CEO Crushes The Minimum Wage Lie: "It's Cheaper To Buy A Robot Than Hire At $15/Hour"

It would be better of those freeloaders got nothing from the taxpayers and relied on people like you that claim they care about them. They'd get nothing if they depended on people like you to do what you say should be done volutarily.

The only reason you want to have a say in someone else's money is because you have none of your own.

No, the reason I think that because if you ever did it your way, we'd have a revolution...

I don't need to live in a mansion or ride a dressage horse, but I like having a nice middle class, quiet life.

And I don't need you guys fucking it up like you've been doing for the last 30 years.
It would be better of those freeloaders got nothing from the taxpayers and relied on people like you that claim they care about them. They'd get nothing if they depended on people like you to do what you say should be done volutarily.

The only reason you want to have a say in someone else's money is because you have none of your own.

No, the reason I think that because if you ever did it your way, we'd have a revolution...

I don't need to live in a mansion or ride a dressage horse, but I like having a nice middle class, quiet life.

And I don't need you guys fucking it up like you've been doing for the last 30 years.

Still not your place to dictate how someone else uses their money.

If you were as good and smart as you claim, you'd be far better off than the middle class status you claim.

You do enough to fuck up yourself, retard. So sad that you claim to be so good but live such a mediocre life.
Still not your place to dictate how someone else uses their money.

If you were as good and smart as you claim, you'd be far better off than the middle class status you claim.

You do enough to fuck up yourself, retard. So sad that you claim to be so good but live such a mediocre life.

I am as good and smart as I claim. I just don't measure my success by how many people I've fucked over to advance myself.

Point is, you guys had your chance. I even voted for some of your candidates. And you fucked it up. So you don't get a say anymore.
Still not your place to dictate how someone else uses their money.

If you were as good and smart as you claim, you'd be far better off than the middle class status you claim.

You do enough to fuck up yourself, retard. So sad that you claim to be so good but live such a mediocre life.

I am as good and smart as I claim. I just don't measure my success by how many people I've fucked over to advance myself.

Point is, you guys had your chance. I even voted for some of your candidates. And you fucked it up. So you don't get a say anymore.

More excuses from someone that couldn't cut it.

You still don't get a say in how someone else's money is spent.
More excuses from someone that couldn't cut it.

I do just fine, when Republicans aren't in office. thanks for asking. But you keep bending over for the 1% Cleetus... I'll just vote to take their shit.

Typical Liberal. You can't earn it on your own so you'll support it being taken from someone so you can have something in your life. Thanks for explaining your real situation.
Typical Liberal. You can't earn it on your own so you'll support it being taken from someone so you can have something in your life. Thanks for explaining your real situation.

Uh, the only takers are the 1%.

The 1% control 43% of the wealth. They did not do 43% of the labor to create that wealth.

Also, for the record, the two biggest line items on the federal govenrment are Medicare and Social Security - or as I like to call them "White People Welfare".

Please, please please run on the platform of ending those programs to give more tax cuts to rich people. talk about that openly instead of the usual bullshit about guns and God and Gays.

See how far you get.
Nope. Your quote was, "If you have enough money to pay your CEO an 8 figure salary and huge dividends to shareholders off the labor of that fry cook, then you have enough money to pay that fry cook a living wage." You were talking about a CEO's salary, NOT the total wealth of the country. You're simply wrong, or lying. And since I made it absolutely clear, if you repeat it, you will be lying.

Please note the part of my original statement you ignored. The part that includes all rich investors, not just the CEO.

You're still talking about income, not wealth. Just admit that you were wrong.

And, do you not know that many shareholders are retirees that have invested throughout their entire working careers just to have something more than Social Security to live on, or workers investing now with the same goal? You would just love to destroy their income just to get the rich guy, wouldn't you? The reality is, you won't hurt the rich guy, but you will hurt the retiree. That's the way it always works when liberals try to punish success.

Gee, how's that working out for you, pretending some sort of faux moral superiority? Get anyone to shut up yet?

Guy, you all fucked it up so bad that our best hope is that Hillary can beat the socialist and then beat the Nazi. That's how bad you all fucked it up. Just saying.

Actually, our best hope is that the corrupted one withdraws from the race in total disgrace, because fixing the mess Obama and crew have made is probably impossible at this point.

