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Trump is God!
Hardly.....Conservatives don't prescribe to such behavior / notions of elevating politicians to 'deity' status, as snowflakes did by elevating Barry to 'Messiah' status....

In reality, Barry was just another crooked product of Chicago, a 'carrier' for his father's hatred for America and desire to see to eliminated as both a world power and influence, a terrorist sympathizer, a pupil of Communist Frank Marshall Davis, a student of Socialist Saul Alensky, a mentored student of racist anti-American hate-spewing Jeremiah Wright, and friend of domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers. He was a scam artist and would-be dictator who ignored and violated both Constitution and Rule of Law to push his own socialist ideology / agenda in order to 'fundamentally change' America...which he failed to do. In fact, his 'legacy' has almost been entirely erased...except as the President responsible for the biggest criminal scandal in US history.

Barry, in reality, does not deserve status as a 'deity'...not even with a small 'g' ('god').
So much for that white privilege theory. :laugh:

Uhhhh, no.

Neo-nazi nimwits and White Privilege pukes are two very, very different groups.

*White Privilege pukes accept that only White people made America great then they live it by giving back only 'some of' what we've stole from negros, over 400yrs, whereas
*Neo-Nazi feels as though dark skin is a curse therefore Negros still owe us White people for U.S. Slavery when we rescued them from mud hats and the African Bush.
Well, aren't they much better off now ?
Or is your chosen lifestyle living in a mudhut in the African bush ?

Think about this for a second...

What if Blacks view You as a sorryASS, trifling, dumb White boy. And, they feel that I am too.

...now, that being said...

who the f*ck are we? to claim we made other humans' lifestyles better by forcing them to go 400yrs toiling through our racist society of White Privilege. Be careful, for your statement can be misconstrued and get you labeled as a sick, deranged racist spewing something so self-centered re: uprooting negros from their habitat.

OMG. Some people REALLY need to get over this slavery thing. The left has been conning the blacks with this dishonest B.S. for years.

If you want to talk about slavery, why not talk about the blacks that sold their own brethren into slavery? Wonder why there's no hurt feelings there? The big slaving companies... hmmm... bet that big money is still in corporate America, holding down the slave wage earners. Oh... let us not forget it was NOT the whites that started slavery.

And why does the left make such a big deal about the issue? The 14th Amendment makes them look good on the surface, but it changed America from a Republic with unalienable Rights to a socialist democracy where we have NO Rights and the left gets to taunt the rest of America with a phony sense of instilled guilt that over 93 percent of the people NEVER engaged in.

And no more quotas, even private ones, for Blacks. Hair Rump!
FAKE NEWS! They had no permit for their Nazi Tiki Torch Hate rally at night!
But you knew that already!

Out of the mouth of ignorant snowflakes come lies and false narratives they have been programmed to parrot:

"Officials tried to revoke Kessler’s permit to protest the removal of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee. A judge rejected the city’s attempt to move Kessler’s protest to another spot in the city."

The White Supremacists DID have a permit to protest. The city attempted to revoke that permit, but they were legally prevented from doing so.

I am sure you did NOT know that because you are stupid, but I would not be shocked to find out that you DID know this and only claimed they did not because you are a liar.

The ACLU has been a liberal darling. Charlottesville may have changed that

The ACLU defended the White Supremacists' 1st Amendment Constitutional Rights and were accused of being responsible for the violence in Charlottesville for successfully doing so, falsely accused by ignorant snowflakes like YOU.

Again, the leader of Antifa during the attack / violence in Charlottesville later publicly admitted they showed up that day, geared up and carrying weapons, with the full intent of INSTIGATING violence against the White Supremacists, which they did. Antifa had no permit, as they did not need one - they came to Charlottesville admittedly to criminally assault and physically attack the White Supremacists, not to engage in a peaceful counter-protest.

The ACLU is a perfect example of an organization that was / is (in this case at least) completely OBJECTIVE / NON-PARTISAN in defending Americans' Constitutional rights.

Whether you support or oppose the views of the White Supremacists - and the ACLU definitely does NOT support their views - the W.S. still have / had the Constitutional rights of Free Speech and to Peacefully assemble.

ANTIFA initiated the violence.

President Trump was right.

And I just proved you are wrong.

So it was the white supremacists and not the Nazis who were the “very fine people” the blob was referring to?

Well yeah you've got it. But the OP posted by a guy who is generally on a racist angle had sort of the opposite take. And it takes one to keep trying to deny Rump said what he said very Clearly.
OMG. Some people REALLY need to get over this slavery thing. The left has been conning the blacks with this dishonest B.S. for years.

