CEO Crushes The Minimum Wage Lie: "It's Cheaper To Buy A Robot Than Hire At $15/Hour"

1. That article is from 2010. How did pay for auto workers compare between the US, Germany AND Japan during the 1970's, when American dominance began to slide?
2. I also noted that German unions rarely strike. That has not been the case in the US, where manufacturers have faced not only work stoppages, but violence from the workers when faced with the prospect of replacements continuing to supply cars to the public.
3. What kind of retirement packages are German manufactors forced to provide for their workers? What kind of healthcare packages?

Let's compare apples to apples.

wow, talk about moving the goalposts.

Okay, here's the thing. Germany, being the kind of social democracy I wish the US was, has universal health coverage. IN fact, they've had it since 1888.

yes, German unions rarely have to strike. they don't need to, they have better methods of resolving issues. Isn't it amazing when you have a system that isn't designed around fucking over working folks!
Pie in the sky, till they run out of other people's money. Dumbass
The vast majority of Germany's energy comes from where? Russia
I didn't say those doing the work shouldn't get paid, I said those doing certain jobs that only require skills at a level of $5/hour shouldn't get paid $15/hour to do that job. Pay attention. No wonder you've gone from job to job so many times.

Once every seven years is many times to you? Oh, never mind.

Anyway, uh, no. If you do the work, you should get a living wage before a CEO gets a bonus or an investor gets a payout. Period.

This is not Cuba comrade

Most of the so called "jobs" created over the last 7-8 years are part time(32 hour-ish) low paying starter service jobs... Not career jobs... Lol
Sorry but putting French fries in little bags was never a job that would pay someone enough to pay all his bills and it never will be

sure it can. All you got to do is mandate it by law. Done.

Yeah and then we'll have robot fry cookers
what you gonna do make automation illegal too?

You have heard that before from some on the loony left .....right?

This one idiot in the Chicago Herald wrote a opinion piece arguing that we should get rid of most automation and go back to manual labor..

Come to think about it Joe lives in the chicago area...wonder if he wrote it in the 90s?

Joey-to-English translation: "Having had my head handed to me yet AGAIN, I will now fling poo."

Naw, Ditchy, it's too easy to swat you around because you are such a weak debater. Usually I don't even bother....
You have heard that before from some on the loony left .....right?

This one idiot in the Chicago Herald wrote a opinion piece arguing that we should get rid of most automation and go back to manual labor..

Come to think about it Joe lives in the chicago area...wonder if he wrote it in the 90s?

Back in the 1990's I was one of you right wing assholes who screamed for Clinton to be impeached.

Then I had the bad luck to have some medical issues in the mid-oughts and found out how fast the 1% will screw you just for the fun of it.
"waaaaaaa I accepted and stay at a job at minimum wage cause I'm a moron."

<-- 1%er stealing the tissues to wipe away tears of laughter.

1%er whining because he'll have to pay fair wages.

"Fair wages"? We already pay "fair wages" based on how many idiots can handle the job we're hiring for.

Here's the way this goes down - We put out an ad in the paper saying we have a job that pays minimum wage. Idiots come in and interview for the job, they want it, even though it's minimum wage. So we hire them. Then a bunch of bleeding heart idiots who have nothing to do with the /contract/ between myself and my MW employee interfere and tell me that I'm not paying the idiot enough. I say, well he accepted the job at MW, that's the contract ~shrug~

Then I'm called "greedy" and "evil" - it's hilarious.
"Fair wages"? We already pay "fair wages" based on how many idiots can handle the job we're hiring for.

Here's the way this goes down - We put out an ad in the paper saying we have a job that pays minimum wage. Idiots come in and interview for the job, they want it, even though it's minimum wage. So we hire them. Then a bunch of bleeding heart idiots who have nothing to do with the /contract/ between myself and my MW employee interfere and tell me that I'm not paying the idiot enough. I say, well he accepted the job at MW, that's the contract ~shrug~

Then I'm called "greedy" and "evil" - it's hilarious.

heres the problem with that argument. There's no contract involved. You see, if the minimum wage employee had a contract, he could hold you to account for the parts you aren't living up to.

Most companies are "At Will" employment even for the non-MW jobs. they give you an employee handbook where the first page says "THIS IS NOT A CONTRACT".

What I also find amusing is that you guys will defend your right to hire minimum wage workers and exploit them, but if the guy down the street hires a bunch of illegals at $5.00 an hour, and undercuts your business, you'll be the first ones whining about it.
You have heard that before from some on the loony left .....right?

This one idiot in the Chicago Herald wrote a opinion piece arguing that we should get rid of most automation and go back to manual labor..

Come to think about it Joe lives in the chicago area...wonder if he wrote it in the 90s?

Back in the 1990's I was one of you right wing assholes who screamed for Clinton to be impeached.

Then I had the bad luck to have some medical issues in the mid-oughts and found out how fast the 1% will screw you just for the fun of it.

Yea I know I heard it at least 5 times, I forgot...

I still remember that crazy person and all the letters to the editor they would write and the Herald would publish.

Yea I know I heard it at least 5 times, I forgot...

I still remember that crazy person and all the letters to the editor they would write and the Herald would publish.

Somebody actually reads the Daily Herald?
"Fair wages"? We already pay "fair wages" based on how many idiots can handle the job we're hiring for.