We had industries with no global competition and rapidly increasing demand. Inevitably, that changed. Demand cannot increase infinitely and global competition made bloated incomes unsustainable. We had an IT boom in the 90's that mirrored that curve. I know, I lived it.

Your argument would be hold water if we lost to social darwinist libertards. We didn't. We lost to social democracies that had New Dealers set up their economics systems after the war.
We faced competition, period, and didn't adjust accordingly. The arrogance of power. Why do you think GM had to have Obama bail it out? It couldn't keep up with the bloated union demands any more.
You're still talking about income, not wealth. Just admit that you were wrong.

Not gonna happen. If they have the money for Executive Salaries and Dividends, they have the money to pay the people doing the fucking work.

And, do you not know that many shareholders are retirees that have invested throughout their entire working careers just to have something more than Social Security to live on, or workers investing now with the same goal?

Yes, the rich have gotten very good at scamming the working class into thinking the casino isn't rigged.

That's the way it always works when liberals try to punish success.

yawn, exploiting teenagers by you is "success"? Talked about fucked up thinking.

Actually, our best hope is that the corrupted one withdraws from the race in total disgrace, because fixing the mess Obama and crew have made is probably impossible at this point.

Guy, we are VASTLY better off now than we were in 2009 when Obama took office. It's why he got re-elected and Hillary will probably get his third term. The fact that clowns like Trump and Sanders have found the ear of so many voters should scare the shit out of you if you love plutocracy so much.

We faced competition, period, and didn't adjust accordingly. The arrogance of power. Why do you think GM had to have Obama bail it out? It couldn't keep up with the bloated union demands any more.

That would make sense if they were beaten by scab shops. They weren't. They were beaten by unionized Japanese and German car companies that give their employees lucrative benefits and even let them have a say in how the company is run.

GM and Chrysler had to be bailed out because the people who ran those companies kept pumping out gas guzzlers when the market - particularly the younger market - was seeking fuel efficiency.

So while GM produced crap like the Chevette, the Japanese were producing quality Toyotas and Hondas and building brand loyalty.
You're still talking about income, not wealth. Just admit that you were wrong.

Not gonna happen. If they have the money for Executive Salaries and Dividends, they have the money to pay the people doing the fucking work.

That's why you aren't taken seriously. You can't bring yourself to admit failure when it's proven to your face. Enjoy your fantasy.

And, do you not know that many shareholders are retirees that have invested throughout their entire working careers just to have something more than Social Security to live on, or workers investing now with the same goal?

Yes, the rich have gotten very good at scamming the working class into thinking the casino isn't rigged.

And your prescription to fix that is to destroy their retirement income. Got it.

That's the way it always works when liberals try to punish success.

yawn, exploiting teenagers by you is "success"? Talked about fucked up thinking.

Teenagers that live at home, have no expenses, and are getting valuable work experience are being exploited how, exactly?

Actually, our best hope is that the corrupted one withdraws from the race in total disgrace, because fixing the mess Obama and crew have made is probably impossible at this point.

Guy, we are VASTLY better off now than we were in 2009 when Obama took office. It's why he got re-elected and Hillary will probably get his third term. The fact that clowns like Trump and Sanders have found the ear of so many voters should scare the shit out of you if you love plutocracy so much.

Actually, it's scaring the crap out of the party power structure, and I'm enjoying the crap out of that. Hillary is the ultimate power elite insider, and democrats are lining up like sheep to vote for continuation of the status quo. Idiots.

We faced competition, period, and didn't adjust accordingly. The arrogance of power. Why do you think GM had to have Obama bail it out? It couldn't keep up with the bloated union demands any more.

That would make sense if they were beaten by scab shops. They weren't. They were beaten by unionized Japanese and German car companies that give their employees lucrative benefits and even let them have a say in how the company is run.

And that pay lower salaries and give less lavish benefits.

GM and Chrysler had to be bailed out because the people who ran those companies kept pumping out gas guzzlers when the market - particularly the younger market - was seeking fuel efficiency.

So while GM produced crap like the Chevette, the Japanese were producing quality Toyotas and Hondas and building brand loyalty.
IOW, you're making my point. We faced competition and didn't adjust. Are you sure you've debated before?
Teenagers that live at home, have no expenses, and are getting valuable work experience are being exploited how, exactly?

