CEO Crushes The Minimum Wage Lie: "It's Cheaper To Buy A Robot Than Hire At $15/Hour"

But you have no problem with actors pulling down millions per movie, plus a percentage of the gross sales tickets. You have no problem with sports figures making astronomical sums on compensation and astronomical sums more on product endorsements. You have no problem with authors making millions on books. The only people you don't want making money are people who run companies. Typical liberal nonsense.

There's a difference that elludes you... but here goes.

When the CEO makes the decision to cut 20,000 jobs or move a factory to China, or use a recession to rotate out those higher paid employees and replace them with desperate waifs willing to work for less, he's part of the problem.

the Actor who gets paid 8 figures to make a crap film isn't ripping off everyone else who worked on that film. The supporting actors, the crew, the screenwriters are all members of unions and pull down a good scale for working on said film.

Similarly, the Athlete who pulls down millions is part of an organization where the other players are unionized, as are the supporting staff.

So, no, I don't have a problem with Tom Cruise getting 10 million a picture as long as Bob the Key Grip makes enough money to feed his family. I have the option of not seeing that film if it isn't something I'm interested in.

I have a HUGE problem when the CEO of WalMart pulls down 19 million while the stocker and cashiers are making minimum wage and have to apply for food stamps and section 8 housing that I pay for whether I shop at WalMart or not.

I really don't give a damn but one little thing you failed to mention when Hollywood is making those movies in Canada and other places they are screwing the workers unions. ...

It was big news a few years back

I love this whole concept of anyone "fucking over employees"

As if Wal-Mart forces anyone to work for them lol Free choice dumbasses, if one doesn't like their pay or feels they are being "fucked over" then they should quit and get the fuck out. If said person chooses to stay then they are agreeing to it, basically according to the dipshit theory they are fucking themselves. They deserve it.

By the theory anyone who gets a job is technically fucking someone else out of a job lol

In theory, you are right

But in a market where better jobs are few and far between, the employee is at their mercy. Employers are able to exploit that market and have the taxpayer make up the difference in housing, food and medical care
I love this whole concept of anyone "fucking over employees"

As if Wal-Mart forces anyone to work for them lol Free choice dumbasses, if one doesn't like their pay or feels they are being "fucked over" then they should quit and get the fuck out. If said person chooses to stay then they are agreeing to it, basically according to the dipshit theory they are fucking themselves. They deserve it.

By the theory anyone who gets a job is technically fucking someone else out of a job lol

In theory, you are right

But in a market where better jobs are few and far between, the employee is at their mercy. Employers are able to exploit that market and have the taxpayer make up the difference in housing, food and medical care

The bottom line is the stock holders the company is courting, pay taxes as well. And the business pays excessive corporate taxes. Business has no obligation beyond its bottom line. That is what made this country the industrial power it once was.

We didn't get there catering to employees

The refutation is that it's a bad idea, and wrong, and immoral, to ever have the government put a cap on how much money a person is allowed to earn. If you don't understand that, then you are a Communist.

But that isn't the argument you made, guy. You made the argument that it was unfair to limit the salaries of CEO's but not Movie Stars.

Now, why should we have the government regulate CEO Salaries? How about, because their decisions have far reaching implications for all of us, even those of us who don't work for their companies.

When the CEO of WalMart underpays his employees to the point where they have to go on assistance, that affects even people like me who absolutely refuse to shop at WalMart because it is fucking evil.

Lol ....Joe you know it is not that simple, every time the government tries to limit the salary of CEOs it back fires on them.

Tax-Avoiding CEOs Successfully Avoid Tax-Avoidance Tax

in 2004 Congress passed a law to express its displeasure.

The law imposes a special tax of 15 percent on restricted stock and options held by the most senior executives when a company reincorporates outside the U.S.
Can you guess what happened? Oh sure you can, you are smart, and it is easy:

Since the measure took effect, at least seven large companies have disclosed in securities filings that they risked triggering the tax. All took steps to shield their executives from having to pay.

Three of the companies' boards simply picked up the tax bill for their executives, maintaining that the managers shouldn't suffer for a decision that benefits shareholders.

At three other companies, including Actavis, the boards went a step further, helping them avoid the tax altogether by allowing restricted stock to vest early and for options to be exercised. Awarding the equity early raises the risk that the executives might quit or sell their shares, or get paid for meeting goals they never attain.
So fine, this joins the long list of stories of "law intended to reduce executive compensation does opposite."
Employers who pay lower wages expect low productivity and high turnover. They understand people work as hard as they are paid. But because they know their is a surplus of people to keep filling those jobs, they can continue doing the same practice. Its called free market. Most of them don't want to retain their best workers because they will have to pay more to retain them. Its not worth the extra cost.
Read carefully

I said I didn't make anywhere near MW while I was in college. But I also worked a full time job all through college. I didn't expect to work part time for MW and be able to pay for anything

And again, you didn't answer the question, when was this? Back in 1980, the Minimum wage wasn't that bad. You could do okay with it. Today, not so much, it hasn't kept up with inflation.
Lol ....Joe you know it is not that simple, every time the government tries to limit the salary of CEOs it back fires on them.

