Chicagoians have had enough they want Trump.

I remember when Chicago elected Jesse Jackson's kid. Problem was, he was plum crazy and was in a straight jacket during his campaign.

In other words, he was incapable of campaigning because he was insane, but they elected him anyway. And surprise suprise, he won election anyway

But as we saw in PA, the voters also elected a man who could not talk because of a stroke, and a man who had died months before the election as well.

Again, the candidate simply does not matter. What matters is, the power of the DNC voter machine. Call it fraud, call it controlling the voters, whatever it is you want to call it, it is what it is.

They control the voter roll, the ballot printing, mailing, collecting, counting. Even the USPS is in on it in many cases. Yes Harry, sorry. Returned Ballots (those to vacant lots) are harvested In bulk. Or returned to corrupted State employeeys. “I’ll take care of those jimmy”.
NAFTA has been devastating for the Mexican working class and Mexico shares a border with the US, not to mention its large population and territory.

Why do you globalists believe Americans are required to create and implement foreign policy that is beneficial for Mexico and or any other nation for that matter?
Americans are required to forge policy beneficial for Americans and Americans only… if others happen to benefit as a result so be it.

The point I'm making is that our foreign policy affects illegal immigration and we should be aware of that. We can significantly reduce illegal immigration into this country by not imposing the vested interests of a few wealthy American elites at the expense of Latin America. You can deny that and continue receiving illegal immigration.
With regard to foreign policy, Americans should do what’s best for America…we should rigorously and aggressively defend our border and our people from foreign invaders, we have the means to do so.
There are no “wealthy elites” forcing Mexicans to reproduce like cockroaches and out-run their available resources….that’s just what subhuman filth does.
It's the truth, now home ownership is getting out of reach for all Americans. Sad, but you keep supporting Democrats that really don't like you.
No I don't, and I'm not interested in being liked by any party. I already bought my properties when interest rates were low. I do my due diligence with assets, and really don't give any fucks if other people are priced out. Can't afford a home? Save or borrow until you can. Live within your means. Stop crying about it.
Chicago is a Democrat controlled shit-hole.

Yes, it is.

No I don't, and I'm not interested in being liked by any party. I already bought my properties when interest rates were low. I do my due diligence with assets, and really don't give any fucks if other people are priced out. Can't afford a home? Save or borrow until you can. Live within your means. Stop crying about it.
So you benefitted from Trump's low interest rates. See you proved my point!
No I don't, and I'm not interested in being liked by any party. I already bought my properties when interest rates were low. I do my due diligence with assets, and really don't give any fucks if other people are priced out. Can't afford a home? Save or borrow until you can. Live within your means. Stop crying about it.
Is that what Democrats tell their pet human dark people?

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