Celebrating Failure???

I guess Obama failed in getting the gas to 9 per gallon. Damn! :dance:

See, you're clueless, the fuckwit doesn't have a thing to do with gas prices. You're really lousy at this.

Obama gas is under $2 a gallon.

Thanks Mr. President.
It was under $ 2.00 when GWB was in office too.

I don't think it means what you think it does.

It means the economy is doing well! Record gasoline being pumped out of the ground!
We have cheap gas because the industry has figured out a cheaper way to get it out of the ground. Period.

Again, Thank you Mr. President.
See, you're clueless, the fuckwit doesn't have a thing to do with gas prices. You're really lousy at this.

Obama gas is under $2 a gallon.

Thanks Mr. President.
It was under $ 2.00 when GWB was in office too.

I don't think it means what you think it does.

It means the economy is doing well! Record gasoline being pumped out of the ground!
We have cheap gas because the industry has figured out a cheaper way to get it out of the ground. Period.

Again, Thank you Mr. President.

You're being redundant again. a sign of weakness :)
Political chick wants to talk about failure? Her party wants to defund 35% of the funding for our r&d in this nation and she thinks that is a recipe for success? her party wants to kill 150 billion dollars per year in infrastructure funding and she thinks that won't cause failure??? She wants to abolish billions of dollars of science institutions but she thinks every first world nation on earth won't top our asses when we are dumb enough to do so??? lol! Her republicans like Cruz wants to kill the epa, fda, cdc, etc without the understanding that our food supply will have the standards of mexico and our air will be full of crap...

her party wants to abolish the irs that collects taxs and deregulate the economy!!!!! Deregulation caused both the great depression and the great recession. jezzz. how stupid.

Want to talk about failure? Obama may not be a great president but goddamn his proposals don't cause us to become a second or third world butt hole.

Recall when I asked you to change your avi to "MoronMatthew"?

It's time.

"Flashback: Obama Turns NASA Into Muslim Outreach Program
Obama administration has been roundly mocked after State Department Spokeswoman Marie Harf said “we cannot kill our way out of this war,” and that the “medium to longer term” strategy for fighting ISIS is to get at its “root causes that leads people to join these groups,” one of which she said is a “lack of opportunity for jobs.”

This kind of thinking in regard to the Mulsim world has been promoted by President Obama and his administration since it first came into power. One of the more notorious of the administration's outreach attempts was the failed NASA-Muslim outreach initiative.

In July of 2010, NASA chief Charles Bolden said in an interview with Al-Jazeera,

"When I became the NASA administrator, (President Obama) charged me with three things. One, he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math; he wanted me to expand our international relationships; and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math and engineering."
Flashback: Obama Turns NASA Into Muslim Outreach Program

Please stop pretending you understand either science or politics.


I await the change in your avi, MM.

As much as I hate what he did to moon to mars...Well, nasa is far from doing nothing as we currently have 2 working rovers on mars, half dozen satelites around mars and three successful planetary missions currently on going to pluto, ceres and Saturn. Within the next year we will send another to mars and another to Jupiter.

By 2017 we will launch tess and by 2018 we will launch the James web telescope. So Christian fundie do you really believe you're more knowledgeable of science then me? Don't make me laugh. Because you know you're not. No one that is would want to defund science as you do.

Obama has been very pro-muslim and quite possibly he wants them to be part of it...Not something you do when you want to do away with something.
Obama gas is under $2 a gallon.

Thanks Mr. President.
It was under $ 2.00 when GWB was in office too.

I don't think it means what you think it does.

It means the economy is doing well! Record gasoline being pumped out of the ground!
We have cheap gas because the industry has figured out a cheaper way to get it out of the ground. Period.

Again, Thank you Mr. President.

You're being redundant again. a sign of weakness :)
It has to be cheaper...wages have been way down and the industry was making no money.
It was under $ 2.00 when GWB was in office too.

I don't think it means what you think it does.

It means the economy is doing well! Record gasoline being pumped out of the ground!
We have cheap gas because the industry has figured out a cheaper way to get it out of the ground. Period.

Again, Thank you Mr. President.

You're being redundant again. a sign of weakness :)
It has to be cheaper...wages have been way down and the industry was making no money.

