Chicagoians have had enough they want Trump.

You are ignorant, Sloopy, not having the slightest idea of what you are talking about.
see below to see what a horrible job that was done on you.......i pity your miserable unhappy existence.i'm on your side...i understand

I don't think the poor Black people who are being pushed out of the way for the illegals are belly laughing.
So they will vote against their own interests and vote for the orange bag O' shit?!? Interesting theory. We'll see how it pans out. I don't believe it will remotely turn out that way, but you do you. :dunno:
You are ignorant, Sloopy, not having the slightest idea of what you are talking about.

When you write you reveal a confused mish mash of thinking. Just be quiet, huh.
I will believe that when I see it.

That will never happen even if the majority want Trump, the powers that be control that city and voting count.

Those Blacks will work the DNC plantation and like it, or else!
You are correct,,,,,,Deep State has a good reason for flooding ALL WESTERN COUNTRIES with migrants.

Blacks Females as a group are the EASIEST VOTE TO GET as they vote for single issues. The Feds will stage another "EVENT" like George Floyd and push it hard in order to enrage blacks and their white libtard emotional slaves to go out and vote against the EVIL RACIST whomever that may be ( Trump is the target du Jour).
You are correct,,,,,,Deep State has a good reason for flooding ALL WESTERN COUNTRIES with migrants.

Blacks Females as a group are the EASIEST VOTE TO GET as they vote for single issues. The Feds will stage another "EVENT" like George Floyd and push it hard in order to enrage blacks and their white libtard emotional slaves to go out and vote against the EVIL RACIST whomever that may be ( Trump is the target du Jour).
Did you sleep through high school civics and history? Those comments are silly and inaccurate.
Hey asswipe they are coming from 100 different countries. Has nothing to do with muh sanctions.
And tell Maduro to give back all of the money he stole from American and European companies. That asshole even raided the largest toy factory there stole all of they toys and gave them away for "free".
Insults are the refuge of a weak mind and argument. What did Venezuela steal to justify an economic embargo? The US has been orchestrating coups and exploiting Latin America for over a century. If you want to deny that and continue with the status quo, then expect millions of more illegal immigrants from Latin America. Like I said, learn Spanish, you're going to need it.
Insults are the refuge of a weak mind and argument. What did Venezuela steal to justify an economic embargo? The US has been orchestrating coups and exploiting Latin America for over a century. If you want to deny that and continue with the status quo, then expect millions of more illegal immigrants from Latin America. Like I said, learn Spanish, you're going to need it.
There is no embargo on VZ or Cuba fuckface lying commie is who is not Christian.
There is no embargo on VZ or Cuba fuckface lying commie is who is not Christian.
You're so tough sitting there hiding behind your computer insulting people online. The US is indeed imposing a brutal economic embargo on Venezuela and Cuba.

What specifically did Venezuela steal from the US, to justify being sanctioned economically? The US has already seized billions of dollars worth of Venezuelan assets so your claim about the Venezuelans supposedly stealing toys from an American factory is just silly.

If you want to curve or even eliminate the influx of illegal immigrants from Latin America, then the US needs to stop imposing economic sanctions and trying to control the governments and economies of Latin America.
Lift the economic sanctions and stop meddling in Latin American politics, and you'll cut illegal immigration from Latin America by at least 70%. Let those countries develop, with the type of government they choose, and allow them to have a middle class.
Total bullshit…what part of that super-shithole Mexico are you from Humberto?
What sanctions are placed on Mexico? Why do they continue to come at the highest rate?
The filth from thirdworld shitholes come because they reproduce like the cockroaches they are…they come to fuck Americans over….intentionally or unintentionally that’s what they do.

The U.S. as the world super power and the worlds financier has every right to steer the workings of foreign governments by way of sanctions.

Total bullshit…what part of that super-shithole Mexico are you from Humberto?
What sanctions are placed on Mexico? Why do they continue to come at the highest rate?
The filth from thirdworld shitholes come because they reproduce like the cockroaches they are…they come to fuck Americans over….intentionally or unintentionally that’s what they do.

The U.S. as the world super power and the worlds financier has every right to steer the workings of foreign governments by way of sanctions.

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NAFTA has been devastating for the Mexican working class and Mexico shares a border with the US, not to mention its large population and territory.

The point I'm making is that our foreign policy affects illegal immigration and we should be aware of that. We can significantly reduce illegal immigration into this country by not imposing the vested interests of a few wealthy American elites at the expense of Latin America. You can deny that and continue receiving illegal immigration.
tUSNeither do you. You think judges create laws.
No one thinks that. They do interpret the laws. Chief Justice Roberts believes SCOTUS should remedy bad legislation by trying to remake it fulfill the intent of the original law. That is how the Court came up with saving ACA.
No one thinks that. They do interpret the laws. Chief Justice Roberts believes SCOTUS should remedy bad legislation by trying to remake it fulfill the intent of the original law. That is how the Court came up with saving ACA.
Chief Justice Roberts abused his position when he personally re-wrote a part of that law which he said was unconstitutional. He should have sent it back to the legislature for them to remedy that.

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