure, poorly designed.

b. It has resulted in $ trillions of debt generations into the future

c. Courts have found that government has no legal obligation to pay off any of its Social Security promises.

d. There are actual plans which, mathematically and financially, work out better than the Democrat plan.

And these alternatives to Roosevelt's plan have been proven successful..
"... a privatized Social Security ... Government employees in Galveston, Brazoria and Matagorda Counties have controlled their private retirement plan for 30 years. They opted out of Social Security before Congress changed the law in 1983 to prevent others from withdrawing."

2. Yet, those indoctrinated to love and defend anything Liberal or Democrat immediately lied, claiming that the thread was about ending Social Security.
Posts like these:

"Yessireee.................. Good GOP morals, work them till they drop, and then throw them out into the street to die. "Let him die, let him die!!!". And ol' Staph is cheering all the way. Until they throw her out into the street. Maybe then she can 'roll'. "Beating Social Security | Page 15 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"How many people here will be taking Grandma in to live with them after they take away her SS payments (yes, I know, all of your grandparents are millionaires and they don't need SS). Will you be paying her medical bills, too, after you destroy Medicare?" Beating Social Security | Page 5 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"As long as morons like Politicalchic are posting plagiarized stupidity, the right and good goal of eliminating Social Security will remain fatally tainted with her taint." Beating Social Security | Page 6 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"Too busy fixing up the spare room for when you cut Grandma off from her benefits and she has nowhere to go except to live with you?" Beating Social Security | Page 8 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Not a single one these comments is based on anything in that thread. They are the product of mind-numbed Liberal robots, found in surfeit hereabouts.

Is this a declaration that Liberals/Democrats endorse failure in the Social Security plan, just as they do in endorsing Liberal/Democrat Welfare policy?
You betcha!!!

Democrat/Liberal policy is not to move folks out of poverty....
....it is to maintain poverty, and keep the welfare plantation fully stocked.

And Democrat/Liberal Social Security design is not to insure the elderly, it is to grow government.

Social Security is about the Baby Boomers living longer than we thought.

Because we invented pills that offset cholesterol and blood pressure issues.

Because medical science has prolonged life, people take more money out of Soc Sec and Medicare than they put in.

Unintended consequences...
No apology needed. 2 hard working Walmart workers can retire. Yup as long as they do nothing but work and don't buy a house or car or do anything fun. Vacation out of the question. A joke.

Actually Jumbo lied (through her link) about assistant managers making anywhere near that much per year. Also the 401k is based on several things. #1 the stock market and if you're vested in one company's stock (as I'm pretty sure WMT's plan indicates for the maximum match) your fortunes rise or fall pretty drastically. WMT was at 90+ per share a few weeks back. Now it's around 56. You can sell your holdings but the maximum match is no longer made; regardless, setting your 40 year retirement clock based on one company's rise is about as nutty as you can get; a diversified mix is what most investment professionals recommend.

1. In your post you claimed "few" make that much....so you verified it.
Post #81..."Few (if any) Wal Mart managers make 58,000 per year."

2. 'Jumbo'???
How about your pic, Ug?
Or that really atrocious one you had as your earlier avi?
Happy to post mine once you put up yours.

Yes...and for the fantasy that Wal Mart employees will retire happily everafter....all the "few" have to do is marry one another and work a shitload of overtime (as Jumbo busily looks for some stat that saves her stupid assed argument). I'm going to lunch. Ta Ta failure.

Oh, no....I have to smash a custard pie in your kisser again???
Well....at least it'll improve your looks, Ug.

"Wal-Mart matches employee stock purchases by 15% on the first $1,800 worth of shares bought each year. If you work at the company and write a check to buy $1,800 worth of the stock, the company is going to give you another $270 to buy shares completely free. That results in an automatic 15% return before you’ve collected your first dividend. On top of that, the company matches 100% on the first 6% of salary contributed to a 401(k) plan.

