Challenge to all posters

The reality is that the DOJ/FBI are overwhelmingly CORRUPT and serve the interests of the Washington Establishment. They hate and despise patriotic Americans. They're filling their ranks with far-left, statist, radicals.

In the near future my Mexican wife and I will be leaving Florida and moving to a little town in the middle of nowhere in southern Mexico and I can't wait to get there!

Nothing you've posted is true. That's not the reality at all.

Goodbye and good riddance. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
The reality is that the DOJ/FBI are overwhelmingly CORRUPT....They hate and despise patriotic Americans. They're filling their ranks with far-left, statist, radicals.
Ah so, perhaps they'll have another QAnon chapter for you down there in old Mexico?

Safe travels. MAGA
Lets test your level of intelligence. The questions are multiple choice. Just choose A. or B.

Do 50 states each have an election in presidential election years or does the United States government hold 1 national election to select a president?

A.) 50 States each hold their own election.
B.) We have a national election to select the president.

Do the people elect the president or do the states elect the president?

A.) The people elect the president.
B.) States elect the president.

Do you know how the electoral college works?

A.) Yes I do. I know the full process of how a president is literally chosen.
B.) No. I just listen to what Trump says. He's smart and honest.

Yes, I understand how the EC works, but the real question is how is this relevent to my post regarding the Democratic base? Remember, it is more Republicans that are in favor of a civics test in order to vote and Democrats who are adamantly opposed. According the Democrats, just like voter id, the motivation is voter disenfranchisement. Why would a very simple civics test disenfranchise more Democrats than Republicans? Why is providing an ID evidently such a challenge to so many Democratic voters?
Yes, I understand how the EC works, but the real question is how is this relevent to my post regarding the Democratic base? Remember, it is more Republicans that are in favor of a civics test in order to vote and Democrats who are adamantly opposed. According the Democrats, just like voter id, the motivation is voter disenfranchisement. Why would a very simple civics test disenfranchise more Democrats than Republicans? Why is providing an ID evidently such a challenge to so many Democratic voters?
Ok. As long as you know that any cheating that took place in 2020 can only be addressed by the state in which the cheating took place. I am a Republican so dumb retarded democrats makes me happy. It’s the stupid moronic retarded idiotic republicans that bother me.

We have 50 separate state elections. The Federal government does not hold elections. If cheating takes place it doesn’t take place in a federal election. The cheating takes place in one of the state elections. They must be discussed separately. You can’t name two or more cheating states at a time and not be mocked by me.
Russell Brand is definitely not somebody I'd put out there backing up my view about any matter. I like challenges but on this one I can't get past the creepy feeling and will only say Jan 6 exemplified Trump's mental limitations rather than any legal matter. Much like linking a Russell Brand video to support a viewpoint.
You can’t name two or more cheating states at a time and not be mocked by me.

It doesn’t take an entire state cheating to swing close elections. In highly populous areas, it only takes a couple of voting locations when the margins are very tight as they were in 2020. It also doesn’t require cheating in every state in close elections. It is only necessary in a few swing states. So to sum up, cheating in just a few polling stations in just a few swing states is enough to win close elections.

Voter ID and stricter election laws are necessary or at the very least a return to the pre-pandemic rules that had been in place for quite some time. The problem is that states with Democratic legislatures aren’t interested in reverting to the old rules or implementing voter id laws.

The federal government counts electoral votes, but there should be some restrictions/rules for the states from which they accept the votes, otherwise, nothing would prevent a state like NY from choosing, for example, to not allow any Republican votes or a state like MS from not allowing any Democrat votes. It is no different than loan regulations that local banks must follow to prevent failures for which the FDIC would ultimately be responsible. We all know what happens when these restrictions are loosened and the loans are sold off in good faith.
It doesn’t take an entire state cheating to swing close elections. In highly populous areas, it only takes a couple of voting locations when the margins are very tight as they were in 2020. It also doesn’t require cheating in every state in close elections. It is only necessary in a few swing states. So to sum up, cheating in just a few polling stations in just a few swing states is enough to win close elections.

