Change You Can Believe In! Democrats Didn't Even Have To Vote--And Didn't(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The Obama post-election analysis, at the White House, actually hit the matter spot-right-on. Two Thirds of the electorate didn't even have to vote. Famously Obama listened. They didn't have to!

The Democrats had actually landed in the Red States shouting, "Take Us Away From Your Leader." That happened. The leadership initiatives were in fact on their way to winning, Obama being present or not. Increase of Minimum Wages and the increase of legal Cannabis, happened. Blue State, California, has already voted for what Senator Rand Paul now is for--decriminalizing marginal statutes. Among many diversity populations, that is a Democratic, Liberal agenda, already in place.

Elsewhere it is shown that likely Alaska is trending away from the concept of the Rugged Individual, and more into the usual socialist agenda, like Minimum Wages, and maybe even immigration reform. The candidates ran away from Obama, possibly reliant on mostly the agenda, which got them elected in 2008. Maybe humorously, possibly, the White House obliged and stalled Immigration Reform, for some people(?).

So Actually, The Democrats didn't have to work too hard for, "Change You Can Believe In," and so they didn't! People of the low approval opinion, don't approve of what they voted for--in some states? Voter participation was down in about 40 of the United States, compared with 2012.

Actual election turnout far lower than reported Al Jazeera America

So where did the Republicans have to go to work? Colorado, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Nebraska, Maine, and Wisconsin. In those states, voter participation actually increased over 2012. Democrats decided to show up in mostly North Carolina, and New Hampshire. Voter Participation was down in all the other states.

Republicans did show up, just maybe, in four House Districts in California.

Can anyone follow the bundles of money that must have been changing hands at RNC?! Likely Nixon's famous, "Committee to RE-Elect the President," (CREEP), had nowhere near the suitcases and briefcases needed for this contest. Nixon's campaign was also heavily, cash basis.

Still all they got for it: The usual crotchety, old white male, at the polls. In California, someone has noted that new GOP registrations are only about 17% of the younger new registration total. Democrats may now have to turn to rules about breaking wind, at the polls!

"Change You Can Believe In" is now on the books, and in the recent election.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Many Now Come to Lands of Many Nations--Differently from Immigrants, of centuries gone by!)

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