If you want to talk about slavery, why not talk about the blacks that sold their own brethren into slavery? Wonder why there's no hurt feelings there? The big slaving companies... hmmm... bet that big money is still in corporate America, holding down the slave wage earners. Oh... let us not forget it was NOT the whites that started slavery.

And why does the left make such a big deal about the issue? The 14th Amendment makes them look good on the surface, but it changed America from a Republic with unalienable Rights to a socialist democracy where we have NO Rights and the left gets to taunt the rest of America with a phony sense of instilled guilt that over 93 percent of the people NEVER engaged in.

The Democrats replaced physical slavery (whips , chains, etc...) with 'economic slavery' - a complete dependence on the govt /Democrats for 'free' social program, tax payer-funded hand-outs just to survive....ensuring their loyalty to the Democrats to ensure the 'freebies' keep coming.

In a way, Trump is with liberating people from 'economic' slavery as Abraham Lincoln was to freeing people from physical slavery.....and the Democrats' response to the most successful President in 50 years, in some cases ever, is to give their nomination to a communist-in-socialist-clothing who praises Castro and is oppressive Communist government.

The Democrats replaced physical slavery (whips , chains, etc...) with 'economic slavery' - a complete dependence on the govt /Democrats for 'free' social program, tax payer-funded hand-outs just to survive....ensuring their loyalty to the Democrats to ensure the 'freebies' keep coming.
Did you attend some sort of Koch funded re-education camp for whack job conservatives?
OMG. Some people REALLY need to get over this slavery thing. The left has been conning the blacks with this dishonest B.S. for years.

If you want to talk about slavery, why not talk about the blacks that sold their own brethren into slavery? Wonder why there's no hurt feelings there? The big slaving companies... hmmm... bet that big money is still in corporate America, holding down the slave wage earners. Oh... let us not forget it was NOT the whites that started slavery.

And why does the left make such a big deal about the issue? The 14th Amendment makes them look good on the surface, but it changed America from a Republic with unalienable Rights to a socialist democracy where we have NO Rights and the left gets to taunt the rest of America with a phony sense of instilled guilt that over 93 percent of the people NEVER engaged in.

The Democrats replaced physical slavery (whips , chains, etc...) with 'economic slavery' - a complete dependence on the govt /Democrats for 'free' social program, tax payer-funded hand-outs just to survive....ensuring their loyalty to the Democrats to ensure the 'freebies' keep coming.

In a way, Trump is with liberating people from 'economic' slavery as Abraham Lincoln was to freeing people from physical slavery.....and the Democrats' response to the most successful President in 50 years, in some cases ever, is to give their nomination to a communist-in-socialist-clothing who praises Castro and is oppressive Communist government.


The Dems / left are getting to play both sides of the issue and not getting called out enough.
Well yeah you've got it. But the OP posted by a guy who is generally on a racist angle had sort of the opposite take. And it takes one to keep trying to deny Rump said what he said very Clearly.
President Trump stated the violence in Charlottesville was not the fault of White Supremacists alone. He was 100% correct.

All evidence shows the White Supremacists acquired a legal permit to exercise their 1st Amendment Rights to peacefully assemble and of Freedom of Speech. This is NOT DISPUTABLE.

All evidence shows Antifa showed up in Charlottesville without any legal permit to assemble and with the publicly admitted intent of INITIATING violence against the White Supremacists, which they did.

President Trump was right....and perhaps that s what burns the collective asses of snowflakes.

Perhaps the reason the ACLU caught so much shit from snowflakes was because Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats and snowflakes really AREN'T 'tolerant' of anyone, do not give a damn about the Constitution / Law if / when others express opinions / ideology they do not like / approve of.

Like it or not, the White Supremacists had both the Constitutional and Legal right to be in Charlottesville and to protest that day.

Antifa, who btw was proven to have taken money from the Russians in 2016 to spread racial division and violence, did not have the Constitutional or Legal right to assemble for the purpose of initiating and carrying out acts of violence.

Any attempt to blame the President for pointing out the obvious is simply voiced frustration and hatred of the President while defending and supporting Fascist thugs who aided Russia (along with BLM and the Black Fist) to divide the nation.

some sort of Koch funded re-education camp for whack job conservatives?
No, I posted FACT and evidence that debunked your ignorance and your defense of failed lying racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, primary-rigging, emotion-manipulating, Trump-hating, criminal Democrats.
President Trump stated the violence in Charlottesville was not the fault of White Supremacists alone. He was 100% correct.