I agree that they are getting a valuable experience that Capitalism is a crap sandwich. Which is why they are all voting for Bernie.

Actually, it's scaring the crap out of the party power structure, and I'm enjoying the crap out of that. Hillary is the ultimate power elite insider, and democrats are lining up like sheep to vote for continuation of the status quo. Idiots.

You mean they are voting for the person who could actually run the country. the horror.

And that pay lower salaries and give less lavish benefits.

How Germany Builds Twice As Many Cars As The U.S. While Paying Its Workers Twice As Much
Teenagers that live at home, have no expenses, and are getting valuable work experience are being exploited how, exactly?

I agree that they are getting a valuable experience that Capitalism is a crap sandwich. Which is why they are all voting for Bernie.

Go Bernie! He would be the only democrat that the current crop of Republicans wouldn't be afraid of, and the democrats in office would work with Republicans to keep him contained. He's not part of the democrat power structure, so wouldn't get anywhere.

Actually, it's scaring the crap out of the party power structure, and I'm enjoying the crap out of that. Hillary is the ultimate power elite insider, and democrats are lining up like sheep to vote for continuation of the status quo. Idiots.

You mean they are voting for the person who could actually run the country. the horror.

And that pay lower salaries and give less lavish benefits.

How Germany Builds Twice As Many Cars As The U.S. While Paying Its Workers Twice As Much
Several things wrong with that.

1. That article is from 2010. How did pay for auto workers compare between the US, Germany AND Japan during the 1970's, when American dominance began to slide?
2. I also noted that German unions rarely strike. That has not been the case in the US, where manufacturers have faced not only work stoppages, but violence from the workers when faced with the prospect of replacements continuing to supply cars to the public.
3. What kind of retirement packages are German manufactors forced to provide for their workers? What kind of healthcare packages?

Let's compare apples to apples.
1. That article is from 2010. How did pay for auto workers compare between the US, Germany AND Japan during the 1970's, when American dominance began to slide?
2. I also noted that German unions rarely strike. That has not been the case in the US, where manufacturers have faced not only work stoppages, but violence from the workers when faced with the prospect of replacements continuing to supply cars to the public.
3. What kind of retirement packages are German manufactors forced to provide for their workers? What kind of healthcare packages?

Let's compare apples to apples.

wow, talk about moving the goalposts.

Okay, here's the thing. Germany, being the kind of social democracy I wish the US was, has universal health coverage. IN fact, they've had it since 1888.

yes, German unions rarely have to strike. they don't need to, they have better methods of resolving issues. Isn't it amazing when you have a system that isn't designed around fucking over working folks!
It doesn't work like that because all labor is not worth a "living wage". We keep coming back to that point, and you have no good answer as to why it should be.

I have a perfectly good answer. It's just not one you like.

If you have enough money to pay your CEO an 8 figure salary and huge dividends to shareholders off the labor of that fry cook, then you have enough money to pay that fry cook a living wage. It's not a matter of a lack of pie, it's how the pie is being divided.

If a particular job doesn't generate enough profit to pay an employee more than $5/hr, why should we force the employer to pay artificially higher wages? All he's going to do is raise prices, which drives inflation, which prices goods out of reach of the poor, which makes their artificially high MW useless, which drives the wage hikers back to their argument that it's just not high enough, and on it goes...

This is another bullshit argument. Do you know how much the cost of a Big Mac would go up if they paid a living wage? It would go up all of 17 cents.

This Is How Much A Big Mac Would Cost If The Minimum Wage Was $15

if every other cost was held constant. Only an idiot thinks that would be true,

Only an idiot? Dude...look who you are quoting.............
Bull shit. A lot of places will help you move. SHouldn't you know that if you really help people get jobs?

I wouldn't know who a "lot of places" are. Frankly, I've only seen one company that ever offered to pay for relocation, and that's because they were in butt-fuck Wisconsin.

My company paid for me and another employee to move a few years ago.
"waaaaaaa I accepted and stay at a job at minimum wage cause I'm a moron."

<-- 1%er stealing the tissues to wipe away tears of laughter.

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