Cell phone vs. Bible

My priorities are freedom of and from religion. Liberty for all. Equal rights, opportunities and representation under the law for everyone. The right to do and say whatever you want so long as it doesn't violate another person's right not to have harm done to them or their property. The Bible doesn't teach any of that so it's not a priority of mine.

You don't have a right to freedom from religion. Because that would require you to have the power to prevent your fellow citizens from exercising their freedom. You are free to not listen to what I preach, but you don't have the right to stop me from preaching.

The Bible was the first book on record that taught that we had the freedom of religion. "Choose this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

My recommendation to you is that you read the Bible. You might be surprised.
We should have a right to not have people constantly shove their religion in our faces, coming to our doors, preaching in the street, having people trying to get creationism into a SCIENCE CLASS!!!!! ...
My priorities are freedom of and from religion. Liberty for all. Equal rights, opportunities and representation under the law for everyone. The right to do and say whatever you want so long as it doesn't violate another person's right not to have harm done to them or their property. The Bible doesn't teach any of that so it's not a priority of mine.

You don't have a right to freedom from religion. Because that would require you to have the power to prevent your fellow citizens from exercising their freedom. You are free to not listen to what I preach, but you don't have the right to stop me from preaching.

The Bible was the first book on record that taught that we had the freedom of religion. "Choose this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

My recommendation to you is that you read the Bible. You might be surprised.
We should have a right to not have people constantly shove their religion in our faces, coming to our doors, preaching in the street, having people trying to get creationism into a SCIENCE CLASS!!!!! ...

inviting you to think isn't shoving anything in your faces. We shouldn't have to put up with you being a dick to people, but you still have the right to be one.
You don't have a right to freedom from religion. Because that would require you to have the power to prevent your fellow citizens from exercising their freedom. You are free to not listen to what I preach, but you don't have the right to stop me from preaching.

The Bible was the first book on record that taught that we had the freedom of religion. "Choose this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

My recommendation to you is that you read the Bible. You might be surprised.
We should have a right to not have people constantly shove their religion in our faces, coming to our doors, preaching in the street, having people trying to get creationism into a SCIENCE CLASS!!!!! ...

inviting you to think isn't shoving anything in your faces. We shouldn't have to put up with you being a dick to people, but you still have the right to be one.
Seriously, if a god did exist, do you really think that it would need people to go door to door, or preach in the street for it? C'mon, really?
Btw, was calling me a dick a direct quote from Jesus?
We should have a right to not have people constantly shove their religion in our faces, coming to our doors, preaching in the street, having people trying to get creationism into a SCIENCE CLASS!!!!! ...

inviting you to think isn't shoving anything in your faces. We shouldn't have to put up with you being a dick to people, but you still have the right to be one.
Seriously, if a god did exist, do you really think that it would need people to go door to door, or preach in the street for it? C'mon, really?
Btw, was calling me a dick a direct quote from Jesus?

God does exist. And He calls men to His work. Not because God needs men to do the work, but because He is trying to teach us how to be like Him.

And no I was not quoting Christ. I was making an analogy I thought you'd understand.
I have a Bible on my phone, too, but I gotta say, nothing beats a printed Bible for flipping through and dog-earing pages for quick reference, which is handy at church and Bible studies.

Except for casual reading, an electronic Bible can actually be kind of cumbersome at times. I wish there was such a thing as an unabridged pocket-sized Bible and super duper, NASA-strength, over-the-counter, pocket-sized reading lenses.
I have a Bible on my phone, too, but I gotta say, nothing beats a printed Bible for flipping through and dog-earing pages for quick reference, which is handy at church and Bible studies.

Except for casual reading, an electronic Bible can actually be kind of cumbersome at times. I wish there was such a thing as an unabridged pocket-sized Bible and super duper, NASA-strength, over-the-counter, pocket-sized reading lenses.

I have it so i can listen to it in the car. I find it interesting to listen because I hear things I didn't necessarily see when i read it.
inviting you to think isn't shoving anything in your faces. We shouldn't have to put up with you being a dick to people, but you still have the right to be one.
Seriously, if a god did exist, do you really think that it would need people to go door to door, or preach in the street for it? C'mon, really?
Btw, was calling me a dick a direct quote from Jesus?

God does exist. And He calls men to His work. Not because God needs men to do the work, but because He is trying to teach us how to be like Him.

And no I was not quoting Christ. I was making an analogy I thought you'd understand.

He is trying to teach us to be like him? So we weren't made in His image? So He's trying to repair us because he didn't make us properly?
Seriously, if a god did exist, do you really think that it would need people to go door to door, or preach in the street for it? C'mon, really?
Btw, was calling me a dick a direct quote from Jesus?

God does exist. And He calls men to His work. Not because God needs men to do the work, but because He is trying to teach us how to be like Him.

And no I was not quoting Christ. I was making an analogy I thought you'd understand.

He is trying to teach us to be like him? So we weren't made in His image? So He's trying to repair us because he didn't make us properly?

We were made in His Image. Just like our children are made in our image. He is our Father. and Because God is our Father, we have the potential to be like Him.

But we are in a Fallen state because of the Fall of Adam. And because of that there are two obstacles that prevent us from becoming like Him. Physical and Spiritual death. Or in other words, death and sin.

We cannot overcome these obstacles on our own, no matter how hard we try. We are going to die. And we are going to sin. Which is why the Lord gave us commandments and provided for us a Savior to Atone for our sins and overcome death.

Jesus Christ is that Savior. Because of His sacrifice and resurrection we are going to be made Immortal and Rise in either the Resurrection of the Just or the Resurrection of the Unjust.