The only reason gas is cheap is because of the Saudis. The Gonad in the WH has zero to do with it
Political chick wants to talk about failure? Her party wants to defund 35% of the funding for our r&d in this nation and she thinks that is a recipe for success? her party wants to kill 150 billion dollars per year in infrastructure funding and she thinks that won't cause failure??? She wants to abolish billions of dollars of science institutions but she thinks every first world nation on earth won't top our asses when we are dumb enough to do so??? lol! Her republicans like Cruz wants to kill the epa, fda, cdc, etc without the understanding that our food supply will have the standards of mexico and our air will be full of crap...

her party wants to abolish the irs that collects taxs and deregulate the economy!!!!! Deregulation caused both the great depression and the great recession. jezzz. how stupid.

Want to talk about failure? Obama may not be a great president but goddamn his proposals don't cause us to become a second or third world butt hole.

Recall when I asked you to change your avi to "MoronMatthew"?

It's time.

"Flashback: Obama Turns NASA Into Muslim Outreach Program
Obama administration has been roundly mocked after State Department Spokeswoman Marie Harf said “we cannot kill our way out of this war,” and that the “medium to longer term” strategy for fighting ISIS is to get at its “root causes that leads people to join these groups,” one of which she said is a “lack of opportunity for jobs.”

This kind of thinking in regard to the Mulsim world has been promoted by President Obama and his administration since it first came into power. One of the more notorious of the administration's outreach attempts was the failed NASA-Muslim outreach initiative.

In July of 2010, NASA chief Charles Bolden said in an interview with Al-Jazeera,

"When I became the NASA administrator, (President Obama) charged me with three things. One, he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math; he wanted me to expand our international relationships; and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math and engineering."
Flashback: Obama Turns NASA Into Muslim Outreach Program

Please stop pretending you understand either science or politics.


I await the change in your avi, MM.

As much as I hate what he did to moon to mars...Well, nasa is far from doing nothing as we currently have 2 working rovers on mars, half dozen satelites around mars and three successful planetary missions currently on going to pluto and ceres and Saturn. Within the next year we will send another to mars and another to Jupiter.

By 2017 we will launch tess and by 2018 we will launch the James web telescope. So Christian fundie do you really believe you're more knowledgeable of science then me? Don't make me laugh. Because you know you're not. No one that is would want to defund science.

Obama has been very pro-muslim and quite possibly he wants them to be part of it...Not something you do when you want to do away with something.


You still haven't changed it to MoronMatthew?????

Get a move on!
It means the economy is doing well! Record gasoline being pumped out of the ground!
We have cheap gas because the industry has figured out a cheaper way to get it out of the ground. Period.

Again, Thank you Mr. President.

You're being redundant again. a sign of weakness :)
It has to be cheaper...wages have been way down and the industry was making no money.

The only reason gas is cheap is because of the Saudis. The Gonad in the WH has zero to do with it


Mental Midget Wresting. My favorite sport.
We have cheap gas because the industry has figured out a cheaper way to get it out of the ground. Period.

Again, Thank you Mr. President.

You're being redundant again. a sign of weakness :)
It has to be cheaper...wages have been way down and the industry was making no money.

The only reason gas is cheap is because of the Saudis. The Gonad in the WH has zero to do with it


Mental Midget Wresting. My favorite sport.

They'd have to be a mental midget for you to win. Keep trying, sock. :)
I guess Obama failed in getting the gas to 9 per gallon. Damn! :dance:

See, you're clueless, the fuckwit doesn't have a thing to do with gas prices. You're really lousy at this.

Obama gas is under $2 a gallon.

Thanks Mr. President.
It was under $ 2.00 when GWB was in office too.

I don't think it means what you think it does.

It means the economy is doing well! Record gasoline being pumped out of the ground!
We have cheap gas because the industry has figured out a cheaper way to get it out of the ground. Period.

Not true. The domestic oil 'boom' has ground to a halt because prices are falling below extraction costs.
Is there actually an argument here that Walmart can be a hood career choice? Surely you jest.
It was sweet for the libs but not the country.

Economy coming back
With a shrinking middle class
OBL Dead
Thanks to Bush's spending on the military
GM alive
After declaring bankruptcy
New enviro standards
increasing prices
Out of the ME>
starting to send troops back in
Cheap gas.
ever hear of fracking.

332-206...America's Victory

Economy coming back
With a shrinking middle class
OBL Dead
Thanks to Bush's spending on the military
GM alive
After declaring bankruptcy
New enviro standards
increasing prices
Out of the ME>
starting to send troops back in
Cheap gas.
ever hear of fracking.

