Cheney: Obama 'Wants To Take America Down'

Cheney is a goddamn ballsy American. It's been six long years since we've had anyone with an ounce of testosterone associated with the White House.

Cheney helped destabilize the entire Middle East with his war for oil. It really isn't that hard to send 200,000 or more of our own to war, but you have to ask yourself "is it worth it"?

To date, we have spent over $ trillion on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, but that doesn't include long term costs that will be incurred driving the price tag well over $4 trillion. And what did we get out of it? Now let us just imagine that we had spent just the first $2 trillion all on infrastructure. Any idea what that would have done for the economy, and our infrastructure? It's easy to be ballsy, but all too often being ballsy means being really stupid.

So you're arguing that we shuld just imagine Islami is not on a world wide tear of mass murder, and that they did not attack us on 9-11. And th Left did nt have 100% control over the US Federal Government and could have as a result paved the US over with 3' of asphalt aand concrete, but instead saddled the US with a masssive healthcare boondoggle and has screwed us all?

Huh... Doesn't seem like a particularly strong approach.

Yea, that massive healthcare boondoggle has cut the number of uninsured by half and healthcare spending is rising at the slowest rate in over 50 years. As for getting revenge for 9-11, we could have killed 100,000 Muslims without setting foot on the ground and been done with it.
That's been pretty fucking obvious for the last six years.

It has.

Those idiots that voted him... they are the ones who will lose the most.

The same could be said about anyone within the Middle Class voting GOP.

How so?

Socialist policies specifically and wholly eradicate any chance FOR a middle class.

Or have you been on another planet as the Middle Class has been consistently reduced by the policies set upon the US since 2007 when the Left took Federal power?

I highlight the word 'MIDDLE' as a means to emphasize the word, which is distinct from the POOR class... which is what socialism turns the MIDDLE INTO... and which is what socialists are usually referring to when they use "MIDDLE".

See how that works?

The downfall of the middle class began with Ronald Reagan. The country has been in a conservative mode ever since. Once middle class conservatives finally realize that they are being screwed by their own backward ideology, the conservative movement will finally come to an end and the middle class will grow strong again.

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