.....they’d retire with nearly $4.9 million in their investment account at average long-term rates of return. If inflation runs the same rate it did during the past century, that would be around $1.7 million in today’s dollars, which would generate $5,700 per month pre-tax without every touching the principal."
A Married Couple Working for Walmart Could Retire and Live Very Comfortably
"Celebrating Failure???"

This thread is a celebration of failure, as it fails as a confirmation bias fallacy.

Well, her intent was to paint Obama as a failure. But we took $10K in Wal Mart stock and compared the performance during the last two Presidencies. Obama's performance in the stock market was more than double Bush's stock market performance.

So yes, by celebrating Bush, Jumbo is celebrating failure.

But you know he's been an abject failure.

That's why you won't take the opportunity to respond to this:
"My offer is still open: don't hesitate if you'd like to see the dozens of failures of this mistake in the White House....
...and you can choose: domestic bungles or foreign policy."

Instead, you post his electoral victory....thereby celebrating failure.

False. The only way the fantasy about wal mart hubby/wife teams (both assistant managers) is for them to live their lives through an Obama stock market; not the GWB one that you're celebrating....you know the one that failed miserably.
That's what our Liberal pals have been trained to do.
The wisest wonk once said ' Let's be honest, for a Liberal not data, facts, proof, or even experience will matter a bit in informing their beliefs.'

Proof to follow:

1. Recently, a thread, "Beating Social Security," [ http://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/beating-social-security.452840/], documented that:

a. Franklin Roosevelt's plan, Social Security was a careless adventure, poorly designed.

b. It has resulted in $ trillions of debt generations into the future

c. Courts have found that government has no legal obligation to pay off any of its Social Security promises.

d. There are actual plans which, mathematically and financially, work out better than the Democrat plan.

And these alternatives to Roosevelt's plan have been proven successful..
"... a privatized Social Security ... Government employees in Galveston, Brazoria and Matagorda Counties have controlled their private retirement plan for 30 years. They opted out of Social Security before Congress changed the law in 1983 to prevent others from withdrawing."

2. Yet, those indoctrinated to love and defend anything Liberal or Democrat immediately lied, claiming that the thread was about ending Social Security.
Posts like these:

"Yessireee.................. Good GOP morals, work them till they drop, and then throw them out into the street to die. "Let him die, let him die!!!". And ol' Staph is cheering all the way. Until they throw her out into the street. Maybe then she can 'roll'. "Beating Social Security | Page 15 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"How many people here will be taking Grandma in to live with them after they take away her SS payments (yes, I know, all of your grandparents are millionaires and they don't need SS). Will you be paying her medical bills, too, after you destroy Medicare?" Beating Social Security | Page 5 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"As long as morons like Politicalchic are posting plagiarized stupidity, the right and good goal of eliminating Social Security will remain fatally tainted with her taint." Beating Social Security | Page 6 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"Too busy fixing up the spare room for when you cut Grandma off from her benefits and she has nowhere to go except to live with you?" Beating Social Security | Page 8 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Not a single one these comments is based on anything in that thread. They are the product of mind-numbed Liberal robots, found in surfeit hereabouts.

Is this a declaration that Liberals/Democrats endorse failure in the Social Security plan, just as they do in endorsing Liberal/Democrat Welfare policy?
You betcha!!!

Democrat/Liberal policy is not to move folks out of poverty....
....it is to maintain poverty, and keep the welfare plantation fully stocked.

And Democrat/Liberal Social Security design is not to insure the elderly, it is to grow government.

Social Security is about the Baby Boomers living longer than we thought.

Because we invented pills that offset cholesterol and blood pressure issues.

Because medical science has prolonged life, people take more money out of Soc Sec and Medicare than they put in.

Unintended consequences...

Unintended by the megalomaniac, Franklin Roosevelt.
And, even more he couldn't imagine:

1. "The question here is not whether or not the intention of the SSA is beneficent, but whether or not its inception was properly vetted. The concept of a marketplace of ideas is based on the assumption that information is not buried or distorted, and all aspects of same are given access prior to acceptance of the plan."
Beck and Balfe, “Broke.”

No one considered that life expectancy would increase?

No one considered that the balance of workers and retirees might change?

