Chavez is dead

The elation you conservatives feel about the death of this two bit what we Liberals felt when Osama Bin Laden shuffled off the mortal coil.

Time Square party for Osama Bin Laden death - New York 10 - YouTube

Relish it guys.

I'm pretty sure the whole of America felt a sense of elation when Osama bin Laden went down.


Feel free to show me the same sort of Party that happened in New York or Washington or Pennsylvannia..happening in Mississippi or Alabama or Texas.

This is what conservatives said AFTER Bin Laden's attack.

[ame=]Falwell and Robertson on The 700 Club after 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]
As a thugish Dictator, Chavez rated pretty low on the totem pole. He was no Pinochet or Marcos and his big claim to fame was nationalizing the oil companies and insulting George W. Bush.

The fiend.
I was always on the fence as far as my feelings about Hugo Chavez went. With state run propaganda from both Venezuela and the US we may never know how bad Chavez really was. While I'm sure we was just as corrupt as most politicians, I somehow doubt he was as great of a threat as the US government made him out to be.
I was always on the fence as far as my feelings about Hugo Chavez went. With state run propaganda from both Venezuela and the US we may never know how bad Chavez really was. While I'm sure we was just as corrupt as most politicians, I somehow doubt he was as great of a threat as the US government made him out to be.

Oh you'd know.

We have plenty of spooks on the ground there.
Good riddance

Really? Being glad someone is dead over political ideology?
Well, Ace, some people aren't too thrilled with having a Russian missile base within firing distance of NYC and other US population centers from Venezuela, and Chavez initiated the deal. That undid a hundred years of making friends with the Russians through artistic and space joint endeavors.

The world is not a better place when threats are prospered to bear down on innocent people for their decimation and genocide.

How many US military bases are within firing distance of Moscow? With our advanced missile technology I'm going to go out on a limb and guess all of them. But I'm sure the Russians are thrilled.
As a thugish Dictator, Chavez rated pretty low on the totem pole. He was no Pinochet or Marcos and his big claim to fame was nationalizing the oil companies and insulting George W. Bush.

The fiend.

He was no better than Assad, Mubarak, or Qaddafi.

But then Obama didn't feel he must leave power.

Maybe because Obama saw a bit of himself in Chavez.

Obama said he's not a dictator......but I'm sure he wishes he was. He sort of envied Chavez. Dictators don't have to deal with "this messy Democracy".

As a thugish Dictator, Chavez rated pretty low on the totem pole. He was no Pinochet or Marcos and his big claim to fame was nationalizing the oil companies and insulting George W. Bush.

The fiend.

He was no better than Assad, Mubarak, or Qaddafi.

But then Obama didn't feel he must leave power.

Maybe because Obama saw a bit of himself in Chavez.

Obama said he's not a dictator......but I'm sure he wishes he was. He sort of envied Chavez. Dictators don't have to deal with "this messy Democracy".


Dictators...kings...emperors... Obama envies the absolute power of all of them.
As a thugish Dictator, Chavez rated pretty low on the totem pole. He was no Pinochet or Marcos and his big claim to fame was nationalizing the oil companies and insulting George W. Bush.

The fiend.

He was no better than Assad, Mubarak, or Qaddafi.

But then Obama didn't feel he must leave power.

Maybe because Obama saw a bit of himself in Chavez.

Obama said he's not a dictator......but I'm sure he wishes he was. He sort of envied Chavez. Dictators don't have to deal with "this messy Democracy".


Dictators...kings...emperors... Obama envies the absolute power of all of them.

they all envy me.
It must be your sparkling poi-son-ality.
This guy took a lickin' and kept on tickin'.

If I were him I would be mighty pissed after reading this: "According to Dr. Jose Marquina, who has become well known for having the only information on the Venezuelan president's condition that has proved over time to be accurate, the Cuban doctors are at least partially at fault for the Venezuelan leader's imminent demise. He has said that the Cubans misdiagnosed the cancer, treating Chávez with chemotherapy and other treatments designed for the wrong type of cancer. This made the disease resistant and impossible to treat, while causing other complications which affected not only Chávez's life expectancy but also the quality of what life remained.

If there was anybody that could expect the very best Cuban medicine had to offer, it was the Castro's five billion dollar man. This makes the upcoming death of Chávez that much more embarrassing for the Castros, because the velocity at which the strongman has deteriorated is due in no small part to the incompetence of the Cuban doctors at Cimeq - the hospital of choice for the communist party leaders."
Cuban Medicine Killed Hugo Chavez | Fox News Latino
It's too bad that people will not know about this where political oppressors would cover the story up.

I only know that I grew up in a world where Venezuelans were friends, and after Hugo Chavez, newspeople were afraid to speak, and he cancelled the constitution to wage a war of lies against America.

I'm sorry that happened to those who were enjoying freedom in Venezuela. Many of them are now dead. :(
The biggest problem Americans have is the belief that everyone wants to be free. Chavez was more popular with his people than Bush when he left office. I'm sure the country is in mourning.

Some will mourn others will not. "We are not celebrating death," Ana San Jorge, 37, said amid a jubilant crowd in the Miami suburb of Doral. "We are celebrating the opening of a new door, of hope and change." Many in Florida's large Venezuelan community and other such pockets around the U.S. are stridently anti-Chavez and had fled their home country in response to the policies his government instituted."

Chavez death: Venezuelans in US hopeful of change - Houston Chronicle
The biggest problem Americans have is the belief that everyone wants to be free. Chavez was more popular with his people than Bush when he left office. I'm sure the country is in mourning.

Some will mourn others will not. "We are not celebrating death," Ana San Jorge, 37, said amid a jubilant crowd in the Miami suburb of Doral. "We are celebrating the opening of a new door, of hope and change." Many in Florida's large Venezuelan community and other such pockets around the U.S. are stridently anti-Chavez and had fled their home country in response to the policies his government instituted."

Chavez death: Venezuelans in US hopeful of change - Houston Chronicle
Thanks for the article. I wasn't aware there were 189,000+ refugees from Venezuela living in America who left because of Chavez. At least he couldn't kill them when they were located here. I guess it's up to the people of Venezuela if they will offer amnesty or continue the rewritten constitution that puts too much power into too few hands. I'm hoping the hatchet will be buried.

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