Here's the way this goes down - We put out an ad in the paper saying we have a job that pays minimum wage. Idiots come in and interview for the job, they want it, even though it's minimum wage. So we hire them. Then a bunch of bleeding heart idiots who have nothing to do with the /contract/ between myself and my MW employee interfere and tell me that I'm not paying the idiot enough. I say, well he accepted the job at MW, that's the contract ~shrug~

Then I'm called "greedy" and "evil" - it's hilarious.

heres the problem with that argument. There's no contract involved. You see, if the minimum wage employee had a contract, he could hold you to account for the parts you aren't living up to.

Most companies are "At Will" employment even for the non-MW jobs. they give you an employee handbook where the first page says "THIS IS NOT A CONTRACT".

What I also find amusing is that you guys will defend your right to hire minimum wage workers and exploit them, but if the guy down the street hires a bunch of illegals at $5.00 an hour, and undercuts your business, you'll be the first ones whining about it.

So not only are you an envious whiny bitch, but you're also clueless...

At-will employment is a term used in U.S. labor law for contractual relationships in which an employee can be dismissed by an employer for any reason (that is, without having to establish "just cause" for termination), and without warning.[1] When an employee is acknowledged as being hired "at will", courts deny the employee any claim for loss resulting from the dismissal. The rule is justified by its proponents on the basis that an employee may be similarly entitled to leave his or her job without reason or warning.[2] In contrast, the practice is seen as unjust by those who view the employment relationship as characterized by inequality of bargaining power.[3]

At-will employment gradually became the default rule under the common law of the employment contract in most states during the late 19th century, and was endorsed by the U.S. Supreme Court during the Lochner era, when members of the U.S. judiciary consciously sought to prevent government regulation of labor markets.[4] Over the 20th century, many states modified the rule by adding an increasing number of exceptions, or by changing the default expectations in the employment contract altogether. In workplaces with a trade union recognized for purposes of collective bargaining, and in many public sector jobs, the normal standard for dismissal is that the employer must have a "just cause". Otherwise, subject to statutory rights (particularly the discrimination prohibitions under the Civil Rights Act), most states adhere to the general principle that employer and employee may contract for the dismissal protection they choose.[5] At-will employment remains controversial, and remains a central topic of debate in the study of law and economics, especially with regard to the macroeconomic efficiency of allowing employers to summarily and arbitrarily terminate employees.

At-will employment is generally described as follows: "any hiring is presumed to be 'at will'; that is, the employer is free to discharge individuals 'for good cause, or bad cause, or no cause at all,' and the employee is equally free to quit, strike, or otherwise cease work."[6] In an October 2000 decision largely reaffirming employers' rights under the at-will doctrine, the Supreme Court of California explained:

[A]n employer may terminate its employees at will, for any or no reason ... the employer may act peremptorily, arbitrarily, or inconsistently, without providing specific protections such as prior warning, fair procedures, objective evaluation, or preferential reassignment ... The mere existence of an employment relationship affords no expectation, protectable by law, that employment will continue, or will end only on certain conditions, unless the parties have actually adopted such terms.[7]


If you don't want to be an at-will employee then ask for a contract. Probably won't get the job because that's typically Union shit, but you never know.

If you decide to take an at-will position well then that's what you get. Same with accepting a MW job.

Stop blaming employers for employees not being willing to look for a better paying contracted jobs. Employers just put out the damn job offer, they don't /force/ anyone to accept the position.
So not only are you an envious whiny bitch, but you're also clueless...

At-will employment is a term used in U.S. labor law for contractual relationships in which an employee can be dismissed by an employer for any reason (that is, without having to establish "just cause" for termination), and without warning

blah, blah, blah... Point is, at-will employment isn't a contract.

Stop blaming employers for employees not being willing to look for a better paying contracted jobs. Employers just put out the damn job offer, they don't /force/ anyone to accept the position.

Wait a minute, how come it is when people can't find jobs, that's obama fault, but if they don't like the jobs they do find, it's their own damned fault?
Yea I read newspapers before the internet not comic books like you.

Well, um, yeah, but you see, I read REAL newspapers like the Sun-Times and Tribune. You know, the kinds that win awards for things called "Journalism"...

The Daily Herald... meh, not so much.
So not only are you an envious whiny bitch, but you're also clueless...

At-will employment is a term used in U.S. labor law for contractual relationships in which an employee can be dismissed by an employer for any reason (that is, without having to establish "just cause" for termination), and without warning

blah, blah, blah... Point is, at-will employment isn't a contract.

Stop blaming employers for employees not being willing to look for a better paying contracted jobs. Employers just put out the damn job offer, they don't /force/ anyone to accept the position.

Wait a minute, how come it is when people can't find jobs, that's obama fault, but if they don't like the jobs they do find, it's their own damned fault?

at-will is a particular kind of unwritten labor contract, it has very specific legal rights attached to both sides.

Stupid people can't find jobs because we've got too many damn unskilled people - also why we have a low entry job pay rate.

As for the latter, yes, is their own damned fault if they stay in a job they don't like, who is /forcing/ them to stay? The only answer there is their own actions and irresponsibility in their lives that now require them to pay for raising a family, apparently straight out of HS with absolutely no job experience or skills. That is /not/ the responsibility of the employer.

The employer's /only/ responsibility is to the non-written at-will labor contract to provide payment at $x per hour for whatever hours the employee worked.

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