
Is there any room at this bar for an occasional 'sugary' mixed drink?

I haven't had one in 30 years, but I remember my (long gone) mother making a holiday drink called Golden Pheasants - some vodka or gin, some egg and powdered sugar, some creme soda, etc., and, for some dumb reason, the memory hit my taste buds a few days ago, and got me to thinking about them.

It was one of those Big Family Gathering, make-a-pitcher-in-the-blender type of things, that most everybody at the gathering (men and women) would drink.

I'm not much of a drinker, but I think I'm going to ask the wife or the sister to make some of these sometime soon, and serve it up on a day when all the sibs are over, to spark some fond memories.

It's not my usual and occasional German brew or local microbrewery fare of one kind or another, nor the flavored brandy or occasional pina colade that I enjoy, but it be sumfin' different to do, to change things up... a creamy and sweet drink, when one is in the mood for such.


Contributor: Virginia Hanus - Created: Monday, November 05, 2007


  • 2 eggs
  • 1 c. powdered sugar
  • 2 c. vodka
  • 1 c. lemon juice
  • cream soda


Beat eggs and powdered sugar in blender. Add vodka and lemon juice. Blend well. To serve, pour 1 ounce on ice in a cocktail glass and add cream soda to fill, stir. Keep extra in refrigerator.

Personal Notes:

This is a great holiday cocktail.

Golden Pheasant Drink*recipe - from the The Hanus Family Cookbook Family Cookbook
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 c. powdered sugar
  • 2 c. vodka
  • 1 c. lemon juice
  • cream soda
Wow! That's a very sweet drink. I don't think the granulated sugar would dissolve, would it?
Haven't got a clue.

Like I said, I haven't had a taste of one of those in decades, and I remember that it was a sippin' drink rather than a gulpin' drink, although the lemon-juice helped cut the 'sweet' back a bit, as I recall.
Howdy folks, and belly up to the bar!

I want to start tonight with a toast to my mother. Here where I live, it is already 04/14 and today would have been my mother's 72nd birthday; she was born on 04/14/1942, right smack in the middle of WWII. She died in December 2012 and I pledged myself to toast her on her birthday thereafter.

So, here's to my mom:


Not a sad moment. Not a happy moment. Just a moment of kind rememberance.

My mom, like most all of us, was a complicated person. She was a nurse (neuro nurse clinician, ICU/ACU) and before that, she was a nightclub singer.

So, here's hoping that my mom is singing some beautiful ballads over on the other side!

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Howdy folks, and belly up to the bar!

I want to start tonight with a toast to my mother. Here where I live, it is already 04/14 and today would have been my mother's 72nd birthday; she was born on 04/14/1942, right smack in the middle of WWII.

So, here's to my mom:


Not a sad moment. Not a happy moment. Just a moment of kind rememberance.

My mom, like most all of us, was a complicated person. She was a nurse (neuro nurse clinician, ICU/ACU) and before that, she was a nightclub singer.

So, here's hoping that my mom is singing some beautiful ballads over on the other side!


What a coincidence! Mrs. Bloods birthday is 4/14
Howdy folks, and belly up to the bar!

I want to start tonight with a toast to my mother. Here where I live, it is already 04/14 and today would have been my mother's 72nd birthday; she was born on 04/14/1942, right smack in the middle of WWII. She died in December 2012 and I pledged myself to toast her on her birthday thereafter.

So, here's to my mom:


Not a sad moment. Not a happy moment. Just a moment of kind rememberance.

My mom, like most all of us, was a complicated person. She was a nurse (neuro nurse clinician, ICU/ACU) and before that, she was a nightclub singer.

So, here's hoping that my mom is singing some beautiful ballads over on the other side!


Very nice to think of her that way Stat!!!
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I have some very old cassette recordings of my mom singing in the 1960s. I don't have the equipment I need to get it done right now (the tapes just came in the mail this week), but sometime I will get them digitalized and put some of her stuff out here, probably in one year, the next time we toast. :)
Howdy folks, and belly up to the bar!

I want to start tonight with a toast to my mother. Here where I live, it is already 04/14 and today would have been my mother's 72nd birthday; she was born on 04/14/1942, right smack in the middle of WWII. She died in December 2012 and I pledged myself to toast her on her birthday thereafter.

So, here's to my mom:


Not a sad moment. Not a happy moment. Just a moment of kind rememberance.

My mom, like most all of us, was a complicated person. She was a nurse (neuro nurse clinician, ICU/ACU) and before that, she was a nightclub singer.

So, here's hoping that my mom is singing some beautiful ballads over on the other side!

Hear, hear, Stats. To the mother who was music to the spheres in her lifetime of music and caring, from one whose dear mother's voice was always heard singing when she did her household chores. :smiliehug:
Howdy folks, and belly up to the bar!

I want to start tonight with a toast to my mother. Here where I live, it is already 04/14 and today would have been my mother's 72nd birthday; she was born on 04/14/1942, right smack in the middle of WWII. She died in December 2012 and I pledged myself to toast her on her birthday thereafter.

So, here's to my mom:


Not a sad moment. Not a happy moment. Just a moment of kind rememberance.

My mom, like most all of us, was a complicated person. She was a nurse (neuro nurse clinician, ICU/ACU) and before that, she was a nightclub singer.

So, here's hoping that my mom is singing some beautiful ballads over on the other side!

Hear, hear, Stats. To the mother who was music to the spheres in her lifetime of music and caring, from one whose dear mother's voice was always heard singing when she did her household chores. :smiliehug:

Now, that is one heck of a toast!!! My mom used to get home from her nightclub job just as I was getting up to do my paper route at about 4 in the morning, we used to sing together in the garage while I was loading up my bike with newspapers. Wow, that was just a flood of cool memories you unlodged for me.

I could also tell my mom's mood based on her choice of repertoire.

Judy Garland = everything is ok
"Alfie" = something is going on.

Here's to your Mom, Stat. Clink, clink.

You were lucky to have her....or are lucky, depending how you see things.

I am sure you sing many of the arias my Grandmother sang as she cooked and cleaned. She was the one who mothered me since my own mother could not.

Her favorite was one she sung daily. She told me that "Joe Green" wrote the songs.

It was as an adult that I figured out I had to translate the writer's name into Grandma's native Italian. ;-)

Here, here for lovely voiced Mammas!

Regards from Rosie
And when I was younger than paperboy age and the babysitter bombed out now and then, my mom often took me to the one nightclub and sat me on the bar and I did my homework late at night and drank orange juice and watched her "do her sets", as she called them.

I have no idea whether that was legal or not, but I sure remember those nights and usually falling asleep in the car on the way home.

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