Trump’s new defense of his Charlottesville comments is incredibly false
The 2017 “Unite the Right” rally was organized by and intended for white supremacists and white nationalists.
Trump’s new defense of his Charlottesville comments is incredibly false

Unite the Right was explicitly organized and branded as a far-right, racist, and white supremacist event by far-right racist white supremacists. This was clear for months before the march actually occurred. So by casting the rally instead as a sort of spontaneous outpouring from Confederate statue enthusiasts, Trump is rewriting history.

What Trump should have known about Unite the Right
The Unite the Right rally, which was scheduled to take place on August 12, 2017, was the most visible display of white nationalist and white supremacist hate en masse in the United States in years. And it was branded as such long before it took place.

The Unite the Right rally was the third such event in Charlottesville in 2017 — and each of these rallies was led and supported by self-proclaimed white nationalists and racists, apparently invigorated by an April 2017 decision by the Charlottesville City Council to remove a statue of Robert E. Lee from Lee Park.

At the time, Confederate statues and monuments across the country were under increased scrutiny, especially following the murder of nine black churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina, by an avowed racist who enjoyed Confederate symbology.

In May 2017, white nationalist Richard Spencer led a rally and torchlit parade through Lee Park, where attendees chanted “You will not replace us” and “Blood and soil.” In response, the chair of the Charlottesville Republican Party released a statement saying, “Whoever these people were, the intolerance and hatred they seek to promote is utterly disgusting and disturbing beyond words.”
It wasn't really a riot but Trump had nothing to do with Charlottesville anyway. The racist democrat governor of Va. bused thugs to the city and allegedly told the Troopers to stand back and watch the fun. Gov Northam admits to blackface follies in college and even KKK antics but hypocrite democrats would rather blame Trump.
Well yeah you've got it. But the OP posted by a guy who is generally on a racist angle had sort of the opposite take. And it takes one to keep trying to deny Rump said what he said very Clearly.
President Trump stated the violence in Charlottesville was not the fault of White Supremacists alone. He was 100% correct.

All evidence shows the White Supremacists acquired a legal permit to exercise their 1st Amendment Rights to peacefully assemble and of Freedom of Speech. This is NOT DISPUTABLE.

All evidence shows Antifa showed up in Charlottesville without any legal permit to assemble and with the publicly admitted intent of INITIATING violence against the White Supremacists, which they did.

President Trump was right....and perhaps that s what burns the collective asses of snowflakes.

Perhaps the reason the ACLU caught so much shit from snowflakes was because Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats and snowflakes really AREN'T 'tolerant' of anyone, do not give a damn about the Constitution / Law if / when others express opinions / ideology they do not like / approve of.

Like it or not, the White Supremacists had both the Constitutional and Legal right to be in Charlottesville and to protest that day.

Antifa, who btw was proven to have taken money from the Russians in 2016 to spread racial division and violence, did not have the Constitutional or Legal right to assemble for the purpose of initiating and carrying out acts of violence.

Any attempt to blame the President for pointing out the obvious is simply voiced frustration and hatred of the President while defending and supporting Fascist thugs who aided Russia (along with BLM and the Black Fist) to divide the nation.
"Like it or not, the White Supremacists had both the Constitutional and Legal right to be in Charlottesville and to protest that day."

So it was the white supremacists who are very fine people?

Thanks for clarifying.
Well yeah you've got it. But the OP posted by a guy who is generally on a racist angle had sort of the opposite take. And it takes one to keep trying to deny Rump said what he said very Clearly.
President Trump stated the violence in Charlottesville was not the fault of White Supremacists alone. He was 100% correct.

All evidence shows the White Supremacists acquired a legal permit to exercise their 1st Amendment Rights to peacefully assemble and of Freedom of Speech. This is NOT DISPUTABLE.

All evidence shows Antifa showed up in Charlottesville without any legal permit to assemble and with the publicly admitted intent of INITIATING violence against the White Supremacists, which they did.

President Trump was right....and perhaps that s what burns the collective asses of snowflakes.

Perhaps the reason the ACLU caught so much shit from snowflakes was because Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats and snowflakes really AREN'T 'tolerant' of anyone, do not give a damn about the Constitution / Law if / when others express opinions / ideology they do not like / approve of.

Like it or not, the White Supremacists had both the Constitutional and Legal right to be in Charlottesville and to protest that day.

