Cell phone vs. Bible

You can't accept a gift and reject it at the same time.

If your parents promise to give you a car if you maintain Honor Roll in school, can you reasonably claim to accept the gift and then intentionally fail every class?
You can't accept a gift and reject it at the same time.

If your parents promise to give you a car if you maintain Honor Roll in school, can you reasonably claim to accept the gift and then intentionally fail every class?

I accept the gift of Jesus paying for my sins. One of my sins is that I don't see any proof of a god. So sue me, the bill's already paid.
From the preaching and from sound of some of these posts, its pretty obvious that the zombie apocalypse is real. Read this site and put "bible" in place of cell phone to see what I mean.

You can't accept a gift and reject it at the same time.

If your parents promise to give you a car if you maintain Honor Roll in school, can you reasonably claim to accept the gift and then intentionally fail every class?

I accept the gift of Jesus paying for my sins. One of my sins is that I don't see any proof of a god. So sue me, the bill's already paid.

But have you used your gift card or are you going to let it sit forever?
You can't accept a gift and reject it at the same time.

Somebody tried to offer me a peace blunt one time in an attempt to ease tensions between our groups after a conflict had divided us.

I lit the blunt, took a really big hit, then tossed it onto the ground and stepped on it. As I blew the smoke into her face, I told her there would be no going back to the way things used to be.
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You can't accept a gift and reject it at the same time.

If your parents promise to give you a car if you maintain Honor Roll in school, can you reasonably claim to accept the gift and then intentionally fail every class?

I accept the gift of Jesus paying for my sins. One of my sins is that I don't see any proof of a god. So sue me, the bill's already paid.

But have you used your gift card or are you going to let it sit forever?

What gift card? What does that means? Anything?
You can't accept a gift and reject it at the same time.

If your parents promise to give you a car if you maintain Honor Roll in school, can you reasonably claim to accept the gift and then intentionally fail every class?

I accept the gift of Jesus paying for my sins. One of my sins is that I don't see any proof of a god. So sue me, the bill's already paid.

lol....you can't accept something from someone you don't believe exists.....
I normally don't have time for forwards but I decided to keep this one:

Cell phone vs. Bible

Ever wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phone?

What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?

What if we flipped through it several time a day?

What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?

What if we used it to receive messages from the text?

What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?

What if we gave it to Kids as gifts?

What if we used it when we traveled?

What if we used it in case of emergency?

This is something to make you go....hmm...where is my Bible?

Oh, and one more thing.

Unlike our cell phone, we don't have to worry about our Bible being
disconnected because Jesus already paid the bill.

Makes you stop and think 'where are my priorities? And no dropped calls!

My priorities are freedom of and from religion. Liberty for all. Equal rights, opportunities and representation under the law for everyone. The right to do and say whatever you want so long as it doesn't violate another person's right not to have harm done to them or their property. The Bible doesn't teach any of that so it's not a priority of mine.

Very Wiccan of you.

I don't believe that anyone has violated any of your rights. Nevertheless, a short study of TRUE American history will reveal that our nation was founded by Christians and that many morals of the Christian religion were incorporated into the early American psyche. My signature line gives you a very brief and broad idea of what I'm talking about. Follow the links.

But whatever the case, Christians, too, have the "freedom" and "liberty" to exercise their "equal rights, opportunities, and representation under the law." We are NOT second class citizens but right up there with all other Americans. We aren't doormats without a say in social matters and if we choose to carry a Bible around and read it in public places then that's exactly what we shall do.

Firstly, Wiccan? How?? Lol
Second, what does my rights being violated or not have to do with what I said?
Third, no many of the founders were in fact only quasi religious. Being openly non-religious simply wasn't an option back then. Also read the Treaty of Tripoli which was written by many of the same people behind the Constitution and the Revolution. It clearly states that the United States was not founded on the Christian religion. The language in that document was quite clear.
And fourth, I never tried to imply that Christians are second class citizens or that I didn't think you should be able to carry/read your Bibles in public. Go for it. But if two homosexuals want to get married by a justice of the peace in a public venue, the courthouse or their home then they should be allowed to go for it too. I'm not saying that churches have to facilitate gay weddings by any means or that priests or pastors of Christianity have to officiate them either. But marriage is a legal institution just as much as it is a religious one. And we all should have access to it. If religious people want to lead a certain lifestyle or place limitations on what they can and cannot do then cool go for it. But they shouldn't try to get laws passed that make those things a requirement for everyone.
You can't accept a gift and reject it at the same time.

If your parents promise to give you a car if you maintain Honor Roll in school, can you reasonably claim to accept the gift and then intentionally fail every class?

I accept the gift of Jesus paying for my sins. One of my sins is that I don't see any proof of a god. So sue me, the bill's already paid.

lol....you can't accept something from someone you don't believe exists.....