Voter ID and stricter election laws are necessary or at the very least a return to the pre-pandemic rules that had been in place for quite some time. The problem is that states with Democratic legislatures aren’t interested in reverting to the old rules or implementing voter id laws.

The federal government counts electoral votes, but there should be some restrictions/rules for the states from which they accept the votes, otherwise, nothing would prevent a state like NY from choosing, for example, to not allow any Republican votes or a state like MS from not allowing any Democrat votes. It is no different than loan regulations that local banks must follow to prevent failures for which the FDIC would ultimately be responsible. We all know what happens when these restrictions are loosened and the loans are sold off in good faith.

Yes. We should lobby our respective state legislatures to fix those laws in the particular state in which we live.
I can just imagine the defense of the Manson Family with family films of them not stabbing pregnant women being used in their defense. It would be laughed at all over the country, the world, and the entire physical universe.

I can just imagine the defense of the Manson Family with family films of them not stabbing pregnant women being used in their defense. It would be laughed at all over the country, the world, and the entire physical universe.

...worst "insurrection ever...
Yes. We should lobby our respective state legislatures to fix those laws in the particular state in which we live.

And what if a rogue state passed laws as agregious as not allowing the opposing party to vote or for the opposing candidates to be on the ballot? Don’t think that is not something that liberal states wouldn’t attempt or wouldn’t be able to get passed. Some states have already attempted to remove Trump their ballots, so it isn’t as if it is out of the realm of possibility that this would actually occur some day, particularly by the extreme left who has lost all sense of reason in recent years. Would it be up to the federal government to not accept electoral votes from that state?
Mentally retarded? Funny stuff. 1/2 of Democrats are just plain stupid, which is why they are largely unsuccessful. Another 1/4 are intelligent but severely brainwashed by academia and the MSM. The remaining 1/4 are ignorant children that get their “news” from TikTok while living off their parent’s dime. That pretty much sums up the constituency of Democratic Party.
Let’s do your party.

Half of Republicans are indoctrinated so heavily by religion or conservative media, they’re never going to think for themselves let alone question the dogma. A quarter have no interest in the truth, so long as the lies are profitable for them. The remainder is fringe lunatics who latch onto conspiracies and the Republican Party feeds them knowing they are easy to manipulate as long as you feed their desire to be acknowledged.

That pretty much sums up the party that has zero principles.
Get rid of the electoral college and elections would essentially be impossible to steal.
So I guess Republicans don‘t care about secure elections then.
Non-sequitur statement. Repubs want to stop dems from cheating even more than they already do with their mass mail-in schemes and extending deadlines so more votes can be "found".
Non-sequitur statement. Repubs want to stop dems from cheating even more than they already do with their mass mail-in schemes and extending deadlines so more votes can be "found".
It makes perfect sense. The electoral college makes it easier to steal elections. Republicans want to keep the electoral college.

Republicans want to keep the electoral college because it’s easier to steal elections that way.

If Dems were cheating and stealing elections, they wouldn’t want to get rid of the electoral college.
It makes perfect sense. The electoral college makes it easier to steal elections. Republicans want to keep the electoral college.
Republicans want to keep the electoral college because it’s easier to steal elections that way.
If Dems were cheating and stealing elections, they wouldn’t want to get rid of the electoral college.
The EC stays. Whine and lie all you want.
The cops must have injured hundreds of the protestors.
The cops would have been within their rights to shoot hundreds of protestors. Their restraint remains one of the more remarkable aspects of the riot.
And what if a rogue state passed laws as agregious as not allowing the opposing party to vote or for the opposing candidates to be on the ballot? Don’t think that is not something that liberal states wouldn’t attempt or wouldn’t be able to get passed. Some states have already attempted to remove Trump their ballots, so it isn’t as if it is out of the realm of possibility that this would actually occur some day, particularly by the extreme left who has lost all sense of reason in recent years. Would it be up to the federal government to not accept electoral votes from that state?
Totally fine with me. I’d rather have that than having a federal election.

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