Chavez is dead

The biggest problem Americans have is the belief that everyone wants to be free. Chavez was more popular with his people than Bush when he left office. I'm sure the country is in mourning.

Some will mourn others will not. "We are not celebrating death," Ana San Jorge, 37, said amid a jubilant crowd in the Miami suburb of Doral. "We are celebrating the opening of a new door, of hope and change." Many in Florida's large Venezuelan community and other such pockets around the U.S. are stridently anti-Chavez and had fled their home country in response to the policies his government instituted."

Chavez death: Venezuelans in US hopeful of change - Houston Chronicle
Thanks for the article. I wasn't aware there were 189,000+ refugees from Venezuela living in America who left because of Chavez. At least he couldn't kill them when they were located here. I guess it's up to the people of Venezuela if they will offer amnesty or continue the rewritten constitution that puts too much power into too few hands. I'm hoping the hatchet will be buried.

His strong arm tactics and will not be missed. Indeed, "Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez died Tuesday but with his anointed successors, Vice President Nicolas Maduro or National Assembly prexy Diosdado Cabello, likely to take over, Venezuelan media can expect the same strong-arm tactics that saw the demise of the country’s oldest broadcaster RCTV and dozens of radio stations for alleged regulatory infractions following criticism of the regime.

The government has deployed the armed forces and asked Chavez supporters to fill the streets and plazas to pray for Chavez. With all the fervent Chavistas rallying to the call, “my immediate concern is the safety of the reporters from Globovision and other media that have been critical of Chavez,” said Russ Dallen, publisher of the Latin America Herald Tribune."

Hugo Chavez Dead: Media See No End to Tough Control |
Good riddance

Really? Being glad someone is dead over political ideology?
He was a totalitarian...this is more than just a mere disagreement over politics.
Did he wiretap his own people's phones under the guise of 'security'?

Did he bankrupt his own country fighting a war of choice because someone was mean to his daddy?

Did his administration publicly out one of their covert intelligence officers?

Or was he not THAT bad?
Good riddance

Really? Being glad someone is dead over political ideology?
Well, Ace, some people aren't too thrilled with having a Russian missile base within firing distance of NYC and other US population centers from Venezuela, and Chavez initiated the deal. That undid a hundred years of making friends with the Russians through artistic and space joint endeavors.

The world is not a better place when threats are prospered to bear down on innocent people for their decimation and genocide.
So you blame Chavez instead of the Russians? :lol:
Really? Being glad someone is dead over political ideology?
Well, Ace, some people aren't too thrilled with having a Russian missile base within firing distance of NYC and other US population centers from Venezuela, and Chavez initiated the deal. That undid a hundred years of making friends with the Russians through artistic and space joint endeavors.

The world is not a better place when threats are prospered to bear down on innocent people for their decimation and genocide.
So you blame Chavez instead of the Russians? :lol:

Before getting to that point, do we have any evidence this claim is true?
Well, Ace, some people aren't too thrilled with having a Russian missile base within firing distance of NYC and other US population centers from Venezuela, and Chavez initiated the deal. That undid a hundred years of making friends with the Russians through artistic and space joint endeavors.

The world is not a better place when threats are prospered to bear down on innocent people for their decimation and genocide.
So you blame Chavez instead of the Russians? :lol:

Before getting to that point, do we have any evidence this claim is true?
I had never heard it before, but I'm sure becki will be along with a link soon.
Really? Being glad someone is dead over political ideology?

A Dictator is never a good thing for the people.
I hope they get their Freedom & Constitution back again.

In what way did they lose their Constitution, Peach?

C'mon: show us that you're not ignorant.

Granted their last Constitution wasn't all that great but it lasted the longest, for 37 years.
Venezuela?s New Constitution |
Good. One less cockroach in the world. Hope he is in the very hottest section of hell.
Barbara Walters said Chavez was a friendly fellow. He didn't have time for relationships because he was married to his country.


Guess he fucked his country in the ass periodically too.
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Barbara Walters said Chavez was a friendly fellow. He didn't have time for relationships because he was married to his country.


Guess he fucked his country in the ass periodically too.

Word on the street is he ate his country out regularly and made it blow him too. :thup:
The mindless left commies like Sean Penn will have to find another hero now

[ame=]Sean Penn Unhinged On The Letterman Show - Defends Hugo Chavez Shutting Down TV Network - YouTube[/ame]
The mindless left commies like Sean Penn will have to find another hero now

Sean Penn Unhinged On The Letterman Show - Defends Hugo Chavez Shutting Down TV Network - YouTube
What did Penn say that was untrue? He said that Chavez helped the poor, and that the TV station he shut down had been calling for his assasination daily.
I also noticed the title of the video says Sean Penn unhinged. If that was Sean Penn unhinged then I wonder what they would consider to be calm? It's also funny how so many here throw the word dictator around when describing Hugo. They obviously don't know what the word means.
The mindless left commies like Sean Penn will have to find another hero now

Sean Penn Unhinged On The Letterman Show - Defends Hugo Chavez Shutting Down TV Network - YouTube
What did Penn say that was untrue? He said that Chavez helped the poor, and that the TV station he shut down had been calling for his assasination daily.
I also noticed the title of the video says Sean Penn unhinged. If that was Sean Penn unhinged then I wonder what they would consider to be calm? It's also funny how so many here throw the word dictator around when describing Hugo. They obviously don't know what the word means.

I agree, he wasn't unhinged, but I didn't make the title. But if you didn't know, Sean Penn has been a big advocate of the dictator for a long time. You can find a dozen of his rants on You Tube alone
What did Penn say that was untrue? He said that Chavez helped the poor, and that the TV station he shut down had been calling for his assasination daily.
I also noticed the title of the video says Sean Penn unhinged. If that was Sean Penn unhinged then I wonder what they would consider to be calm? It's also funny how so many here throw the word dictator around when describing Hugo. They obviously don't know what the word means.

I agree, he wasn't unhinged, but I didn't make the title. But if you didn't know, Sean Penn has been a big advocate of the dictator for a long time. You can find a dozen of his rants on You Tube alone
Why are you calling him a dictator?

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