I never said that Jesus never existed, he probably did... Maybe. But still, I don't have to believe in Jesus for him to have died for my sins. If that's what actually happened, then my bill's paid. If that never happened, well, then heaven and he'll don't exist anyways, so I'm still good to go.
I accept the gift of Jesus paying for my sins. One of my sins is that I don't see any proof of a god. So sue me, the bill's already paid.

lol....you can't accept something from someone you don't believe exists.....

I don't have to believe in Jesus for him to have died for my sins.

well, actually he said you do.....but then, since you don't believe in him, why should you believe what he said......

(look, I realize you're trolling....I'm just pointing out you aren't very good at it)......
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But they shouldn't try to get laws passed that make those things a requirement for everyone.

lol.....at what point in history did Christians get a law passed that required people to be a man and a woman in order to get married?......that was simply what society recognized marriage to be.....the law simply ordered them to get a certificate so they could keep track of marriages.....

obviously it is the left who is seeking to use the law to force its beliefs on society.....they did the same thing in 1972 when they told society that from then on killing your unborn children was a good thing......look where that's brought us.....
lol....you can't accept something from someone you don't believe exists.....

I don't have to believe in Jesus for him to have died for my sins.

well, actually he said you do.....but then, since you don't believe in him, why should you believe what he said......

(look, I realize you're trolling....I'm just pointing out you aren't very good at it)......
No I don't, that believers believe that Jesus died for my sins is enough for me to say that Jesus already paid my bill to god, if all that shit even exists. If I don't believe that it does, that's irrelevant because I could be wrong about it not existing, and even if I don't believe that it exists doesn't negate it if it does exist. So either way, if god is real, then my debt is payed. If god's not real, then there's no debt to pay. Either way I'm good to go.
You can't accept a gift and reject it at the same time.

Somebody tried to offer me a peace blunt one time in an attempt to ease tensions between our groups after a conflict had divided us.

I lit the blunt, took a really big hit, then tossed it onto the ground and stepped on it. As I blew the smoke into her face, I told her there would be no going back to the way things used to be.

And do you believe that harboring resentment in YOUR heart and mind is going to hurt her more than you? :eusa_whistle:
Firstly, Wiccan? How?? Lol

The Wiccan Rede:
"I. Do no wrong to thy neighbor. II. Observing this, do as thou pleasest."
Then Doreen Valiente gave us what has become the basis of the Wiccan Rede ...
"Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfil,
An it harm none, do what ye will."

Wiccan Rede - The Wiccan Law * Wicca-Spirituality.com
Second, what does my rights being violated or not have to do with what I said?

You said it as if you believe that religious folks (specifically Christians) were somehow trampling on your "rights."

Third, no many of the founders were in fact only quasi religious. Being openly non-religious simply wasn't an option back then. Also read the Treaty of Tripoli which was written by many of the same people behind the Constitution and the Revolution. It clearly states that the United States was not founded on the Christian religion. The language in that document was quite clear.

The "Treaty of Tripoli" is often misrepresented as "proof" that America wasn't founded as a Christian nation. These claims are unfounded when scrutinized under the historical microscope: WallBuilders - Issues and Articles - Treaty of Tripoli

And fourth, I never tried to imply that Christians are second class citizens or that I didn't think you should be able to carry/read your Bibles in public. Go for it. But if two homosexuals want to get married by a justice of the peace in a public venue, the courthouse or their home then they should be allowed to go for it too. I'm not saying that churches have to facilitate gay weddings by any means or that priests or pastors of Christianity have to officiate them either. But marriage is a legal institution just as much as it is a religious one. And we all should have access to it. If religious people want to lead a certain lifestyle or place limitations on what they can and cannot do then cool go for it. But they shouldn't try to get laws passed that make those things a requirement for everyone.

I believe that homosexuality is a mental or spiritual illness but at least we agree that religious folks shouldn't be forced to accept that lifestyle as normal or acceptable.
I normally don't have time for forwards but I decided to keep this one:

Cell phone vs. Bible

Ever wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phone?

What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?

What if we flipped through it several time a day?

What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?

What if we used it to receive messages from the text?

What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?

What if we gave it to Kids as gifts?

What if we used it when we traveled?

What if we used it in case of emergency?

This is something to make you go....hmm...where is my Bible?

Oh, and one more thing.

Unlike our cell phone, we don't have to worry about our Bible being
disconnected because Jesus already paid the bill.

Makes you stop and think 'where are my priorities? And no dropped calls!

Except of course, if you took a Bible instead of a phone into the woods, got lost, and died less than a mile from civilization because of no google maps but you were able to pray, it'd not help the image of priorities at all. :)
that believers believe that Jesus died for my sins is enough for me to say that Jesus already paid my bill to god

but believers don't believe Jesus died for your sins if you don't believe.....therefore your logic leaves you screwed.....

Jesus died for my sins whether I believe it or not. No repenting necessary.

but you're saying you are basing that on what believers have told you......it isn't what we are telling you......

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