I guess you prefer OBL to be alive, GM to have been shuddered, dirty air/water/land, more toops getting blown to bit in an unwinnable war?

Real Men Do it Twice!!!!

I am rather pleased that the Navy Seals that were strengthened by the Bush Administration were allowed to kill OBL.
I'm glad Obama gave the order to kill him after Bush bungled the entire thing.

A lot of corporations continue to do business after declaring bankruptcy without missing a beat.
A lot of corporations are not car companies who use warranties and service after the sale and trade-in value as key components of their business models. If the company goes away, you don't have Factory parts available, you don't have the warranties, and you have zero trade-in value. Economy 101. Obama saved GM. Romney wanted to let it die.

Reasonable legislation to clean up dirty air, water and land has always been supported by Republicans
If by "always" you mean "never", you're correct.

Unwinnable war only because the traitorous bastard Democrats were for it before they were against it.

Suck it. Really dipshit? Are you going to argue that we would have conquered the nation and all of the hostility would be gone eventually? Please tell us how many thousands of more lives we would have had to lose....

Meanwhile here are the facts....

Every middle eastern war has ended one way, with the installation of a theocrat that must denounce the "great satan"; the United States to get elected and to hold office. Any involvement Bush or Obama or Clinton did/is going to get us into in the Middle East will end the same way. Period. End of story. This, outside of of course, getting the seamstresses union to fire up their machines and start adding stars to the flags and turning those places into States.

I answered the rest of your inane bullshit except for this one:

Reasonable legislation to clean up dirty air, water and land has always been supported by Republicans
If by "always" you mean "never", you're correct.

The vote in the House for the Clean Air Act of 1990 was 401 ayes and 25 nays. In the Senate it was 89 ayes 10 nays. I didn't bother to count who the measly 25 Representatives were but of the 10 nays 5 were Republican and 5 were Democrat. So you can eat shit and die if you say 'always.'
OK get rid of social security.. Then provide an alternate plan that does better. And provide the info to everyone. If you want to get rid of it for something else then tell us what to do instead. And do not say see a financial advisor. That is not a plan. Considering how american employers are out to but labor costs, we cannot expect people to save when they have been scraping by since Reagan took office. America ain't so exceptional.

What the fuck are you talking about scraping by since Reagan took office. I maxed out my 401K every year since they started,bought company stock through the stock share plan and maxed out my and my wife's IRA'S as well. And, I am an Engineer working for a living.
Economy coming back
With a shrinking middle class
OBL Dead
Thanks to Bush's spending on the military
GM alive
After declaring bankruptcy
New enviro standards
increasing prices
Out of the ME>
starting to send troops back in
Cheap gas.
ever hear of fracking.

332-206...America's Victory

Economy coming back
With a shrinking middle class
OBL Dead
Thanks to Bush's spending on the military
GM alive
After declaring bankruptcy
New enviro standards
increasing prices
Out of the ME>
starting to send troops back in
Cheap gas.
ever hear of fracking.

I guess you prefer OBL to be alive, GM to have been shuddered, dirty air/water/land, more toops getting blown to bit in an unwinnable war?

Real Men Do it Twice!!!!

I am rather pleased that the Navy Seals that were strengthened by the Bush Administration were allowed to kill OBL.
I'm glad Obama gave the order to kill him after Bush bungled the entire thing.

A lot of corporations continue to do business after declaring bankruptcy without missing a beat.
A lot of corporations are not car companies who use warranties and service after the sale and trade-in value as key components of their business models. If the company goes away, you don't have Factory parts available, you don't have the warranties, and you have zero trade-in value. Economy 101. Obama saved GM. Romney wanted to let it die.

Reasonable legislation to clean up dirty air, water and land has always been supported by Republicans
If by "always" you mean "never", you're correct.

Unwinnable war only because the traitorous bastard Democrats were for it before they were against it.

Suck it. Really dipshit? Are you going to argue that we would have conquered the nation and all of the hostility would be gone eventually? Please tell us how many thousands of more lives we would have had to lose....

Meanwhile here are the facts....

Every middle eastern war has ended one way, with the installation of a theocrat that must denounce the "great satan"; the United States to get elected and to hold office. Any involvement Bush or Obama or Clinton did/is going to get us into in the Middle East will end the same way. Period. End of story. This, outside of of course, getting the seamstresses union to fire up their machines and start adding stars to the flags and turning those places into States.