No one calculatedthe long-term costs?

a. Like this:
Ida May Fuller, the first person to begin receiving benefits, in January, 1940, when she was 65- she lived to be 100. “…worked for three years under the Social Security program.The accumulated taxes on her salary during those three years was a total of $24.75. Her initial monthly check was $22.54. During her lifetime she collected a total of $22,888.92 in Social Security benefits.”Social Security History

As conservatives have always banged the drum for free market solutions,plans thwarted by Liberals, socialists, Democrats, Progressives, communists, .....big government devotees of every stripe.....

...but don't you appreciate the free education I provide for you?

I hope you take notes.
"Celebrating Failure???"

This thread is a celebration of failure, as it fails as a confirmation bias fallacy.

Well, her intent was to paint Obama as a failure. But we took $10K in Wal Mart stock and compared the performance during the last two Presidencies. Obama's performance in the stock market was more than double Bush's stock market performance.

So yes, by celebrating Bush, Jumbo is celebrating failure.

But you know he's been an abject failure.

That's why you won't take the opportunity to respond to this:
"My offer is still open: don't hesitate if you'd like to see the dozens of failures of this mistake in the White House....
...and you can choose: domestic bungles or foreign policy."

Instead, you post his electoral victory....thereby celebrating failure.

False. The only way the fantasy about wal mart hubby/wife teams (both assistant managers) is for them to live their lives through an Obama stock market; not the GWB one that you're celebrating....you know the one that failed miserably.

"My offer is still open: don't hesitate if you'd like to see the dozens of failures of this mistake in the White House....
...and you can choose: domestic bungles or foreign policy."
No apology needed. 2 hard working Walmart workers can retire. Yup as long as they do nothing but work and don't buy a house or car or do anything fun. Vacation out of the question. A joke.

Actually Jumbo lied (through her link) about assistant managers making anywhere near that much per year. Also the 401k is based on several things. #1 the stock market and if you're vested in one company's stock (as I'm pretty sure WMT's plan indicates for the maximum match) your fortunes rise or fall pretty drastically. WMT was at 90+ per share a few weeks back. Now it's around 56. You can sell your holdings but the maximum match is no longer made; regardless, setting your 40 year retirement clock based on one company's rise is about as nutty as you can get; a diversified mix is what most investment professionals recommend.

1. In your post you claimed "few" make that much....so you verified it.
Post #81..."Few (if any) Wal Mart managers make 58,000 per year."

2. 'Jumbo'???
How about your pic, Ug?
Or that really atrocious one you had as your earlier avi?
Happy to post mine once you put up yours.

Yes...and for the fantasy that Wal Mart employees will retire happily everafter....all the "few" have to do is marry one another and work a shitload of overtime (as Jumbo busily looks for some stat that saves her stupid assed argument). I'm going to lunch. Ta Ta failure.

Oh, no....I have to smash a custard pie in your kisser again???
Well....at least it'll improve your looks, Ug.

"Wal-Mart matches employee stock purchases by 15% on the first $1,800 worth of shares bought each year. If you work at the company and write a check to buy $1,800 worth of the stock, the company is going to give you another $270 to buy shares completely free. That results in an automatic 15% return before you’ve collected your first dividend. On top of that, the company matches 100% on the first 6% of salary contributed to a 401(k) plan.

Okay folks...notice some things Jumbo said. First, all you have to do is hand them a check for $1,800. That's all. That will buy you about 20 shares of Wal Mart today. Then they hand you $270 to buy more shares. That is about 25 shares all together.

The shares can go up, down, stay the same....there is zero guarantee that you'll make a dime off of the $1,530 investment.

.....they’d retire with nearly $4.9 million in their investment account at average long-term rates of return. If inflation runs the same rate it did during the past century, that would be around $1.7 million in today’s dollars, which would generate $5,700 per month pre-tax without every touching the principal."
A Married Couple Working for Walmart Could Retire and Live Very Comfortably

First there is the lie about assistant managers making $58,000 per year. Doesn't happen very often without shitloads of overtime which can come and go. Next, the odds that both would be working for the same store for 40+ years over their lifetimes is especially dubious.

