Chicagoians have had enough they want Trump.

Wow this dude goes off on the corrupt city leaders.

Lift the economic sanctions and stop meddling in Latin American politics, and you'll cut illegal immigration from Latin America by at least 70%. Let those countries develop, with the type of government they choose, and allow them to have a middle class.

As long as American big-money elites continue pushing Congress to maintain economic sanctions and penalizing, even threatening Latin American governments for becoming "too socialist" (Which simply means they give a shit about their citizens, and hence don't allow American, Canadian, and European companies to control all of their major industries, including their labor markets), you will continue seeing a flood of desperate, impoverished Latin Americans trying to illegally enter THE EMPIRE. Learn Spanish.
Lift the economic sanctions and stop meddling in Latin American politics, and you'll cut illegal immigration from Latin America by at least 70%. Let those countries develop, with the type of government they choose, and allow them to have a middle class.

As long as American big-money elites continue pushing Congress to maintain economic sanctions and penalizing, even threatening Latin American governments for becoming "too socialist" (Which simply means they give a shit about their citizens, and hence don't allow American, Canadian, and European companies to control all of their major industries, including their labor markets), you will continue seeing a flood of desperate, impoverished Latin Americans trying to illegally enter THE EMPIRE. Learn Spanish.
Hey asswipe they are coming from 100 different countries. Has nothing to do with muh sanctions.
And tell Maduro to give back all of the money he stole from American and European companies. That asshole even raided the largest toy factory there stole all of they toys and gave them away for "free".
The polls are not reliable, you are a MAGA homer, and we are doing pretty good as a country
you have no idea what is going on around you brainwashed ass are the dumbest mother fucker here imbecile

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you have no idea what is going on around you brainwashed ass are the dumbest mother fucker here imbecile
Sit down and be quiet, ignorant one. We are coming out of the Trump made recession and the landing is much better than we thought.

When the Fed makes its third or fourth cut by next June, you are going to be weeping hysterically in anger and rage.
Sit down and be quiet, ignorant one. We are coming out of the Trump made recession and the landing is much better than we thought.

When the Fed makes its third or fourth cut by next June, you are going to be weeping hysterically in anger and rage.
look you dumb widget maker....stick to what you know, making widgets

your opinions are a failure

see below to see why you are so fucked up


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