Chelsea Has A Daughter

Big whoop, many women give birth every day they don't HEADLINES with it
She's only a day old and I'll bet she already hates grandpa & grandma.
What a really low, slimeball thing to say. Shows you as somone of low character, mean spirit, and a petty perspective. Poor fool you.

Well, OK. Ignore my post then, and concentrate on this one instead: Imagine the sound of twenty toddlers (just like Chelsea's daughter), screaming in agony as Grandpa Clinton sent tanks crashing into their church to immolate them with a flame thrower. I'll bet Chelsea could empathize, now that she's got her own little one to worry about.
Great news for Chelsea and her husband.

Not so great for Hillary:

1. Chelsea is married; child not born out of wedlock so a black mark on the family record.
2. Baby born alive; another negative for a "grandma" so in need of the liberal pro-abortionist vote.

All that on top of the Osterized memory.

Chances just.........

She's only a day old and I'll bet she already hates grandpa & grandma.
You see, these are the strange, inexplicable responses from Righties that make them seem even more batshit crazy than they are, if that is even possible. With such a stupid-assed comment, all you do is to cheapen yourself. Newsflash: not every thread has political implications. Grow up and pay attention. And you could learn from @mudwhistle - whose response on this thread was a class act. He gets it. You don't.

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