
It's legal if there is food served. Ma and Dad had a bar, cafe and liquor store. 3 buildings..all connected via a door to each. Therefore, children COULD go in the bar. Which I did. Which is why you never..and I mean NEVER want to play pool with me. Ever. No. Never. Trust me :D
Here's to your Mom, Stat. Clink, clink.

You were lucky to have her....or are lucky, depending how you see things.

I am sure you sing many of the arias my Grandmother sang as she cooked and cleaned. She was the one who mothered me since my own mother could not.

Her favorite was one she sung daily. She told me that "Joe Green" wrote the songs.

It was as an adult that I figured out I had to translate the writer's name into Grandma's native Italian. ;-)

Here, here for lovely voiced Mammas!

Regards from Rosie

Hear, hear!!

And also to dear Joe Green!!!

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It's legal if there is food served. Ma and Dad had a bar, cafe and liquor store. 3 buildings..all connected via a door to each. Therefore, children COULD go in the bar. Which I did. Which is why you never..and I mean NEVER want to play pool with me. Ever. No. Never. Trust me :D

Heh, heh, I'll take you on husband has a hard time beating me.
It's legal if there is food served. Ma and Dad had a bar, cafe and liquor store. 3 buildings..all connected via a door to each. Therefore, children COULD go in the bar. Which I did. Which is why you never..and I mean NEVER want to play pool with me. Ever. No. Never. Trust me :D

They did. And that ribeye steak was damned good, too!

Poolshark, what???

It's legal if there is food served. Ma and Dad had a bar, cafe and liquor store. 3 buildings..all connected via a door to each. Therefore, children COULD go in the bar. Which I did. Which is why you never..and I mean NEVER want to play pool with me. Ever. No. Never. Trust me :D

Heh, heh, I'll take you on husband has a hard time beating me.




Now my mom is laughing, of this I am quite sure!!!
It's legal if there is food served. Ma and Dad had a bar, cafe and liquor store. 3 buildings..all connected via a door to each. Therefore, children COULD go in the bar. Which I did. Which is why you never..and I mean NEVER want to play pool with me. Ever. No. Never. Trust me :D

Heh, heh, I'll take you on husband has a hard time beating me.

bwahahaha!! I was going in that bar from age 3 to age 17. I never needed quarters for the pool table. I just went in the office and got the key. :D
I also used to sit on some poker players lap as they played. They always gave me some of their winnings but I just gave it to daddy's employee in the liquor store cuz he carried candy as much as booze. The liquor store was kinda like a small mercantile. Liquor, but milk, butter, eggs, flour, canned goods, etc. More like a mini market.
I bartended for a short while after Daddy died and I came back home after bailing, but Ma fired me cuz I just didn't have the patience with drunks. Funny...I never noticed them when I was little.

Anywho...yer on, missy. IF I can hold the cue stick.:lol:
It's legal if there is food served. Ma and Dad had a bar, cafe and liquor store. 3 buildings..all connected via a door to each. Therefore, children COULD go in the bar. Which I did. Which is why you never..and I mean NEVER want to play pool with me. Ever. No. Never. Trust me :D

Heh, heh, I'll take you on husband has a hard time beating me.

bwahahaha!! I was going in that bar from age 3 to age 17. I never needed quarters for the pool table. I just went in the office and got the key. :D
I also used to sit on some poker players lap as they played. They always gave me some of their winnings but I just gave it to daddy's employee in the liquor store cuz he carried candy as much as booze. The liquor store was kinda like a small mercantile. Liquor, but milk, butter, eggs, flour, canned goods, etc. More like a mini market.
I bartended for a short while after Daddy died and I came back home after bailing, but Ma fired me cuz I just didn't have the patience with drunks. Funny...I never noticed them when I was little.

Anywho...yer on, missy. IF I can hold the cue stick.:lol:

A woman who has a good grip on a cue stick is a formidable woman!

(Now my mother is laughing her ass off.... I am quite sure of this...)
Oh, I had a good grip alright. I think I bonked one to many drunks over the head with one when they got obnoxious with me. I also did the ol western scene of breaking a beer bottle on the edge of the bar top, then threatening whatever drunk was threatening ME.