I answered the rest of your inane bullshit except for this one:

Reasonable legislation to clean up dirty air, water and land has always been supported by Republicans
If by "always" you mean "never", you're correct.

The vote in the House for the Clean Air Act of 1990 was 401 ayes and 25 nays. In the Senate it was 89 ayes 10 nays. I didn't bother to count who the measly 25 Representatives were but of the 10 nays 5 were Republican and 5 were Democrat. So you can eat shit and die if you say 'always.'

There's no question that the past republican party has done great things for America from forming the epa, cleaning our air, water and paving our highways. Why stop now?
The best strategy the Left has in support of their programs, is to lie.
Second and third best.....attack the folks on the other side...
...and celebrate the failures of their polices.

7. The NYTimes/Eduardo Porter article rants that Paul Ryan will actually try to save money.....[ http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/28/business/economy/a-strategy-to-ignore-poverty.html?_r=1]

...and the Leftists try to pretend that it will be taken out of the funds allocated to poverty programs......very much like the local Leftists tried to claim that the thread was based on ending social security.

Yet the article actually states the very opposite:

" Ryan... “has laid out detailed plans to overhaul what remains of the American social safety net.” A central component of this plan, which Ryan calls an “Opportunity Grant,” would combine the funding on numerous anti-poverty programs, including TANF, food stamps, and housing vouchers, into a single chunk of money for a state to spend on anti-poverty initiatives.

If you click Porter’s link, however, andread Ryan’s plan, you’ll learn that it would be “deficit-neutral relative to current law...[and] “each participating state gets the same amount of funding they receive from the programs” being consolidated.... “not a penny less” !
Can We Discuss Poverty Like Grown-Ups? by Oren Cass, City Journal October 28, 2015

So.....what's the beef????

It's a NYTimes/Porter lie.....and....

"... it’s hard to view Porter’s argument as anything but a bald effort to attack Republicans."
Economy coming back
With a shrinking middle class
OBL Dead
Thanks to Bush's spending on the military
GM alive
After declaring bankruptcy
New enviro standards
increasing prices
Out of the ME>
starting to send troops back in
Cheap gas.
ever hear of fracking.

I guess you prefer OBL to be alive, GM to have been shuddered, dirty air/water/land, more toops getting blown to bit in an unwinnable war?

Real Men Do it Twice!!!!

I am rather pleased that the Navy Seals that were strengthened by the Bush Administration were allowed to kill OBL.
I'm glad Obama gave the order to kill him after Bush bungled the entire thing.

A lot of corporations continue to do business after declaring bankruptcy without missing a beat.
A lot of corporations are not car companies who use warranties and service after the sale and trade-in value as key components of their business models. If the company goes away, you don't have Factory parts available, you don't have the warranties, and you have zero trade-in value. Economy 101. Obama saved GM. Romney wanted to let it die.

Reasonable legislation to clean up dirty air, water and land has always been supported by Republicans
If by "always" you mean "never", you're correct.

Unwinnable war only because the traitorous bastard Democrats were for it before they were against it.

Suck it. Really dipshit? Are you going to argue that we would have conquered the nation and all of the hostility would be gone eventually? Please tell us how many thousands of more lives we would have had to lose....

Meanwhile here are the facts....

Every middle eastern war has ended one way, with the installation of a theocrat that must denounce the "great satan"; the United States to get elected and to hold office. Any involvement Bush or Obama or Clinton did/is going to get us into in the Middle East will end the same way. Period. End of story. This, outside of of course, getting the seamstresses union to fire up their machines and start adding stars to the flags and turning those places into States.

I answered the rest of your inane bullshit except for this one:

Reasonable legislation to clean up dirty air, water and land has always been supported by Republicans
If by "always" you mean "never", you're correct.

The vote in the House for the Clean Air Act of 1990 was 401 ayes and 25 nays. In the Senate it was 89 ayes 10 nays. I didn't bother to count who the measly 25 Representatives were but of the 10 nays 5 were Republican and 5 were Democrat. So you can eat shit and die if you say 'always.'

There's no question that the past republican party has done great things for America from forming the epa, cleaning our air, water and paving our highways. Why stop now?

$18 trillion in debt means slow down, not stop.

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