celibacy and human nature

I have heard this, but I have never seen a parable supporting it..Do you have one?

I'm pretty sure that important tidbit of info would be Biblical
There are billions of biblical documents in the Vatican that 99.99999% of the world population has no idea of its content.
The bible has been selectively chosen for millennia
It took a thousand years before they would even let peasants be able to read it on their own..

Jesus wasn't married...good gawd. Just stop
Hey, i was just stating the facts.
You dont know if he was or not. You just BELIEVE

If Jesus married Mary, He would have been giving into His flesh. He knew what His purpose was here on earth.

He was the ultimate clean sacrifice without sin, so I do not agree that Jesus had sex nor married Mary.

Sex is not inherently sinful.

In fact it was quite a common belief that Jesus was married and had children until then days of Charlemagne. The Church realized that anyone could claim to be a descendant of Jesus and that it was their right to rule and they could cause serious issues in European stability. So they shut down the belief wherever they could find it
The bible says that it is not good for man to be alone. This was spoken by God. Yet some men seems to present celibacy as a virtue.

Genesis 2:18
18 And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

If God has declared it not to be a good thing, then how is it that some, who profess to believe in God, follow after this practice?
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