Cheney: Obama 'Wants To Take America Down'

It's is SO great to hear an Adult in Government speak the truth...

Below is a link to Laura Ingraham's site, which features a video of Cheney professing his opinion that obama is trying to take America down.

Cheney Obama Wants To Take America Down

Just because Obama has let just about every country in the world have its way with us doesn't mean he doesn't care about our well being. Silly conservatives...

It literally does mean, precisely that.

But I sense a major dose of sarcasm on your part... so I'll take it for what it was.
Dick Cheney has less credibility than Brian Williams.


Now how precious is THAT?

A Leftist using a word which its own species of reasoning REJECTS ENTIRELY!

ROFL! You can NOT make this crap UP!

'Dredibility' ... INDEED!
Dick Cheney, the King of Fear Politics.
Of course the far right loves him, he emulates fear whenever and however he can.
Kinda reminds of this:
"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."
--Goering at the Nuremberg Trials
That's been pretty fucking obvious for the last six years.

It has.

Those idiots that voted him... they are the ones who will lose the most.

The same could be said about anyone within the Middle Class voting GOP.

How so?

Socialist policies specifically and wholly eradicate any chance FOR a middle class.

Or have you been on another planet as the Middle Class has been consistently reduced by the policies set upon the US since 2007 when the Left took Federal power?

I highlight the word 'MIDDLE' as a means to emphasize the word, which is distinct from the POOR class... which is what socialism turns the MIDDLE INTO... and which is what socialists are usually referring to when they use "MIDDLE".

See how that works?
Dick Cheney, the King of Fear Politics.
Of course the far right loves him, he emulates fear whenever and however he can.
Kinda reminds of this:
"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."
--Goering at the Nuremberg Trials

So, Cheney just made us THINK that Islam was attacking us on 9-11...

Oh! Now THAT is fascinatin' right there.

(Reader, the above, would-be 'contributor' is demonstrating the mental disorder to which I've referred MANY TIMES... recall that I've pointed out that such presents an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder; and how that definition of delusion perfectly matches the contribution, cited above.)
At least someone came out and said so.

Hell, I've been saying it for 8 years, the dear leader told of his intentions from day 1 of his campaign, in his books, and his associations. There has never been a doubt that he was a radical ideolog and his actions prove it daily. He wasn't being stupid voting present all those times, he didn't want to establish a true track record.
Unlike Bush and Cheney, right? At least Obama can travel overseas without the threat of being arrested as a "war criminal". Doesn't that tell you something? Hello! Knock knock!
At least someone came out and said so.

Hell, I've been saying it for 8 years, the dear leader told of his intentions from day 1 of his campaign, in his books, and his associations. There has never been a doubt that he was a radical ideolog and his actions prove it daily. He wasn't being stupid voting present all those times, he didn't want to establish a true track record.
Unlike Bush and Cheney, right? At least Obama can travel overseas without the threat of being arrested as a "war criminal". Doesn't that tell you something? Hello! Knock knock!

Would you care to actually respond to what I actually said, or is delusional deflection easier for you?
Dick Cheney saying Obama wants to destroy America is like Jeff Dahner criticizing Hannibal Lecter's choice appetizers

Cheney is a truly evil scumbag
Darn Obama. What happened to good, clean, old fashioned leadership?

What happened to good, clean, old fashioned leadership?
we havent seen that since last century....but "clean" has very seldom ever been there with any president.........they all have some dirty moments....
At least someone came out and said so.

Hell, I've been saying it for 8 years, the dear leader told of his intentions from day 1 of his campaign, in his books, and his associations. There has never been a doubt that he was a radical ideolog and his actions prove it daily. He wasn't being stupid voting present all those times, he didn't want to establish a true track record.
Unlike Bush and Cheney, right? At least Obama can travel overseas without the threat of being arrested as a "war criminal". Doesn't that tell you something? Hello! Knock knock!

Egypt has warrants out for Obama and Hillary for conspiracy with muslim bortherhood.
Egyptian Legal Authorities Charge Obama And Hillary Clinton Criminal Conspiracy With Muslim Brotherhood. Political Vel Craft
That's been pretty fucking obvious for the last six years.

It has.

Those idiots that voted him... they are the ones who will lose the most.

The same could be said about anyone within the Middle Class voting GOP.

How so?

Socialist policies specifically and wholly eradicate any chance FOR a middle class.

Or have you been on another planet as the Middle Class has been consistently reduced by the policies set upon the US since 2007 when the Left took Federal power?

I highlight the word 'MIDDLE' as a means to emphasize the word, which is distinct from the POOR class... which is what socialism turns the MIDDLE INTO... and which is what socialists are usually referring to when they use "MIDDLE".

See how that works?

Obviously you have no clue.
We have had flat wages for over three decades, not just the last 6 years. It's happened under Republican and Democratic leadership in the Executive Branch and in Congress. The phenomenon of a weakening Middle Class and wealth inequality was a hot topic during the Bush years because that's when all of this long-term suppression of wages starting catching up with Americans. And no, it wasn't just Bush's fault, so don't go there. It was the accumulation of flat wages and the decreasing expendable income of the Middle Class.
Above are two charts. The first is historical numbers of the trend of flat wages in Real Dollars. The second graph shows how deep recessions have been since 1948 and the length of time it took the US to recover. Please note that the last three recession have taken longer to recover. Two of the three recessions weren't even that deep, but took longer to recover because the consumer class mainly made up of the Middle Class, lacked the expendable income to contribute to our 80% consumer driven economy.
Now tell me it's all Obama's fault and show your ignorance of economical factual history.
The more partisan people become, the dumber they become.
LOL! Cheney is like a Cross to the Vampire. The mere sight of it sends evil scurrying for cover.

Its amazing how Leftist life is so closely interrelated to fiction... .

I mean think about it... The bloood suckers can't stand the SIGHT of truth. Literally pulling the cape; represented by their myth over their collective face, at the every mention of Dick Cheney.
cheney is a vampire....he compelled bush for 8 years.........
Dick Cheney saying Obama wants to destroy America is like Jeff Dahner criticizing Hannibal Lecter's choice appetizers

Cheney is a truly evil scumbag
Or a typical Republican. Depending on how much you agree with him.
It's is SO great to hear an Adult in Government speak the truth...

Below is a link to Laura Ingraham's site, which features a video of Cheney professing his opinion that obama is trying to take America down.

Cheney Obama Wants To Take America Down
You mean Cheney wants Obama to finish the job Cheney and Bush started.

No... Cheney is saying that obama represents the forces which are intent upon separating the People living in the United States from the principles that define America; thus obama is intent upon tearing down the country.

You know... he's saying that obama is a Leftist... and Muslim.

Cheney is in the last throes, if you will, of his sanity.

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