
Yes you are....and we're mighty pleased....pour me another one...:)
I'm feeling a tad family is gone, on the way back home, and the house sounds so quiet....(if that makes any sense)......I haven't quite started on all the work I have ahead of me.....washing all the sheets, towels and vacuuming the rooms and getting back to my routine....

Waaaaahhhhhh, why do holidays have to end?
How's everyone's weekend?

I had family over this weekend and we went to the gym and worked out, we also went swimming and it was fun.

Today I am doing nothing :lol:
Greetings to all from pretty much the most easterly city in Germany, right smack next to the Oder river, about 9 hours away from my home in the West..... I will post pics maybe tomorrow. I am here on a business trip and the big appointment is tomorrow.

About 2 hours ago, I just walked across a bridge to Poland and then back. :D

No passport control, no guards, no checks.... lol... just a nice walk.

Polish women look pretty darned hawt!!

[MENTION=36767]Bloodrock44[/MENTION] [MENTION=15726]Hossfly[/MENTION] [MENTION=24208]Spoonman[/MENTION] [MENTION=23239]westwall[/MENTION] [MENTION=1322]007[/MENTION] [MENTION=42946]Howey[/MENTION]

all dudes I think have been in good old Germany...
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Did you all know there is a drink with the name "sloppy blowjob"? Yepp, that drink exists.

I googled it, and then clicked on "pictures".

Without the safe filter on, that was a mistake!

I googled it. Shame on you! But, yes there's a recipe for the drink.

Admit it, you enjoyed that.

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