
Hi all, they are predicting a high of 65 today so I'm taking my daughter to the nature center near us and going for a long walk and playing on the playground, followed by an indoor visit to some native creatures from around here.

Hope you all have a great Saturday!!

What a great way to spend a beautiful day. I decided to weed my vegetable garden, and am all spent, and it's only 3:00 p.m. The rest of the day is take a shower, chill, relax, watch some recorded programs and just take it easy.

Have fun with your daughter...:)
We got all the way up to 45 degrees here - with rain of course - so the veggie garden didn't get planted. Not to let the day go to waste I decided to do some laundry. It's now 2-something am Sunday and the final load's washing.

Think I'll grab a snack.
Crosspost between the CS VI and here in Cheers!

Ok, this morning at the breakfast table, my sweet little 7 year old child told me the following joke, out of the clear blue:

"Eine Kartoffel und eine Zigarette trafen sich einmal. Da sagte die Zigarette "Was machen sie mit Dir?" Die Kartoffel sagte: "sie schälen mich, sie kochen mich, sie essen mich.Und was ist mit Dir?"

Darauf hin antwortete die Zigarette: "Sie zünden mir den Kopf an und nuckeln an meinen Po."

A potato met up with a cigarette. The cigarette asked, "what do they do with you?"

The potato answered: "they peel me, they cook me, they eat me. And what do they do with you?"

The cigarette answered:

"The set my head on fire and suck on my butt"


My silverware fell on the floor... amazing the jokes that little 7 year olds learn in school.
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We got all the way up to 45 degrees here - with rain of course - so the veggie garden didn't get planted. Not to let the day go to waste I decided to do some laundry. It's now 2-something am Sunday and the final load's washing.

Think I'll grab a snack.

The heat has been brutal here. Record 105 yesterday. Enough to make the devil ask for ice water. Still got some motivation and played some racquetball with my brother in law.

So please send some cool weather..I'm
Can't believe how fast the time is passing.....gotta work outside today...have fun, don't drink too much.

Feeling rather sad this afternoon. I posted this in the CS, one of my buddies that plays Bunco with me every month on the 3rd Wednesday of the month had a heart attack last night and died.

I got a call from another of the ladies, and I thought she was calling to remind me that our game would be this Wednesday, but instead she wanted to relay the sad news. My friend, who died, lives just around the block from me, and last night I saw the flashing red lights (which I thought was a police car) go zooming by in front of our house and I mentioned it to my husband, not realizing it was the ambulance going to her house.

She was in her early or middle 60's, doesn't seem possible since she was joking around at our last Bunco meet not all that long ago.
Feeling rather sad this afternoon. I posted this in the CS, one of my buddies that plays Bunco with me every month on the 3rd Wednesday of the month had a heart attack last night and died.

I got a call from another of the ladies, and I thought she was calling to remind me that our game would be this Wednesday, but instead she wanted to relay the sad news. My friend, who died, lives just around the block from me, and last night I saw the flashing red lights (which I thought was a police car) go zooming by in front of our house and I mentioned it to my husband, not realizing it was the ambulance going to her house.

She was in her early or middle 60's, doesn't seem possible since she was joking around at our last Bunco meet not all that long ago.

My condolences, Mertex.
Feeling rather sad this afternoon. I posted this in the CS, one of my buddies that plays Bunco with me every month on the 3rd Wednesday of the month had a heart attack last night and died.

I got a call from another of the ladies, and I thought she was calling to remind me that our game would be this Wednesday, but instead she wanted to relay the sad news. My friend, who died, lives just around the block from me, and last night I saw the flashing red lights (which I thought was a police car) go zooming by in front of our house and I mentioned it to my husband, not realizing it was the ambulance going to her house.

She was in her early or middle 60's, doesn't seem possible since she was joking around at our last Bunco meet not all that long ago.

How very sad, Mertex. My condolences.

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