Antifa, who btw was proven to have taken money from the Russians in 2016 to spread racial division and violence, did not have the Constitutional or Legal right to assemble for the purpose of initiating and carrying out acts of violence.

Any attempt to blame the President for pointing out the obvious is simply voiced frustration and hatred of the President while defending and supporting Fascist thugs who aided Russia (along with BLM and the Black Fist) to divide the nation.
"Like it or not, the White Supremacists had both the Constitutional and Legal right to be in Charlottesville and to protest that day."

So it was the white supremacists who are very fine people?

Thanks for clarifying.

Yup. easyt65 stepped in that one. Now we have to hear how white supremacists aren’t bad people. Lol
President Trump stated the violence in Charlottesville was not the fault of White Supremacists alone. He was 100% correct.

Trump’s new defense of his Charlottesville comments is incredibly false
The 2017 “Unite the Right” rally was organized by and intended for white supremacists and white nationalists.
Trump’s new defense of his Charlottesville comments is incredibly false

Unite the Right was explicitly organized and branded as a far-right, racist, and white supremacist event by far-right racist white supremacists. This was clear for months before the march actually occurred. So by casting the rally instead as a sort of spontaneous outpouring from Confederate statue enthusiasts, Trump is rewriting history.

What Trump should have known about Unite the Right
The Unite the Right rally, which was scheduled to take place on August 12, 2017, was the most visible display of white nationalist and white supremacist hate en masse in the United States in years. And it was branded as such long before it took place.

The Unite the Right rally was the third such event in Charlottesville in 2017 — and each of these rallies was led and supported by self-proclaimed white nationalists and racists, apparently invigorated by an April 2017 decision by the Charlottesville City Council to remove a statue of Robert E. Lee from Lee Park.

At the time, Confederate statues and monuments across the country were under increased scrutiny, especially following the murder of nine black churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina, by an avowed racist who enjoyed Confederate symbology.

In May 2017, white nationalist Richard Spencer led a rally and torchlit parade through Lee Park, where attendees chanted “You will not replace us” and “Blood and soil.” In response, the chair of the Charlottesville Republican Party released a statement saying, “Whoever these people were, the intolerance and hatred they seek to promote is utterly disgusting and disturbing beyond words.”

Nice attempt to spin.....In the article I linked to, the permit granted to the White Supremacists stated the protest was over the confederate monuments / statues....


“Whoever these people were, the intolerance and hatred they seek to promote is utterly disgusting and disturbing beyond words."


It is obvious you STILL don't get it, STILL do not understand the 1st Amendment!

'Utterly disgusting'...'Disturbing beyond words'...'Racist'...'Hateful'....

ABSOLUTELY, I AGREE.....but the right to have and voice such beliefs is protected under the constitution's 1st Amendment.

Antifa HAD NO CONSTITUTIONAL OR LEGAL RIGHT TO SHOW UP AND INITIATE VIOLENCE, TO ATTACK THIS GROUP....PERIOD. What YOU THINK about their ideology / beliefs does NOT give you or anyone else the right to physically assault them....and a JUDGE made it clear that disagreeing with their ideology was NOT grounds for rescinding their legal permit to exercise their Constitutional Rights.

Rabid Trump-hating snowflakes attempted to falsely brand the President a 'Racist' because he defended and upheld their Constitutional Rights, which was in his oath of office and part of his job.

You f*ing Trump haters need to let this go, and chalk this one up as yet another LOSS.

The very 1st thing Trump stated was the White Supremacists were not to blame alone for the violence in Charlottesville - he was right.
- Even the article you posted admitted that is the 1st thing the President said by claiming his 'NEW' defense is'....


"What Trump should have known about Unite the Right"

The ONLY thing the President Trump - as President - needed to know is that the US Constitution's 1st Amendment protects the rights of EVERY Americans - even White Supremacists - to peacefully assemble and of Freedom of Speech!

Last edited:
My own take on this whole thing was that the protestors, protesting the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee (Confederate General), were conducting a legal protest march, with a permit. Along the way, they encountered a large group of counterprotestors, who were illegally sitting in the street, blocking traffic and the march too.
The organizers of the march were neo-Nazis and white supremacists. Got anything else?
1. I don't see anything from you but a comment lacking source,/link.

