

Hope everyone is having a wonderful morning. We had more rain last night, so I'm very happy this morning...another day that I don't have to water my vegetable garden.

Did anyone else experience the Forum going down last night? I was in the middle of giving rep to someone, when it just got stuck, the next minute I had a 502 (I think) error message, and I couldn't get back on.

Howdy! Headed for the 6th straight day of 90's. 70's for the next few days with rain. [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION]. I got the same message 502 bad gateway for a while last night.

I got the same 502 bad gateway message, the problem lasted for about 20 minutes on my side of the big drip.


Hope everyone is having a wonderful morning. We had more rain last night, so I'm very happy this morning...another day that I don't have to water my vegetable garden.

Did anyone else experience the Forum going down last night? I was in the middle of giving rep to someone, when it just got stuck, the next minute I had a 502 (I think) error message, and I couldn't get back on.


Do we have another bloated thread that caused this?
negative [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION]
Good morning everyone. I'm just checking in. Been a sad week. I had to put my 9 year old dog to sleep. She was attacked and badly hurt by a loose pitbull this week while we were out on our morning walk to the park, just a mile from my house.

I was able to fight off the pit bull but it was too late. My vet said that they could have done surgery but because of her age, felt her injuries were too severe. Im having her cremated next week.
Good morning everyone. I'm just checking in. Been a sad week. I had to put my 9 year old dog to sleep. She was attacked and badly hurt by a loose pitbull this week while we were out on our morning walk to the park, just a mile from my house.

I was able to fight off the pit bull but it was too late. My vet said that they could have done surgery but because of her age, felt her injuries were too severe. Im having her cremated next week.

Sorry to hear that Kat, that is a terrible thing to have to go through. Did anybody manage to get the pit bull caught before he hurts another dog or even a person? I hope so, and I am sorry for the loss of your dog.
Good morning everyone. I'm just checking in. Been a sad week. I had to put my 9 year old dog to sleep. She was attacked and badly hurt by a loose pitbull this week while we were out on our morning walk to the park, just a mile from my house.

I was able to fight off the pit bull but it was too late. My vet said that they could have done surgery but because of her age, felt her injuries were too severe. Im having her cremated next week.

Sorry to hear that Kat, that is a terrible thing to have to go through. Did anybody manage to get the pit bull caught before he hurts another dog or even a person? I hope so, and I am sorry for the loss of your dog.

Thanks for the kind words. Yes I did get in touch with animal control. And they found the dog roaming around the neighborhood. I think it was a fighting dog because of the way it just attacked with no provocation.
Hey everybody, hope you all had a good Friday and are looking forward to a good weekend.

Fun story for y'all:

So, my little one is with me for the weekend and she wanted asparagus for dinner. Some of the better asparagus in the world is grown right here in Germany and I can literally get it fresh out of the ground from a Handler who loves just about 10 Km away from my place.

So, I went and got asparagus (she likes white, I like green more) and some really good potatoes to boil. Asparagus with boiled potatoes and a little bit of parsley for dinner in May is a Germany tradition of sorts. With strawberries or rhubarb compote for dessert.

Of course, Asparagus makes people fart. So, after dinner the little one is practicing her instrument (she plays in an Elementary School Orchestra), I am brushing the dog and listening whilst she practices, when all of a sudden, she let one rip. It was LOUD!!

We both laughed spontaneously. Now, she is very good at English, but doesn't know all the words. But she wanted to impress me and said in English:

"Papa, I just made a Spargelfart"

(Spargel = Asparagus in German).

My laughter doubled.

So, now you all have a new term to use on the threads:


Good morning everyone. I'm just checking in. Been a sad week. I had to put my 9 year old dog to sleep. She was attacked and badly hurt by a loose pitbull this week while we were out on our morning walk to the park, just a mile from my house.

I was able to fight off the pit bull but it was too late. My vet said that they could have done surgery but because of her age, felt her injuries were too severe. Im having her cremated next week.

[MENTION=41303]katsteve2012[/MENTION], my heart goes out to you.
Hey everybody, hope you all had a good Friday and are looking forward to a good weekend.

Fun story for y'all:

So, my little one is with me for the weekend and she wanted asparagus for dinner. Some of the better asparagus in the world is grown right here in Germany and I can literally get it fresh out of the ground from a Handler who loves just about 10 Km away from my place.