She eventually fired me. Can't say I'm sorry she did. I hated that job. But I liked the money.
Ma and Dads bar is where I met the first native american in my life. He was a quiet man..and I was about 6 years old. He opened his wallet and showed me pics of his family and one with him in full regalia complete with buckskin and eagle feather chief headdress. It trailed all the way to the ground. Old black and white phot. I was so enthralled he said he would wear it for me again someday. I never saw him again and Dad said his friend had died ("went to be with God in Heaven" ). :(
Maybe I knew then, at age 6 and meeting this wonderful wise man who was cursed with the drink, that I would eventually marry one.
Sister in law just made some slice and bake sugar cookies...but sprinkled chopped up cherries on top of half of them, chopped up M&M's on the other. YUM!! Hot and fresh from the oven. I. Must.Control.Myself.
I thank you all for the neat toast that you did with me, others can feel free to join, but it's after 02:30 am here and I have a heavy work week ahead, so over and out and till the next.
[MENTION=45164]pacer[/MENTION] - the bridge belongs to you!

Howdy folks, and belly up to the bar!

I want to start tonight with a toast to my mother. Here where I live, it is already 04/14 and today would have been my mother's 72nd birthday; she was born on 04/14/1942, right smack in the middle of WWII. She died in December 2012 and I pledged myself to toast her on her birthday thereafter.

So, here's to my mom:


Not a sad moment. Not a happy moment. Just a moment of kind rememberance.

My mom, like most all of us, was a complicated person. She was a nurse (neuro nurse clinician, ICU/ACU) and before that, she was a nightclub singer.

So, here's hoping that my mom is singing some beautiful ballads over on the other side!


Your beloved mom lives on in her son, Stat!

I thank you all for the neat toast that you did with me, others can feel free to join, but it's after 02:30 am here and I have a heavy work week ahead, so over and out and till the next.
[MENTION=45164]pacer[/MENTION] - the bridge belongs to you!


[MENTION=20102]mudwhistle[/MENTION] pic!!! Yay! I loves me some Mud.
Meanwhile...Game Of Thrones is coming on in about 3 minutes so....I will be MIA for an hour. See y'all then!
It's legal if there is food served. Ma and Dad had a bar, cafe and liquor store. 3 buildings..all connected via a door to each. Therefore, children COULD go in the bar. Which I did. Which is why you never..and I mean NEVER want to play pool with me. Ever. No. Never. Trust me :D

Heh, heh, I'll take you on husband has a hard time beating me.




Now my mom is laughing, of this I am quite sure!!!

The bottom one looks a tad like our pool table. I'll have to post a picture.
You'd probably beat my ass Mertex. I haven't played pool in a very very very long time. I presume it is like riding a bike, but...I bow to you being Pool Shark Queen since you still play daily if you have a table in your home. :lol:
It's legal if there is food served. Ma and Dad had a bar, cafe and liquor store. 3 buildings..all connected via a door to each. Therefore, children COULD go in the bar. Which I did. Which is why you never..and I mean NEVER want to play pool with me. Ever. No. Never. Trust me :D

Heh, heh, I'll take you on husband has a hard time beating me.

bwahahaha!! I was going in that bar from age 3 to age 17. I never needed quarters for the pool table. I just went in the office and got the key. :D
I also used to sit on some poker players lap as they played. They always gave me some of their winnings but I just gave it to daddy's employee in the liquor store cuz he carried candy as much as booze. The liquor store was kinda like a small mercantile. Liquor, but milk, butter, eggs, flour, canned goods, etc. More like a mini market.
I bartended for a short while after Daddy died and I came back home after bailing, but Ma fired me cuz I just didn't have the patience with drunks. Funny...I never noticed them when I was little.

Anywho...yer on, missy. IF I can hold the cue stick.:lol:

I didn't get hooked on it till about 5 years could be more like 7...I've lost track of time. We have friends that have a pool table and we'd go over every Sunday afternoon to play pool. About a year after we started doing that we recovered some money we had lost during the melt down (mutual funds) and my husband decided we should convert our garage to a game room and buy a pool table. We play almost every day....he's trying to not let it affect him that he can't beat me.....sometimes I think it really frustrates him. It is the best entertainment we've ever had....especially in the winter.
Sister in law just made some slice and bake sugar cookies...but sprinkled chopped up cherries on top of half of them, chopped up M&M's on the other. YUM!! Hot and fresh from the oven. I. Must.Control.Myself.

No fair posting stuff like that....tempting us and not sharing....damn, at least a picture...we can pretend to smell them and eat them....:lol::lol:

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