Christ also atoned for our sins. And has given us power to overcome our sins and become new creatures. If we repent of our sins, we can become partakers of the Divine Nature and when we see Him, we will know Him because we will be like Him.
God does exist. And He calls men to His work. Not because God needs men to do the work, but because He is trying to teach us how to be like Him.

And no I was not quoting Christ. I was making an analogy I thought you'd understand.

He is trying to teach us to be like him? So we weren't made in His image? So He's trying to repair us because he didn't make us properly?

We were made in His Image. Just like our children are made in our image. He is our Father. and Because God is our Father, we have the potential to be like Him.

But we are in a Fallen state because of the Fall of Adam. And because of that there are two obstacles that prevent us from becoming like Him. Physical and Spiritual death. Or in other words, death and sin.

We cannot overcome these obstacles on our own, no matter how hard we try. We are going to die. And we are going to sin. Which is why the Lord gave us commandments and provided for us a Savior to Atone for our sins and overcome death.

Jesus Christ is that Savior. Because of His sacrifice and resurrection we are going to be made Immortal and Rise in either the Resurrection of the Just or the Resurrection of the Unjust.

Christ also atoned for our sins. And has given us power to overcome our sins and become new creatures. If we repent of our sins, we can become partakers of the Divine Nature and when we see Him, we will know Him because we will be like Him.

That's a lot of gibberish for one post. Nothing you've said makes any sense. Why would god make us in such a way that we'd need to follow some arbitrary rules to know him? My kids would have known me whether they followed any rules or not. And if we don't repent our sins, does that mean that Jesus DIDN'T die for our sins? Or are you just confused?
I am showing my husband this thread and he is amazed that you brought this up. He told me he was wondering when I was going to start carrying it around like that again! LOL! Thanks, Chuck! May the Lord bless you double for it.

Downtown, a lady said she was threatened by gay rights activists for praying before her meal in the mall. They said they would beat her up if she prayed so she wanted to sit with my sister and I and we let her.

Some people will try to set you up or discriminate against you for carrying a Bible while others will ignore you. You can meet a lot of nice Christians though.

The problem today is that the Bible is not being taught but Biblical "principles" are.

I started my own Christian message board and Christians ignored it, pastors stuck up their nose at me (for the most part) and other administrators wouldn't leave their board to give me any time or support so I took my message board down. I had a problem with unwanted advertising on my board since it was "free" and those who would come were false teachers who said that I should get rid of doctrine.

I've been writing a theology book and I have lots of theological and Bible study articles so I believe it won't be a best seller because people don't care.

Only one has to care for it to be a success in God's eyes. He'd leave the whole flock to go find that one. God Bless your endeavor. :eusa_angel:
I think a pastor who tells people not to carry a Bible is wrong. But I don't think there is any connection between that and his wife getting cancer, and his kids getting bullied at school.
I have a Bible on my phone, too, but I gotta say, nothing beats a printed Bible for flipping through and dog-earing pages for quick reference, which is handy at church and Bible studies.

I have to disagree.....nothing beats an internet search for pinpointing verses I vaguely remember
And if we don't repent our sins, does that mean that Jesus DIDN'T die for our sins? Or are you just confused?

if you buy your kid a Christmas present and they never unwrap it, you may have bought them a present but it hasn't resulted in much......
And if we don't repent our sins, does that mean that Jesus DIDN'T die for our sins? Or are you just confused?

if you buy your kid a Christmas present and they never unwrap it, you may have bought them a present but it hasn't resulted in much......

What color is the sky in the world where children don't open presents that you give them?
And if we don't repent our sins, does that mean that Jesus DIDN'T die for our sins? Or are you just confused?

if you buy your kid a Christmas present and they never unwrap it, you may have bought them a present but it hasn't resulted in much......

What color is the sky in the world where children don't open presents that you give them?

I will admit it is absurd.....yet Christ died for people's sins and they turn their back on that gift......that is just as absurd.....
if you buy your kid a Christmas present and they never unwrap it, you may have bought them a present but it hasn't resulted in much......

What color is the sky in the world where children don't open presents that you give them?

I will admit it is absurd.....yet Christ died for people's sins and they turn their back on that gift......that is just as absurd.....

I don't turn my back on that gift, no one does who sins, and they'll all go to heaven because the bill is already paid whether you accept god or not. In other words, hell is empty, Jesus paid everyone's bill.
What color is the sky in the world where children don't open presents that you give them?

I will admit it is absurd.....yet Christ died for people's sins and they turn their back on that gift......that is just as absurd.....

I don't turn my back on that gift, no one does who sins, and they'll all go to heaven because the bill is already paid whether you accept god or not. In other words, hell is empty, Jesus paid everyone's bill.

so we just change it to "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him and even those who refuse to believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life" and its all to the good?.......
I will admit it is absurd.....yet Christ died for people's sins and they turn their back on that gift......that is just as absurd.....

I don't turn my back on that gift, no one does who sins, and they'll all go to heaven because the bill is already paid whether you accept god or not. In other words, hell is empty, Jesus paid everyone's bill.

so we just change it to "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him and even those who refuse to believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life" and its all to the good?.......
Hey, I wasn't the one who wrote that Jesus died for my sins. And so I accept. What's wrong with that? And one of my sins is to see no proof of god. But it doesn't matter, the bill's paid.
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I don't turn my back on that gift, no one does who sins, and they'll all go to heaven because the bill is already paid whether you accept god or not. In other words, hell is empty, Jesus paid everyone's bill.

so we just change it to "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him and even those who refuse to believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life" and its all to the good?.......
Hey, I wasn't the one who wrote that Jesus died for my sins. And so I accept. What's wrong with that? And one of my sins is to see no proof of god. But it doesn't matter, the bill's paid.

obviously you did write something though......you wrote that people didn't have to accept.....

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