CEO Crushes The Minimum Wage Lie: "It's Cheaper To Buy A Robot Than Hire At $15/Hour"

I love this whole concept of anyone "fucking over employees"

As if Wal-Mart forces anyone to work for them lol Free choice dumbasses, if one doesn't like their pay or feels they are being "fucked over" then they should quit and get the fuck out. If said person chooses to stay then they are agreeing to it, basically according to the dipshit theory they are fucking themselves. They deserve it.

By the theory anyone who gets a job is technically fucking someone else out of a job lol

In theory, you are right

But in a market where better jobs are few and far between, the employee is at their mercy. Employers are able to exploit that market and have the taxpayer make up the difference in housing, food and medical care
And in the IT bull market of the 90's, employees were able to command large salaries and raises because their talents were in demand. When your talent becomes a commodity and easy for companies to obtain, your ability to command higher pay lessens. That's how it works.
Read carefully

I said I didn't make anywhere near MW while I was in college. But I also worked a full time job all through college. I didn't expect to work part time for MW and be able to pay for anything

And again, you didn't answer the question, when was this? Back in 1980, the Minimum wage wasn't that bad. You could do okay with it. Today, not so much, it hasn't kept up with inflation.
So what?

MW was never meant to be a permanent wage and less than 3% of all people make just MW
I didn't say those doing the work shouldn't get paid, I said those doing certain jobs that only require skills at a level of $5/hour shouldn't get paid $15/hour to do that job. Pay attention. No wonder you've gone from job to job so many times.

Once every seven years is many times to you? Oh, never mind.

Anyway, uh, no. If you do the work, you should get a living wage before a CEO gets a bonus or an investor gets a payout. Period.
And in the IT bull market of the 90's, employees were able to command large salaries and raises because their talents were in demand. When your talent becomes a commodity and easy for companies to obtain, your ability to command higher pay lessens. That's how it works.

But why should it work like that?

What if we simply had an economy where everyone had a job that paid a living wage at a minimum. There's plenty of stuff that needs to be done that isn't. It would seem to me a labor market based on how much money the 1% can make off or your labor isn't sustainable.
I didn't say those doing the work shouldn't get paid, I said those doing certain jobs that only require skills at a level of $5/hour shouldn't get paid $15/hour to do that job. Pay attention. No wonder you've gone from job to job so many times.

Once every seven years is many times to you? Oh, never mind.

Anyway, uh, no. If you do the work, you should get a living wage before a CEO gets a bonus or an investor gets a payout. Period.

Sorry but putting French fries in little bags was never a job that would pay someone enough to pay all his bills and it never will be
So what?

MW was never meant to be a permanent wage and less than 3% of all people make just MW

And how many make something between minimum wage and a living wage of $15.00? How many are making $12.00 an hour but only work 25 hours a week and don't get benefits?

Enough is enough.

Then they can find another job that will give them full time.

If people are working only 20 hours a week then that's all they want to work
And in the IT bull market of the 90's, employees were able to command large salaries and raises because their talents were in demand. When your talent becomes a commodity and easy for companies to obtain, your ability to command higher pay lessens. That's how it works.

But why should it work like that?

What if we simply had an economy where everyone had a job that paid a living wage at a minimum. There's plenty of stuff that needs to be done that isn't. It would seem to me a labor market based on how much money the 1% can make off or your labor isn't sustainable.
It doesn't work like that because all labor is not worth a "living wage". We keep coming back to that point, and you have no good answer as to why it should be. If a particular job doesn't generate enough profit to pay an employee more than $5/hr, why should we force the employer to pay artificially higher wages? All he's going to do is raise prices, which drives inflation, which prices goods out of reach of the poor, which makes their artificially high MW useless, which drives the wage hikers back to their argument that it's just not high enough, and on it goes...

Now, if he doesn't raise prices, guess what he's going to do? He's going to eliminate the $5/hr job or replace human workers with automation. Either way, the guy on the bottom takes it in the butt.
Then they can find another job that will give them full time.

If people are working only 20 hours a week then that's all they want to work

Uh, no, guy, there are people who want to work full time and can't. I know. I do their resumes.

Yeah and then we'll have robot fry cookers
what you gonna do make automation illegal too?

If they could make a robot fry cook they'd have done it already. Its' an empty threat.
I didn't say those doing the work shouldn't get paid, I said those doing certain jobs that only require skills at a level of $5/hour shouldn't get paid $15/hour to do that job. Pay attention. No wonder you've gone from job to job so many times.

Once every seven years is many times to you? Oh, never mind.

Anyway, uh, no. If you do the work, you should get a living wage before a CEO gets a bonus or an investor gets a payout. Period.

