Charlie Kirk says Trump should add 'positivity' to election bid: Americans 'want their lives back'


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I agree with this sentiment. His opponents are trying to tell Americans, "you're racist, we are a bad country, look at our failures" etc. Trump should tell Americans something to the effect "they want to divide us, they want us to hate our own country, to not belong to anything but the global world of citizens. We are Americans, we are Exceptional, not perfect, but we love our country, we will defend our sovereignty, our economy and our Constitution as we continue to improve and win".

Trump can also focus on his successes towards a better union by working with all communities to improve their economic prospects, to allow them dignity of opportunity and school choice, to ensure fair, justice reform and more accountability of the police etc. To drive America to new heights in space, economic innovation, liberty of all citizens.

People want to feel positive about their economic future and about winning against the enemy. There have to be millions of votes out there just wanting to vote for America First, he just has to sell it in a positive manner along with the usual attacks on the alt-left.

Charlie Kirk says Trump should add 'positivity' to election bid: Americans 'want their lives back'
I agree with this sentiment. His opponents are trying to tell Americans, "you're racist, we are a bad country, look at our failures" etc. Trump should tell Americans something to the effect "they want to divide us, they want us to hate our own country, to not belong to anything but the global world of citizens. We are Americans, we are Exceptional, not perfect, but we love our country, we will defend our sovereignty, our economy and our Constitution as we continue to improve and win".

Trump can also focus on his successes towards a better union by working with all communities to improve their economic prospects, to allow them dignity of opportunity and school choice, to ensure fair, justice reform and more accountability of the police etc. To drive America to new heights in space, economic innovation, liberty of all citizens.

People want to feel positive about their economic future and about winning against the enemy. There have to be millions of votes out there just wanting to vote for America First, he just has to sell it in a positive manner along with the usual attacks on the alt-left.

Charlie Kirk says Trump should add 'positivity' to election bid: Americans 'want their lives back'
As soon as the spikes in cases subside, which they will within a few months, things will get better, very quickly.
For our nations birthday the Trump scum sows division This pos isn't fit to be a dog cather much less President
WASHINGTON (AP) — On a day meant for unity and celebration, President Donald Trump vowed to “safeguard our values” from enemies within — leftists, looters, agitators, he said — in a Fourth of July speech packed with all the grievances and combativeness of his political rallies.

Trump watched paratroopers float to the ground in a tribute to America, greeted his audience of front-line medical workers and others central in responding to the coronavirus pandemic, and opened up on those who “slander” him and disrespect the country's past.

“We are now in the process of defeating the radical left, the anarchists, the agitators, the looters, and the people who, in many instances, have absolutely no clue what they are doing,” he said. "We will never allow an angry mob to tear down our statues, erase our history, indoctrinate our children.

"And we will defend, protect and preserve (the) American way of life, which began in 1492 when Columbus discovered America.”

He did not mention the dead from the pandemic. Nearly 130,000 are known to have died from COVID-19 in the U.S.

Even as officials across the country pleaded with Americans to curb their enthusiasm for large Fourth of July crowds, Trump enticed the masses with a “special evening” of tribute and fireworks staged with new U.S. coronavirus infections on the rise.

But the crowds wandering the National Mall for the night's air show and fireworks were strikingly thinner than the gathering for last year's jammed celebration on the Mall.

Many who showed up wore masks, unlike those seated close together for Trump's South Lawn event, and distancing was easy to do for those scattered across the sprawling space.
His speeches over the last 2 days were very positive, very patriotic, and very uplifting.

The vast majority of Americans see through this woke shit. Trump will win big in November.
Quote the positive, uplifting parts.

" We are now in the process of defeating the radical left, the anarchists, the agitators, the looters...We will never allow an angry mob to tear down our statues, erase our history, indoctrinate our children. "
His speeches over the last 2 days were very positive, very patriotic, and very uplifting.

The vast majority of Americans see through this woke shit. Trump will win big in November.
Quote the positive, uplifting parts.

hmmm, so twitchey witchey is back. did you watch any of it? Extolling the greatness of this country is very positive and uplifting. But I know that you hate this country and everything it stands for so I understand why you did not get the message.

Please go back to your lesbian love forum. Adults are discussing things here.
His speeches over the last 2 days were very positive, very patriotic, and very uplifting.

The vast majority of Americans see through this woke shit. Trump will win big in November.
Quote the positive, uplifting parts.

" We are now in the process of defeating the radical left, the anarchists, the agitators, the looters...We will never allow an angry mob to tear down our statues, erase our history, indoctrinate our children. "
That's positive and "uplifting"? I guess to a Trumpster....
His speeches over the last 2 days were very positive, very patriotic, and very uplifting.

The vast majority of Americans see through this woke shit. Trump will win big in November.
Quote the positive, uplifting parts.

hmmm, so twitchey witchey is back. did you watch any of it? Extolling the greatness of this country is very positive and uplifting. But I know that you hate this country and everything it stands for so I understand why you did not get the message.

Please go back to your lesbian love forum. Adults are discussing things here.
Quotes, Fishy, not the tingle you get up your leg when your dear leader speaks.
His speeches over the last 2 days were very positive, very patriotic, and very uplifting.

The vast majority of Americans see through this woke shit. Trump will win big in November.
Quote the positive, uplifting parts.

" We are now in the process of defeating the radical left, the anarchists, the agitators, the looters...We will never allow an angry mob to tear down our statues, erase our history, indoctrinate our children. "
That's positive and "uplifting"? I guess to a Trumpster....

