Challenge to Democrats re: ACA

...I realize you think that way hate anything dem, by your post here alone says that ...

Read it again then. You're totally wrong. In fact, the point of my thread is to call out that very kind of hypocrisy.

your point here is try and point out a hypocrisy in us liberals here .. if the dem party was against the ACA bill, you won't get that from us dem/liberals as LL said its not about party, its about health care ... what it represents ... that's why you're not getting any of us against it even if a republican passed it ... we know a good Idea when we see it... we are liberals we think outside the box ... unlike you republicans do...

I'm not a Republican. And I'd call myself liberal before I'd call myself conservative. All I'm trying to do is get Democrats out there to think about how they might respond to the corporate mandates if the Republicans had brewed them up. I think lots of them would be every bit as mad as the Tea Party folks are now.
I am a liberal...but not a registered Democrat. But I will answer anyway.

I prefer single payer. But the ACA is a step in the right direction.

You actually answered your own question. Liberals supported Romneycare in MA.

Liberals are capable of looking beyond party to see the benefits of something.

well said all he is trying to do is get us to say we would be against anthing republican ... like you say "Liberals are capable of looking beyond party to see the benefits of something." republicans don't have that ability as I see it ...

No, i'm hoping you'll do the opposite. I'm hoping you'll take a moment to consider how you'd be reacting to the mandate to buy insurance from the cronies of Congress if it were Republican legislation. I think lots of you saw how fucked up the idea of the mandate was, at least before it went down. Hell, even Obama saw that: [ame=""]Obama saw that[/ame]

But now you have your partisan blinders on and willingly accept corporate servitude.

as I said we aren't against mandates at all ...where you get that notion from is beyond me .. if a republican made it a mandate, that's fine with me ... you see we liberals understand why don't ... you don't like the Idea of being mandated to pay for something ... that's what republicans are about liberals understand mandates ... we aren't against them ...
well said all he is trying to do is get us to say we would be against anthing republican ... like you say "Liberals are capable of looking beyond party to see the benefits of something." republicans don't have that ability as I see it ...

No, i'm hoping you'll do the opposite. I'm hoping you'll take a moment to consider how you'd be reacting to the mandate to buy insurance from the cronies of Congress if it were Republican legislation. I think lots of you saw how fucked up the idea of the mandate was, at least before it went down. Hell, even Obama saw that: [ame=""]Obama saw that[/ame]

But now you have your partisan blinders on and willingly accept corporate servitude.

as I said we aren't against mandates at all ...where you get that notion from is beyond me .. if a republican made it a mandate, that's fine with me ... you see we liberals understand why don't ... you don't like the Idea of being mandated to pay for something ... that's what republicans are about liberals understand mandates ... we aren't against them ...

I know you're not. I'm saying some Democrats are. Not all of them are corporate whores.
I understand. I'm not really addressing authoritarian rightwingers such as yourself, as much as egalitarian liberals who are, nominally, opposed to corporate/government collusion.

here is what republicans are all about ... they think just because we liberals are against a corporations that we won't accept anything that involves a corporation ... thats the furthers from the truth ... we don't like corporation polluting the air, land, or water for their financial gain ... that doesn't mean we are against corporations, it means we don't think they will be responsible members of the world unless you put regulations on them ... other wise they will do as the please reguardless of the living things of this world

I was referring to who oppose corporations colluding with government to secure profits. I realize that not all liberals, certainly not all Democrats, are against that sort of thing. Some of you actively encourage it.

there isn't any such thing as a liberal of any kind against profit ... they are against profit that pollutes, other then that, I never heard of this egalitarian
liberals you speak of can you point one out to us or is this another word you republicans call liberals ... and I would not call that kind of a person who is against profit, i would call them a conservative socialist
No, i'm hoping you'll do the opposite. I'm hoping you'll take a moment to consider how you'd be reacting to the mandate to buy insurance from the cronies of Congress if it were Republican legislation. I think lots of you saw how fucked up the idea of the mandate was, at least before it went down. Hell, even Obama saw that: Obama saw that

But now you have your partisan blinders on and willingly accept corporate servitude.

as I said we aren't against mandates at all ...where you get that notion from is beyond me .. if a republican made it a mandate, that's fine with me ... you see we liberals understand why don't ... you don't like the Idea of being mandated to pay for something ... that's what republicans are about liberals understand mandates ... we aren't against them ...

I know you're not. I'm saying some Democrats are. Not all of them are corporate whores.

I was talking about liberals

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