Sad how you think it's your place to dictate how someone else's money should be spent.

It is when my situation has been once in 29 years.
Then they can find another job that will give them full time.

If people are working only 20 hours a week then that's all they want to work

Uh, no, guy, there are people who want to work full time and can't. I know. I do their resumes.

Yeah and then we'll have robot fry cookers
what you gonna do make automation illegal too?

If they could make a robot fry cook they'd have done it already. Its' an empty threat.

It's no wonder they can't get hired. They picked a dumbass to do their resumes.

If the low skilled workers actually did something that warranted a higher way, they'd already received it.
So what?

MW was never meant to be a permanent wage and less than 3% of all people make just MW

And how many make something between minimum wage and a living wage of $15.00? How many are making $12.00 an hour but only work 25 hours a week and don't get benefits?

Enough is enough.
62% of American workers earn $20/hr or less. All of them are going to demand a raise if they suddenly go from making double the MW or more to making only MW or a few bucks an hour more. Raise it slow enough and by small enough increments so as to no really matter, and you might be able to pull it off. Double it overnight, and you won't.
Then they can find another job that will give them full time.

If people are working only 20 hours a week then that's all they want to work

Uh, no, guy, there are people who want to work full time and can't. I know. I do their resumes.

Yeah and then we'll have robot fry cookers
what you gonna do make automation illegal too?

If they could make a robot fry cook they'd have done it already. Its' an empty threat.

MAybe they can't because their resumes suck

Tell me in this entire country that there is not a place where anyone can work full time.

If you can't find a job in one state I bet you can in another
So what?

MW was never meant to be a permanent wage and less than 3% of all people make just MW

And how many make something between minimum wage and a living wage of $15.00? How many are making $12.00 an hour but only work 25 hours a week and don't get benefits?

Enough is enough.
62% of American workers earn $20/hr or less. All of them are going to demand a raise if they suddenly go from making double the MW or more to making only MW or a few bucks an hour more. Raise it slow enough and by small enough increments so as to no really matter, and you might be able to pull it off. Double it overnight, and you won't.

A 15 an hour wage will severely decrease the purchasing power of everyone already making 15 an hour because the price of everything will go up

But there are a lot of idiots out there that think labor costs have zero effect on the price of goods and services
It doesn't work like that because all labor is not worth a "living wage". We keep coming back to that point, and you have no good answer as to why it should be.

I have a perfectly good answer. It's just not one you like.

If you have enough money to pay your CEO an 8 figure salary and huge dividends to shareholders off the labor of that fry cook, then you have enough money to pay that fry cook a living wage. It's not a matter of a lack of pie, it's how the pie is being divided.

If a particular job doesn't generate enough profit to pay an employee more than $5/hr, why should we force the employer to pay artificially higher wages? All he's going to do is raise prices, which drives inflation, which prices goods out of reach of the poor, which makes their artificially high MW useless, which drives the wage hikers back to their argument that it's just not high enough, and on it goes...

This is another bullshit argument. Do you know how much the cost of a Big Mac would go up if they paid a living wage? It would go up all of 17 cents.

This Is How Much A Big Mac Would Cost If The Minimum Wage Was $15
Then they can find another job that will give them full time.

If people are working only 20 hours a week then that's all they want to work

Uh, no, guy, there are people who want to work full time and can't. I know. I do their resumes.

Yeah and then we'll have robot fry cookers
what you gonna do make automation illegal too?

If they could make a robot fry cook they'd have done it already. Its' an empty threat.
Dude, your naivte is touching, but disturbing when you try to make arguments based on it. Robots already make burgers better than humans and fry donuts. Do you REALLY think they won't be making french fries?
It doesn't work like that because all labor is not worth a "living wage". We keep coming back to that point, and you have no good answer as to why it should be.

I have a perfectly good answer. It's just not one you like.

If you have enough money to pay your CEO an 8 figure salary and huge dividends to shareholders off the labor of that fry cook, then you have enough money to pay that fry cook a living wage. It's not a matter of a lack of pie, it's how the pie is being divided.

If a particular job doesn't generate enough profit to pay an employee more than $5/hr, why should we force the employer to pay artificially higher wages? All he's going to do is raise prices, which drives inflation, which prices goods out of reach of the poor, which makes their artificially high MW useless, which drives the wage hikers back to their argument that it's just not high enough, and on it goes...

This is another bullshit argument. Do you know how much the cost of a Big Mac would go up if they paid a living wage? It would go up all of 17 cents.

This Is How Much A Big Mac Would Cost If The Minimum Wage Was $15

if every other cost was held constant. Only an idiot thinks that would be true,

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