We hate the left's guts, they are worthless scum. So yeah.
His speeches over the last 2 days were very positive, very patriotic, and very uplifting.

The vast majority of Americans see through this woke shit. Trump will win big in November.

I thought his last State of the Union speech was his best, he has to get back to that form. He can sprinkle in the dealing with the alt-left, but he shouldn't give them more credit than they deserve. Just as he wisely didn't over reach when dealing with Seattle, and look how bad local leadership looks now? They are being sued by businesses.

Be smart, be positive, don't take the bait the radicals dangle, don't go after low hanging fruit, don't believe the polls, they are meant to get him off track. Show Americans why YOU are going to bring prosperity and happiness to them by standing up for America First, don't just point out the wingnuts on the other side.

Yes, you do call them out for what they are, but he shouldn't make it his focus, just make it a reasonably covered bullet point as a reminder to Americans.
His speeches over the last 2 days were very positive, very patriotic, and very uplifting.

The vast majority of Americans see through this woke shit. Trump will win big in November.
Quote the positive, uplifting parts.

" We are now in the process of defeating the radical left, the anarchists, the agitators, the looters...We will never allow an angry mob to tear down our statues, erase our history, indoctrinate our children. "
The man is a 100% divider not a uniter He belongs in a sanitarium not in our WH Unfortunately some of his supporters do too
His speeches over the last 2 days were very positive, very patriotic, and very uplifting.

The vast majority of Americans see through this woke shit. Trump will win big in November.
Quote the positive, uplifting parts.

to your sig pic. exactly what part of your body do you wear a fucking mask on?
Your naked emperor seems to think you wear it over your eyes.

Trump Mocked For Claiming His Face Mask Makes Him Look Like 'Lone Ranger'
His speeches over the last 2 days were very positive, very patriotic, and very uplifting.

The vast majority of Americans see through this woke shit. Trump will win big in November.
Quote the positive, uplifting parts.

" We are now in the process of defeating the radical left, the anarchists, the agitators, the looters...We will never allow an angry mob to tear down our statues, erase our history, indoctrinate our children. "
The man is a 100% divider not a uniter He belongs in a sanitarium not in our WH Unfortunately some of his supporters do too

dumb as a sack of frog feet, Eddie. You have the brains of a road kill toad. Your leftist indoctrination is complete, you are totally incapable to cogent thought, all you are is a talking point repeating puppet of your leftist masters.
His speeches over the last 2 days were very positive, very patriotic, and very uplifting.

The vast majority of Americans see through this woke shit. Trump will win big in November.
Quote the positive, uplifting parts.

" We are now in the process of defeating the radical left, the anarchists, the agitators, the looters...We will never allow an angry mob to tear down our statues, erase our history, indoctrinate our children. "
That's positive and "uplifting"? I guess to a Trumpster....

We hate the left's guts, they are worthless scum. So yeah.
Back at you trailer trash
His speeches over the last 2 days were very positive, very patriotic, and very uplifting.

The vast majority of Americans see through this woke shit. Trump will win big in November.
Quote the positive, uplifting parts.

to your sig pic. exactly what part of your body do you wear a fucking mask on?
Your naked emperor seems to think you wear it over your eyes.

Trump Mocked For Claiming His Face Mask Makes Him Look Like 'Lone Ranger'

actually the eyes are an easy entry point for any infection or virus. Try reading the disclaimer on the mask packaging next time, fool. It specifically states that the mask does not prevent the spread of any virus including covid 19. You are being duped but you are too dumb to realize it.
His speeches over the last 2 days were very positive, very patriotic, and very uplifting.

The vast majority of Americans see through this woke shit. Trump will win big in November.
Quote the positive, uplifting parts.

" We are now in the process of defeating the radical left, the anarchists, the agitators, the looters...We will never allow an angry mob to tear down our statues, erase our history, indoctrinate our children. "
The man is a 100% divider not a uniter He belongs in a sanitarium not in our WH Unfortunately some of his supporters do too

So much Dem projection in a single post. ^^^
His speeches over the last 2 days were very positive, very patriotic, and very uplifting.

The vast majority of Americans see through this woke shit. Trump will win big in November.
Quote the positive, uplifting parts.

" We are now in the process of defeating the radical left, the anarchists, the agitators, the looters...We will never allow an angry mob to tear down our statues, erase our history, indoctrinate our children. "
The man is a 100% divider not a uniter He belongs in a sanitarium not in our WH Unfortunately some of his supporters do too

dumb as a sack of frog feet, Eddie. You have the brains of a road kill toad. Your leftist indoctrination is complete, you are totally incapable to cogent thought, all you are is a talking point repeating puppet of your leftist masters.
You may be rig
His speeches over the last 2 days were very positive, very patriotic, and very uplifting.

The vast majority of Americans see through this woke shit. Trump will win big in November.
Quote the positive, uplifting parts.

" We are now in the process of defeating the radical left, the anarchists, the agitators, the looters...We will never allow an angry mob to tear down our statues, erase our history, indoctrinate our children. "
The man is a 100% divider not a uniter He belongs in a sanitarium not in our WH Unfortunately some of his supporters do too

dumb as a sack of frog feet, Eddie. You have the brains of a road kill toad. Your leftist indoctrination is complete, you are totally incapable to cogent thought, all you are is a talking point repeating puppet of your leftist masters.
RED you might be right BUT at least I know the words to "God bless America" Your AH President doesn't as he showed the world on TV A GD Putin boot licker

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