Then you send the IRS in for an audit.

No one should ever be so rich that the govenrment can't fuck up your life if you're an asshole.
I really don't give a damn but one little thing you failed to mention when Hollywood is making those movies in Canada and other places they are screwing the workers unions. ...

It was big news a few years back

I think you are confused- Yes, some CHEAP production companies moved to Canada. Like whoever makes Sci-Fi original productions with bad CGI. The big productions that pay 10 million to stars are still using union crews.
The bottom line is the stock holders the company is courting, pay taxes as well. And the business pays excessive corporate taxes. Business has no obligation beyond its bottom line. That is what made this country the industrial power it once was.

We didn't get there catering to employees

Then why was it we had our greatest economic power when the industrial workforce was mostly unionized, the rich paid a 93% top marginal rate, and so on? Why did we lose so much ground to countries like Japan and Germany that went FURTHER in the progressive economic model than we did?

Sorry, guy, we did all the shit you wingnuts said to do, and it turned into a flaming turn in 2008.
What's crazy is that lefties think someone doing a job requiring skills that aren't worth the current $7.25/hour should be paid twice that much.

NO, what's crazy is not wanting to pay the people who ACTUALLY do the work to give more money to people who don't do jack shit.
What's crazy is that lefties think someone doing a job requiring skills that aren't worth the current $7.25/hour should be paid twice that much.

NO, what's crazy is not wanting to pay the people who ACTUALLY do the work to give more money to people who don't do jack shit.

I didn't say those doing the work shouldn't get paid, I said those doing certain jobs that only require skills at a level of $5/hour shouldn't get paid $15/hour to do that job. Pay attention. No wonder you've gone from job to job so many times.
The bottom line is the stock holders the company is courting, pay taxes as well. And the business pays excessive corporate taxes. Business has no obligation beyond its bottom line. That is what made this country the industrial power it once was.

We didn't get there catering to employees

Then why was it we had our greatest economic power when the industrial workforce was mostly unionized, the rich paid a 93% top marginal rate, and so on? Why did we lose so much ground to countries like Japan and Germany that went FURTHER in the progressive economic model than we did?

Sorry, guy, we did all the shit you wingnuts said to do, and it turned into a flaming turn in 2008.

Thanks to the Homo Democrat Barney Frank

Unions are like cancer.

"We don't want no done-der union here in the south, Cleetus. We wants to works harder for less money"

Fucking Redneck

I agree with working harder for less money. And what you failed to mention, it is also one hell of a motivator. People complaining about their status in life need look no further than the mirror. Excuses are like assholes you know........

You see, I was taught to work your ass off and do the best job you can whether that is digging a ditch or designing the next new gadget

Hard work never hurt anybody and it pays dividends down the road. One needs to invest in themselves to reap the dividends I have toady. One has to work to reach such stability

Liberal progressives should try it sometimes

Unions are like cancer.

"We don't want no done-der union here in the south, Cleetus. We wants to works harder for less money"

Fucking Redneck

Since you support unions, it's obvious you believe people should get paid more for doing a job than doing the job is worth. If you rely on a union to keep your job and get you overpaid, you aren't worth hiring.
"We don't want no done-der union here in the south, Cleetus. We wants to works harder for less money"

Fucking Redneck

Something I remember from working days was when dealing with people from the South, the last thing they do is work hard or fast.

Getting them to do anything on time ( or correctly) was like pulling teeth.
"We don't want no done-der union here in the south, Cleetus. We wants to works harder for less money"

Fucking Redneck

Something I remember from working days was when dealing with people from the South, the last thing they do is work hard or fast.

Getting them to do anything on time ( or correctly) was like pulling teeth.
It's still pretty much the same whey now...
The refutation is that it's a bad idea, and wrong, and immoral, to ever have the government put a cap on how much money a person is allowed to earn. If you don't understand that, then you are a Communist.

But that isn't the argument you made, guy. You made the argument that it was unfair to limit the salaries of CEO's but not Movie Stars.

Now, why should we have the government regulate CEO Salaries? How about, because their decisions have far reaching implications for all of us, even those of us who don't work for their companies.

When the CEO of WalMart underpays his employees to the point where they have to go on assistance, that affects even people like me who absolutely refuse to shop at WalMart because it is fucking evil.
IOW, you're attempting to make the lives of Walmart employees more miserable because you refuse to help pay their wages. But as long as you feel good about yourself...

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