Challenge for Democrats: make the case for electing Sleepy Joe Biden without mentioning President Trump!

With the tragedies he has dealt with, I think one of his best qualities is his ability to empathize with people's struggles.

His eulogy at McCain's funeral was extremely well done.
i challenge thee!

You can not make a case of why someone should be President without mentioning your opponent...

As for any question about Biden possible sexual assault we must remember everyone is innocent before proven guilty and the woman accusing Joe Biden should have the case investigated...

If Joe has been found guilty of a crime then yes he should step aside but if it is proven the woman was lying she should be thrown to the lions...

One of them is lying but at least Biden sexual exploits were not his personal Vietnam in the 1980's...

Yes, I had to add that last part because I wanted to but the fact is Biden possible sexual misconduct should not be ignored and should be investigated and anyone using Trump as any excuse or defense are doing so because they know it will annoy those like you...
I credit Biden for treating most people as equals but it kind of crosses a line when tells a dude in a wheelchair to "stand up."

I think he's taking the "we are all equal" thing just a little too literally there.
i challenge thee!

Anyone old enough to remember Biden prior to 2008 should be willing to admit there is only one reason he's where he is today.

and only one reason to consider voting for him in 2020: Trump.:disbelief:

The Money Behind Biden - OpenSecrets News

"His largest contributor over time has been credit card giant MBNA Corp. ($214,100), which, despite being acquired by Bank of America a few years ago, remains atop the list of Biden’s major contributors. As an industry, finance and credit companies have contributed nearly $300,000 to Biden in his career, making them his 12th most generous industry."
Easy, Peasy

Biden is a moderate candidate and pragmatic with a record of working with the other side
He will give us stable leadership

Agreed. His ability to work with the other side would be something we have not seen since Clinton and Reagan; though both Bushes gave a good effort. Obama was arguably the worst at working with the other side given that a significant portion of the “other side” was from within his own party. When that did not work, Republicans and bullshit racism were to blame.

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