Pure fantasy. They could retire with that much money or they could retire with much less. Stock market millionaires are born daily and they also fade daily...

Also keep in mind that this is in a 401k. Ask Marco Rubio how hard it was to keep the retirement fund in tact--he was making about $300K per year when he cashed in his retirement fund. Its not as if you can use the money to fund college or other "amenities".

Jumbo is full of shit; as per usual.

Don't believe me...just go down to a wal*mart and ask 5 people who work there.
No apology needed. 2 hard working Walmart workers can retire. Yup as long as they do nothing but work and don't buy a house or car or do anything fun. Vacation out of the question. A joke.

Actually Jumbo lied (through her link) about assistant managers making anywhere near that much per year. Also the 401k is based on several things. #1 the stock market and if you're vested in one company's stock (as I'm pretty sure WMT's plan indicates for the maximum match) your fortunes rise or fall pretty drastically. WMT was at 90+ per share a few weeks back. Now it's around 56. You can sell your holdings but the maximum match is no longer made; regardless, setting your 40 year retirement clock based on one company's rise is about as nutty as you can get; a diversified mix is what most investment professionals recommend.

1. In your post you claimed "few" make that much....so you verified it.
Post #81..."Few (if any) Wal Mart managers make 58,000 per year."

2. 'Jumbo'???
How about your pic, Ug?
Or that really atrocious one you had as your earlier avi?
Happy to post mine once you put up yours.

Yes...and for the fantasy that Wal Mart employees will retire happily everafter....all the "few" have to do is marry one another and work a shitload of overtime (as Jumbo busily looks for some stat that saves her stupid assed argument). I'm going to lunch. Ta Ta failure.

Oh, no....I have to smash a custard pie in your kisser again???
Well....at least it'll improve your looks, Ug.

"Wal-Mart matches employee stock purchases by 15% on the first $1,800 worth of shares bought each year. If you work at the company and write a check to buy $1,800 worth of the stock, the company is going to give you another $270 to buy shares completely free. That results in an automatic 15% return before you’ve collected your first dividend. On top of that, the company matches 100% on the first 6% of salary contributed to a 401(k) plan.
Okay folks...notice some things Jumbo said. First, all you have to do is hand them a check for $1,800. That's all. That will buy you about 20 shares of Wal Mart today. Then they hand you $270 to buy more shares. That is about 25 shares all together.

The shares can go up, down, stay the same....there is zero guarantee that you'll make a dime off of the $1,530 investment.

.....they’d retire with nearly $4.9 million in their investment account at average long-term rates of return. If inflation runs the same rate it did during the past century, that would be around $1.7 million in today’s dollars, which would generate $5,700 per month pre-tax without every touching the principal."
A Married Couple Working for Walmart Could Retire and Live Very Comfortably

First there is the lie about assistant managers making $58,000 per year. Doesn't happen very often without shitloads of overtime which can come and go. Next, the odds that both would be working for the same store for 40+ years over their lifetimes is especially dubious.

Pure fantasy. They could retire with that much money or they could retire with much less. Stock market millionaires are born daily and they also fade daily...

Also keep in mind that this is in a 401k. Ask Marco Rubio how hard it was to keep the retirement fund in tact--he was making about $300K per year when he cashed in his retirement fund. Its not as if you can use the money to fund college or other "amenities".

Jumbo is full of shit; as per usual.

Don't believe me...just go down to a wal*mart and ask 5 people who work there.

Good news, Ug!

You could make a fortune at Wal-Mart, the pharmacy part!
Your face is your fortune! You stand there to make people sick.
"Celebrating Failure???"

This thread is a celebration of failure, as it fails as a confirmation bias fallacy.

Well, her intent was to paint Obama as a failure. But we took $10K in Wal Mart stock and compared the performance during the last two Presidencies. Obama's performance in the stock market was more than double Bush's stock market performance.

So yes, by celebrating Bush, Jumbo is celebrating failure.

It's painfully obvious you're clueless as to why the stock market is up

332-206...Painfully obvious (to you).