So, I went and got asparagus (she likes white, I like green more) and some really good potatoes to boil. Asparagus with boiled potatoes and a little bit of parsley for dinner in May is a Germany tradition of sorts. With strawberries or rhubarb compote for dessert.

Of course, Asparagus makes people fart. So, after dinner the little one is practicing her instrument (she plays in an Elementary School Orchestra), I am brushing the dog and listening whilst she practices, when all of a sudden, she let one rip. It was LOUD!!

We both laughed spontaneously. Now, she is very good at English, but doesn't know all the words. But she wanted to impress me and said in English:

"Papa, I just made a Spargelfart"

(Spargel = Asparagus in German).

My laughter doubled.

So, now you all have a new term to use on the threads:



That is too funny....but don't forget, Stat, she's a little girl (little lady), not a boy.....not that little girls don't do that, we just don't make a big fuss about it?:lol::lol:
Had a fun time hubby took me shopping to spend a gift card I got for my birthday from Nordstroms. I bought a sweater, then we did some more shopping, took me to see the new movie "Spiderman" in 3D - it was so much fun. After the movie he even took me to dinner at PF Chang's....what a nice day it turned out to be.......:)

The's really good....with Jamie Foxx....the special effects are great!
Had a fun time hubby took me shopping to spend a gift card I got for my birthday from Nordstroms. I bought a sweater, then we did some more shopping, took me to see the new movie "Spiderman" in 3D - it was so much fun. After the movie he even took me to dinner at PF Chang's....what a nice day it turned out to be.......:)

The's really good....with Jamie Foxx....the special effects are great!

Hey everybody, hope you all had a good Friday and are looking forward to a good weekend.

Fun story for y'all:

So, my little one is with me for the weekend and she wanted asparagus for dinner. Some of the better asparagus in the world is grown right here in Germany and I can literally get it fresh out of the ground from a Handler who loves just about 10 Km away from my place.

So, I went and got asparagus (she likes white, I like green more) and some really good potatoes to boil. Asparagus with boiled potatoes and a little bit of parsley for dinner in May is a Germany tradition of sorts. With strawberries or rhubarb compote for dessert.

Of course, Asparagus makes people fart. So, after dinner the little one is practicing her instrument (she plays in an Elementary School Orchestra), I am brushing the dog and listening whilst she practices, when all of a sudden, she let one rip. It was LOUD!!

We both laughed spontaneously. Now, she is very good at English, but doesn't know all the words. But she wanted to impress me and said in English:

"Papa, I just made a Spargelfart"

(Spargel = Asparagus in German).

My laughter doubled.

So, now you all have a new term to use on the threads:



Lol! Priceless!
Had a fun time hubby took me shopping to spend a gift card I got for my birthday from Nordstroms. I bought a sweater, then we did some more shopping, took me to see the new movie "Spiderman" in 3D - it was so much fun. After the movie he even took me to dinner at PF Chang's....what a nice day it turned out to be.......:)

The's really good....with Jamie Foxx....the special effects are great!

Sounds like fun. Glad you had a good day. I'm looking for a movie to go see today, and sounds like a plan for me. I love superhero movies.
Good morning everyone. I'm just checking in. Been a sad week. I had to put my 9 year old dog to sleep. She was attacked and badly hurt by a loose pitbull this week while we were out on our morning walk to the park, just a mile from my house.

I was able to fight off the pit bull but it was too late. My vet said that they could have done surgery but because of her age, felt her injuries were too severe. Im having her cremated next week.

[MENTION=41303]katsteve2012[/MENTION], my heart goes out to you.

Thank you Stats.
Had a fun time hubby took me shopping to spend a gift card I got for my birthday from Nordstroms. I bought a sweater, then we did some more shopping, took me to see the new movie "Spiderman" in 3D - it was so much fun. After the movie he even took me to dinner at PF Chang's....what a nice day it turned out to be.......:)

The's really good....with Jamie Foxx....the special effects are great!

Sounds like fun. Glad you had a good day. I'm looking for a movie to go see today, and sounds like a plan for me. I love superhero movies.

You won't regret is packed with excitement, wit, romance and sadness, too.....worth the price of admission, guaranteed...:)
Hi all, they are predicting a high of 65 today so I'm taking my daughter to the nature center near us and going for a long walk and playing on the playground, followed by an indoor visit to some native creatures from around here.

Hope you all have a great Saturday!!

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