2. Who organizes a protest march is less relevant than what is being protested, and who is doing the protesting. From what I've heard, that was mostly local people upset that a statue in their park was being removed. So?
So............they were legally being neo-Nazis and white supremacists while beating those who protested their bigotry. Got it.
Not to mention nazis are and were socialists. The left really hate that fact. More than every other fact we tell them that they despise. They despise that fact the most cause very few facts threaten their agenda than that fact.

They really really hate that fact.

They want closed borders to keep people out.

Sounds like Impeached Trump is one of them.

Yeah, every country (including all of the brown shitholes) have laws about their borders.

Certainly the acquitted Trump has said that. Especially about the stink shitholes that none of you limp wristed left wing elitist trust fund losers would ever visit.

You poor con, they were spouting the same shit as Impeached Trump. They're his base.
They were protesting removal of a statue, and I agree with them.


"Unite the right," dumbfuck.

Media dupe. :icon_rolleyes:
It was all an ATIFA plot! There actually were no Trump supporting White Suprematists and Nazis. Instead it was ANTIFA provaters dressed up masquerading like them all in an effort to MOCK our God Given White President!
another fking idiot that doesn't know what Nazis actually did. son learn you some history before you type.
I only know what my God Given Presdient tells me! Hair Trump!
so you confirm you're ignorant because you don't know historical events. wow. let me know when the president tried to take americans guns or their 1st amendment rights. I can tell you on the other side of that,
Trump is God!
god is god. trump is president. and nazi's took guns and took freedom away from countrymen. And wanted to take that globally. Tell me when trump did that.
I would not leave a protest that I was legitimately protesting in no matter who came along and joined it. It would not be up to me to leave. It would be up to you to distinguish what each person is protesting about.
BULLSHIT! You wouldn't leave because you ARE a Neo-NAZI.
NAZIs are not “very fine people”. The blob was wrong
Are you nothing but a sponge for the anti-Trump media ? What % of the protestors were Nazis ? 50%? 20 ?

And of those carrying torches, how many were actually Nazis, and how many posing as that ?

I'll bet you have no answer to either of those questions.
Not to mention nazis are and were socialists. The left really hate that fact. More than every other fact we tell them that they despise. They despise that fact the most cause very few facts threaten their agenda than that fact.

They really really hate that fact.

They want closed borders to keep people out.

Sounds like Impeached Trump is one of them.

Today, on the TV show The View, Whoopi Goldberg, made what appeared to be a disparaging remark about the post Charlottesville riot remark of President Trump that "you also had people that were very fine people on both sides."

After the Charlottesville riot, April 12, 2017, President Trump made a comment.
from Real Clear Politics >>
Here are the unambiguous actual words of President Trump:

“Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”

After another question at that press conference, Trump became even more explicit:

“I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.”

My own take on this whole thing was that the protestors, protesting the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee (Confederate General), were conducting a legal protest march, with a permit. Along the way, they encountered a large group of counterprotestors, who were illegally sitting in the street, blocking traffic and the march too.

So now we look at the identities of both groups. Whether some or all of the protestors were actually neo-Nazis, or just agent provocateurs, it is known that some, if not most, of the protestors were not radicals of any sort, and were simply exercising their constitutional rights to protest the removal of the statue.

On the counterprotestor side, I would like to think that there may have been some good people too, who were not breaking any laws, or creating trouble, but I honestly don't know that.

So in retrospect, I would say I believe Trump may or my not have been right. To clearly establish his comment as correct, we would have to be able to confirm if any of the leftist counterprotestors were not blocking traffic, starting fights, or engaging in wrongdoing. At this time, I am unable to do that, so I would say that the accuracy of his comment I undeterminable.

See the facts about the Charlottesville riot. You decide what they mean. - Fabius Maximus website
Who were the very fine people on the right...?


The thousands of people protesting the removal of a Robert E Lee statue, and doing it legally and properly.

So who were the very fine people on the left ? Surely not those illegally sitting in the street, and blocking traffic, and blocking a legal march, and fighting and causing a riot.

Maybe there were a FEW fine people among those leftist counter protestors. So far though, no one here has been able to identify any of them.
Those were the racists. The neonazis, the white supremacists and white nationalists, and KKK. That's who held the rally.
I'm not sure what you mean by "held", but from some objective reports, the majority of protestors were just local people who objected to a statue they had seen, all their lives, in their local park, being removed.

Sounds like you're just another dupe of the mainstream, leftist, fake media.

If you don't know who held that rally, you have no business talking about it. Look at the posters I showed. Then you'll see who held it.

This moronic notion has already been obliterated. No need to keep advertising your media dupeness. We got that already.

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