LOL You'r clueless, it's obvious. A rank amateur when it comes to the markets...understand this, I know from just reading your inane comments on it
Does Cornball even realize that most people in the work force don't even make 50k a year? Walmart workers or not.

According to Jumbo...the asst managers all make 58,000 per year. Nobody else thinks that, just Jumbo.
Actually Jumbo lied (through her link) about assistant managers making anywhere near that much per year. Also the 401k is based on several things. #1 the stock market and if you're vested in one company's stock (as I'm pretty sure WMT's plan indicates for the maximum match) your fortunes rise or fall pretty drastically. WMT was at 90+ per share a few weeks back. Now it's around 56. You can sell your holdings but the maximum match is no longer made; regardless, setting your 40 year retirement clock based on one company's rise is about as nutty as you can get; a diversified mix is what most investment professionals recommend.

1. In your post you claimed "few" make that much....so you verified it.
Post #81..."Few (if any) Wal Mart managers make 58,000 per year."

2. 'Jumbo'???
How about your pic, Ug?
Or that really atrocious one you had as your earlier avi?
Happy to post mine once you put up yours.

Yes...and for the fantasy that Wal Mart employees will retire happily everafter....all the "few" have to do is marry one another and work a shitload of overtime (as Jumbo busily looks for some stat that saves her stupid assed argument). I'm going to lunch. Ta Ta failure.

Oh, no....I have to smash a custard pie in your kisser again???
Well....at least it'll improve your looks, Ug.

"Wal-Mart matches employee stock purchases by 15% on the first $1,800 worth of shares bought each year. If you work at the company and write a check to buy $1,800 worth of the stock, the company is going to give you another $270 to buy shares completely free. That results in an automatic 15% return before you’ve collected your first dividend. On top of that, the company matches 100% on the first 6% of salary contributed to a 401(k) plan.
Okay folks...notice some things Jumbo said. First, all you have to do is hand them a check for $1,800. That's all. That will buy you about 20 shares of Wal Mart today. Then they hand you $270 to buy more shares. That is about 25 shares all together.

The shares can go up, down, stay the same....there is zero guarantee that you'll make a dime off of the $1,530 investment.

.....they’d retire with nearly $4.9 million in their investment account at average long-term rates of return. If inflation runs the same rate it did during the past century, that would be around $1.7 million in today’s dollars, which would generate $5,700 per month pre-tax without every touching the principal."
A Married Couple Working for Walmart Could Retire and Live Very Comfortably

First there is the lie about assistant managers making $58,000 per year. Doesn't happen very often without shitloads of overtime which can come and go. Next, the odds that both would be working for the same store for 40+ years over their lifetimes is especially dubious.

Pure fantasy. They could retire with that much money or they could retire with much less. Stock market millionaires are born daily and they also fade daily...

Also keep in mind that this is in a 401k. Ask Marco Rubio how hard it was to keep the retirement fund in tact--he was making about $300K per year when he cashed in his retirement fund. Its not as if you can use the money to fund college or other "amenities".

Jumbo is full of shit; as per usual.

Don't believe me...just go down to a wal*mart and ask 5 people who work there.

Good news, Ug!

You could make a fortune at Wal-Mart, the pharmacy part!
Your face is your fortune! You stand there to make people sick.

Your conciliation and admission of failure is noted. Thanks for playing.

Check please.
Just randomly selecting from Candycorn's post:

Regular unleaded is $1.77 today in central NJ. so.....

From 2012:
Newt Gingrich: Obama's Goal Is '$8 or $9 a Gallon' Gas
March 4, 2012

Gingrich: Obama's Goal Is '$8 or $9 a Gallon' Gas

Yeah! Vote Republican!

I guess Obama failed in getting the gas to 9 per gallon. Damn! :dance:

See, you're clueless, the fuckwit doesn't have a thing to do with gas prices. You're really lousy at this.
I wonder if that 7 to 11k the government steals from workers every year would have made more money in an IRA or by investing in the stock market. Hell... even a low interest savings account would have been more beneficial.

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